Random Role Playing Words Have Meaning, and Dire Consequences.

Roxas1314 posted on Jan 02, 2014 at 06:34AM
Consequences And, Trigger Warning!

Why hello there! I’m probably not the best person to call this stuff out, mainly because I have a zero tolerance for rapists and sexual criminals, and I call it as I see it, but I will be blunt and merciless.

I have been looking around, tolerating something for a while now. Roleplaying sexual assault. This shouldn’t be on ANY public part of Fanpop, for these reasons specifically:

1. Fanpop has UNDERAGE USERS.
2. Fanpop has people who have ACTUALLY EXPERIENCED THIS and can be greatly damaged, triggered, what have you by the fact that this seems to be thrown around casually, like it's some funny joke, and it’s getting graphic and pissing me and other users off!
3. If you went through rape at any point in your life, don't think it's okay to be posting severely triggering things, RESPECT OTHER VICTIMS. CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH.
4. Fanpop has a Terms of Service that this group tends to not adhere to (at all) with the sexual content part, found here:

"The following is a partial list of the kind of Content and communications that are illegal or prohibited on/through the Fanpop Site. Fanpop reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action in its sole discretion against anyone who violates this provision, including without limitation, removing the offending communication from the Fanpop Service and terminating the membership of such violators or blocking your use of the Fanpop Service and/or Fanpop Site. You may not post Content that:

is false or intentionally misleading;
is patently offensive to users of the Fanpop Site, such as Content or messages that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;
harasses or advocates harassment of another person;
involves the transmission of unsolicited mass mailing or “spamming”;
promotes illegal activities or conduct that is abusive;
is threatening, obscene, defamatory or libelous;
is pornographic or sexually explicit in nature; and
seeks or recommends providers of material that exploits people under the age of 18 in a sexual or violent manner, or seeks or recommends providers that solicit personal information from anyone under 18.”

What does that mean for this spot in particular? Well, it could mean we ALL GET BANNED, it could mean all of your stories could be REMOVED, and THE SPOT DELETED.

And, for the repeat offenders of these, it could mean LEGAL ACTION TAKEN AGAINST YOU.

Do we want that here?
No, the answer is no. We are fine keeping it PG-13, aren’t we? I don’t mind most of the sex and stuff you guys write about back and forth in a consensual manner between yourselves and other legal-age users through pms or whatever.

But my tolerance level has a limit when it starts into non-consensual roleplaying of a sexual kind. Put bluntly, ‘roleplaying’ rape and sexual abuse. These are SERIOUS matters, with SERIOUS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES.

I mean one person’s character is not only sexually assaulting another character, but also violating the roleplayer of that character, which, last time I checked, if the roleplayer, or their character, asked you to STOP at ANY time EVER! You are committing a CRIME. A C-R-I-M-E. One of which could be sexual abuse because of the graphic pornographic content if ANYONE underage reads it! How many views on each of these roleplays are attributed to an underage user? Each of those underage views means another charge to tally up. Another one? Sexual harassment! Count the views, but forget whether the view was underage or not, they all would probably count under this. You sure you want to continue to roleplay sexual assault?

There are things showing up, some of the incidents going back as far as 10 months(And I haven’t gotten through all of it, there’s more I am sure, as I have only used a few key words to find the already numerous incidents). Most people would be afraid to call this out, as some of my friends have told me they just kinda stop and attempt to forget.

Some of the incidents they remember happening go back to when fanpop still had meebo, and way past that as well! The problem is it doesn’t go away. It's not funny. It's not edgy. It's not a plot device to be used on this website for any reason. It's not appropriate. That thing never leaves. Once it is there, it stays. No matter how deep you bury it within yourself, it will be there to haunt you until you die.

And worst of all…this is something you will have to deal directly with ME if you put MY FRIENDS through the same trauma I have endured MY WHOLE LIFE, you had better be prepared for the consequences!



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