Random Role Playing Below the World

pokemonfan909 posted on Oct 10, 2014 at 11:28AM
The year is 2950, the world as we have known it is no more.
Why? For one, there are no humans anymore... The world is inhabited entirely my human/animal creatures called the Jinchuriki. They were created as an experiment by scientists.. But as the sciences developed, these creatures began to mate and thrive among themselves. The are almost human is nature and behavior... The only difference is that they are smarter.
50 years back, a war between the humans and the growing population of the Jinchuriki, the Jinchuriki won. Humans no longer exist.
The Jinchuriki society is medieval. Divided into the royalty, the middle-class and the slaves. These three classes aren't allowed to inter-mingle. Inter-marriages mean you're killed for honour.

The year is 2950, the world as we know it is no more. Humans don't exist anymore... or Don't they? Below the earth inhabited by mistakes made by the scientists, there lives a small group of humans growing and thriving. They aren't the same as they used to be.. Usually they are small and underdeveloped. Most of them die as babies. But even in these odds, a group of rebels thrive and grow, hoping to turn the tables and take back control. There is no form of goverment here, law and order depends solely on goodwill

A/N: OK....so that's the idea. The rules are simple:
1) Humans and Jinchuriki don't meet. Never
2) Its rare for humans to go aboveground. You can't stay above ground for more than
5 posts.
3) There is no such thing as a human/Jinchuriki hybrid. Not allowed
4) You're dead, you're dead. Period.
5) All forms of violence leaving out sexual violence is allowed. The censor board (me) will take notice if you do. DON'T TRY IT
6) Have fun! Play by the rules! ^-^

CV requirements:

Human/ Jinchuriki:
Appearance: (If you're a Jinchuriki, you need to have some sort of animal trait: cat ears, dog ears, scales, wings anything!)

If human Rebel/ Non Rebel:
If Jinchuriki Class: (Royalty, middle-class, slave)

If rebel State your cause for rebelling:

last edited on Oct 10, 2014 at 11:38AM

Random Role Playing 362 replies

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over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((I'll post my CV in the evening...You can join first!))
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((Ok...here goes mine! I have some time!))

Name: Cillia
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Human/Jinchuriki: Jinchuriki
Appearance: -pic-
Bio: He's the child of one of the richest people in town. Even though he was pampered like hell as a kid, he has a certain amount of humility which endears him to the people in town. He's a student at the most prestigious college in the world. Someday, he hopes to become a world leader and destroy the human rebels living underground.
Other: His mother died when he was very young. Brutally murdered in front of his eyes by a human rebel. He's the eye-candy at school but couldn't care less.
Class: Royalty.
((Ok...here goes mine! I have some time!)) 

Name: Cillia
Age: 17
Gender: Male
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
Name: Aria
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Human/Jinchuriki: Human
Appearance: -pic-
Bio: Her grandparents were the scientists who came up with the idea to further develop the Jinchuriki cognition. This marks her as a traitor and she is ostracized by most adults. The others though, don't care much...They talk to her but there is a layer between them.
Other: Her parents were killed in front of her as a child, called spies for the Jinchuriki. She is an orphan, an old lady taught her everything she knows about life. She secretly doesn't want the humans to win.

Rebel/Non-rebel: Non-rebel
Name: Aria
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Human/Jinchuriki: Human
Appearance: -pic-
Bio: Her grandparent
Nojida commented…
Juvia! X3 over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(This looks interesting... Can I join?)

Name: Hyper

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Human/ Jinchuriki: Jinchuriki

Appearance: (I'll draw a quick pic later~)

Bio: Ever since she was little, she was called the 'Monkey of hyper-activeness'. She would often play around and mess with people, and even more often go outside to explore. She couldn't care less about the war between humans and jinchuriki. In fact, she finds it foolish and believes that both sides are 'acting like little kids'. She's very friendly towards others and always willing to help a friend, as long as there are bananas.

Other: Her motto is: "When I'm supposed to go West, I go West. When I'm supposed to go East, I go..."

Class: Middle.
pokemonfan909 commented…
Sure anyone can join ^_^ over a year ago
over a year ago Firiel said…
(Hmm.. nice idea pokemonfan ^_^.. I'll join as soon as I can. Need some time though.)
pokemonfan909 commented…
Sure...thank you for joining! ^-^ over a year ago
over a year ago Firiel said…
Name: Adam Conner
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Human/ Jinchuriki: Human
Appearance :
Bio: His parents were killed in front of his eyes when he was 7 by Jinchuriki. He then live to find the Jinchuriki and killed him. He never smile or laugh. He always so serious and never joking since his parent's death.
Other : Nope for now.
If human Rebel/ Non Rebel: Rebel
If rebel State your cause for rebelling: To find his parents' killer.

