Random Role Playing The Wish: Blood Stained Crown (Reboot)

TAIKAMODO posted on Feb 05, 2015 at 06:19AM
Just one person's wish can change the whole world. You see, before the wish, the world was a peaceful and beautiful place.The king and queen of our kingdom were very kind, and ruled us greatly.There was no famine, or plague, and we all could get along with one-another. But now, that world, sounds more like a fairy-tale from a book, and that is the point, where reality comes crashing down. You see, there is an ancient legend of a mystical device that existed before our time. This device is said to contain a god's power, and can grant any wish. Originally, this was thought to be only a legend, but that was before. Someone found this God-Device somehow, and wished the world into a living hell. Greed, lust,hatred,and things similar to it now run our world, and monsters and disasters plague our existence every day. The king and queen have died, and a fight for the crown has begun. Who made this devil's wish, and where is the God-device now? Who will win the fight for the crown and claim the throne as king, or queen? How did the former king and queen die? In the end, we went from a peaceful fairytale to a dark nightmare. And it's up to you, to bring us a happily ever after.

Whenever a fight happens, Godmodding is not allowed.

Light profanity is allowed.

Romance is allowed, but not too much.

Sex is allowed, but not in detail.

Please attempt to properly spell/use proper Grammar.

no one liners unless it is impossible to avoid.

i may add or subtract rules as time passes.

Character Sheet



Physical Description:



Social Standing:(peasant,noble,royal,commoner))

Wealth:(Rich,poor,middle-class wealth)

After the crown?:(yes or no)

Purpose for gaining crown:(If after the crown)

Kingdom Duty:(Cook,merchant,knight,schoir,page,,bl­­ac­k­s­mi­­th,­­et­c­.­..

Random Role Playing 102 replies

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over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(((Hmm.... Can i re-create the person from last time? except i won't make them twins, just 1 person this time that leads others to the crown, here's the character sheet if you accept))

NAME: [Whatever the last ruler names her] this time it's Blank

AGE: ???

GENDER: Female


No one really knows where Blank came from, it was said at the forging of the Crown she was born, but that's just a rumor. anyone who wishes to find the crown, for any reason at all, be it to be crowned, to sell it, or to use it, they'll encounter Blank. she leads those seeking the Crown, to the Crown.

Long, LONG ago she lived as 2 different beings, but they merged together at the wish of a ruler, who is said to still be alive today, since the ruler made a foolish wish of becoming immortal when he first had the crown.

Some say if you own the Crown, there is another piece of a puzzle to lead you to the God Device using the crown, but no one knows what the other piece is. sadly for them, the last piece is with the first piece.... always

SOCIAL STANDING: Considered one of the great wonders of the world.



PURPOSE FOR GAINING CROWN: None, but She does have a purpose for leading people to the crown, as she needs a King/Queen to serve.

KINGDOM DUTY: Adviser and Guide to the King/Queen
last edited over a year ago
(((Hmm.... Can i re-create the person from last time? except i won't make them twins, just 1 person t
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
( I remember, it was the Red and Blue twins correct? And yeah, you can remake your character if you want!)

Name: Serle Vaughn

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Physical Description: 6"1, with fair skin and a lean build. Messy dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He wears grey pants, a grey shirt, and a black vest over it. Along with black moccasins.

Personality: Will be developed with time.

Backstory:(Optional) Will be revealed later on.

Social Standing:(peasant,noble,royal,commoner))) Peasant, but wishes to become a Knight.

Wealth:(Rich,poor,middle-class wealth) Poor.

After the crown?:(yes or no) Yes

Purpose for gaining crown:(If after the crown) To restore the world to normal, and to give money and food to all those who need it.

Kingdom Duty:(Cook,merchant,knight,schoir,page,b­l­­a­­ck­­­sm­i­­­th­­,­e­­tc­­­.­) None.
BanetteGhosneir commented…
yeah, she's Red and Blue fused, because a ruler wished for her to fuse :D over a year ago
Dizmo commented…
How long ago was the god device used? over a year ago
TAIKAMODO commented…
That works! over a year ago
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
Name:Gunther Versailles



Physical Description: Stands about 6"4', with a lean build and fair skin. Long white hair at reaches mid back, with gray colored eyes. He wears white breeches, a white shirt, and white greaves, along with a white cloak with a hood he has up most of the time.

