Random Role Playing The Wild West

BlackSparrow posted on Dec 29, 2013 at 06:57AM
{My first attempt at making a RP, let's see if it goes anywhere}

It is as the name says. This is the Wild West, most of the land is dangerous and uncharted and the time is in the 1840’s. What is inhabited by settlers can at times be rough. You have the law men, citizens, outlaws, troublemakers, and of course Indians. The main setting is a small settlement called Rivier, located near a large river which acts as a source of life as well as a barrier between the townsfolk and the Native Americans.

As many people can be citizens as they like, the other parts are a little more limited.
(If you want to be one of the more limited ones, just ask)
There is only one Sheriff and one Deputy.
If you are a single outlaw, just let me know. If you want to have like a gang or something, limit the size to no more than five people.
If you want to be a Native American, the tribe only has a few spots for people to be an Indian.

No godmodding
Be respectful please
Don’t kill other characters without permission
Bad language is allowed, keep it somewhat to the time period though if possible
romance is fine; try not to be graphic
Have fun

Character Sheet
What are you (Town folk, Indian, outlaw, law keeper…):
Weapon (rifles, pistols, knives…):
Bio (optional):

{Anything else I think of I'll post here}


Asmita and Uriah Smithson: Me
Drake Westin and Hope Ketler: fangfan7
Howaitōrufu: Time_Master
Ashly Jean: LocalArtistist
Oliver Pace: Nathan-Croak
Achak: screamingdeath1
{My first attempt at making a RP, let's see if it goes anywhere}

It is as the name says.  This is
last edited on Jan 02, 2014 at 06:45AM

Random Role Playing 465 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 465

over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Name: Asmita
Age: 16
Gender: Female
What are you (Town folk, Indian, outlaw, law keeper…): Indian, Daughter of the Chief
Weapon (rifles, pistols, knives…): a small knife she carries with her
Bio (optional): She is the Chief’s youngest daughter and has a fair amount of freedom. She likes to go and watch the town of Rivier and observe the people there.
Other: She has a pet wolf named Uru
Name: Asmita
Age: 16
Gender: Female
What are you (Town folk, Indian, outlaw, law keeper…):  Indi
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Name: Uriah Smithson
Age: 19
Gender: Male
What are you (Town folk, Indian, outlaw, law keeper…): town folk
Weapon (rifles, pistols, knives…):
Bio (optional): He is the blacksmith’s apprentice, he is also the son of the owners of the hotel in Rivier. He tends to be quiet and shy, but he is kind and open to meeting new people, which he does a lot whenever he is at the hotel with his parents.
Other: He wants to explore the west, his parents want him to take over the hotel
Name: Uriah Smithson
Age: 19
Gender: Male
What are you (Town folk, Indian, outlaw, law keeper…):
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((I'll join you Sparrow))
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
{Yay! Thank you! I don't think it'll go anywhere though}
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((Well that's alright, if you have a story plot in mind or somewhere you want it to go, then we'll just make it a 2 person rp. But wait and see if anyone joins before you doubt it))
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Name: Hope Ketler
Age: 17
Gender: female
What are you (Town folk, Indian, outlaw, law keeper…): town folk
Weapon (rifles, pistols, knives…): N/A
Bio (optional): She comes from a wealthy family. She and her parents just moved to Rivier and she hasn’t gotten used to it yet, but she’s up to trying to make it work. ((More to come later))
Name:  Hope Ketler
Age:  17
Gender:  female
What are you (Town folk, Indian, outlaw, law keeper…
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Name: Drake Westin
Age: 19
Gender: Male
What are you (Town folk, Indian, outlaw, law keeper…): Town folk
Weapon (rifles, pistols, knives…): pistol
Bio (optional): He is the Mayor’s son, also very wealthy (well more so that the other people), seems stuck up, but once you get to know him he isn’t that bad. Drake likes to go out in the forest on his own, but he also knows he has to be careful of the Indians.
Name:  Drake Westin
Age:  19
Gender:  Male
What are you (Town folk, Indian, outlaw, law keeper…)
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
{Thise are good. Thanks again}
over a year ago Time_Master said…
((Is this one Okay? if i can't be an Indian spirit than i can change it to a Guru))

Indians know him as:
Howaitōrufu ((White Wolf))

Age: 215 ((When he died he was 24))

Gender: Male

What are you: Indian Spirit

Weapon: Wolf hordes, Teeth from his Physical Form.

