Random Role Playing The Country of Hearts

sparkles3 posted on Jan 25, 2014 at 01:29AM
Wonderland is split into various countries, with most of the action taking place in the 'Country of Hearts'. It is divided into three main territories: The Castle of Hearts, ruled by Vivaldi (the Queen of Hearts), with assistance from Peter White who serves as Prime Minister, and Ace (the Knight of Hearts), the most skilled swordsman in the Wonderland, who has a terrible sense of direction; Hatter Mansion, home of Wonderland's Mafia, The Hatters, lead by Blood Dupre (The Hatter), with help from his second-in-command Elliot March (the March Hare) and the gatekeepers, Tweedledee and Tweedledum (Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum); and the Amusement Park, run by the marquis Mary Gowland (the Duke) with help from a punkish cat, Boris Airay (the Cheshire Cat). All three territories are at war with each other, with the only neutral area being the Clock Tower Plaza in the centre of the Country of Hearts.

Last time an outsider came to the Country of Hearts, madness ensued. But more outsiders means less people fighting. It's not like they can all fall in love with the same person, right?

Canon Characters:
Boris Airay: sparkles
Vivaldi :
Peter White:
Blood Dupre :
Elliot March :
Tweedledee :
Tweedledum :
Mary Gowland:

Make a Character:
Outsider or "One with Duties":
Which Territory:

BTW, the first paragraph was from wikipedia
Wonderland is split into various countries, with most of the action taking place in the 'Country of H

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