Random Role Playing 2-3D

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Feb 01, 2014 at 04:32AM
Not many know how it happened. Not many love the fact. On the other hand, some do. I mean, in this knew 2-3 Dimensional world, who wouldn't want to fish on the moon? 3 dimensional and 2 dimensional shapes and forms collide to make such a world, where the moon his always crescent and the sun looks like a balled up piece of paper with squiggly lines coming from it.The entire 2D world is like something straight out of an anime and cartoon. Humans walking dogs........TALKING dogs, cows that actually say "Moo" instead of....you know, actually mooing. Roosters screeching out "Cocka-doodle-doo" every morning, people jumping on clouds as if they were floating trampolines. Talking pumpkins on Halloweens, and people that are glowing 24-7 for no apparent reason known to man. Cartoonish deaths. It's a new awkward world that we live in now, but some have learned to live in such a cartoonish world. Others are trying to figure out a way to fix this strange mess. But either way, we have to live with it for the time being right? Well, it's not so bad though. Atleast there's a regular, 3D part to enjoy. Where animals dont talk, and people dont bounce on clouds or fish on the crescent moon. But there are strange deaths happening there also......but ignore that if you like. Just enjoy yourself in this new world!!
Ok, so this is a rather strange rp to come up with, but i thought i'd just try something new. Something never actually tried before. Anyways, here's how things work in 2-3D. Certain places that you go to turns you into a 2D type form, where you're kinda cartoonish and can do unimaginable things. The 3D part of 2-3D is basically normal, but you can find yourself falling through manholes that appear out of nowhere. The weird thing is, even in the 3D world, things that would normally hurt you such as falling from a high place or something has no effect. Well.....should i say, lessened effects. It hurts like hell but you dont die. Back to the 2D part. Your like paper that can stop itself from being blown away by the wind. You're bound to see many talking animals and strange things like bullets that go in their own direction and can also talk. And as for the strange deaths in both dimensionals, i'll leave that to you to unfold. And yes......half animals are aloud.

*No Godmodding
*Profanity is aloud
*No killing a character without permission
*No one liners, atleast TRY!
*Enjoy Yourself!

Character Sheet:
Human or Half Animal?:
Do you like this 2-3D world?:

((Questions? Just Ask Me! :D))

last edited on Feb 01, 2014 at 04:36AM

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