Random Role Playing The Gate

Riku114 posted on Jan 05, 2014 at 04:05PM
Description: Welcome to our large city wrapped and protected by a tall large gate. According to the legend of The Gate, The Gate appeared about 400 years ago when monsters and beasts randomly appeared on Earth. It is said that The Gates impenetrable walls and fortress keeps the civilians safe from these blood thirsty monsters that just want to kill. Though nobody has clarified that to be true and it is much like a religion now that some believe and others don’t, after all, nobody has seen over The Gate or passed through it. It doesn’t help that the official agents of the government live inside The Gate to keep anyone who tries to go in or out of The Gate dead or restrained.

The design of the city is simple. About 3/4th of the area protected by The Gate is regular civilization with homes along with farms for food. This is where adults live with babies and kid under the age of 5. After children turn 5, they get drafted off into the other part protected by The Gate if they have special abilities, which most children these days do. The last 1/4th of the area protected by The Gate is the training areas where the children are drafted to. The children from the ages of 5-21 are pulled into these training areas to become proper warriors. Most of the children are split up into different groups according to their abilities and the first day tests. (Explained below) Going through the training here is terrible, agonizing, and cant even be compared to by hell though all of the children are told that they are being trained for the day the monsters might manage to break through the wall, but those that don't believe that legend believe that they are here just to support the hoax the government has placed upon the city.


Strategist: You are placed here due to your ability raising your capability to learn and apply knowledge to the battle field. The training you take are usually hard core academic with a bit of physical activities and drills to make sure you know what you are doing. This is the place where most psychics are placed.

Close Range: You are placed here due to your ability giving you high skills in combat by raising you strength, speed, or so on. This applies for CLOSE RANGE battle enhancements. The training you take are mainly physical like martial arts and sports while still taking small amount of academic training to help you on the battle field

Long Range: You are placed here due to your ability giving you high skills in combat by granting you abilities that can be used from far away. The training you take are mostly fitness and accuracy with only slightly less academics and combat.

Tanks: You are placed here due to your ability giving you the capability to take in much more damage than that of a regular person, usually by giving or raising your regeneration speed or by giving you a defensive ability. The training you take are mostly endurance and combat with a bit of academics.

Adjustable: You are placed here due to your ability allowing you to fight long range or close range. The training you will take are evenly split between combat, fitness, academics, sports, and accuracy

Healers: You are placed here due to your ability giving you the capability to heal wounds easily. The training you take are medical and academics.


1) Okay let me get this straight. NOBODY has been over The Gate or through The Gate. That being said don't give me 'this character has been' 'this character knows a secret opening in The Gate' 'you can fly over The Gate' 'you can dig under The Gate' 'you can break through The Gate' I think over 400 years people have tried that and there is a reason they have failed.
2) Please dont make this all happy happy. This isn't happy training. Its rigorous that you are forced into that may in the end get you killed if you suck (applies more to the middle three groups)
3) This is a slight mystery genre as well, dont go having your characters knowing things they shouldn't and unlike most rps, rebels are approved of though dont start off with so many. That being said you dont have to start with a rebel.
4) No Godmodding, this means no overpowering characters or not giving characters time to respond to an attack in a fight
5) Keep Sex without details and I am fine.
6) Keep one liners to a minimum
7) Timeskips with majority approval
8) Please keep posts understandable. No internet language. 1f u do 1 w1ll p3rs0nlly str@ngle ur neck
9) Have fun and be respectful

Character Sheet:


Trainee Code: (Ex: TS541 KL142 TV754)






Weakness: (Actually make it a good weakness. And I dont mean fear. I mean a draw back to your ability.)







Instructor: Leon ~ Open

TS985 Stephanie Roman ~ Izzie
CS927 Chad Silva ~ Death

Close Range:

Instructor: Andy Vargas ~ Cyrus

NK657 Argyle Eberhardt ~ Cyrus
TV391 Gannon Trent ~ Cyrus
NK811 Naria Kima ~ Riku

Long Range:

Instructor: Donald Shipton ~ Wanta

PR713 Ellyn deGray ~ Wanta
AG369 Kozoria Rainime ~ Riku


Instructo: Pico Pixels ~ Open


Instructor: Shagra Tsunoke ~ Riku

TK186 Kevin Naytes ~ Riku
ZV270 Zila Greene ~ Fang
JJ198 Sola ~ Liz
YM443 Yano Moto ~Liz


