Random Role Playing I Know What You Did Last Summer.

Infinity_Star posted on Feb 10, 2014 at 11:49AM
"Dear Boss,
I keep on hearing the police have caught me but they wont fix me just yet. I have laughed when they look so clever and talk about being on the right track. That joke about Leather Apron gave me real fits. I am down on whores and I shant quit ripping them till I do get buckled. Grand work the last job was. I gave the lady no time to squeal. How can they catch me now. I love my work and want to start again. You will soon hear of me with my funny little games. I saved some of the proper red stuff in a ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick like glue and I cant use it. Red ink is fit enough I hope ha. ha. The next job I do I shall clip the ladys ears off and send to the police officers just for jolly wouldn't you. Keep this letter back till I do a bit more work, then give it out straight. My knife's so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance. Good Luck. Yours truly
Jack the Ripper
Dont mind me giving the trade name
PS Wasnt good enough to post this before I got all the red ink off my hands curse it No luck yet. They say I'm a doctor now. ha ha. - Wikipedia, dear boss letter.
PPS I know what you did last summer..."
Imagine if you found this letter in your postbox, what would you do? If I were you, I wouldn't go to the police, they wouldn't take it seriously, it might be just a joke. Right?
But just know, you're never alone.
on the 24th December 2014, 15 women disappeared and their bodies were found piled up on the bank of a lake, it was said that they were stripped to their last dignity and parts of their body was ripped or cut off.
In the crowd, a young man wearing a black trenchcoat and a baseball cap that covered half of his face, he was grinning in the shadows, as he turned around a letter fell out of his pocket.
Let the games begin.

This basically is a detective roleplay, so no godmoding!
JTR will only be killed after he is captured, IF he gets captured.
Swearing his allowed.(just don't over do it.)
Sex is allowed.(I guess so... Don't over do it.)
People, don't run out with a bow and arrows, this isn't flipping Hunger Games.
Don't kill people unless you've got permission by the person.
Have fun and don't leave people out...
Don't be rude, unless your character is cocky.

Age: (16+)
Sexual Orientation:
Appearance: (picture/ eye colour, hair colour, hair length, weight, height.)

Random Role Playing 17 replies

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over a year ago Time_Master said…
((Seems complex and fun... :D))
Name: Garry Marquet

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

► Eye Colour: Left eye is Bright Orange, right eye is Cyan.
► Hair Colour: His hair is Gray
► Hair Length: Down to his Eyebrows
► Weight: Around 87KG
► Height: 7'5"

Weapon/s: Specialized Machete ((It's a family Heirloom, so he carries it around :P))

Garry belonged to a long line of Police Enforcement, his father was Chief of the Police, his grandfather was part of S.W.A.T., and even his Great Great Grandfather was with the police force, but Garry decided to join the Police Force a different way, as a Detective.

he had recieved the letter from the Killer, and he had begun to work on it privatly
last edited over a year ago
((Seems complex and fun... :D))
[b]Name:[/b] Garry  Marquet

[b]Age:[/b] 29

[b]Gender:[/b] Male
over a year ago Time_Master said…
Here's his Specialized Machete, it's made from an Alloy known as Black Steel

Black steel: An Alloy comprised of Steel, Iron, cobalt, and Coal, the Steel and Iron making it strong, the Cobalt giving it properties to survive any weather, temperature or attack, the Coal was mixed in by mistake, but gave it it's nice black colour, but making it flammable.
Here's his Specialized Machete, it's made from an Alloy known as Black Steel

[b]Black steel[/b]: A
over a year ago Infinity_Star said…
(Sweet! I'll make mine later)
over a year ago Time_Master said…
(K :3)
over a year ago Infinity_Star said…
Name: Alexandra davenport


Gender: female

Sexual orientation: straight

Appearance: her eyes are green, very pale.

Height : 5'3

Weight: *turns head* no


Bio: her mother was killed by JTR, her dad left them when she was 10, she basically lives by herself and works at the Santa Barbara police department.
Name: Alexandra davenport


Gender: female

Sexual orientation: straight

over a year ago Time_Master said…
(( ~O3O~ wooo~~~ POLICE PEOPLE!!! Y'ALL BE COPS X3))
over a year ago Infinity_Star said…
(I love being police, it's so awesome ^ω^)
over a year ago Time_Master said…
((O3O/ HAI!!!! but what do we do now? we wait? or we RP? and who's gunna be the Killer?))
over a year ago Infinity_Star said…
(We can rp now, the killer is gonna be a secret)
over a year ago Time_Master said…
((K, but this is probably the last time i can reply for a few hours, it's bedtime))

Garry examined some of the bodies by the lake, checking for identification from them, and anything the Murderer might have left behind
over a year ago Infinity_Star said…

Alex sat on the office chair, she stared at the body on the lab table, and then rubbed her eyebrow. "Agh, who the hell would make such a stupid prank." She pulls out the letter she received this after, Jack the Ripper... Who would want to do this? There is no why a guy from two hundred years ago would come back to life... She moved her gaze back at the body. It was her mother's body, the dark rope mark around her wrists and her neck made Alex want to cry. Her mother was the only person that kept her going, now she has no one.. Alex tightened her fist, her knuckles clicked loudly in the empty laboratory.
over a year ago Time_Master said…
After searching for a bit, Garry had found some blood on one of the victims... not the victims blood, but the killer's blood, he quicky took a sample, placed it in his pocket.

"I need somewhere to study this... a lab is what i need!"

he quickly went over to the Police Enforcement Station, he went to the front desk, at first they thought he was just another person, but he had to show them his identification, afterwards he was let inside, and he headed for the lab.

he opened the lab door, to see no one but a woman inside.
"Oh, umm.. hello..."

He went over to the forensic machines, and placed the blood sample into one of them.
over a year ago Infinity_Star said…
"Hey." Alex mumbled, she slides her office chair across the room and next to the man where the laptop was, she clicked on the scan bottom when the window popped up. "Scanning in process..." After a second for few, a window popped up. "Error.. Error..." The sigh flashed in her face, she growled. Changed from town to city. Then about 50 people that's shows up. "Agh, damn..."
over a year ago Time_Master said…
(Did she scan the Blood sample?)
After the machine had analyzed the blood sample, it came up with a woman, Mrs. Caran Martent

"Caran Martent... need to check with the identification computers"
Garry took the sample back out, and walked over to the drawers that keep Evidence, he placed it in there, then headed to the computer lab
Infinity_Star commented…
Yep. over a year ago
over a year ago Infinity_Star said…
Alex followed him, she needed to find out who Jack the Ripper was. She couldn't help looking at his eyes, it was a unique combination, she didn't hate it, she liked it.
(Alex specializes in technology. But.. Terrible... At math...)
over a year ago Time_Master said…
After Garry had gotten to the computer lab, he turned one of the computers to an identification search, and searched for Caran Martent.

2 people came up, 1 deceased, the other missing.

he made the computer begin to print out both of their profiles and identifications.
over a year ago Infinity_Star said…
"I think I know the case about the missing Caran Martent..." She walked over to a file cabin and opened it, flipping through the names.

"Aha, found it." She reached inside and pulled a thick file out. "Um, apparently her husband said that she went out for a ladies night, and then never came home, but her friends Said that she definitely went home.. The policed searched the area for days and didn't get anything out..."