Random Role Playing Vikings [ The Gods Walk Among Us] Rp ((Open))

Palin_X765 posted on Jan 08, 2014 at 11:39AM
Prologue: Vikings [ The Gods Walk Among Us]

Two village's have been on the edge of war for years due too one villages threats of raiding for land expansion. Until One of the Chiefs, Chief Agnar offered his Daughter Princess Æsa to Chief Calder's son hoping this will prevent war.

The two villages had a feast and celebrated until morning everyone passed out drunk excepting to wake up allies instead woke to a something horrid. Chiefs Calder's son had a different plan and instead of taking the princess as his bride he had sex with the others chiefs wife and snuck her on one of their ship and brought her back to his village. Chief Agnar woke up with a note from his wife saying those same words.

Outraged Chief Agnar has been making demands for chief Calder to return his wife or prepare for the war of his life!

Now the old Norse gods have taken sides of this inevitable war. Walking in each village in the appearance of a human and giving false memories to the people. Also creating a little army themselves.

Who will win this war you decide!


Norwich: Norwich is Chief Calder's village they are not planing to attack , they are hoping to find some way to prevent Chief agnar from attacking. They have a Wooden wall around it and only way to reach it quickly is by sea.

Hull: Chief Agnar is the ruler of Hull. Outrage of his wives blasphemy he is ready to wage war against Norwich hoping to get revenge.

Characters: People you can play as

The blessed ones: Are people that the gods have deemed worthy of their grace. The gods have given these people powers that resemble their own. Like thor might give a man the ability summon electricity or AEgir giving someone control over water or Sif giving someone power over the earth. But its not many of them and only some are known

Warlords: Are the Chiefs right hand man he/she leads the villages army on raids and wars. And make battle plans. The are powerful leaders. Only one of each village. Part of the council

Citizens: Normal people who live daily lives. Like blacksmiths , shepherds, Artisans, merchants etc......

Spiritual leader: These people have an assortment of magic and a direct line to the gods. They lead the religious ceremonies and are apart of the council.

Royals: The royals are people related to the Chief. The chiefs wives , children , relatives. They are part of the council

Gods: The gods have taken the form of a human and joined the war. They don't really use their powers. They mostly shared it among some of the people and watches what will happen.

Character sheet:




Village: [ Norwich or hull]

Position: [ Royal , Warlord, blessed one, Normal viking, Council member Citizen,Spiritual leader, God etc... you can be a combination of two]







1. cussing/sex allowed

2. no one liners

3. NO OVERPOWERED BLESSED POWERS. They are not gods and its only a few of them everyone cant be a blessed one.

4. Everyone CANT be a god. I will only allow two and they must be from REAL myths.

5. i will control Chief Calder if you want to control Chief agnar be my guest.

6. I encourage you make more than one character i want to see blood!!!!

7. i encourage you to ask to fight the chief to the death for the throne! i will agree and its a good chance you will win

8. Give the chiefs some Children and wives

I know what you are thinking...... it might be based off of that or not lol


Princess Carina - Royal Viking and Blessed One - Screaming_Death

Chronos - God of Time, & village Strategist - Time_Master

laural - Blessed one - Pipiqueen

Mitch - Warlord - Pipiqueen


Prince Alric - Royal Viking, Council member - Palin_X765

Yggdrasil - Goddess of Life & Village Healer - Time_Master

Lilith - Blessed warlord , council member - Palin_X765

Sirius - Council Member, Warlord - Pipiqueen

Princess Hallerna - Royal Viking - Palin_x765

►=◄This bottom one is in case you want them by position►=◄

Royals: ☼
Blessed: ϟ
Warlords: ☢
Council: ♋
Gods: †

† Chronos - Hull - Time_Master
† Yggdrasil - Norwich - Time_Master
♋☼ Prince Alric - Norwich - Palin_X765
♋☢ϟ Lilith - Norwich - Palin_X765
♋☢ Sirius - Norwich - Pipiqueen

ϟ Laural - Hull - Pipiqueen

☢ Mitch - Hull - Pipiqueen

☼ Princess Hallerna - Norwich - Palin_x765
☼ Princess Carnia - Hull - Screaming_Death

Chief Calder

Prologue: Vikings [ The Gods Walk Among Us]

Two village's have been on the edge of war for years d
last edited on Jan 11, 2014 at 06:10PM

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