A spirit of the Indians that died in 1725, he was a Guardian of the Indian village back then, but he was more spiritually connected than the others of his tribe, when he died the spirits wanted to make them one of him, His physical form is a Rare White Wolf.

You don't find White Wolves in the wild west, so his Physical form is protected by the law, cause they think it's the last of it's kind, also the Indians know it's a Spirit

His White Wolf form is larger than most wolves, other wolves are as tall as an average mans waist, he is as tall as up to an average mans lungs, so he's a big wolf.

To kill him is easy: Kill the Physical Form, but killing the physical form might be tough.

Those Tattoos on his body were sacred in his Alive days, but as a spirit now they glow at night.
last edited over a year ago
[b]((Is this one Okay? if i can't be an Indian spirit than i can change it to a Guru))

Indians kno
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Physical Form

His physical form does have those strange things on it, but it only shows those symbols when it is being involved in rituals.
last edited over a year ago
[b]Physical Form[/b]

His physical form does have those strange things on it, but it only shows tho
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
{That works. Thanks for joining}
over a year ago Time_Master said…
((NP :D when do we RP?))
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
(Can I join?)

Name: Ashly Jean (but goes by Jean)
Age: 18
Gender: Female but dresses acts and talks like a man
What are you (Town folk, Indian, outlaw, law keeper…): outlaw
Weapon (rifles, pistols, knives…): rifles, pistols, knives
Bio (optional): She was raped by the whole sheriff's office when she was only 15. She had gone in for help when a local Indian tribe had targeted her family and their farm. Killing everyone in her family and raping her mother and sisters before killing them as well. Though the sheriff and deputy were no better than the outlaws. They figured that if her mother and sisters were raped and killed by the Indians that they could do the same to her and just blame the Indians for it. After that horrible experience she fled that town trying to plead her case but nobody believed a silly little girl like her's story or they tried raping her themselves just to see if they could. Not eve those who claimed to enforce the justice of the law would help her. So at age 16 she began dressing like a man and enforcing her own law.
Other: no longer has any real problem with Indians though she doesn't trust the male Indians half as much as she would the females. For obvious reasons.

(Ill post a pic of what she looks like when i can but as a man she wears a flat and long length corset to hide her figure, with her hair tied up to her hat. She also is all most always covered in dust and muck to help give the appearance of a 5-o-clock shadow and gruff. She chews whole coffee beans and salt to dry out her throat an make her voice gruffer, she then spits out the chewed coffee beans and salt like tobacco chew.)
last edited over a year ago
LocalArtistist commented…
kinda what she looks like --> link over a year ago
LocalArtistist commented…
but you know more realizitic over a year ago
Time_Master commented…
I'll upload it for you over a year ago
over a year ago Time_Master said…
((Yay!!! :D Can i start now?))
over a year ago Nathan-Croak said…
Name: Oliver Pace
Age: 18
Gender: Male
What are you: Simple townsfolk, a banker to be more specific
Weapons: A small pocket knife and a hidden pistol.
Bio: Son of the wealthiest man in town, youngest of 3. Oliver is a clever young man that always seems to be in the mix of everything. Being rich allowed Oliver to get what ever he desired and that made him terribly bored so from time to time, he would cause trouble just to keep himself busy.
over a year ago Nathan-Croak said…
It didn't let me add the pic :/
It didn't let me add the pic :/
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Just doing this for LocalArtistist
Just doing this for LocalArtistist
LocalArtistist commented…
XD Thanks I apperciate it. over a year ago
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
{Sorry guys it's been a little busy}

Uriah stood in the blacksmith's shop, hammering away at a set of horseshoes ordered earlier. He paused to wipe away some of the sweat that had gathered from the heat of the forge. He looked up and out at the town. There was a carriage that had arrived and the occupants headed to his parent's hotel. He shook his head and got back to work.

Asmita sat at the edge of the forest, a river between her and the town that had grown and developed over the years since she was a little girl. She rested her hand on Uru, absently petting his thick coat. She moved up the river to where she often saw where they made their thunder sticks, what did her father call them? Rifles maybe? She found it interesting, so different from how they made their bows.

{Time_Master can I make a small background about why Asmita has her wolf and relate it to your wolf spirit?}
Time_Master commented…
Sure :3 is your wolf a gift from him? over a year ago
BlackSparrow commented…
I was thinking of something along those lines, yes. I'll kind of put it in with my next post and you can see what you think over a year ago
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Hope's carriage pulled into the town of Rivier, she took in the small town as she was helped out. This was to be her new home, her parents had come ahead of her to buy a house for them. Until then she was to stay at the hotel, and hope to hear from her parents soon. She sighed and walked into the hotel.

