Random Role Playing October Rust

Directingchicky posted on Jan 02, 2014 at 02:21AM
Private and Invite only you guys!

This is set in a modern day city, be warned that pictures of a highly attractive man may be posted and if you no like....well you clicked at the link, your fault.

Random Role Playing 5 replies

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over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Sweets, sweets, and more sweets. The smell of sugar in the air was comparable to nothing in Minnie's mind. Carting a small tray of fresh baked cooking across the restaurant, her smile was large and rather goofy. Ot was about this time of day where she felt great. She was a happy person by nature, so drama or no drama around her, she wore a smile. "Mmm...Oatmeal Raisin cookies if anyone wants a warm treat." She announced and set off to display them in the cases with the other treats.
After bouncing, quiet literally, back up to the display cases, Minnie set to organizing the various sweets in a way meant to draw an eye. A small pyramid of brownies of each kind, cookies organized in small patterns, cupcakes on a spinning tree display. It all looked perfect, and delicious, if she said so herself. Humming a small tune, she went behind the counter and set to other tasks while waiting on customers.
"Minnie! The creamers and milk dispensers need refilling. Do ya mind...?" An older gentleman called from back in the kitchen, in a rather tired tone.
But of course Ms.Martin answered with a smile, "Of course not, that is why I'm here!" After getting answered with a rough chuckle from her boss, Minnie leaned down to scoop up a small box and carted it over to the dispensers which gave so much trouble most of the time. She always did what was asked of her, and usually with the same peppy attitude. Yes, she did have a trouble saying no to a person at times, but she loved to help and like all of the things she ate, she was sweet to her core.
Sweets, sweets, and more sweets. The smell of sugar in the air was comparable to nothing in Minnie's
over a year ago Roxas1314 said…
Pete walked along the street, past a few shops, and past a lot of people that stared at him like he was some sort of giant baby-eating monster. He was used to the staring and glaring and general awe that came around when people saw him moving about his daily business, at such a towering height, six foot eight inches, it was hard to not draw attention.

He was really good at it by now, as his canines had special caps on them to make them pointy, his hair was long, flowing, and pitch black, his clothes were fairly plain, usually consisting of dark shirts and pants, or light green tank tops, and other green shirts, and he was oftentimes found in his 'second skin' leather jacket. His face was almost always a scowl, his eyebrows were in just the right position to make his eyes seem fierce and angry, even when he wasn't. Though when he WAS angry, his normally frightening scowl would seem like rainbows and butterflies compared to that devilish glare, where his eyes dominated his expression.

Right now he was just using his normal scowl, walking along, heading out to a friend's place for an unknown reason, and it was easily noticed that his gait was very unique, his shoulders swayed back and forth, his long slender legs gliding forward with each step, green and black military surplus boots almost pounding the ground from the weight of his muscular 280 lbs frame. Today he let his hair down, so it was flying about like a frizzy halo of blackness.

He was still walking down the street when he smelled something so familiar and delicious that he could not resist finding it's source. He pushed his hair from his face, looked at his watch and gauged that he had plenty of time to snack on something, not just any something, but his favorite: cookies.

It took him all of about three seconds to find the source, a bakery of course, so they would be fresh and warm. His feet led him to it, and he immediately saw the displays, and he had to go in now, there was no avoiding the cookies after this. It was the point of no return for him...

He went to the door, ducked a little so he could easily get through, and stood there, eyeballing the cookies like a hungry wolf in front of a kill, except that the meat was locked behind glass and the wolf had no way of taking what he desired from the fresh carcass. He was so glued to what was behind the display, that he had to take a moment to realize he could just take a few cookies and sit down. So, he moved kinda slowly towards them, and intending to be modest, only took a dozen cookies before finding a table and chair in the corner of the bakery where he could make sure his long legs had room within a decent amount of space. As he sat down the chair squeaked under his weight, but didn't give out so he just leaned forward on the small table and delicately placed one whole cookie within his large fanged mouth.

The sweet sensation of the oatmeal and raisin cookie all over his taste buds and mouth made him hum with delight, casually watching the others within the shop, catching a few of them staring he stuck his tongue out and made a goofy face, effectively causing them to turn around hurriedly and embarrassed. He made it through to the third cookie, enjoying every bite, and noticed a girl, refilling some things not too far from himself. He didn't have anybody to ask beforehand if he could take the cookies before paying, so he figured he could ask her, since she was obviously working there.

"Hey, 'scuse me, ma'am? Am I allowed ta eat these sweet bits of heaven y'a call cookies before payin'?" he asked in a sweet, kind and friendly tone, the best he could manage at least...considering his thick Brooklyn accent and deep, sensual voice made him even more intimidating than he looked.
last edited over a year ago
Pete walked along the street, past a few shops, and past a lot of people that stared at him like he w
over a year ago Roxas1314 said…
((More jacket pics...))
((More jacket pics...))
over a year ago Roxas1314 said…
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Hmm?" That voice was, oddly, enough to pull the woman's attention from the display case of brownies to the large man whom it belonged to. Her hair bounced in its bun as she turned around, blowing at a few stray stubborn strands of the chocolatey brown before her eyes locked on the large man whom had called to her.
How in the world had she missed this gentleman cming in was her question! In truth, she was usually so deep into her work that a tornado could be raging outside, and she'd still be placing icing on cupcakes! But she must be really ditzy not to notice him coming in, why he looked.like he barely fit at the tiny table sitting there!

"Oh! Oh yes yes!" Wiping her hands off, that silly sugar sweet smile made its return to her lips as she approached his table, her signature long jeans and plain blue shirt were dusted with sugars as was her apron as she pulled out a small pad, and a gummy bear which she popped into her mouth, and scribbled something down. "We have a strange set up here, even I get confused sometimes." She began explaining, giving a soft giggle, "You come in, choose your treat, plop down, munch to your hearts desire on any of my sweet little creations here, then I come by and tally it up! All you have to do really is tell me how many of whatever you are snacking on you have and that is it."
It really was confusing, and sometimes even she messed up and ended up charging too little. But alas, twas life for the little brunette.