Personality: Developed along with the story.

Back story: Only known information, is that he is currently the King of Peasants.

Social Standing: Peasant

Wealth: Middle Class

After The Crown?: Yes

Purpose For Gaining The Crown: Unknown at the moment.

over a year ago Dizmo said…
Name: Synog Nite

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Physical Description:
Physically fit, fast, agile and stealthy. He is one of the greatest crossbow marksmen in all the lands, and incredible hand to hand combatant and the former apprentice of one of the greatest mercenary adventure's in all the world. Though he is not very good at using any weapon that is not either his crossbow or his fists.

Cocky and sarcastic, this regularly get him in trouble at bars and taverns. He is also very secretive about his own life preferring to go by the moniker Shadow Blade while taking care of business. The only place he regularly spend's his time is at a local bar.

Synog used to live a simple life. He was the youngest son of a wheat farmer, he used to spend most of his free time having fun and pulling pranks with his twin sister. His sister was always the brains behind any prank, while Synog was always the one to carry them out. Mainly because his sister was clumsy and loud while Synog was precise and quiet.

One day bandits attacked his family's farm, they set fire to the crops, killed his elder brother and farther and Synog never found out what happened to his mother. As soon as he saw that things were getting ugly he grabbed his sister, his crossbow and ran.

They were stuck in the forest for a month, in that time he learnt a lot about how to survive, he already knew the basics of how to hunt and skin animals, his sister taught him what berries and fruits were edible and which were not, while he taught himself how to move silently and how to use the tree's to his advantage, as well as how to track wild animals. After a month in the forest the twins managed to find their way out of the forests into a large village.

They were two 15 year old on the street's, no where to go, nothing to eat and no money to their name. It took a year before anything eventful happened for the two, in this time Synog taught himself to move between the shadows, to use the roof's for movements, how to steal from people's pockets and he secretly became an alcoholic without his sisters knowledge. During that time he got in a number of drunken fights and managed to come out on top. Until one day he got into a fight and lost, he almost died in this fight. Then he was saved, a grilled old man pulled the two attackers of Synog and knocked them out.

The old man introduced himself as Ahlzad, Synog having spent little time learning about any place outside of the town did not know that Ahlzad was actually a famous adventure and bounty hunter, with legend's of his quest's written in books through out the lands. Synog left the reading his sister, not that Synog was unintelligent, he just didn't find reading as fun as stealing, drinking or fighting. Ahzlad must have seen something in Synog since Ahzlad took one look at Synog and said in a deep, scratchy voice "boy you need to learn how to fight, if you don't your going to end up bloody on the side of the road with no one to save you. If you want to learn how to stay alive, and you think yourself strong enough, meet me here tomorrow and i will take you on as my apprentice. You might even get paid."

Synog thought about over the man's offer, he thought long and hard. Until his thoughts turned to the bandits that killed his family and burnt down his home, He thought about how if he could have fought those badit's his parents and older brother might still be alive, his sister and himself wouldn't be living in squalor with himself stealing from others just to make ends meat. With that though he realized something, was he any better that the bandits that killed his family? Sure he didn't kill anyone, but he still made a less then legal living. Synog knew his sister hated how he got them money, and she hated how he would come home most nights with a bloody nose or a cut lip smelling of alcohol. He knew she probably knew of his alcohol problem, she never said anything though.

Synog knew this had to change. When he got back to his sister she was horrified at the state of him, blood pouring from a wound on his head, one of his eye's were swollen over and he was walking with a limp, But he smiled when he saw her. He was going to help them both, he was going to help her. Synog told his sister about the man, who's name at the time Synog could not recall. Synog told his sister that the man would help him to fight, that the man would teach him and pay him money that was not stained by sin.