Name: Juliet Windstorm
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Human / Jinchuriki: Jinchuriki
Appearance: She have Cat eyes and Cat ears
Bio: She was a nice and kind child. People like to embrace her when she was a kid but then something happens when she was in her middle school. Some cocky girls were starting fight with her and because of her anger, she turned into a tiger. That's cause people around her start to stay away from her but some still want to be friendly. She mostly wears sunglasses and hoodie to cover her animal trait.
However, she actually a daughter of a rich family. But one day, her parents gone to nowhere and she believes that the human rebels are took them. She promised to take back her parents. Now she stay with her grandma in a castle-like house.
Other : She always wished her parents would come back one day..
If Jinchuriki Class: Royalty
Name: Adam Conner
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Human/ Jinchuriki: Human
Appearance : 
Bio: His parents w
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Name: Jack

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Human/ Jinchuriki: Jinchuriki

Appearance: Well, look at the picture, his hair forms into Cat Ears

A strange person, he doesn't remember where he came from, well, he doesn't really remember anything, after 7 minutes his cat-ear-hair fuzzes up completely, then returns to normal, this tells people that he just forgot everything he has done or said in the past 7 minutes, and there is more to his Dementia, but for now, let's talk about what he does in the present age.

Jack is a Mechanical Engineer, and is frequently called apon to construct things, repair things, or just in general to overlook Blueprints and plans for buildings to make sure they're good or safe, though Jack doesn't remember any of it, nor does he remember that he does have a Good reputation as an Engineer... even if he does have a bad reputation as a social person.


Jack has a severe type of Dementia, and with the experiments along with it, his Dementia became a sort of AoE(Area of Effect) Dementia, people around him will gradually over 7 hours, forget Jack, and if they don't talk, touch or hear Jack's voice, they will forget him.

Jack's backpack sort of feels infinite, but i can assure you it's not, he carries around in it a small first aid kid, a book of which he writes down important things that he shouldn't forget, and alot of tools for construction.

Although Jack's dementia is highly severe, he does remember some things, such as his own name, what he is(engineer), how to be what he is, and the things about his Backpack, such as the book, and that he should put back things in the same spot he took them from.

Jinchuriki Class: middle-class - Mechanical Engineer (Which means a Civil, Chemical and Electrical engineer)
last edited over a year ago
[b]Name:[/b] Jack

[b]Age:[/b] 23

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Human/ Jinchuriki:[/b] Jinchuriki
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
Name: Asher (or Ash)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Human/ Jinchuriki: Jinchuriki
Appearance: picture
Bio: (I'll come up with something later, my mind is blank right now)
Other: Asher spends any time she isn't at school either reading about anything and everything or honing her skill with the sword.

If Jinchuriki Class: Royalty
last edited over a year ago
Name: Asher (or Ash)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Human/ Jinchuriki: Jinchuriki
Appearance: picture 
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((We'll start in a short while.... Once a couple of other people join... Starting this without a good no. of people won't make sense))

Name: Iskra
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Human/Jinchuriki: Human
Appearance: -pic- except she's always dressed in black. Colors are an incorrect concept.
Bio:Iskra hated her parents. She always hated them. They were always causing trouble in the already broken world she lived in. But when they were killed in their small little visit above the ground, she knew she would have to avenge them. No matter how much pain she took on the way, she decided to avenge them even if that was the last thing she ever did.

Other: She has two distinct personalities; a sweet, happy girl who will help anyone in need of it. And another, who is a cold-blooded murderer. Usually, she manages to keep the second one hidden, but sometimes, some things trigger the cold blooded murderer and then, you know you're not safe.
Rebel/ Non Rebel: Rebel
If rebel state your cause for rebelling: To avenge her parents. She's an avenger
last edited over a year ago
((We'll start in a short while.... Once a couple of other people join... Starting this without a good
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Name: Yukari Yukaru

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Human/ Jinchuriki: Jinchuriki

Appearance: Picture, although she doesn't have any animal features that are quite visible, if you were to touch her skin, it would feel soft and fluffy

Yukari was like any other slave, forced to do some sort of labor, well her job was to transport some goods between construction places, one time during her job, the Engineer in charge of building a spare palace for one of the royals was Jack, and because he did a very good job, better than other Engineers in the city, the client decided to not only pay him, but give him something extra, that extra was Yukari, he was given a Slave, Without knowing about that, Jack just walked away, as he had forgotten already about the job, Yukari thought she was supposed to carry the money for him, since he was her new master, so she decided to pick it up, and went after him, and begun walking next to him.

