Random Role Playing The Gate

Riku114 posted on Jan 05, 2014 at 04:05PM
Description: Welcome to our large city wrapped and protected by a tall large gate. According to the legend of The Gate, The Gate appeared about 400 years ago when monsters and beasts randomly appeared on Earth. It is said that The Gates impenetrable walls and fortress keeps the civilians safe from these blood thirsty monsters that just want to kill. Though nobody has clarified that to be true and it is much like a religion now that some believe and others don’t, after all, nobody has seen over The Gate or passed through it. It doesn’t help that the official agents of the government live inside The Gate to keep anyone who tries to go in or out of The Gate dead or restrained.

The design of the city is simple. About 3/4th of the area protected by The Gate is regular civilization with homes along with farms for food. This is where adults live with babies and kid under the age of 5. After children turn 5, they get drafted off into the other part protected by The Gate if they have special abilities, which most children these days do. The last 1/4th of the area protected by The Gate is the training areas where the children are drafted to. The children from the ages of 5-21 are pulled into these training areas to become proper warriors. Most of the children are split up into different groups according to their abilities and the first day tests. (Explained below) Going through the training here is terrible, agonizing, and cant even be compared to by hell though all of the children are told that they are being trained for the day the monsters might manage to break through the wall, but those that don't believe that legend believe that they are here just to support the hoax the government has placed upon the city.


Strategist: You are placed here due to your ability raising your capability to learn and apply knowledge to the battle field. The training you take are usually hard core academic with a bit of physical activities and drills to make sure you know what you are doing. This is the place where most psychics are placed.

Close Range: You are placed here due to your ability giving you high skills in combat by raising you strength, speed, or so on. This applies for CLOSE RANGE battle enhancements. The training you take are mainly physical like martial arts and sports while still taking small amount of academic training to help you on the battle field

Long Range: You are placed here due to your ability giving you high skills in combat by granting you abilities that can be used from far away. The training you take are mostly fitness and accuracy with only slightly less academics and combat.

Tanks: You are placed here due to your ability giving you the capability to take in much more damage than that of a regular person, usually by giving or raising your regeneration speed or by giving you a defensive ability. The training you take are mostly endurance and combat with a bit of academics.

Adjustable: You are placed here due to your ability allowing you to fight long range or close range. The training you will take are evenly split between combat, fitness, academics, sports, and accuracy

Healers: You are placed here due to your ability giving you the capability to heal wounds easily. The training you take are medical and academics.


1) Okay let me get this straight. NOBODY has been over The Gate or through The Gate. That being said don't give me 'this character has been' 'this character knows a secret opening in The Gate' 'you can fly over The Gate' 'you can dig under The Gate' 'you can break through The Gate' I think over 400 years people have tried that and there is a reason they have failed.
2) Please dont make this all happy happy. This isn't happy training. Its rigorous that you are forced into that may in the end get you killed if you suck (applies more to the middle three groups)
3) This is a slight mystery genre as well, dont go having your characters knowing things they shouldn't and unlike most rps, rebels are approved of though dont start off with so many. That being said you dont have to start with a rebel.
4) No Godmodding, this means no overpowering characters or not giving characters time to respond to an attack in a fight
5) Keep Sex without details and I am fine.
6) Keep one liners to a minimum
7) Timeskips with majority approval
8) Please keep posts understandable. No internet language. 1f u do 1 w1ll p3rs0nlly str@ngle ur neck
9) Have fun and be respectful

Character Sheet:


Trainee Code: (Ex: TS541 KL142 TV754)






Weakness: (Actually make it a good weakness. And I dont mean fear. I mean a draw back to your ability.)







Instructor: Leon ~ Open

TS985 Stephanie Roman ~ Izzie
CS927 Chad Silva ~ Death

Close Range:

Instructor: Andy Vargas ~ Cyrus

NK657 Argyle Eberhardt ~ Cyrus
TV391 Gannon Trent ~ Cyrus
NK811 Naria Kima ~ Riku

Long Range:

Instructor: Donald Shipton ~ Wanta

PR713 Ellyn deGray ~ Wanta
AG369 Kozoria Rainime ~ Riku


Instructo: Pico Pixels ~ Open


Instructor: Shagra Tsunoke ~ Riku

TK186 Kevin Naytes ~ Riku
ZV270 Zila Greene ~ Fang
JJ198 Sola ~ Liz
YM443 Yano Moto ~Liz


Instructor: Jrel Tezt ~ Time

FA745 Rayn Ciazar ~ Riku
ZX00Z Tex ~ Time

( Honestly this was a dream I had just tonight. And it was already in rp format, yes it was on a forum so I decided why not XD The hard part was not forgetting it as I wrote it XD)
last edited on Jan 08, 2014 at 06:11AM

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