Instructor: Jrel Tezt ~ Time

FA745 Rayn Ciazar ~ Riku
ZX00Z Tex ~ Time

( Honestly this was a dream I had just tonight. And it was already in rp format, yes it was on a forum so I decided why not XD The hard part was not forgetting it as I wrote it XD)
last edited on Jan 08, 2014 at 06:11AM

Random Role Playing 171 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 171

over a year ago Riku114 said…
Name: Kevin Naytes

Trainee Code: TK186

Gender: Male

Age: 17

DOB: August 9th

Appearance: PIC

Ability: (PS: This is quite hard to explain off of a dream so Ill give the jest of it and expand over the rp XD) When he actually activates his abilities his hand automatically forms a gauntlet that is well attached to his skin of his right hand and runs off of his own energy. Inside the gauntlet over the four knuckles, there are four small colored orbs being red blue green and yellow. The abilities of the four orbs are still hard for him to control really so he relies mostly on his other minor powers which are increased speed, balance, and strength. To fight long ranged without the orbs, he uses special tactics with his weapons.

Weakness: Depending on how much his ability is used, he gets ends up with a flu and fever for a certain amount of time with a certain level after 1-8 hours after. (EX: Goes full power for an hour straight, he can end up pretty bad for about a day while if he only uses them slightly, he would barely notice it and it wouldnt last long.)

Weapons: Usually Katana though you do find him with small blades often when working outside of training

Group: Adjustable

Bio: Kevin grew up in the city like any other kid anywhere and like the rest of the people in the training area, he had abilities and was taken at the age of 5 from his parents and home to be trained to protect the city in case the monsters come flooding in. For the first few years, he really didn't analyze it much or bother about it much, after all he was just a kid and him not thinking about it much allowed him to excel in the training. Thats what been keeping him alive so long. Until the age of 12 he was actually known as the Purple Lightning due to his great speed and ability to take out an opponent with ease. Though when he turned 13 he had begun to actually wonder whats beyond The Gate after failing to believe the legend completely. From there his showing off of his strength and ability lowered back down to only when he had to and he lost his nickname along the way. This was because he was too busy researching and sneaking around the officials trying to get more information about beyond the gate, which no one knew. Since the age of 15 he has randomly been breaking through and into the insides of the gates and actually getting pretty far when he always gets stopped by factors, that usually being him accidentally activating one of the orbs and going out insane.

Other: Over the years, he had killed quite a few people in some of the tests and attempts to get through the wall.
Name: Kevin Naytes

Trainee Code: TK186

Gender: Male

Age: 17

DOB: August 9th

over a year ago Palin_X765 said…
[ quick question will these people who are training ever go out the walls and use there skills? And i was confused on the abilities are like magical or weapon/ practical?]
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Name: Rayn Ciazar

Trainee Code: FA745

Gender: Female

Age: 16

DOB: May 11

Appearance: PIC

Ability: High speed Regeneration (excluding organs), Magic, Healing both wounds and sicknesses though sicknesses are harder than wounds

Weakness: When she heals someone she takes upon a half of what she healed. (EX: She healed a paper cut, she would get a papercut in the same place, but only half as bad as what she healed. If she heals cancer, she will take upon half of the cancer. If she heals cancer half way, she would take up a quater of it) Though thanks to her regeneration, wounds would hurt for a bit but be gone quickly though that isnt the case for sicknesses. Also she cant heal herself

Weapons: Negatory

Group: Healer

Bio: Rayn grew up in the city as a childhood friend of Kevin and him being a year older than him, he was taken a year before she did. In the city, she worked on a farm to provide food for the city and the trianing area along with the other farms around her. She was later taken to the training area at the usual age of 5 and placed in the Healers group. Over the years she managed to get by in the training area and make it to today, though the amount of times that Kevin had gotten himself sick by trying to break through the gate ended up dragging her into healing him countless times.

Name: Rayn Ciazar

Trainee Code: FA745

Gender: Female

Age: 16

DOB: May 11

Appearance: P
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(The abilities can range from weapon to elemental to magic and so on. And they probably will end up eventually if the rp lasts long enough)
over a year ago lzzie said…
Name: Stephanie Roman

Trainee Code: TS985

Gender: Female

Age: 15

DOB: Oct 15

Appearance: [Pic]

Ability: Psychic - She is able to read anyone's mind from a wide range, and can sometimes change a person's thoughts if she concentrates for a long period of time.

