Random Role Playing Tales of Marcadia, Bio-Fusers

vegeta007 posted on Jan 04, 2014 at 11:45AM
In the land of Marcadia all kinds mythical creatures and humans live side by side in harmony.Most of the mythical creatures that live there were peaceful, some however weren't. Up until 6 years ago there was peace and serenity until an army of a mixture creatures such as dragons and elfs etc. became evil and started attacking the settlements leaving the world in ruins and humans living in fear. Not wanting to be enslaved most humans allied themselves with Rankou the head of the army in exchange for the loactions of the ones hiding. Fearing that the humans might rise up Rankou gave humans a special ability to fuse with a creature and gain it's powers. There was a flaw however, he didn't know which humans had this ability so he started a search to find them but some will not go as easy as others

Race:(Human or creature)
Fuser or non fuser
Part of the army or not
Partner:(if fuser, name and what kind of creature)
Powers:(if fuser)
Bio:(Not required)

Random Role Playing 32 replies

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over a year ago screamingdeath1 said…
Name Jace McIntyre
Fuser or non fuser:Fuser
Part of the army of not: Not
Partner: Griffin
Bio: Don't really like to talk about it
Other: (I think of some later)
Name Jace McIntyre 
Fuser or non fuser:Fuser
Part of the army of not: Not
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Name: Corax

Age: a few Melania

Race: Dragon

Fuser or non fuser: Nope, he's a Dragon.

Part of the army or not: Nope.

Side: Neutral

Partner: Non, he's not a fuser.

Powers: Breathes Ice, and has a Human Form.

Eldest of the Dragon Race, Corax was one of the first 6 Dragons, but because most of his Dragon children joined the army he has remained neutral, however now both sides, the evil army and the good people, are trying to convince him to join their side.

♪ ~ His dragon form is HUUUUUUUUUGE, around the size of mountains

♪ ~ His human form comes with that armour and the Axe, because his scales as a dragon turn into that armour, and layer over themselves a few times, so it's REALLY thick and strong.

♪ ~ Around him, it is -45 degrees if you're touching him, if your around 7 CM away from him it's -10 degrees.
[b]Name:[/b] Corax

[b]Age:[/b] a few Melania

[b]Race:[/b] Dragon

[b]Fuser or non fuser:[/b]
over a year ago Time_Master said…
♪ ~ His dragon Form
♪ ~ His dragon Form
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Name: Kainu
Age: 16
Part of the army or not : Not
Side: Good
Partner:Light dragon named Crow
Powers:Flight, Increased strength and agility, electric based
Bio:Ever since he was a child he lived in the ruins of a city. He lived alone with no one and never knew his family. He met Crow at the age 7 and they had some troubles at first with Crow blasting him at times but after a while they learned to live together and became like brothers
Name: Kainu
Age: 16
Part of the army or not : Not
Side: Good
Partner:Light d
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Age: 26
Non fuser
Part of the army or not:Army general
Side: Bad
Bio:He was on of the first to ally himself to ally himself with the army but only did out fear and selfishness. Ever since he became general he's been trying his hardest to forget that reason and became cold and ruthless, even more so when someone mentions his past.
Other: He's on a mission to track down the fusers as well as anyone who stands in the wa of the army
Age: 26
Non fuser 
Part of the army or not:Army general 
Side: Bad
over a year ago Time_Master said…
(When do we begin? :3)
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
(You may start it)
over a year ago Time_Master said…
(( YAY!))

Corax walked down the human road, his giant axe bloodied from bandits that had attempted to rob him in the hills, he stands at the gate of a town, that has been rumored to have been invaded by the army.

"Let us just get this over with quickly"
he says as he enters past the gate, he tried to ignore all the people around him, only wanting to quickly get through this town.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Crow came up behind Corax and started sniffing him "You're a dragon aren't you ?" he asked
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Corax stops, he turns to look at the person who was talking to him, it was another Dragon, one of the children aswell.

"Yes, i am a Dragon, you are too, do you need something child?"
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"No I was just wondering what you're doing out in the open"Crow replied "Why are you here anyway ?"
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"Why would i need to fear being in the public? are there people after our kind? as for why i am here, i am passing through this town, as i am merely traveling."

