Random Role Playing Broken from Before..... {{FULL..}}

pokemonfan909 posted on Jun 29, 2014 at 08:04AM
I've been thinking about this idea for a long time...Its formed in my head perfectly so I thought I'd put it up.

Details: Romance RP. Its based in a community centre. The children have all been abused in life (all forms of abuse). But, now most of the children have moved out of there and are living their own lives. You can be an orphan or you can't.

CV requirements:


Age: (18+)

Orphan/ Non-orphan:




last edited on Jun 29, 2014 at 08:14AM

Random Role Playing 2135 replies

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over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
(I almost forgot...Here's mine)

Name: Cara

Age: 18

Orphan/ Non-orphan: Orphan

Bio: Quite, Untrusting, keeps her distance, Acts alone.

Appearance: -pic-

Other: She was shifted from orphanage to orphanage after her mother died. Her father left them when she was very young. Due to her disturbed childhood (her mother died due to drug abuse) she cannot form close relationships.

Gender: Female
last edited over a year ago
(I almost forgot...Here's mine) 

Name: Cara

Age: 18 

Orphan/ Non-orphan: Orphan

Bio: Quit
Firiel commented…
Hinata Hyuga XD over a year ago
over a year ago Firiel said…
Name : Kaede

Age: 20

Orphan/ Non-orphan : Non-Orphan

Bio : Kanata's twin

Appearance : Refer to the Picture

Other : Personality ~ Cherish and usually happy. But well, people can change right?

Gender : Female
last edited over a year ago
Name : Kaede

Age: 20

Orphan/ Non-orphan : Non-Orphan

Bio : Kanata's twin

Appearance : Ref
over a year ago Firiel said…
Name : Kanata

Age: 20

Orphan/ Non-orphan : Non-Orphan

Bio : Kaede's twin

Appearance : Refer to Picture

Other : Personality ~ Smart and Caring. Cool and Handsome. And...

Gender : Male
last edited over a year ago
Name : Kanata

Age: 20

Orphan/ Non-orphan : Non-Orphan

Bio : Kaede's twin

Appearance : Ref
over a year ago onix11 said…
(I almost forgot...Here's mine)

Name: Alan Stone

Age: 21

Gender: M

Orphan/ Non-orphan: Orphan

Bio: He has a short temper from years of being moved from abusive foster home to abusive foster home. His parents were very wealthy people but with a cu de ta performed by their board, his family went broke and they were forced to live on the streets. His parents took him to the fair and then committed suicide by drinking rat poison and Alan survived the poison. He has been slowly hunting the members of the board and using his wits to financially ruin them. He has been in need of a light that will better him.

Appearance: -pic-

(I almost forgot...Here's mine) 

Name: Alan Stone

Age: 21

Gender: M

Orphan/ Non-orphan: O
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Name: Sakura

Age: 19

Orphan/ Non-orphan: Orphan

Bio: she's Riku's adopted Sister, her life was tough because her parents died in a car wreck (drunk driving) but she was adopted by Riku and his family before they died.

Appearance: pic brown hair blue eyes


Gender: female
last edited over a year ago
Name:  Sakura

Age:  19

Orphan/ Non-orphan:  Orphan

Bio:  she's Riku's adopted Sister, her li
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Name: Riku

Age: 21

Orphan/ Non-orphan: Orphan

Bio: Sakura's adopted brother, his parents adopted her and then died on a overdose of the pills because they couldn't handle life anymore.

Appearance: pic


Gender: Male
Name: Riku

Age: 21 

Orphan/ Non-orphan: Orphan

Bio: Sakura's adopted brother, his parents ad
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
((Is this alright))

Name: Willow

Age: 20

Orphan/ Non-orphan: Orphan

Bio: She was abandoned when she was three, her parents left to 'go to work' but no one ever came back. She doesn't know how, but eventually cops showed up and brought her to the orphanage. After that she was sent from foster home to foster home, all of them abusive. She has been trying to figure out why her parents left her and where they went.