Weakness: She struggles with controlling listening to other people's thoughts, and can only read a single person's mind for about 10 minutes before thoughts from other people begin flooding in. She suffers from permanent headaches and subtle nausea because of her ability, and although she can change a person's thoughts, the act usually leaves her unconscious afterwards.

Weapons: A pocket knife

Group: Strategist

Bio: Stephanie Roman was always a genius, she even learned to talk at 5 months old. Her great intellect came from her psychic abilities, which she is still trying to understand and control. Although small in size compared to most of the other kids at the training camp, her skills make her one of the superior strategists. Every evil or good thought, even one that lasts for a second, she can catch with her ability. However, all Stephanie wants is to be normal. To not have to endure the pain and suffering she has to go through that come with her ability. She often dreams of going back home to her family, and leaving the horrors of the training camp and the Gate behind.

Other: N/A

Name: Stephanie Roman

Trainee Code: TS985

Gender: Female

Age: 15

DOB: Oct 15

over a year ago Time_Master said…
(I will probably join this when my computer has internet again, cause it's 4:27Am, and I'm on my tablet, so just wait around 2~3 hours)
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((I hope this works))

Name: Zila Greene

Trainee Code: ZV270

Gender: female

Age: 17

DOB: August 8

Appearance: pic

Ability: She can control water or anything that has water in it – so she can control people by controlling the water in their bodies…things like that

Weakness: Her power takes a lot of energy and concentration depending how she uses it, often leaving her exhausted or with bad headaches. She also gets dehydrated easily and needs more water than the average person.

Weapons: a pair of Sai

Group: Adjustable

Bio: Zila lived in the city with her parents and siblings. Out of all the kids in her family she was the only one with abilities and so she was taken at the age of 5. Zila sometimes has trouble controlling her abilities and if you get her mad enough she has no control whatsoever over them. She’s killed a couple of people by accident with them, and drove one a little crazy, she tries not to think about that. She tries to be a good student, and usually she succeeds, but she has always been curious about what’s on the other side of the gate and would love to find out. She doesn't exactly believe the stories, but she doesn't cast them out either.

Other: nothing yet
((I hope this works))

Name:  Zila Greene 

Trainee Code:  ZV270

Gender:  female

Age: 17
over a year ago Liz-chan said…
((For some reason this rp reminds me of Ba Sing Se from avatar XD))
Name: Sola

Trainee Code: JJ198

Gender: female

Age: 16

DOB: August 19th

Appearance: pic (brown hair and pale green-brown eyes)

Ability: power over fire (in any possible way like can make her own or manipulate it)

Weakness: Depending how much energy and how long she uses her ability it will shorten her life (ex. 1 hour straight minuses an hour of her life or If she uses a large amount at once it can shorten around 5 minutes of her life) Also when she over uses it she becomes weak.

Weapons: two Japanese fans that are identical and are an amber colour which fades into yellow like an ombre from orange to amber to yellow. There are also sparkles so is rather pretty. She uses these fans to channel her fire through sometimes and helps it spread better and faster without her having to use a lot of energy. They are also very sharp like blades.

Group: Adjustable

Bio: She has always been a rather strong-willed person so this tends to get her into a lot of trouble. She didn't have many friends because the other kids were scared of her due to her dangerous ability that seems to bring harm to many. Despite having no friends she had a doll(a bunny :3) with her as her friend but she's actually really nice once you get to know her. Because she has seen little love in her life with both friends and family (her dad is abusive and thinks of her as a monster and her mom is always sick in bed) she puts up a front and thinks people are always making fun of her..this also doesn't help with people not being afraid of her.

Other: N/A
last edited over a year ago
((For some reason this rp reminds me of Ba Sing Se from avatar XD))
Name: Sola

Trainee Code: JJ19
over a year ago Time_Master said…
((This has Attack on Titan written all over it O3O))
Name: Tex
Trainee Code: ZX00Z

Gender: Male

Age: not born yet, :P he's from the Future

DOB: June, 19th

Appearance: the guy, not the Mech.


