Random Role Playing The Paths to Light and Darkness

xXDreamWriterXx posted on Feb 09, 2014 at 05:39AM
Things were never going so well for you. You were shun by the humans. They feared you and wanted you all gone. There were some humans who accepted you but not many. You thought that there was no place where you could show your powers till you received a letter i the mail..

You pick which place you would like to go to. The Castle of Light or The Castle of Darkness

If you choose the path of light, your letter reads:

Dear Mr and /or Mrs. *Your name here*

You have had it for a while now. Your magical powers! It's hard, yes we know but come to the address below and we will show you how to use it, control it and make it your own. Even if, by now, you have some control over it, you can let loose here. Let your powers be free! Just be warned that if you were to hurt someone within our walls, you will be punished. But don't let that discourage you. We want you to come and live in our dorms where you will be fed, free of charge. The powers that you own are special and should be used in the right way. Together with us, you can make a difference and protect the world from darkness. Just bring clothes and any other things you would like to bring with you. Pets ARE allowed! We look forward to seeing you.

The Headmaster

*If you choose the path of darkness, your letter reads:

Dear *Your name here*

We know you have powers and we want to make use of them. Come to the address below and we can show you things you never thought you were capable of. The world of darkness is a cruel one so don't expect us to kind to you. We will show you no mercy and will bring down punishment who dares breaks the rules. We accept it if you cause trouble with the castle of light but just make sure you don't get caught. You may not hide your powers here. We encourage you show your powers. Here, you are are accepted instead of being hated by ordinary humans. Come and let us teach you the true darkness of your magic. You can live in our dorms. Just bring your clothes and any other things you wish. Pet ARE allowed of all sizes, just make sure they are well trained. We will be waiting for your arrival.

The Headmaster

~Simple rules~
-Cursing and sex is allowed
-No killing unless you have permission by the creator
-Play well with others and make everyone feel included!

Light or Dark:

The Castle/schools are separated by tall mountains that almost touch the sky and wide open sea. The Castle of light is surrounded by life and nature while the Castle of darkness is surrounded by death and lifeless plain.

Beings of Light
Jupiter - tigerfinn
Ryu - Screaming_Death
Miyuki - xxDreamWriterxx
Nicole Featherwing - LocalArtistist
Amity - DragonAura15
Nikki Kaosi - LillyBlack

Teachers: Light Sini - tigerfinn
Star - xxDreamWriterxx

Beings of Darkness
Alexa - tigerfinn
Yumi - xxDreamWriterxx
Andrew Tezect - LetsDuel2012
Amber Tezect - LetsDuel2012
Fredric Deemon Clawhorn - LocalArtistist
Iris - Screaming_Death
Giselle - DragonAura15
Elliot Wallace - Sableye21
Discord Griek - Meenah-Piexes

Teachers: Darkrai Nightking Shadowborn - Time_Master
Things were never going so well for you. You were shun by the humans. They feared you and wanted you
last edited on Feb 15, 2014 at 01:58AM

Random Role Playing 166 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 166

over a year ago tigerfinn said…
Name: jupiter (jup for short or pit)
Age: 19
Gender: male
Light or Dark: light
Power: anything that is light related like giving life...
Pet(optional): a small light dragon
Personality: nice,silent,caring,sweet
Bio: ???
Extra: has a GF on the dark