Appearance: pic

Other: not yet

Gender: female
((Is this alright))

Name: Willow

Age: 20

Orphan/ Non-orphan: Orphan 

Bio: She was abandon
citrusella commented…
Willow is my sister's name... over a year ago
citrusella commented…
lol over a year ago
BlackSparrow commented…
That;s awesome over a year ago
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Name: Zeke

Age: 21

Orphan/ Non-orphan: orphan

Bio: His family was caught in the middle of something bad, he won't say what, and as a result everyone in his family was killed in cold blood. He was then taken in by a family friend who died of cancer a couple of months later, since then he was sent to home after home. Every good one ended bad and every bad one ended badly. He wants to avenge the people he cares about. Because of how the good one's ended, he has trouble letting people get close

Appearance: pic

Other: none

Gender: male
last edited over a year ago
Name: Zeke

Age: 21 

Orphan/ Non-orphan: orphan

Bio: His family was caught in the middle of s
pokemonfan909 commented…
^hot guy character. xD over a year ago
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
Name: May

Age: 19

Orphan/non orphan: orphan

Gender: female

Bio: May's mother died from extreme shock and blood loss during her birth, and so she was left to the devices of her cruel and abusive father. She was abused, and treated more like a slave than anything else. And growing up she was teased for looking far younger than she really was. So one day when he was six, she couldn't take it anymore. She took a knife, snuck into her father's room, and killed him.

Ever since then she's developed a sadistic streak that will pop out at random times, her doctor called it "Hereditary Evil Raiser Syndrome", or HERS. She has been skipping from foster home to foster home, but none kept her for long. She even killed a few of them, medication had minimal effect on her syndrome. Less and less people wanted to take her in, until finally she was old enough that they let her live on her own. She now has extreme trust issues, and hardly ever leaves her house.

Appearance: pic (yup, that's my profile pic, all you otakus out there will know who that is . . .)

Other: May has a very strange obssession with dolls. She has a separate room filled with hundreds of them, and she talks to them like they're alive. That doll in the picture is named Misaki, and she's her favorite.
Nobody knows what is under her eye patch. If you ask, she'll respond with, "are you sure . . . That you want to see what lies under this patch?" That's usually enough to scare people off. It was suspected at the orphanage to have psychic connections, but nobody is sure.
Name: May 

Age: 19

Orphan/non orphan: orphan

Gender: female

Bio: May's mother died from e
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Name: Shiro


Orphan/ Non-orphan: Orphan

Bio: He and his sister witnessed something that they shouldn't have when they were little and was taken to the orphanage so they wouldn't get involved. People now think they are dead. He doesn't talk much or even smile. But when he does, he is very cute. He has a bit of an heart condition and has to take medicine for it or else he has to go to the hospital.


Other: He likes flowers and video games

Gender: Male
last edited over a year ago
Name: Shiro


Orphan/ Non-orphan: Orphan

Bio: He and his sister witnessed something tha
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Name: Meme

Age: 19

Orphan/ Non-orphan: orphan

Bio: Same as Shiro's except for the heart condition. She doesn't remember anything except for arriving at the orphanage.



Gender: Female
Name: Meme

Age: 19

Orphan/ Non-orphan: orphan

Bio: Same as Shiro's except for the heart cond
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
((Perhaps they witnessed May killing her father? :O))
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
(I like it! Okay then!)
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
((Maybe Shiro will fall for May, and then he'll find out who she is, and then it'll be all dramatic. LOL, this could interesting!))
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Omg! Yes! The drama! XD We need it!)
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
((Yeah! Let the drama begin!

Should we start?))
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Yeah, you start!)
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…

On a lonely street that was almost entirely empty at the moment, a strange girl could be seen slowly walking out her front door. She had a quiet, serious, and thoughtful look on her face, and a doll with blonde hair and a red blindfold Sat in her arms. The girl had pale, almost white skin, and silky shoulder length black hair. She had one red eye, the other was covered by an eyepatch. Although she was 19 years old, and stood at around 5' 8", her face made her look as though she was 13 - 16.

The girl began to walk down the sidewalk, holding the doll tenderly in her arms. It was odd for a 19 year old to be carrying a doll like a 4 year old. Eventually, she looked down t the doll and began to talk to it in a quiet, mysterious little voice.

"Today we're actually going to do it Misaki. We're going to walk around town today and see what we can find . . ."
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Shiro was walking down the busy street, heading to the pharmacy. He had just run out of his meds and needed to get them quickly. Meme wanted to come with him but he could get himself. He was 21 after all. He saw the arcade and paused to stare at it. A part of him wanted to keep walking and just get his meds but another part of him wanted to go inside and play. Shiro hasn't played video games in such a long time. He glanced back where he came from before quickly walking in.
over a year ago citrusella said…
[can i join?]
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
((I don't know.))

After walking at a decent pace for about 10 minutes, May finally entered the busy part of town. This town was very large, and her cul-de-sac was just on the outside of it. Strange. As soon as you crossed the border from town to her neighborhood, then everything instantly feel silent. But now, her ears were flooded with noises she hadn't heard in a while.