Have you seen Generator Rex? well this guy is kinda like him, but instead of Nanites, his body is always making Nanobots, and he can use these in 2 ways.

♪ ~ Nano-healing: Using the nanobots in his body, he can transfer them to others via physical contact, the nanobots rapidly replicate the DNA of the person needing healing, and they repair any damage to the physical structure, this also counts internal organs, however if the person being healed was born with a defect, like being blind, the nanobots won't heal his sight.

♪ ~ Bunker Shield: When in an emergency, his Nanobots can create a forcefield around him, but only for 5 minutes, this is also only activated in life-threatening emergencies.

♪ ~ His body can tell computers and such tech what to do.

he can't heal more than 1 person in a time of 10 minutes

When he is healing, afterwards he is slowed down, until his nanobots regenerate. which will 2 minutes.

His hands and feet have Nanobot powered Ion boots and gloves, these cannot be taken off, as they are part of his genetic structure.

His hands and feet boots/gloves can be charged with Ion, making hand-to-hand combat and karate easy to do.

Group: Healer ((Sometimes, with the bunker mode he is considered a Tank))


Corax, born in the future, as a disaster happened in the future when he was a small child, his parents used Experimental Time Travel Tech, and sent him back in time to this time, now he's trying to find out what happened, and all he knows is that it had something to do with the wall.

he was taken, not at the age of 5, as he doesn't even know what year he was born on, but he seemed to have been 7, he gave himself the birth date of June 19th, as that was the day he was time traveled back to this time.

He's REALLY tall, he has to bend down to fit in doors.

His nanobots obey him, no matter what.

he is immune to Electricity.

That Mech is something he's busy building.

He's wearing a Tech Mask, much like the one on the Mech.
last edited over a year ago
((This has Attack on Titan written all over it O3O))
[b]Name:[/b] Tex
[b]Trainee Code:[/b] ZX00Z
Liz-chan commented…
but you can't even see his face :( over a year ago
Time_Master commented…
:< oh, yeah, you're right, I'll make him wear a Tech Mask then :3 over a year ago
Liz-chan commented…
i guess that works XD over a year ago
over a year ago Liz-chan said…
Name: Yano Moto

Trainee Code: YM443

Gender: male

Age: 16

DOB: July 8th

Appearance: pic (orange and brownish hair and matching eyes)

Ability: Extreme hypnosis

Weakness: His power doesn't work when the sun goes down. So at night time he is powerless

Weapons: family sword which cannot be broken and makes its wielder 10x strong and faster

Group: Adjustable

Bio: He lived a relatively regular childhood and is pretty friendly and a lot of girls tend to like him. Although he thinks of the Gate as a jail cell rather than protection from monsters and such. He had always lived next door to Sola but never had the courage to talk to her. He was a shy boy and all the other kids seemed to be afraid of her. But he watches her all the time and wants to tok to her or at least have an excuse to talk to her...

Other: N/A
last edited over a year ago
Name: Yano Moto

Trainee Code: YM443

Gender: male

Age: 16

DOB: July 8th

Appearance: pic
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
Name: Argyle Eberhardt

Trainee Code: NK657

Gender: Male

Age: 17

DOB: April 20

Appearance: Pic

Ability: His arms and fists bones have hardened and mutated from being broken enough times to where they have turned to as hard as steel.

Weakness:Because of his arms being so heavy his shoulders give out a lot,Making him unable to punch hard.

Weapons: His hands,A knife he never uses.

Group: Close Range

Bio: He grew up with just a strong hate for most things,The noise the other children made he hated,His parents always telling him to play with other children he especially hated.But what made him tick the most what made him want to just beat somebody's face in,Was that stupid wall he had blocking his view.He had always heard about that dreamy sunsets from movie but this stupid wall was in the way,Eventually when he was drafted he kept these opinions to himself and because of this all his hatred kept building up.He is a excellent fighter and has this nice special attack he has came up with which he is dying to use.