His sister was hesitant at first, but she relented to Synog's enthusiasm. The next night Synog met Ahlzad at the designated location, Ahlzad explained that if Synog wanted to become his apprentice that he would have to do exactly what he was told, and that they might be required to travel long distances when they are given a job that requires it. Synog agreed, and so his training began.

After a few week's of training he remembered to tell his sister the name of his new teacher. When he learnt that his teacher was a legend he felt a great honor, and he decided at that moment that one day he would go on a quest that would change the world, just like his teacher.

Two year after he began his training with Ahlzad disaster struck. He was 18 years of age and Ahlzad recently claimed that he had nothing else to teach Synog, They had been working together for several months when they were called on a job that was a two weeks journey away from the village.

Upon their return they had found that a large group of bandits that came from a nearby stronghold had invaded the village but were thankfully repelled. Unfortunately they had taken Synog's sister, and 3 others prisoners in their stronghold. Synog was fueled by rage and ran off in the direction of the bandit stronghold, to angry to hear his former mentor calling him to return.

Ahzlad stayed behind at the village to help co-ordinate the villagers to make an organised assault on the stronghold, since bandit strongholds were rare and incredibly dangerous. It took Ahzlad about an hour to organize the townsfolk, two more to march the large group of people to the stronghold.

By the time they got their the stronghold looked as if a horde of angry demon's had been through it. Blood and gore painted the walls and floor the color of crimson red, body's had been mutilated as body parts had been severed by their original bodies. The few faces that could contain some form of facial expressions were frozen in either pain or fear against whatever force of nature had been angered against the bandits.

As the large Crowed of frightened villages explored the bloody stronghold Ahlzad made his way deeper and deeper into the into the devastation until he made his way to the dungeons. There he found Synog, covered in blood and smelling of death, crying uncontrollably as he leaned against the back wall of one of the cells, clutching the lifeless body of his sister, who had been striped naked and showed obvious signs of being beaten and raped.

Synog sat there and cried for hours, the villagers to afraid to ask him to move and Ahzlad not wanting to separate Synog from his dead sister. Eventually he cried himself into unconsciousness, due partly to dehydration and partly to gradual blood loss from several wounds all around his body.

Synog woke up in a the doctors house, he stayed in the bed un-moving for almost a full week before Ahlzad convinced him to get out of bed and do something. If it was not for Ahlzad, Synog would have possibly given up the will to live. Ahlzad kept him from starting up his drinking habit again, he kept him from taking his own life and he helped keep him occupied with quest's.

Until one day Ahlzad left, he said it was his time to move on to another town and that he hopped to meet Ahlzad again one day, Ahlzad said that Synog was the greatest crossbow marksmen he had ever met and then he left.

Synog had gathered up some popularity by this point, he had already become a local legend for taking out a bandit stronghold by himself, He was quickly becoming known through out the holds as a mercenary.

Thanks to the fact that he is easier to find that his previous mentor since he stays in the village, as well as the fact that he was the apprentice of one of the greatest legends in history, he had become well known.

It has become Synog's quest in life to complete a quest that would change the face of the world and imprint him in history as a legend, to respect the memory of his sister. He had heard of the quest for the crown, and he had been waiting patiently for a client to come and request his help in obtaining the crown, he has no need for it but some one else will.

Social Standing: peasant.

Wealth: Poor

After the crown?: not yet.

Purpose for gaining crown: when he will be it will most likely be for the client.

Kingdom Duty: Mercenary and adventurer.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Synog Nite

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Physical Description: 
Physically fit, fast, agile an
over a year ago Dizmo said…
(how many more people need to join before we can start?)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Sorry i'm late! Heh heh, i got lost on the road of life! We can start now...)
heart-of_love commented…
Naruto: Lies! over a year ago
TAIKAMODO commented…
Fine you got me....i was helping a group of old ldies cross the street. over a year ago
heart-of_love commented…
lol over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Blank was becoming bored and restless, she stood next to the empty throne, she stared at where one of the greatest kings.... and the stupidest king.... once sat and commanded his kingdom, she looked to the gates of the palace, wide open with 2 guards standing watch.... why were they even there? there was no ruler, there was no treasure in the palace.... there wouldn't be any until a Ruler came anyway.... why were the guards still here?.... to protect Blank? they wouldn't need to do that...... she decided to sing a song whilst she waited.