If she wants to, Yukari can jump beyond that of other Jinchuriki because she is a Rabbit.

Yukari wasn't really happy with being a Slave, but she'd seen 3 different masters and 1 of them had been kind to her, maybe her new 4th master would be kind too?

Yukari usually lives with her masters.

Jinchuriki Class: Slave
[b]Name:[/b] Yukari Yukaru

[b]Age:[/b] 21

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Human/ Jinchuriki:[/b] Ji
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((@Banette, if you're OK with it... Yukari's 4th master could be Cilia's family?))
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((Oh? are slaves only allowed to the royals? :3 i had made her Jack's slave, even though he doesn't know it, but yeah, i can change it))
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((It depends... If a middle-class Jinchuriki can afford one, he/she is allowed to have a slave. Usually, since Jinchuriki slave is a thriving business, the slaves are sold for high prices, usually not affordable to the middle-class, so mostly they work for Royals... But with Yukari and Jack, she's been given to him...so you don't need to change it... I was a bit distracted))
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((oh, ok, thanks :3 although, i might make Jack and Yukari frequently get involved with the Royals, since even in our current present age, us Engineers do get paid a tonn of money, especially Mechanical, although I'm only a civil, Engineers do still get paid alot of money))
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((Yeah..that makes sense. Its more reality based that way...How would you describe "frequently involved"..Could you give me an example?))
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((Well, if there was a huge war Between humans and the Jinchs, and the humans were nearly wiped out, that would mean that there would be destruction to buildings :3 Royals would need them to be fixed, or for new buildings to be made))
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((I am completely satisfied with that answer. *thumbs up* But you do realise that 1. The Jinchs are a really advanced race both mentally and physically and 2. Its been 50 years since the war?))
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((50 years? well then people are going to need those buildings fixed real soon X3, also, when can we begin?))
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((Well, we can start when we have at least 10 people on both the Jinchuriki and Human side....Its a sci-fi thing and we're planning another war so we need a good no. of people before we begin...Please bear with us.))
over a year ago Firiel said…
(So, how many people on human side and Jinchuriki side? So I could think on how many more chars I going to make.)
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
(( We need about 4 Jinchuriki and 7 humans before we can begin...So we'll have 10 on each side))
over a year ago Firiel said…
(Hmm... you can invite people who used to Rping with us, like DreamWriter or BlackSparrow .. or AmyRose... just invite anyone you know.. I'll make one Jinchuriki to be Cillia's slave and then another unrebellious human.. During my condition .. I'm not sure if I could handle more than 4 chars.. if this okay with you Pokemonfan...)
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((You know...I never thought of that... I think I will do that... You're a real saviour, Firiel~san....I'll create a middle-class Jinchuriki...But I'm incapable of more than that...))
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Ah, I believe that I'm good at handling many characters, so maybe I can make a few more. Problem is, it takes me weeks to develop a character completely XP)
over a year ago Firiel said…
(Dou Itashimashite, Pokemon-san.)
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((@Nojida, if you create a character, it would leave 6/11 characters after Firiel and I create ours'...we'd have 6 Jinchuriki and 8 humans...Could you create a character?))
over a year ago wildwolfheart18 said…
name: raven rain
bio:raven lived a good life with her royal family.cilia is her closest friend.but peopel think they are twins.but raven has a darknes to her that she hasn't let anybody see.being part raven didn't help her.raven does stand for the symbol of death.she has a bad thing about seeing death.
((if it ok with you cilia creature?)
other:she speaks to her pet raven skull
last edited over a year ago
name: raven rain
bio:raven lived a goo
pokemonfan909 commented…
Its completely OK with the Cilia creature. *laughs* Cilia creature's a funny thing to call me over a year ago
pokemonfan909 commented…
you missed out a lot of details in the CV though over a year ago
pokemonfan909 commented…
I know that... Cilia's a funny biological thing..so Cilia creature set me laughing.. it was k over a year ago
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
(Nya~~ Because the update won't disappear until I post something...Ignore me here. I just don't like a nagging thing around me and that's exactly what the update feels like after I've seen it)
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
(I know that feel \^-^/ )
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
(Okay...so I needed to make another character...Here goes! x3)