Other: N/a
Name: Argyle Eberhardt

Trainee Code: NK657

Gender: Male

Age: 17

DOB: April 20

over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Actually, I think my mind thought it up off of Darker than Black then Attack on Titian being I finished Darker than Black yesterday. Though I had a dream but it stopped too soon T.T Though I do dream of animes I have been watching and sometiems I get a random non-anime dream like this that is sitll in anime form which tends to be a mix of the recent animes Ive been watching and for anyone who knows me, I am quite the anime fanatic. After I make a character list Ill make the first post)
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
Name: Chad Silva

Trainer Code: CS927



DOB: April 3rd

Appearance: Pic

Ability: Echolocation and Power Mimicry

Weakness: He can't be in the sun or hotness that much or his Mimicry would be very low to copy or absorb

Weapon: A scythe that his brother had before he got killed by the beast.He don't want to talk about his brother's death but he can fell his presents inside the scythe.

Group: Strategist

Bio: He was a regular kid,who girls really like. He wouldn't even bother what the girls said about him.Chad always try to focus on his abilities and the future.When Chad's brother was old enough he went outside the gate alone.But once he was out of the gate,there was no screams or anything but one thing that Chad saw.His brother got snatched and his scythe was the last thing he really remember from his brother.He try to practice with his brother's scythe and master his abilities.

Other: His brother is still alive but no one knows that.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Chad Silva

Trainer Code: CS927



DOB: April 3rd

Appearance: Pic
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Im writing the first post but is it me or since I was gone from Random Roleplaying has there...... been a lot of new people? I reconize some like Lizz, Time, and cyrus who I invited, though some of you I havent seen before. *shrugs* Welcome. Im Riku ^-^)
Time_Master commented…
i was INVITED @o@ i had NO idea! i just stumbled apon this at like, 5 am today! over a year ago
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
I'm Cyrus the intergalactic space lord and founder of Team Galactic.))
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
big smile
(Can we start because this seems like a good RP?!?!)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Right in the morning right after the screeching morning sirens were sounded to wake up all the people in the training area, an announcement echoed through the area.


It wasn't as if this was abnormal, at least once or twice a week may it be a regular citizen or a cadet of the training grounds. People usually get killed and for the most part it is usually the person trying to get past The Gate and possibly a few of the workers that work as guards inside The Gate. Usually they dont investigate much on the cases due to the price and how much time would be spent if everytime it happened if they did so. Thus usually the person who tried to break in doesnt get caught.

Most people would think having their training delayed would be a good thing...... Its not...... It increases how hard the training is and how pissed the instructors will get at you. Anybody who has been in the training area for more than two months know that it is never a good thing, even for the strategists and the healers who dont have as much of deadly dangerous training.


Rayn woke up to hear the alarm immediately to check her small calender that was on her. On the calendar about 3 weeks ago was a circled date. As she looked at the calendar she fretted a bit and quickly changed and ran out of the small compact room with everything she would need for training later. She ran out into the hall where there were many other rooms as well around her and headed down the hall.

Why did he have to do this? It was quite a pain for her to deal with in the morning..... And why the hell did he have to have is room so god damn far away! There were thousands of soldiers and rooms and he was almost on the exact opposite side as hers! She went back to walking after all she didnt want to make that big of a scene...... Though what an idiot!
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
Argyle had been already up for some time thinking and getting dressed he then went to walking down the hall."Son of a bitch,Having to get up over some idiot going off and getting killed because of how stupid they are."
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Tex was annoyed at the announcment, another person did something stupid, so now the instructors would go off at everyone.

"Crap, i've only got 13,600,000 Nanobots, i need more... gotta find some food"
Tex exited his room, just as FA745, one of the other talented healers, walked down the hall past his room,

"the food hall is... that way... i think?"

Tex headed down the same way.
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
Chad was in the food court when Tex rushed inside."You got 1 nanobots or something." Chad said,grinning
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Rayn looked up at Tex as she continued speed walking.

Rayn: O-oh hi Tex...... Um I think it is, but I-Im a bit in a rush right now. Ill- Ill see you in training session

Rayn turns the corner in the direction away from the food court and down to the other dormitories. Bah! She hadnt seen Kevin walking down and this would be his normal path to the food court. Not good not good!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
As Argyle has now been speed walking down the hall he accidentally shouldered Rayn as she was walking.(This would hurt like hell because of how strong his arm bones are)"Sorry lady!"
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
Chad could hear Rayn walking away in the hallway."Only if she liked me." Chad said
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"No, i only have 13 billion and 600 thousand, i need at least 25 billion in case someone's limb has been cut off, or an internal organ has been removed, then i will require an additional 5 billion in case of minor wounds."