As she walked, several people turned to look at her, and began to point and whisper. May sighed. In this particular place, word of everything spread fast. And right now, she was attracting alot of attention.
"Who's that?"
"It's her! That child murderer who moved in a few months ago!"
"Child murderer? What's she like?"
"I don't know, she hasn't left that old cul-de-sac since she moved in."
"Wierd, huh?"
"Just look at her! Red eye, eyepatch, pale akin, black hair, murderer, it's like she just crawled out of a horror movie!"

May just sighed and kept walking. Most people tended to think she was a child. Even though she was fairly tall, May looked far younger than she really was, due to her being a preemie. Now, some people were crowding in groups to look at her, as though they were afraid she would hurt them if they stayed alone. Sighing, May looked down at her doll.

"Such a ruckus over little me, isn't it Misaki? So much noise . . . They all seem to hate me . . ."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
((Is it okay if I have Willow working at the pharmacy?))

Zeke walked silently down the street, his hood pulled over his head, his hands stuffed in the hoodie pockets. He had a new lead on his parents' murderers and he was trying hard not to get his hopes up. Trying to remind himself that it could turn up as nothing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
((What if may is the cause of all these murders, since she has Hereditary Evil Raiser Syndrome?

And if this a romance rp, how are we supposed to pair everyone up?))

Every time she passed someone, whispers would arise. And they were steadily getting louder.
"Is it true? The murder girl?"
"For real?"
"Lets go see!"
"I hear she didn't just kill her parents, she killed several others too."
"Really? Why isn't she in prison or something then? Or a crazy asylum?"
"I don't know, she was only a child when it happened."
"Weird . . ."

May shuddered, and placed her pale hands over her ears. This was exactly why she never left her house. Everyone seemed to know so much, everyone seemed to do nothing but hate and stare, like she was some sort of monster in the zoo. But it wasn't her fault . . . It was their fault . . . They wanted her to . . .
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Yeah they can work at the pharmacy. As for couples, I have no clue :/)

Shiro sat comfortably in front of game that was in front of the front window. The place was filled with kids looking for a fun time, spending their allowance here. He looked at the screen of street fighters which he always enjoyed. He had the top score after all. No one could even get near his score. He was just that good. He checked out the time. 5 minutes and then he would head over to the pharmacy. He inserted a coin and began playing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
((We already thought that maybe May could be with Shiro, since they watched her kill her father and all that. Does that sound good?))
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
((We could wait for pokemonfan909 and let them decide))

Willow stood at her place at the pharmacy. It could be boring on some days, and others not, but it was a steady amount of money for her. She sighed and looked back down at the drawing she had been working on.
over a year ago onix11 said…
Alan walked into the pharmacy and walked up to the girl at the pharmacy. He pulled out a prescription and handed it to her. It was for a pain medication. Alan had recently been shot by one of the people he ruined and had to get patched up. And has to take medication for the pain. This was the first time in the this pharmacy so the environment was new. "Hello, I'm here to pick up a prescription."
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
After 5 minutes, shiro got up and walked out, heading down to the pharmacy again. He promised himself that he would go in there again before he went home.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Kanata and Kaede walked along the street. Kanata have a few injuries and so do Kaede.
"Well, should we get to pharmacy?"
"I don't know."
"But, we have to treat our injuries."
"Well, so we go there."
"Okay." Kanata nodded. Both of them started to walked to the pharmacy.
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
(@citrusella, sure you can join! @everyone else invovled, thanks for joining! Btw, do we have any non-orphans?....Couples, we'll see...let the story progress a bit, im sure it'll get sorted out. I'm also really sorry for being late...I was a bit caught up with school work.)

Cara was sitting on a bench near the local pharmacy. Being carefully uninvolved a number of people passed her by without them noticing. She didn't mind because she didn't like being noticed but the sudden burst in population in the pharmacy drew her attention enough for her to walk into it.
"Is anything the matter?" she asked softly, as she entered.
over a year ago Firiel said…
((If we going to need non orphan, I willingly changed my characters))
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Shiro headed into the pharmacy and waited in line patiently.
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
May sighed heavily. Not only were people string, but shed been walking so fast she'd lost track of where she was going. Not sure what to do, she just slipped through the first door she saw, and closed it behind her. There was a line of people here, and some looked a bit like nurses.

"What is this place Misaki? A medicine place? . . ."
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Willow took the prescription from the boy and looked at it before going to get it filled again. She was curious and wanted to know what happened, but she had also learned that she really shouldn't be too nosey. "I hope any pain goes away soon." she says, he looked to be around her age, give or take a year or so. She wanted to say more but then yet another person came in.