"When you speak I hear silence
Every word a defiance
I can hear, oh, I can hear

Think I'll go where it suits me
Moving out to the country
With everyone, oh, everyone
Before we all become one

You tell yourself that you're lucky
Lying down never struck me
As something fun, oh, any fun

Stabbing pain for the feeling
Now your wound's never healing
'Til you're numb, oh, it's begun
Before we all become one

Oh we all, we all become one
Oh we all, we all become one
Oh we all, we all become one
Oh we all, we all become one
Stop grieving, start leaving
Before we all become one


Oh we all, we all become
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Name: Viola Valentine

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Pic

Personality: That will be developed as the story goes on

Back story: She doesn't talk about her past. Ever.

Social Standing: Noble

Wealth: Middle class, closer to rich

After the crown?: No

Kingdom Duty: Despite her family's preference, she's a knight-in-training, close to becoming a knight.
Name: Viola Valentine 

Age: 16 

Gender: Female 

Appearance: Pic 

Personality: That will b
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Name: Victoria Alexandria Genevieve di Angelo

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Physical Description: picture

Personality: Kind of snobby and stuck up, generally acts like she's better than anyone, incredibly defensive.

Backstory: Victoria from a very high class family, being royalty and all. The di Angelo's were once very reputable, well known, and well liked people. Everything changed, however, when their estate was attacked. Marcus di Angelo, her father, head of the family, king, barely even put up a fight. He ran from the battlefield the moment first blood was drawn. Well, that certainly put a stain on the family name. To make matters worse, a rumor was leaked to the public that her mother was sleeping with one of the servants. A rumor that turned out to be true. Now, Victoria finds herself being ridiculed wherever she goes for being part of this disreputable family.

Social Standing: Royal

Wealth: Middle class, closer to wealthy

After the crown?: Yes

Purpose for gaining crown: To restore her family name

Kingdom Duty: Princess
last edited over a year ago
Name: Victoria Alexandria Genevieve di Angelo 

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Physical Description:
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(Anyone going to post? or is this going to die again?)
over a year ago Dizmo said…
Synog threw open the doors to the tavern making the heads of all the seedy looking men and woman turn his way. "Guess who just got back from retrieving the aluren family sword? This guy" Synog said pointing to himself with a shit eating grin plastered on his face. Several of the people in the tavern that were new in town or just passing through gave him a sneer or a blank uncaring look, while the regulars tothhe tavern were grining with excitment and a few were chuckling at Synogs's over-the-top entrance. Synog looked around the room scaning several faces before he walked up to the bar and exlaimed "First round's on me boys" as he pulled out a sack full of gold and plopped it infront of the barkeeper who already had a mug of beer ready for Synog by the time he reached the bar. 'Nobel's pay so well for a job well done' Synog idly to himself 'still it was no epic quest, but it will tide me over for now' he thought as he sat down in his usual corner booth and began to nurse his beer.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Victoria sat in the tavern, eyeing the man who had just entered cusiously. She was wearing a long red cloak with the hood pulled low to hide her face. Trying to remain anonymous, of course. It was proving to be counter productive, however, as she was earning many a strange look from the tavern's more regular patrons...

Not the point. The point was that she needed to get that crown. And in order to do that, she'd need someone to fight for her. She was never any good with that physical stuff. Knowing this, she had decided to come to this tavern to look for possible options for her champion. No one had really stood out to her, though. That is, until this new guy arrived...


"Thrust, reverse-"

"-Slash, lunge. I know." Viola interrupted her trainer, who had been instructing her on her excercises. Then she added in a mumble under her breath, "I've only been doing it for the past three months."

This whole knight training hadn't turned out like she'd expected. She'd thought that if she was accepted and allowed to train to become a knight, then everything would be easier from there. But no. Because she was a girl, she was looked down on. The same men she had been fighting alongside when she had began her training - men that she was better than, by the way - were knights by now, while she was still stuck doing the baby stuff.