Corax looked around, there were some people looking at him strangely.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Well most of the dragons I've seen have been hiding in fear of the army"Crow said looking back "Any one of these people could be part of them. They've enslaved hundreds just to hunt most of us down, don't you think that they might find you and capture you ?"
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"If you, or they understood who i am, i doubt they would attempt to try without millions of our kind, tell me child, do you remember my name? or have i aged so that my children forget their grandparents?"

Some people in the crowd were listening in, obviously from the army.
Time_Master commented…
Gunna take a shower, be back in about 15 minutes over a year ago
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Child ? Grandparents ? Who are you ?"Crow asked in confusion
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"My name is Corax, i am the first dragon of Ice, my wife was Necrax, the dragon of Death, first dragon aswell, we were both of the first 6 dragons, and we have bred out children, and those children bred out more children, and eventually, to you. you are the offspring of my offspring, or you are the offspring of one of my brothers, which would then make you my nephew, whichever you are, you and i are still related, and i had hoped that my brothers, sisters, wife and my name would be known to our kind."
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Corax ? I'm afraid I haven't heard that name before"Crow said "Although I haven't been living with my kind so I wouldn't know but are you really one of the first dragons ?"
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Corax nods his head
"Yes, i am"

After corax said so, he turned around again, and continued on his way to the town exit gate, hoping to leave here before the army or another rebel group attempt to convince him to join them.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Hold on a second"Crow said catching up to him
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Corax stopped again, as Crow caught up again.

"yes child?"
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Which side are you on ?"Crow asked

(Gotta go)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"If you are referring to this war between the army, and some unknown individuals, i am in neither party, although both sides have attempted to convince me to join their cause."
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Why don't you join a side ?"Crow asked
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"I'm old, strong but old, and with age comes wisdom, little one, if i were to join the army, i would slaughter millions of the innocent, if i were to join some rebel party, i would be slaughtering millions of my kind, however if i join neither, i slay no innocent, nor of my kind unless they are to attack me first, you must think carefully, before jumping ahead."

Corax gave Crow a pat on his head.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"But that's the thing, if you're neutral then our kind is still getting slaughtered"Crow said "Nothing says you have to kill anyone, if you have morals you will do what's right without taking lives, it's possible to do that"
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"Our kind will not be slaughtered by humans so easily, or has our race become weak over the generations? as for the morals, i have none, i have completed my purpose for existence long ago, and now i simply look forward, and the only certainty is death, if i am to die some day, i will not let it be on war grounds, i shall die where i wish, as for what to do that is right without taking a life, is simply the same as doing nothing, or staying neutral."
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"I say this with the most respect, you're wrong"Crow said "Doing nothing is far different from trying to the right thing, you fight for what you believe and uphold your morality, my partner and I have seen this and we're willing to do it but it's your choice if you want to do nothing while your children try to slaughter one another. I can see why you don't wanna take sides but you could do what's right and not stay on a side"
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"whether my children are slaughtering eachother is a fault of their own, and i will hope that they learn of it, and not staying on a side is exactly what neutrality means, little one, and as i have said before, i have no morality, this war has none to do with me, and as such, i will have none to do with it. the others of this war, both army and rebels have attempted to convince me to join their sides, but the answer will always be the same..."
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Well as of now I have doubts that you are the first dragon and whether all dragons are your children"Crow said "If you can sit and do nothing while your children are getting slaughtered and have to hide in fear then you're not their father or grandfather or whatever"
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"Whether you are to believe of me, is still your own choice, as our history seems amiss to you, however i have not lied since my creation, and i will continue to tell no lies, however i am not hiding in fear, this is YOUR generation, not mine, you are to solve your own problems, and find your own solutions, as you cannot expect your fathers to do it for you, go out, and find the others of your generation, and solve your problems together, that is what we did when us 6 were young dragons."
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"I don't expect you to solve it, all I want is for you to help fix it but it's your choice if you want your home to be covered in blood"Crow said
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
Name: Zane
Race: Human/Creature
Part of the army or not: Noooo!
Side: Inbetweener,but usually choose Good
Partner: His dragon-self
Powers: Has water powers and can get healed if he is in water (Even if he is dead)
Bio: (Um he is part human and part dragon.He went to MCH and he got out of school at the same age.He went to live with his family in Marcadia.)
Other: Dragon form is huge but when he didn't die his dragon form was small

Name: Zane
Race: Human/Creature
Part of the army or not: Noooo!
Side: Inbetween