Drake sat behind his father's desk. He had his feet propped and was tossing a small stone up in the air and then catching it. A glass of his fathers best whiskey sat beside him, he took a sip from it now and again. "Drake get your disgusting feet off my desk." his father commanded, walking into the office. "We have a newly arrived resident. You recall Mr. and Mrs. Ketler? It's their daughter. See that she is comfortable."
"yes father." Drake said, pocketing the stone and standing, a smirk on his face.
"Oh and Drake? Try not to hassle the young woman." his father cautioned, Drake smiled as he left his father's office.
over a year ago Nathan-Croak said…
Oliver lazily trudged towards the town bank chewing a juicy red apple. He was already late, but his father learned to expect that from him. Ever since he moved out, he seemed to get the freedom his requested. The freedom to live and grow on his own, to make mistakes and decisions whilst only affecting himself. Still the space that he gained left him feeling awfully lonely. He chucked the apple to the side after taking only one bite. It was amazing how privileged the boy was. With a soft sigh he pushed the doors of the bank open and headed straight for the back office where his father resided.

"Morning son," the old man said without looking up as Oliver entered the room.

"Morning yourself," Oliver replied. He threw himself into the chair and spit into the bowl that laid on the ground in the corner of the room. The boy then threw his feet upon his father's desk.

With a heavy sigh, the older man got up and dusted himself off."Ready to open?" The boy threw his head back and stayed like that for a while before replying, "Ready as I'll ever be." With that, his father turned and walked out the office. "Today's gonna be a good day!" he said as he opened the doors.Just like he did every other day.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Almost as soon as Hope enters the hotel she was greeted by a solem looking woman. "Ms. Ketler?" she asks. Hope looks to her, not surprised. The last letter she had received from her parents told her that she would be expected.
"Yes?". The woman's look grew sadder.
"Oh, honey, I am so sorry." the woman says.
"A-about what?"
"Your parents, they...they were killed."
"How?" Hope asks, tears threatening to flow, but she wouldn't allow them.
"There was a raid, Indians, and they killed your parents. Whatever possessions and money they had, it was transferred to the bank for safe keeping until you arrived. I am so sorry Ms. Ketler.". The woman says leaving. Hope bites back the tears and in a flurry of skirts walks out of the hotel. She wasn't sure if she'd go to the bank or not, but she needed to think.
"Ms. Ketler?" Drake asks as he sees a young woman he doesn't recognize. Hope turns just enough to see him, but keeps walking.
"What do you want?" she asks harshly
"I am supposed to make sure you are comfortable here in Rivier." he says, jogging to catch up to her. She laughs humorlessly.
"I'll get back to you on that, now if you'll excuse me." she says, continuing on to the bank to pick up whatever of her parents belongings were left. She knew it would probably be jewelry, the money she would leave for the time being.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Ashly contemplated where to go to next as she rode down the old beaten back road. The brim of her hat blocking the light of the sun as she looked up at the horizon she could she a small town up ahead. She debated even bothering to go there but she remembered her supplies were low and she was in desperate need of a water refill in her canteen. She spurred her horse into action and galloped into the town. She didn't know how long she'd have to stay here, all she knew was her horse needed a rest and so did she. so upon entering the town she headed straight for the hotel figuring it best that she settle that first before anything else, seeing how she did still have enough food supplies left for a couple more days. As for water both she and her horse needed it now. She got down off her horse and tied him down out of the way. Taking a few steps around her horse she noticed it was unusually hot. She patted her horse's back as she walked over to go investigate. There she saw a young man black smithing in the smoldering heat caused by the forge. "Ain't it a little hot out here to be smithing?" She asked him her voice gruffer than usual thanks to the lack of water. But she was glad for it because she didn't want anyone to know she was a woman, because like always they wouldn't give a damn what she thought nor would they listen to what she had to say unless she was a man.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Uriah stopped what he was doing and looked up, wiping sweat off his forehead. "I have a job to do and I aim to finish it on time.". He set some of his tools down. "Been an awful lot of newcomers today. First a very flustered young woman and now you. Welcome Rivier." he says, taking a moment before getting back to work. He hated how damn hot it was, but the horse shoes had to be done today.
over a year ago Nathan-Croak said…
Oliver walked up to the front of the building and propped the doors open. Down the road he was the activity going on, but waved it off as nothing. He sat on the out side of the bank in a rocking chair. "I don't even know why we have a god-damn bank. It's not like anyone in this god-forsaken town got enough money to save anyway." he muttered to himself. He then took his hat and covered his face with it. It was going to be another of those days, he thought to himself.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Drake just rolled his eyes and left the girl alone. He could deal with her later.