"It's not fair!" she whined now as she attacked the training dummy.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
"Now!" Serle whispered to himself as he silently left his cover from behind a few crates to the back entrance of a small bakery, his footsteps making not a sound as he made his way across the ground. Upon reaching the door, he pressed his ear to it for a few moments, before taking a breath. He quietly pulled the door open, doing it slowly as to avoid the creaking noise. Then he made his way to the back room, aoiding the few men in the shop that were still there either baking or putting random cooking equipment away. His mouth nearly watered the moment he saw the amount of bread kept in the room, and he quickly pulled a bag brom his back pocket and got to work.
over a year ago Dizmo said…
Synog had been sitting there taking sips from his beer for about two minutes now, most of the bar patrons had gone back to their own business. One particular bar fly hadn't though, though calling her a bar fly would be like saying a glass of pure water looked dirty. She was dressed in fine clothes, her hair looked to be done up by a professional, she was wearing jewelry and she had a look on her face that screamed 'i'm better than you'. She was a noble, Synog could tell by just one look at her. He had done more jobs for nobles than he could count, apparently he had become quiet popular among the nobles of the land as a problem solver. He didn't care, he gave his work to anyone willing to pay, and he could charge nobles more than anyone else. The reason that Synog decided that it was worth noting all of these things would be because for the two minutes he had been sitting down at his booth, this noble woman had been looking at him as if she wanted something. Of course she did want something, Synog knew that, there is always something that nobles want. If it is lost or not their's they want it, if a group of bandits had been harassing one of there farms or a shop they owned, it had to be eradicated. Synog expected this woman to be no different, he also expected that if she walked out of this bar without Synog she would have been either robbed, raped or killed and that wouldn't do. Synog rather liked this bar, it holds good memories for him, like the first time he met his former teacher after a bar fight gone wrong. He knew if a Nobel was robbed, raped or killed by someone that could be traced back to the bar, there was a good chance that the bar would be brought out and destroyed just out of noble spite. With a sigh Synog turned his body to the Woman and said "if you want to talk business come over here with another mug of beer, i'm done with this one." he said and then downed the rest of the beer in one go.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Victoria's eyes widened slightly in surprise when the man she had been surveying spoke to her from across the tavern. Maybe she hadn't been as discreet with her observations as she had thought she was being. After giving the slightest of nods, she ordered a beer, paid, and made her way across the tavern to sit at the man's table. She slid the beer across the table to him and silently stared.
over a year ago Dizmo said…
Synog watched as the woman walked across the room towards his booth with a refined grace that was signature to those of a higher ranking social stature. She sat down at Synog's booth keeping her back straight for 'perfect posture'. The noble woman then slid the recently purchased beer across the tabletop, Synog then picked up the beer and took a big gulp of the alcoholic substance. When he first met his former tutor he had frequently expressed his distaste of nobles, when Synog questioned this the only reply he got was "one day you will see, the way the walk, the way the talk, just about anything they do, if you stick with this career, one day it will just piss you off. Synog understood what he meant now. 'you old bastard' Synog thought to himself "you gave me only a few pearls of wisdom, but the pearls you did give me were all worth something.' as he finished the though he placed the beer on the table and looked up at the noble. Synog had nothing against noble's, everyone had their place in the world, it's just that he was yet to meet a noble that didn't do something to piss him off almost immediately. "okay then" Synog began " by the way that you had been looking at me it seems that you might want something from me." Synog stated, it wasn't a question, it was just as if he was stating a fact. If the noble did want something then he would tell her that he was shadow blade, that was how most nobles knew him as. Not by face, not by his real name, but by his little code name, Shadow blade.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Victoria stared at the man a moment longer, then nodded. Yes, he would do well. He had a certain air about him that she favoured. There was next to no doubt that he would succeed in the task she had for him.
"That's right." she finally said. "I have something I need you to get for me. Of course, I will pay you well for your troubles...if you succeed, that is."
over a year ago Dizmo said…
"wouldn't expect you to pay a dead man for a job he died doing" Synog replied with his trademark smirk. He was always doing these retrieval missions alone, it made him wonder how much their little trinkets were really worth if they wouldn't just use him as a muscle to help them retrieve whatever they want. "well if we are doing business together you should know my business name. For now you can call me shadow blade, yes that is the same shadow blade that was taught by Ahlzad, yes most of what you have heard about me is probably true and finally no i do not know where my former mentor pissed off to when he disappeared. Now lets get down to details, you tell me what you want me to do, then you give me a payment offer, we will ask some questions concerning the mission to each other, i might flirt with you a bit, then i will probably escort you out of this tavern and down the road a bit so you don't get mugged for all that fine attire you are wearing, and no it doesn't need to be in that order." One of the biggest questions Synog is asked when a noble learns his business name is 'where's Ahlzad'. It was the truth when he said he didn't know, the old man said he was going to another town, But for all the towns Synog had gone to when away on a job, he had not heard a word about were his former mentor had gone. Synog was not worried though, he knew the old man was able to handle himself, but he did find it odd.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Victoria's eyebrows rose at the man's - shadow blade, he called himself - response to her simple statement. He was an interesting one indeed. This entire experience was setting itself up to be quite a bit diiferent from what she had anticiated it being.