last edited over a year ago
Name: jupiter (jup for short or pit)
Age: 19
Gender: male
Light or Dark: light
Power: anything th
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
Name: alexa
Age: 18
Gender: fmale
Light or Dark: dark
Power: dark stuff
Pet(optional): a large dark dragon
Personality: very different from jupiter
Bio: ???
Extra: his BF jupiter is in the light they are seperated
Name: alexa
Age: 18
Gender: fmale
Light or Dark: dark
Power: dark stuff
Pet(optional): a large d
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
(jupiters' pet he is called ursa)
(jupiters' pet he is called ursa)
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
(alexa's pet she called it joba and it breaths black flame)
(alexa's pet she called it joba and it breaths black flame)
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
Name: Ryu
Light or Dark:Light
Powers: Make stuff come back alive,shifting,and have good swordsmanship
Pet: Fire elemental monkey/lion
Bio:I'm gonna write it later
Extra: He is a blacksmith that makes swords and stuff
Name: Ryu 
Light or Dark:Light
Powers: Make stuff come back alive,shifting,and
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
(His fire monkey/lion that he calls Mamba )
(His fire monkey/lion that he calls Mamba )
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Name: Miyuki (Miyu for short)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Light or Dark: Light
Power: Ice magic
Pet(optional): Snow/ice dragon name Shiro
Personality: Quiet, shy, kind, keeps to herself, generous, cautious
Appearance: pic
Bio: Due to certain events, she lives by herself, moving from place to place. Since she is always alone, no one has taught her how to control her powers so she keeps freezing things or even making the temperature drop. She can even make it snow or blizzard. While in the mountains, she found an injured baby dragon and nursed it back to health. Ever since then, the dragon has stuck to her like glue, making traveling more interesting.
Extra: She rarely smiles and always wears her hood. Her skin is ice cold. Touching her flesh is like sticking your hand in a bucket of ice which is why she shows little skin and doesn't like getting close to people.
Name: Miyuki (Miyu for short) 
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Light or Dark: Light
Power: Ice magic
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Name: Yumi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Light or Dark: Neutral but goes to the castle of dark
Power: Witchy magic, flight, speed, summoning, necromancy
Pet(optional): two bats(pic)
Personality: cheerful, sarcastic, trickster, sly
Appearance: Pic!
Bio: Unknown
Extra: She is the messenger between the Castle of Light and Dark. She is more neutral than dark or light but she lives in the Castle of Darkness for some unknown reason. She loves candy and always has some on her.
Name: Yumi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Light or Dark: Neutral but goes to the castle of dark 
Power: W
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
Name: Andrew Tezect
Age: 17
Gender: male
Light or Dark: dark
Power: can control dark matter,telepathy like in the movie Chronicle
Pet(optional): two turtles named Raph and Mikey
Personality: mean,cold,sneaky,sly
Appearance: pic
Bio: unknown
Extra- hates to be apart from his twin sister,Amber
Name: Amber Tezect
Age: 17
Light or Dark:
Power: can also control dark matter and can manipulate inanimate objects
Pet(optional): two turtles named Leo and Donnie that live with her brother's
Personality: about the same as her brother,she can also be sickly sweet and backstabby
Appearance: second pic
Bio: ???
Extra-has a bit of a crush on Andrew and she doesnt know why
last edited over a year ago
Name: Andrew Tezect
Age: 17
Gender: male
Light or Dark: dark
Power: can control dark matter,telep
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…

Name: Fredric Deemon Clawhorn
Age: 19
Gender: male
Light or Dark: dark
Power: can posess people, become a shadow, super agile, can pass through walls
Pet(optional): it died, he killed it because it was unloyal and wouldn't listen
Personality: dark, twisted, likes tormenting people and playing with their emotions
Appearance: pic
Bio: will fill in as we go along
Extra: he often torments girls because they (to him) are weaker

Name: Fredric Deemon Clawhorn
Age: 19
Gender: male
Light or Dark: dark
Power:  can posess peopl
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…

Name: Nicole Featherwing
Age: 18
Gender: female
Light or Dark: light
Power: can manifest light out of thin air and create animals and other things out of it
Pet(optional): none, she's afraid of animals
Personality: stands up for what she believes in, try's to help others when she can.
Appearance: pic (without the wings)
Bio: when she was younger she was attacked by a strange animal in the dark before she knew she had powers
Extra: is also afraid of the dark (in general not just the dark castle).

Name: Nicole Featherwing
Age: 18
Gender: female
Light or Dark: light
Power: can manifest ligh
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Shall we get started?)

After reading the letter from the Castle of Light, Miyuki looked around her cabin that was in the snow mountains and decided it wouldn't be so bad to at least check the place out. So she packed up and put her luggage on Shiro's back before hopping on herself. "Come on Shiro. Let's go."
Shiro nodded and flapped his wings, lifting them in the air and towards the castle.
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Yumi giggled as she flew over everyone's homes and location and dropped off their letters. "This is gonna be so much fun! I can't wait!" She laughed as she flew off into the sky on her broom.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Name: Darkrai Nightking Shadowborn

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Light or Dark: Dark

Power: Darkness, when it is dark, he can create things, turn into the Darkness, and at nighttime, he is 8X stronger, faster, and more powerful

Pet: It's a manifestation of himself, it's called Darkia

Appearance: Pic 1

His body was formed from Darkness, and ever since he was a child, he could do as he wished with the Darkness, he lived in the alleyways, stealing, killing and doing anything he could to survive, until he realised that he had no need for food, or water, he just needed somewhere dark.
After surviving until he became 20, he had received a letter, which was specifically sent to him, it was an Academy asking for him to come and teach there, and so he went

His eyes are Blue, but at night they glow Red.
last edited over a year ago
[b]Name:[/b] Darkrai Nightking Shadowborn

[b]Age:[/b] 45

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Light or D
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Here's his Pet
Here's his Pet
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Sure! He can be a teacher!)
over a year ago Time_Master said…
((YAY! X3))
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Darkrai waited at the entrance of the castle, for Yumi to return, and then to wait for the new arrival students.