Tex headed over to where they could pick up their food, for breakfast most other people were given their normal rations, Tex on the otherhand had to eat tonns more food to regenerate his Nanobots, so he would receive large amounts of food. his favorite was Mashed Potatos

he took his large amount of food, and headed to sit down next to Chad, Tex didn't really call people by their name, so he mostly called them by their number unless they told him otherwise.

"CS927, why are you here? don't you normally go over your plans before coming over to eat?"
Tex was eating some of the large helpings of food, as he put then underneath his Mech Mask.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Rayn fell back as Argyle accidentally shouldered her. She grabbed her shoulder as the injury already started recovering itself at a rapid rate

Rayn: Owiee...... *looked up at Argyle from the floor as she brought herself up from the ground now all that was left was a small buise on her shoulder that would be gone in a minute or two* I-Im sorry. I was in a hurry and I didnt see where I was going. Its equally my fault. I-Im sorry! *bowed slightly before remembering that she was still in a hurry* Oh I need to go! Ill be in the food court in about ten minutes if you want to talk later. Im sorry *continued on almost bumping into Chad before she pulled herself back to avoid collision* Sorry *she stopped again*
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
"Yeah.I'm just have to fill up before my training." Chad said,looking at Tex's large amount of food."Are you going to eat that.All?!?!" I asked Tex.
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
"Fun..."He continued to go too the food court smelling the food from his location"Bleh!What is that smell!Are they giving us rations from the latrine?!"
over a year ago Liz-chan said…
((I go eat dinner and so much happens..))
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
((What was dinner tonight?))
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((I know right, I'm just gonna jump in and hope it works))

Zila finished her food, aggravated that it was delayed training today. She still had headaches from working so hard the day before, and now today would be worse.
last edited over a year ago
Liz-chan commented…
hmmm are you allowed to do that though? over a year ago
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"Yes, i eat all this on a daily basis of normally 3 meals a day if no one has been injured, depending on the level of the injury the amount of meals per day will increase accordingly, the food may not taste well, but it is required to sustain an average amount of Nanobots for healing, if i didn't eat this much, i wouldn't be able to restore a torn off limb, or a cut out organ. do you understand the Orange Perpater?"

Tex always had a strange way of identifying things,

like good means Purple Parallel, and Black Bisector is a person who solved a problem, which is known as a Green Gard. so then you should guess that Orange Perpater would mean an explanation?
over a year ago Liz-chan said…
((curried shrimp and stir fry :3))

As usual Sora ate by herself. She didn't really eat much even though she knew it was a delayed training session day and training would be worse than usual. She couldn't swallow anymore food down. There was nothing she liked about this place...especially the piece of crap they pass off as food.
. . .
Yano overslept and didn't hear the announcement and rushed into the cafeteria. He sat with Tex and Chad.
"Eating a lot as usual I see Tex," he grinned.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
(Stomach growls*I love shrimp)

He finally got to the lunchroom where he got some food and sat down,reluctantly eating the piece of waste that was in his hand"...Putrid..."
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Rayn continued on some how eventually getting into TK186's room, or Kevin's room, despite the amount of people she almost ran into or did run into and the many people who wanted to talk to her. She sighed as she saw what she had expected. On the bed in the room laid the both pale and sound asleep Kevin.

Only in two cases can anyone sleep through that kind of alarm. Someone who hasnt sleep in an unhealthy amount, and then Kevin who didnt sleep last night and was down with both the flu and a fever. She walked over to Kevin and slapped his face repetitively. The last thing he would want to do would skip training and be found in his typical black uniform and black coat that he wore everytime he broke into The Gate. They'd pin him down for sure.

Upon the slaps Kevin jolted quite shocked with himself that he didnt puke by getting up so quickly. He looked over at Rayn who was quite ticked.

Rayn: Really?! Again! And this time you didnt even bother to hide evidence that could be used against you if they bothered to search your room!

Kevin: *closed his eyes and rubbed his head due to his terrible headache* First you come in and wake me up abruptly then blow my eardrums with your yelling? Can you just fix me up so I can explain and rather then always feeling as if Im gonna puke? No matter how many times I get this, it is never fun to have both the flu and a fever at once.

Rayn: Fine, but only half way, Im not gonna take it all so you dont feel any of your punishment while I get stuck with it. Though half way should still allow you to function enough that people dont give you weird stares, you pale vampire.