"Alright then Mr...uh...Shadow Blade. What I need you to get for me is..." she paused, glanced around to make sure no one was too close, and dropped her voice. "I need you to get me the crown. Name your price, and I'm willing to pay it. This is of the utmost importance." She stared at him, silently willing him to accept the job.
over a year ago Dizmo said…
There was a short pause before she said his business name, she didn't know who he was. Someone who didn't know who he was, has she been living under a rock? He was known among the peasants for being a peasant that worked for nobles without being dependent on them, and he was known by the nobles as being the guy you found when you had a problem no one else could solve. Hell he was even known by knights after he helped Sir John destroy that massive vampire lair, well really Sir John got injured half way through the attack and Synog needed to kill all the vampires and carry Sir John out on his back, but that's just semantics. 'I guess i shouldn't be surprised' Synog thought to himself 'I still haven't completed a quest that would put me in history yet, It's not like finding a crown would achieve that then. Still how has she not heard of me?' Synog looked her in the eyes as he asked her his questions. "wait so have you never heard on the assault on dead-mans hold? The hunt of the un-dying bear? The Eradication of Valarious Caves? none of them?" he asked. "and you want me to get some crown? sure im down, so whats? so good about this crown?" Synog asked.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Victoria stared at the man, trying to figure out if he was joking. Everyone knew about the crown! Well, almost everyone, as it heemed this man honestly knew nothing of it.
"Well, I can't honestly say I recall hearing about any of those things." Victoria admitted. "But more importantly, have you really never heard of the crown? Everyone knows. It's the stuff of legends! Supposedly, it can grant its user wishes. Legend says that the old king wished all horrible things into the world, which was once perfect, before he died. And that's why the world is so messed up now." She shook her head. If this man had never even heard of the crown, could he really find it? "Anyway, that's the crown I'm after. And I need your help to get it."
Dizmo commented…
it heemed to me that Victoria was playing the pro-noun game with Synog. over a year ago
over a year ago Dizmo said…
Synog looked at Victoria with a flat look. She was talking about a crown that could grant wishes, what the hell was she talking about. It didn't matter to Synog, he wanted the details but he did't need to understand them. "alright i will humor you, a magical, sparkly wish granting crown of ultimate power. Why the hell not? I still don't know who the hell you are. I would like to at least know my employer before i work for them. Then i want to know what you are paying, and i also want to know what you plan to be doing while i complete this quest so when i finish this quest i can find you. I would also like to know what rock you have been living under that you don't even know of any of the major battles i just told you about. I mean come on, If you are a peasant you would of heard of the assault of dead-mans hold, if you were a noble you would of heard of the hunt for the undying bear pelt and if you were a soldier or a priest you would of heard of the eradication of Valarious caves. They had all happened in the past two years. How could you not know of them?" Synog asked, not knowing how she could not have known of those battles.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Victoria scowled, then quickly replaced it with a blank look. This was hardly the first time someone had spoken rudely to her, given the current situation of her family. It was however, the first time someone had spoken so harshly of the crown, been rude to her without even trying to be discreet, and seemed to do so because he seemed to think he was more imortant than her.
"Fine then, don't believe me about the crown. That's all the better for me." She paused, sucking in a breath to calm herself. If she wasn't careful, she might lash out at him, and that would be unlikely to end well for her. "If you want to know where I'll be, it's quite simple. I'll be helping you. No offense, but I'm afraid I can't trust a total stranger for something this important, especially since you don't even believe in the crown."
She paused once more, shaking her head. "As for who I am, I'm-" She cut herself off and tugged at her hood uncertainly. She at least owed it to this man to tell him who she was, if he was going to be fighting for her. Still, the thought of using her sullied family name, especially to a man who didn't seem to recognize her, was humiliating. "My name is Victoria Alexandria Genevive di Angelo. And there are a number of reasons I may not have heard of you. I'm not a noble, as you seem to think I am, and I'm certainly not a peasant. I'm royalty, actually. A princess, to be specific. I've never cared to waste time listening to stories about men who I don't know running around and killing things. And, quite frankly, I've had more important things to worry about than those said stories."
She paused once more, taking a moment to collect herself. "Now, I believe the only matter left to settle is that of your payment. Will a thousand gold coins suffice? Well, plus or minus a few hundred depending on how well you do."
over a year ago Risingstar108 said…
Name: Derrick stud