Once Hope found the Bank she quickly walked over, stepping up onto where the building was raised a little from the road and walked inside, ignoring the man in the rocking chair. She took a minute to compose herself and look around to see if there was anyone else. "Hello?" she called out.
over a year ago Nathan-Croak said…
Oliver sat up but didn't leave his chair, his hat still on his face. "Well I'd be a monkey's uncle" he said to himself. As soon as the woman walked into the building, the boy decided to stand, fixing his hat as he did so. Still, he faced away from the bank.

Mr. Pace came out from his office, an old tired smile spread across his face. "Hello there, Ma'am." he said. "I'm Mr. Pace, how can I help you?" he walked over a little closer and offered an old, wrinkled, shaking hand.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
She took his hand. "Hello Mr. Pace I am Ms. Kitler. I was informed that some belonging of my parents were brought here for me to pick up, along with a large sum of money. I would like to leave the money here for the time, but if there is anything else, I would like to collect it if I can." she said in a flury of words. "I do apologize, I should wait to make my request until you've confirmed their belongings are here." she adds, trying her best to keep herself together.

((She has an English accent, she and her family sailed to America from England, living in New York and only recently they decided to move out west.))
over a year ago Nathan-Croak said…
The old man gently patted her hand. "Ms.Kitler..." he repeated as he let go. "Ah, there is a security safe box in that name..." he muttered. "I trust you have the key?" he asked her as he motioned for her to follow him.

The younger Pace turned and walked back into the bank. He eyed the woman and flashed a friendly smile before disappearing into one of the back offices.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Hope smiled back at the young man, and then reached into a small pocket in her dress. "I suppose this might be it. I found it awfully strange receiving a random key with the letter.". She handed the key to Mr. Pace.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
((BlackSparrow, sure, go ahead :3 is your wolf a gift from him or something?))

Howaitōrufu stood on the forest side of the riverbank, his fox mask covering half his face, as he stared at a boy in one of their wooden homes, inside was a blazing fire, which he bent, and did strange things with Metal, he felt that a friend was coming this way.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Asmita watched the fires that bent the metal curiously. Uru at her side, suddenly his ears perked up and Asmita turned her gaze in the same direction as his, but saw nothing. The wolf started to trot a little further up the river and she followed silently behind. "What is it Uru?" she asks the wolf quietly.

{I was thinking something like when she was born the spirit visited her parents in some way and as a gift he left Uru to be Asmita's guide through life, in which case her tribe members often orient her with the wolf spirit, kind of like how some would be with the bear or eagle. They believe she was chosen by the wolf spirit for something. Whether that is true or not can be completely up to you.}
over a year ago Nathan-Croak said…
"Thank you." Mr.Pace said. He lead the woman into a small poorly lit room, with a wall covered in small little boxes. He took the key and opened the box and stepped aside, gesturing her over. "What you have in this box is no business of mine." he said still wearing that old tired smile.

Oliver sat in his office looking clear out the window, a bottle of scotch on his desk. He pulled out his liter and pipe and stuffed some old tobacco into it. After it was lit, he sat with his pipe in one hand and a cup in his other.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Hope nodded to the man and opened the box. Inside was another key, one to the money maybe? Her mother's locket, her father's pocket watch and an old photo. She picked up the locket, inside was a picture of her and her father. She lovingly ran her thumb over the edge and then shut it and put it on. Opening the pocket watch there was a photo of her mother right after she had married her father. By the time Hope got to the photo, the tears she had been holding in were starting to flow from her eyes. She put the photo, pocket watch and key in her pocket and then shut the box. "Thank you Mr. Pace. How much do I need to pay to keep the money deposited here?" she asks him.
over a year ago Nathan-Croak said…
"Ah..well seeing as you are the.." the old man started.

"Nothing..it's...er..on me" Oliver said. He was leaning against the frame of the door to the room. The older Pace shot Oliver a withering look and sighed. "Well so be it!" he said with a smile. He then limped over to his son and whispered into his ear. "C'mon boy... how the he do you think I'm gonna make money if you keep doing this?" to which Oliver replied"Fuck off.."

Oliver, now drunk as a skunk staggered out of the room into the opening of the bank there he crashed into a chair.

