Random Role Playing Once Upon A Curse

xXDreamWriterXx posted on Sep 12, 2014 at 05:00PM
In a world where all your favorite fairy tales live with their happy endings, there is darkness lurking just around the corner. Just because some characters have a happy life, doesn't mean everyone is okay with it. Each day the darkness in the torture souls of the cursed and the damned villains grow stronger everyday. There was no way to predict what would come of this darkness. No one could stop the curse.

The curse was brought upon by all the unhappy and tormented souls who never had their a chance for their story to be told. Their anger and hatred filled the curse with enough hatred to destroy all of those who got everything they every wanted. Their happily ever after was taken away from them and was replaced by darkness and torture. Everything that had happen no longer existed. All of the fairy tales have turned to chaos and destruction.

They live in a world where there is no happy ending...

Now that your fairy tale world has been turned upside down, you have two options. You can continue to live your tragic life and never know what happiness is or...you can fight. Fight for your happily ever after. But that doesn't mean it will be easy. Every creature, monster and villain you can think of will be out there, getting in your way, trying to either stop you or kill you. But you will never be alone. There are others who will help you secretly so you can solve the mystery behind the curse that has plague them. This curse took away all memories of having a happy life but there are people who still remember bits of their past and want to live that life again.

So...what will you choose?

Character Profile:

Fairy Tale: (The story they came from)
Helper or Fighter:(Will you help secretly or fight proudly?)
Weapon: (optional)
Bio:(Life before and after the curse)

No god modeling of course!

Cursing is allowed

Romance is allowed but not a lot.

Put as much detail as you can! Be creative with it.

You can write horror things like gore or super bloody. Just be mindful to others
and don't go into super details about it.

It can be ANY fairy tale you want! Even Disney stories!

Don't leave characters out. Try to add everyone in your story. No solo players.

If you don't want to rp here anymore or something is coming up or whatever reason that causes you to be away, let everyone know so we are not waiting for a response.

You CAN create a character that is not a character in the fairy tale world but you have to pick which fairy tale they came from.

No two of the same character. There is only one of each character. If the fairy tale character you want is taken, too bad. Pick someone else or create your own.

Enjoy your twisted world!

Fairytale Characters:
Big Bad 'Bigby' Wolf / Blake Wolf (Little Red Riding Hood): Angel_Kiss
Alice(Alice in Wonderland): xxDreamWriterxx
Gaia(The Girl of the World): Banette
Danny "Jackel" Wolfsbane(The Boy who Cried Wolf): Liquidz_Flamez
Rapunzel(Rapunzel): Firiel
Belle(Beauty and The Beast): BlackSparrow
King Max(Where The Wild Things Are): Smackle
Eien Aka The Beast(Beauty and The Beast): xxDreamWriterxx
Ruby Red(Little Red Riding Hood): Fangfan7
Gale/Frost Max(Isle of Flightless Birds): Angel_Kiss
Mad Hatter(Alice in Wonderland): BlackSparrow
Malcolm Peter Pan(Peter Pan): ConnerandTravis
last edited on Jan 05, 2015 at 12:38PM

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