Random Role Playing Adventures on, E-arth

vegeta007 posted on Jan 10, 2015 at 10:51PM
It's the planet you only hear in stories nowadays. After the world became unlivable humans have had to relocate and create lives on other planets. Mars was one of those and as time has passed it was considered to be the home of humans and Earth was extinguished from most people's minds. Humans have setteled in otehr plaents over time and have even started mating with other specious that have created new humanoids which are growing each and everyday. However, Earth was not of existence yet. After thousands even millions of years the jewel has returned to her former state, but unfortunately no one knew. Lately people have been going missing from Mars and the other planets and have not left a single trace. Have they gone back to what is known as E-arth or are they simply gone ? That's where you come in, it's time to find out

Now just a little info on the humanoids. The humanoids, as their name suggests, have the appearance and anatomy of humans but there are other human/alien hybrids. It all depends on the genes so state which one it is and your appearance. Humanoids also have special abilities which link to their alien ancestors. These abilities are not over the top but little things which give them an advantage of others such as a larger thinking capacity or healing.

Rules: (I don't like to many rules so please abide by these)
Rule 1: No OP shit (You know this already)
Rule 2:Try to keep your grammar under control, I'm no grammar nazi but I don't like it when someone types something I can't understand
Rule 3: Killing is a no no without permission
Rule 4: Romance is acceptable, but no porking
Rule 5: Cussing, go nuts I don't give sh!t
Rule 6: One liners are allowed only if you're blank on what to do next

Character sheet
Home world: (Preferably Mars but any will do, made up ones too)
Species: (Human, Humanoid, Alien etc.)
Family: (This is just which species your parents are, such as dad:human mom:alien)
Special ability: (Humanoid and aliens only)
Weapon(s): (Remember this is the future, any weapon will be acceptable. But no OP stuff)

Random Role Playing 557 replies

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