Name: Arya
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Human/ Jinchuriki: Jinchuriki
Appearance: -see pic-
Bio: Her family was poor, but it was a loving one. She grew up in a happy atmosphere and is generally a
happy person... But people judge her by the way she looks and mark her for a delinquent
Other: She doesn't like making friends. She doesn't like it because the only people who seem to want to be
friends with her are delinquent groups. She is very good with a bow, but she wouldn't wield it to harm

Jinchuriki class: Middle-class
(Okay...so I needed to make another character...Here goes! x3) 

Name: Arya 
Age: 15
Gender: Fema
over a year ago Firiel said…
(Just going to ask... if the Jinchuriki was a slave... do they need to have something certain like... chain or handcuffs... or anything that symbolize that the slave was someone's? )
over a year ago wildwolfheart18 said…
((ooo good question firiel))
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((No...It depends on the owner....If the owner keeps his/her slave handcuffend or bounded in any way then yes. If not, then no. They just have a tattoo on their back, which marks them as slaves, so they get stigmatized))
over a year ago wildwolfheart18 said…
((when can we start?))
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((When do you wanna start?))
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((now? I've got like, 3 hours till i sleep, so plenty of time :3))
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((Okay then...we officially begin! :D Here's the intro then whoever wants to go first can start!))

From a glance, the earth seems like it always has... Blue and peaceful.... But some changes are evident. For one, the Great Wall of China is broken from the middle...The only object my man to be seen from space is in ruins.
For another, as we go closer, we see that it isn't humans who inhabit it anymore... They seem very human but they have so many animal traits to them..
This is a story of a post-apocalypse earth. How has it changed? Where are the humans?

((Lol...How was that? Who wants to go first? -I won't...-))
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
The ears fuzzed up.... he stood still whilst they were, staring blanking.... after 3 seconds they returned to normal, his face looked blank, as he looked around...
"what..... was i doing?" the girl following him looked confused, her master had forgotten what he was doing?
"Master?" the man looked behind him at the girl.
"who? me?"
she nodded, her master had forgotten?
"Yes, are you allright master? your ears did a strange thing, and you seem to have forgotten what you were doing"
"oh,,, well, nevermind then.... who're you?"
the girl looked at him dumbfounded, her master had even forgotten her.
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
Asher leaned against a wall, her nose buried in a book about the American Civil War, nearly 1,089 years ago. Her brow was furrowed, her eyes completely focused on the grim description of one of the battles.
over a year ago Nojida said…
Hyper was sitting on top of a tree, staring hungrily at some bananas. She wanted to eat them. Oh, they would taste so damn good. But she knew her grandmother was up to something. A trick. Yes, that must be it. She had been trying to make Hyper eat other kinds of fruits of weeks. Maybe something would fall on her if she grabbed a banana. Something like ink... She shivered at the thought.
"No granny! I ain't falling for that trick again!" she announced, but her tummy growled loudly, begging for bananas.
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
As Jack took out the book from his bag, the slave girl was preparing on how to answer his Question.
"I'm Yukari Yukaru, i am your servant"
"oh..." Jack wrote that down in his book, as he begun to make a Sketch of Yukari, because he was an Engineer, his drawing skills weren't the best, nor the worst, it was good enough that you would recognize Yukari from it.

"Well then Yukari, I'm Jack.... uhm... i don't remember my last name, anyway, it seems i have some business with the Windstorm royal family.... guess they want me to make something.... I'm going to forget about it alot on the way, so everytime you see my ears fuzz up, can you remind me that i have to do that?"
Yukari nodded "Yes, Master"
"Call me Jack, Master doesn't sound too.... fond"
"oh?... allright then mas- Jack!"
Jack just chuckled. then he continued walking, with the book still in his hand, Yukari followed.

[Master has business with Royals? i wonder what he does]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((I just randomly decided Cilia is Cilia Windstorm. You don't mind do you Banette~san?))

Cilia was at home, reading a book. He hadn't gone to school today for two major reasons: Firstly, school wasn't going to teach him anything he didn't already know and, for another, he had to meet a civil engineer by the name of Jack.
"Not that anyone would care," he said to himself. And it was kind of true, his father, the actual head of the Windstorm household was away for business.

Aria was in a corner of the small underground cavern she shared with a few other people. Only, these people didn't give a damn about about. Fair enough, she thought. Not that it matters.
Just outside she could hear the rebels making plans. I hope a bunch of them gets killed.