Darkia formed next to him.
"No... we'll go after the escapee later... right now i need to greet the new students"
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
The Tezect twins walked up to the entrance of the dark castle.
¨is this it?¨ Amber asked with one hand in her brother's the other holding her luggage
¨i think,time to show these bozos whos boss¨ Andrew smirked
(this is Amber)
The Tezect twins walked up to the entrance of the dark castle.
¨is this it?¨ Amber asked with one
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"The first 2 students to arrive eh? Welcome, please wait here for the rest of the new students"

Darkia flew over to them, and circled them once, then returned besides Darkrai
"They're friendly ok?... if they break a rule then, AND ONLY THEN is when you can punish them"
last edited over a year ago
Time_Master commented…
BTW, can you post a picture of what the Evil and Good schools look like? over a year ago
xXDreamWriterXx commented…
the pic of the schools is with the summary up top. over a year ago
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Yumi flew towards the dark castle, a lollipop in her mouth as she waved at Darkrai, winking playfully. "Oh darling, I'm hoooooome~!" She giggled and she flew to him but stayed in the air. "That's so sweet of you to wait for me. If I knew you would be waiting, I would have flown here quicker!"
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
They both lean against their luggage,pulling out their music
¨nice place" they both said in unison, putting their headphones on
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Darkrai had gotten used to her playful nature, but he never really could match his nature to hers.

"Welcome back... 'darling'... since you're back I'm going to assume you had delivered all the letters, even the ones from the Castle of Light... anyway, meet the first 2 new students"
Darkrai gestured at Andrew and Amber
Time_Master commented…
BRB, classes are now starting over a year ago
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
They look up ¨sup¨ they say,nodding, their fingers still intertwined with each others
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
jupiter was walking in the hall while ursa is in his head "come one ursa lets hurry" jupiter said while running across the hall
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Yumi turned and smiled at them and waved. "Well hello! Welcome to the Castle of Darkness! Where all your nightmares come to life. Just kidding!" She turned back to Darkrai. "And of course I sent the letters! They are proof that I did!" She pointed her thumb at the two new students. "Never doubt my skills darling!" She turned back to Andrew and Amber. "Hope you guys find this place to your liking! Here! Candy!" She gave them each a piece of candy.
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
They took the candy,giving half smiles ¨thanks¨ they put the candy in their pockets
¨so,wheres the other students?¨ Andrew asked,now playing in Amber's hair.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
"I do hope I'm not too late." Fredric said his voices smooth and chilling as he approached the castle. He looked over at the other students, and seeing the candy in their pockets. 'Pathetic.' He thought to himself then looking over at Darkrai and Yumi. "One would think that with the grand delivery of letters that there would be a more formal entrance, No?"
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Yumi shrugged. "Don't know. They could be on their way as we speak! Just sit back and relax for now. So! What are you powers?"

Miyuki landed Shiro in front of the gate of the Castle of Light and jumped off. Miyuki looked around at the place in awe. "Wow...this place is sure is something..."
Shiro nodded his head in agreement as he and his master walked through the gates.
over a year ago LocalArtistist said…
Nicole walked towards the castle, a feeling of nervousness in her stomach. There didn't seem to be anyone around, granted then again she wasn't looking. 'What am I supposed to do?' She pondered to herself as she walked through the gates. The light in her hand growing with every passing moment. As if afraid that the darkness in the shadows of her mind would get her.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
alexa walked inside the room she stand right in front of darkai (the teacher)
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
Ryu sees Mamba eating some girl's cookies."Oh sorry.He didn't mean it." He said,as Mamba got on his shoulder as he walked inside of the castle


Name: Iris
Light or Dark:Dark
Powers: Can use Shadows or shade to make weapons ect. and can only see in the night and the night or shaded places will let her be stronger than her normal self
Pet: Has as Crystal-eating machine alien that she calls Sable
Personality: Nice,Caring,Competitive
Appearance : Pic
Bio: N/A she got the note and she came to the Castle of Darkness
Extra: She saw Ryu before and now has a crush on him.
last edited over a year ago
Ryu sees Mamba eating some girl's cookies."Oh sorry.He didn't mean it." He said,as Mamba got on his s
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Yumi frowned at Fredric. "Well excuuuuussse me! Sorry I was off delivering YOUR letter to you and just got back. Sorry if I don't look formal enough for ya. New students don't get the special treatment. You want that kind of thing, go to the other side. I think they are having some kind grand greeting over there."