"you'll have to excuse my son," Mr. Pace said turning his attention back to the girl, his smile completely gone. "Drunk at this time of the day.. he boy's been going through alot lately, I just wish he would tell me.." the man looked down sadness washing over his wrinkled face. "I'm sorry to worry you with this, but do you think you can do an old man a favor?"
over a year ago Time_Master said…
((Sure :3))

Howaitōrufu Looked down the riverside, as he saw one of his wolves coming towards him, as well as a little Indian girl, he quickly moved the fox mask to cover his entire face.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Hope looked to the older man. "Of course I well. And as for the money, I can pay, you do not need to worry about what your son said." she added. "What is the favor?" she asks kindly. She needed something to take her mind off her family.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Asmita stopped and waited as Uru stopped. he didn't bark or growl, but instead started to wag his tail. Asmita stood a little straighter and looked around. "Hello?" she asks, not seeing anyone at first. She didn't pull out her knife or anything, if Uru was okay with whoever was there, then she assumed she was safe.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Howaitōrufu decided to go over and greet the little wolf, he walked closer, keeled down, and gave the little wolf a scratch.

"Hello old friend... how are you?"
Howaitōrufu spoke with a sort of eerish Echo, and a slow, voice like an elder.
over a year ago Nathan-Croak said…
"Please find out what's wrong with my son." he said, sounding as though tears were on the brink. " Do that and you will have your business with me for free." his eyes hinting desperation.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
{is Asmita able to see him? or at least hear him?}

Uru nuzzled his hand, whining happily. He gave an excited, but quiet bark as a greeting to Howaitōrufu.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
((I never said no one could see him :P he's a human/spirit, unlike other spirits he can be seen, yes))

Howaitōrufu chuckled for a little bit, before giving Uru's mane a good scratch, as his own physical form came out from the bushes, and sat next to his spiritual form.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
{okay, just wanted to make sure before I had Asmita interact with him}

Asmita walked over, the voice of the man in front of her intrigued her, but she said nothing, and didn't go as close as Uru. "Who are you?" she asks, though she already knows.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
"Of course." she says gently. She doesn't really know why she is agreeing, or why she thinks she can do anything, but she wanted to try, free business with him or not. "Now if you'll excuse me." she says, going to find his son. She figures now may not be the best time, but she would in the very least try to get his name. Hope sighed and went to where she last saw the young man go, when she saw him she went up to him and sat beside him on the ground. "Thank you, for offering to pay for me." she says to get his attention.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Howaitōrufu looked to the familiar Indian girl, he tilted his head to the left, then his physical form ran back off into the forest, his Spiritual form stood up.

"I am Howaitōrufu, or the White Wolf Spirit as these people would call me"
Howaitōrufu pointed to the town.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Asmita smiled. "I have heard stories of you. It is an honor to finally meet you Howaitōrufu." she said as Uru came back to be by her side. "Why do you travel near the white man's home? Surely they do not believe in you as my people do." She said, though she didn't actually know if that was true.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"Good tiding to you, new Generation, it is nice to meet my ancestors, as for why i travel near the riverfolk, or known to you as the whitemen, it is because their strange device there, the burning rock, mends, bends and molds metal, and they have strange, large structures, their way of life is much more different than ours, and they have these sticks, that cause thunder, they are called 'Rifles'"

He seemed to know alot about the Rivermen, he looked over to the Blacksmith again.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Asmita followed his gaze. "When I come here, he is always working with the burning rock, no matter the temperature." She watched as he seemed to finish up his work. "Then when he finishes he works with some of the elders, I think they are his parents. I have wanted to speak with many of the people there, but they are an enemy to my people, and they might not be happy if I walked into their town." She says, still watching the blacksmith. She looked back to the spirit and watched him curiously. She would have to speak to the elders about this when she got home to see what it meant.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"Hmm... it would seem so..."

Howaitōrufu walked towards the river, then began to walk on the water, till he crossed over the river, he went past the blacksmith and into the town, he stood in the middle of the street, and looked around.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Asmita crouched low in the underbrush and watched as he went into the town. She was worried he would be caught, and then reminded herself that he would probably be fine. Uru sat beside her, seeming to watch as well.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Some of the townfolk looked at Howaitōrufu, some in anger as they thought he was some wierdo, other's because he sort of looked Indian, he didn't notice them however, he was looking at the structures, and their clothes.

he walked around to a building, hoping to be able to touch it he forgot that he couldn't as he wasn't in the spirit world.