Iskra looked at the people at the table. Discussing the plans for the attack on the local market area above ground. "So when do we strike?" she asked, quietly.

Arya looked at the trees around her. She loved the peace and quiet of the world, and she could only find it here. But right now, something was wrong with her peaceful corner.
"Hyper!" she said, annoyed. 'Will you keep it quiet? Or do I shoot an arrow at you?"
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((Sure XD it sort of feels weird have to 'san' added to my name, but awell, oh, and Jack isn't a Civil, he's a Mechanical Engineer :< it feels wrong to me when people get Mechanical, Civil, Electrical and Chemical Engineers mixed up, Remember: a Mechanical Engineer is all 3 of the other Engineers))

Jack sighed, Royals were a bit painful, alot of them don't really realize how dangerous construction
is, whether it's a building or just some high-class Mech or Power Armour, it's still damn dangerous to have some million dollar person standing nearby the highly explo-

his ears fuzzed up, he stopped, staring blankly at the floor... this was now the second time Yukari saw it happen, it was still strange to her, but her master had told her to remind him in case his ears fuzzed up, his ears returned to normal, then he begun looking around in confusion.

"mas- Jack?!"
Jack turned to look at her.
"Uhm.... check your book?"
Jack looked at the book in his hands.... Yukari Yukaru.... Royals job.... "oh..."

This same pattern continued on for 15 more times before they actually reached the Royal's front gate.
"What do we do now m- Jack?"
"The windstorm family told me to wait out here for someone to get me... so we wait Yukari."
"allright!" she said in a sort of happy-tone.
over a year ago mistoryangel1 said…
( Hey Sis, to late for me to join? )
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
(Its definetely not! ^^)
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((Oh...oh...sorry....I'm so mixed up...I'm really sorry..>//<))

The butler entered CIlia's room. "Master," he said. "There's a Master Jack, asking for you. He says he had an appointment."
Cilia looked up from his book, a marked his page, placing his bookmark where he had stopped.
"Bring him into the living room," he ordered. "I'll be there in a moment.
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
another Servant girl open the gates.
"Master Jack? our master told us to show you to the Living room, could you please Follow me?"
"Is Yukari allowed to follow?"
"The slave girl?... if you really wish for her to then yes"
Jack nodded, then looked over to Yukari, she looked at him, finding it strange that her master would allow a slave girl to go with her into a Royal's house, but she wouldn't question it, Yukari followed Jack, as Jack followed the servant girl into the house.

The living room was amazing, lots of things were gold lined, there was even and old fashion Fire Place that was gold trimmed... Jack got nostalgia from it, The couches were red and seemed quite amazing, Jack sat down in one, Yukari stood next to him.
"why not sit down?"
"m- Jack! i couldn't! it's a royals property!"
Jack just looked at her strangely, then just shrugged.
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
Cilia came down to the living room in time to hear Yukari say that.
"Well," he said. "I don't mind a pretty lady occupying a couch in my house. Even if she is just a slave girl."
He smiled charmingly at Yukari. Then he turned to look at Jack.
"You must the Mech engineer my father was talking about," he said. "I don't really know the reason for your visit, I apologise, the old man didn't tell me. Kindly brief me."
He sat down on the couch facing Jack and Yukari.
over a year ago mistoryangel1 said…
Name: Datenshi Uriel ( Just Uriel )

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Human/ Jinchuriki: Human

Appearance: ( Pic )

Bio: Uriel witnessed a massacre, those things came first breaking into his home, Dragged him into the living room to kill his parents infront of him then let they him go... For his freedom? No, for a game.. They hunted him like an animal. He reached a church "Safty" only to fall into a trap by some religious humans the others around him that were seeking refuge burned. Uriel managed to get away, only because of his name he maid it to safety and now works as a rebel assassin. But though this massacre.. He wasn't in shock, did not cry or flinch, he enjoyed watching the countless people die he loved it.

Other: Uriel is good with any weapon ranged, upclose or just his bare hands, he will kill both Jinchuriki and humans, only if he knows if he can get away with it. He is cold hearted but will fight fair if it's one on one

If human Rebel/ Non Rebel: Rebel

If rebel State your cause for rebelling: Revenge
Name: Datenshi Uriel ( Just Uriel )

Age: 20

Gender: Male 

Human/ Jinchuriki: Human

over a year ago mistoryangel1 said…
( Let me know if some things need to be changed )