Rayn puts her hand on his chest as it glows blue. Almost immediately after she sneezes and pulls out some pills from her bag. She had made these in her free time a few years back that served for both the flu and a fever which really no one but herself and Kevin ever really needed. She took two pills, the normal daily dosage and handed two over to Kevin before putting them away.

Kevin: Thanks *takes the two pills*

Rayn: Now get changed so we can go eat. Neither of us want to be sick on an empty stomache. Oh yeah, and as we walk you explain. Its not fun being the nurse for someone who constantly gives you the flu and a fever you know.
over a year ago Liz-chan said…
Yano glance over at Sora playing with her food. His face was rather blank and expressionless but it was pretty obvious he was either staring right at her or staring off into space in that direction.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(I was gonna reply but I got to go to the mall. >.> Hate it. Be back in one.....two....... three hours somewhere around then)
over a year ago Liz-chan said…
((I have school tomorrow so i won't be back till the afternoon tm :cc))
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Oh same here.....)
over a year ago cyrus498 said…
Argyle threw up because of how terrible the food was"Bleh!I've been here for years and my stomach still can't handle this trash!"
Liz-chan commented…
they need some better food at this place XD over a year ago
Time_Master commented…
you think it's bad for your people, Tex has to eat around 4-6 times more than your people does, and he HAS to stomach it, otherwise he won't have Nanobots :< over a year ago
Time_Master commented…
and he needs Nanobots for more than just healing you lot :P over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Kevin quickly changed his clothes and exited the bathroom to the main part of the bedroom where Rayn had been waiting. He still had the headache and still felt sick, but it wasnt bad enough that he couldnt function, and in anycase, it would be gone within the next hour and a half. The two headed out towards the food court.

Rayn: Now why didnt you even try hiding the stuff?

Kevin: Hey, I collapsed right when I walked in. I barely even remember what happened in the gate. Simply said, I was sick bad.

Rayn: Some excuse.

Kevin: Its not an excuse, its the truth.

Rayn: *sighs* Anyways we should get some foo- *looks at Argyle* Or not.

Kevin: *sweatdrop* Im sure that wont help my stomach at the moment. I would rather work on an empty stomach than a stomach full of that.....

Rayn: I agree with you for once.*cupped her hands around her mouth to yell* Argyle! Are you okay?
over a year ago lzzie said…
[Jesus Christ... different opposite time zones!]

Stephanie sat alone in the cafeteria, silently eating the rank food. Her head was pounding, once again, because of all the practicing she had done last night, not to mention the sound of the blaring alarm. She knew she should try to make friends, but she didn't know how. She had never been a social person.
fangfan7 commented…
Can I have my character interact with yours? over a year ago
lzzie commented…
Of course! :3 over a year ago
Time_Master commented…
i was born in Johannesburg, South Africa over a year ago
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
" Wow.I never knew you was a smarty." Chad said,getting his plate and putting it in the trash."See you later,Tex" I said,going to do training with his abilities. He went into the hallway to see if he can absorb some ones abilities.
over a year ago Liz-chan said…
Yano got up and decided to sit across from Sora who was somewhat playing with her food. Sora looked up surprised then frowned almost immediately,
"I-I don't know what you think I did but it's not true...or its not my fault anyway.." she explained tabbing a green pea with her fork. Yano laughed,
"That's not the best way to great people...uh do you remember me?"
Sora shook her head.
"I've lived next door to you since we were babies.."
"Oh sorry," she set down her fork.
"No need to apologise..i mean i never really talked to you so it's not a surprise.." he continued, "I'm Yano."
"Sora...so why did you come sit here?" Yano raised his eyebrows,
"I just wanted to talk to you. You seem nice. We should be friends." Sora smiled for the first time in a long time. Yano raised his eyebrows as he was shocked at this sight and turned away to cover his rosy face.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Zila stood up and brought her food over to a girl who was also sitting alone (Stephanie) she had never been good at making friends and figured it was better that way so she didn't hurt any of them. But at least she could talk to someone while she ate the godawful food.
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
Chad didn't see no one to absorb there powers so he went back inside the food court to see the girl he always liked but she never payed attention to him.He went over to Stephanie which was his friend in Strategist with him."Hey. Soo what are you guys up too." Chad said,blushing
Screaming_Death commented…
Talking about Zila over a year ago
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Zila looked up, a little startled and then smiled. "Trying to choke down the food. You?" she asked. She recognized him, and thought he was cute, but she was scared to death to get close to anyone.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Tex continued to eat the large amounts of awful food, he was sorta used to it, but it still tasted bad, and he always had to hold back on looking like it was terrible, not that it would matter, no one could see his face under his Tech Mask, after he had finished eating the large amount, he climbed out the window to the front training Oval, and looked around for anyone who need healing, or someone who needed help in their healing exercises.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(>.> I get out of the school the latest of us all but go the latest as well being Im all the way in california with the us pacific timezone which I htink is the earliest. Everyone is in the future to me >.> Except cyrus who is in the same timezone but not same state)