Miyuki looked over to her far left and saw Nicole. "Guess I'm not the only one with the special invite."

A light elf appeared in front of them and bowed. "Hello, my name is Star and welcome to the Castle of light. I will be your guide today. Please wait here for the other new students before we can begin."
last edited over a year ago
Yumi frowned at Fredric. "Well excuuuuussse me! Sorry I was off delivering YOUR letter to you and jus
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
(here 's Sable and Iris has to wear goggles to let her see in day light)
(here 's Sable and Iris has to wear goggles to let her see in day light)
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
jupiter arrived intime and see the others while ursa yawned and sleeps in jupiter's head lik a bead "uhhh" jupiter said shyly and a little embarrassed
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"Welcome, wait here for anyone else, if you have questions, ask away"

over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
Iris sees the guide and everyybody waiting for her."We are late Sable!" She said,running toward class as Sable eat apart of a ruby

Ryu walked up to the group and said,"Why can't the Darkness and Light Castles work together?" As Mamba keeps on eating the girls cookies
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
alexa yawned normally "hen is the real class starting?" she asked impateintly
over a year ago Screaming_Death said…
Iris looks at Alexa."I thought I was late!" She said,as Sable climbed on her head."Oh...This is my pet Sable.He can transform into different stages of himself"
over a year ago tigerfinn said…
(can i be teacher?)
Name: light sini
Age: 25
Gender: male
Light or Dark: light
Power: he need light to make weapons and other stuff
Pet(optional): a small orb of light (pic)
Personality: ???
Appearance: pic
Bio: ???
Extra: he is an old friend of darkai (is this allowed here?)
(can i be teacher?)
Name: light sini
Age: 25
Gender: male
Light or Dark: light
Power: he need li
tigerfinn commented…
note: his orb can change forms like a human a dragon ETC. over a year ago
xXDreamWriterXx commented…
Sure! We need teachers! over a year ago
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Star looked at Ryu. "We can't for the simple reason that the Castle of darkness wants to ruin the peaceful world and crush the light. We want to keep the world safe. We have tried to get along with them but it never ends well." She pointed towards the building. "Let's begin." She walked inside.

Miyuki silently followed the elf.

Yumi stares at the group and floats by Darkrai. "Weird bunch we got here..."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
The twins couldnt hear a single thing that was going on as they continued to lean on each other's bags
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"they're always weird every year, anyway, let's begin the entrance lesson"

Darkrai clapped his hands, it created a large and loud noise, he did this to get their attention
"OK, Hello, and welcome to the Castle of Darkness, here you will learn how to use your powers, be it for good, our purposes, or your own, we really don't give a damn... There are a few rules why you are here, and I'll let Yumi... Or 'darling' here tell you them. Now then, To the north is the castle of light, you are allowed to go there, but if they attack you we won't help you unless you get back onto our side of the land. Now, about myself, I am Darkrai, Darkrai Knightking Shadowborn, you may call me Mister or Doctor Darkrai, I am the dean of students, I manage which teachers you get, and I teach classes of all types, Any questions?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
¨nah¨ they both said in their monotone voices,their eyes glazed over
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Yumi giggled when he called her "darling". "Oh darling! You are just too good to me!" She jumped off her broom and put her hands on her hips, facing them. "Rules are simple. No killing each other! You may fight but just not in the building. We like the place to stay in one piece please. If you got pets, we got a place to keep them so don't worry about them. Oh and you aren't allowed to go to the Castle of Light unless you have me or a teacher with you. Last year, someone went there on their own and tried to kill the headmaster. Obviously, they failed and now you have to be supervised to make sure they don't try that again. Of course, you may cause trouble for them, fight them or even play a prank. Just don't get caught or their headmaster will tell our headmaster and trust me, you don't want that. Relationships are allowed, even with those over at Light. Our world is filled with darkness 24/7 so if you don't mind our evil and twisted ways, I'm sure we can get along quite well!"
over a year ago LetsDuel2012 said…
When Amber heard relationships,she quickly looked at Andrew,who was looking for a new song at the moment
¨Yeah...so can boys and girls bunk in the same dorm?¨ he asked,not looking up
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Yumi nodded. "Yup! It's totally okay!"
over a year ago Time_Master said…
"living in the same dorm as someone of the opposite gender is fine, but if you're going to do *** don't let us catch you... The punishment is terrible..."