Zeke had gone to where his lead brought him, found nothing but some mob guys playing a game of cards, and ended up getting himself shot. What a day. He was on his way home to patch himself up, going to the hospital would raise too many questions, but he had to stop somewhere and get bandages, antiseptic of some kind, and some sort of pain meds, though those could wait if he needed to wait. At the pharmacy though he was surprised and slightly dismayed to see so many people. "What the hell....?" he muttered quietly, hesitantly walking in.

Willow looked up briefly and saw yet another person come in, she frowned a little and then handed the prescription over. "Have a good day." she says to the boy in front of her.
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
A few people suddenly looked up once may walked in, and one of them turned to the lady next to her and began to whisper.
"I know who she is."
"Yep. She's that murderer that moved in a while ago -"

May instantly clamped her hands over her ears, and backed up against the wall next to the door. "Stop . . ." She whispered, "stop it . . . Stop talking about me . . . It wasn't my fault, they told me to? So . . . So I had to . . . And papa was mean . . ." She clutched her doll to her chest, and shuddered slightly.
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Shiro noticed May and walks over to her. "Hey, you okay?"
over a year ago onix11 said…
Alan noticed she was examining him and he gave her a nod. "Don't worry, the pain will go away soon. I hope I won't ever have to come for something like this again." He looked at her name tag. "Thank you for your help Willow." He started to leave the pharmacy.
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
May was startled, and jumped slightly. She hadn't been outside her house for three months, and had almost no concept of interaction with people. What was she supposed to do when someone asked her a question? Answer? Maybe . . . Slowly, she looked up at him, a serious look on her face. "Yes . . . I -I'm fine. I . . . I think I'm lost."
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Shiro blinked. "Lost huh? Where do you want to go?"
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
May looked around her, a slightly confused look on her face. Where did she want to go? . . . Oh, that's right. She wanted to go back home. So she wouldn't have to hear the whispers anymore.
"Mommy, mommy! That girl has a red eye and an eye patch, like a pirate!"
"Sh! Don't say such things out loud."
May sighed. "I . . . I want to go back home . . . I don't like it when they whisper about me . . ."
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Shiro nodded. "Alright. If you tell me the address, I can take you there."
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
Her address? Was she supposed to know these kinds of things? There was so much to learn about the outside world. "Actually . . . I'm not sure what my address is . . . I live in a cul-de-sac at the edge of this town."
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Shiro scratched the back of his head. "Do you know how to get there? Even half way?"
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
"Um . . . I think it's somewhere in . . . That direction." She pointed vaguely out the window to her left, and then looked at her feet. "I'm sorry . . . It must be a burden to have to help me."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Shiro shook his head. "No, it's fine. Let's go." He headed towards the door and opened it for her.
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
May hesitated for a moment before walking through the door. "Thank you . . . Very much. I was worried . . ." She adjusted her eye patch to make sure it covered her whole eye, and then began to stare with uncertainty around the street.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Willow nodded, blushing slightly that he noticed she was staring. "I hope so too." she say though with an attempt at a friendly smile. "Alright, I can help whose next." she says loud enough for the next person to hear.

Zeke found the bandages and hydrogen-peroxide and made his way to the line.
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
(@Firiel..If you want to you can. Btw, I was thinking about it, I think May and Kanata would make a good couple...Considering their respective role-players are willing to go ahead with Kanata and Kaede witnessing May murder their father... Others...Um..Post your suggestion? Btw, jjust as a general rule, if you have two characters, they aren't allowed to form a couple. It won't be fair. :P)

Cara saw that no one was paying any attention to her. It wasn't surprising, she often went unnoticed at places like this. She was so used to it, she didn't mind...
She looked at the people around the pharmacy, Willow was working, helping out whoever came her way. A boy with brown hair had just left...She didn't know anything about this person. And right now, she wouldn't want to know anything either. As far as she knew, people as attractive as that tended to be dangerous.

It wasn't until a young girl with an eye-patch walked out of the door that Cara thought she should leave. She walked out of the door, intending to return to her seat. But, outside, she noticed that the same girl was standing around lost. She had a doll in her hand.

"Um..." Cara started. 'Uh...um...Are-are you lost?" she asked softly.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
((Actually, it was Shiro and Meme who witnessed her killing her father, so that would mean May would be be paired with Shiro, pokemon.))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
(Oh...shimat'ta....I'm sorry...My memory's weak...You'll have to forgive me for that... So, Shiro and May, it is. Who else?)