Rayn and Kevin had managed to get two apples, one of the few actual foods you could get here that didnt smell, look, and/or taste terrible. For them that should be enough to handle a nice day of training until lunch time. It seemed that this year the farms werent doing as much as a successful job as they usually do when they could actually get good quality food. Infact about 8 years back they were able to serve stakes and ribs to the trainees.

Rayn: Just please dont go out towards The Gate without giving me a heads up alright?

Kevin: *took the last bite of his apple* Fine fine. *yawns* Training will start in about 10 minutes. I ought to get going. Bye Rayn. *stands up and walks off*

Rayn: Bye!

Rayn decided to sit down and think for a bit, unlike Kevin who was an adjustable, her training exercises location wasnt all that far away from the food court
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Okay let me give this a go.)

Name: Ellyn deGray

Trainee Code: PR713

Gender: Female

Age: 18

DOB: May 24th

Appearance: PIC!

Ability: None

Weakness: She has no abilities. Close combat

Weapons: Bow and Arrows

Group: Long Range

Bio: Ellyn deGray was born a completely normal child with no powers whatsoever. From a very early age, many people, including her own parents, pushed her to become a housewife. To settle down and do what a girl is supposed to do. Well needless to say, that did not go over very well. Instead of settling down, Ellyn made it her goal to join the military. She took up the bow at the age of 7. At first, she was terrible. She couldn't hit her mark to save her life, but after years of practice, her skills improved remarkably. So much so that many thought she had the ability to control her arrows mid-flight. At the age of 17, she was accepted into the military. Almost nobody knows she doesn't possess any powers. Everyone just assumes she does and she doesn't feel the need to correct them.

(Okay let me give this a go.)

Name: Ellyn deGray

Trainee Code: PR713

Gender: Female

over a year ago Riku114 said…
(You know, just about 5 minutes I go I wouldnt even make a character of mine touch a gun. Actally it was only a few weeks ago that I actually warmed up to them)

Name: Kozoria Rainime (Zoria)

Trainee Code: AG369

Gender: Female

Age: 15

DOB: February 7th

Appearance: PIC

Ability: Highspeed, Energy manipulation, this is actually a lot more limited than it sounds being it has to be combined with a physical object to be used in combat, well she can read and sense with it despite a physical object though, very very very good night vision, summoning weapons

Weakness: Her red eyes are very sensitive to light and she has little to no daylight vision. Therefore, she relies on a special pair of sunglasses that give her a very vague sight during the day and protects her eyes along with the energy to lead her way with her poor sight

Weapons: Rifle, Shotguns, Hand guns, Bazooka (not too easy to summon and get her hands on), sometimes a bow and arrow, but its not her favorite, and once in a bluemoon you may find her with a dagger. But that is VERY rare.

Group: Long Range

Bio: Zoria grew up in a rich family until the age of five. Her refusal to open her eyes at any time made everyone wonder, though the knowledge of her having abilities wasnt known until she was 4. Until then everyone who saw her always said she would grow to become a wonderful young lady who could definately get a good man. It was quite a disappointment to the people who knew her to find out she had abilities because under their idea, not only will she not get married nice and easily like the rest of the girls, but a young beauty like her wouldnt last out in the training area. Though in the end she really grew up quite the fighter. She didnt focus on having beauty and fell quite in love with her guns. She became much of a different girl than that the people expected her to be.

Other: Shes known for being in the top 3 of the long range group despite her handicap during the day time.
(You know, just about 5 minutes I go I wouldnt even make a character of mine touch a gun. Actally it