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Pic

Personality: will be shown in RP

Backstory: he used to be an adventurer like you, until he got drunk and bought some land, built this tavern and made his lively hood. while being drunk. the entire time.

Social Standing: Peasant

Wealth: Middle class

After the crown?: No, but that doesn't mean he wont help them.

Purpose for gaining crown: N/A

Kingdom Duty: Tavern owner

Extra: you see that bird there, he's me beeeeeeeeeeeesssssssst frieeeeeeeeeeeend.
oh he can talk too.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Derrick stud 

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Pic

Personality: will be s
over a year ago Dizmo said…
Synog's eyes bugged out when she said her name. He knew who she was, he had never known what she looked like but he knew who she was. His former mentor had a very positive viewpoint on the former king, apparently Ahlzad used to be apart of the royal guard or something. He never really told him what he did, but he was the royal something. As such Synog had gained a respect for the old royal family. 'wait a second' Synog thought to himself 'if she is from the old royal family she must be after the god device, what does a crown have to do with that?' Synog looked up at her and said "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance your highness, I had heard of your name before from my former mentor Ahlzad. I believed he worked for the royal family in fact. I also want to say that the decision to accompany me on the quest would be a wise one, i wouldn't trust a random mercenary either." He thought for a second before he continued. "just because i recognize your royal status though, don't expect me to bow, I don't bow to anyone. Also i don't exactly know why you would be after the crown, i thought it was the god device that granted wished. Of course no one knows what the god device is, or where it is, but i don't know how it will be connected with the crown. Actually on second thought, if you want me to find the crown you will have to tell me everything you know about it. Oh and yes, that sounds like a good amount of money." Synog would never tell anyone this, but he didn't do his job for the money, he usually gave most of his money away to those who needed it. He still wanted to be apart of history.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Victoria almost laughed. All it took was a mention of her name, and suddenly the rudeness seemed to disappear.
"Look, here's how it works." she said, focusing her mind on the task at hand. "At least to my understanding. Yes, technically, it's the God-Device that grants wishes. However, the God-Device only grants the wishes of the king, or, in my case, the queen. Therefor, in order to obtain the God-Device and have my wish granted, I need to be the queen. And in order to do that, I need the crown. It all works together."
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Blank had wondered for a moment.... her creation was long ago, at the forging of the crown.... who was her creator?.... she was an all powerful wish-granting God Device, yet she didn't even know who her creator was.... or if he was still alive today.... though that may sound stupid, one of the kings before had wished for immortality, so why wouldn't her creator have immortality?.... she had now decided that once someone came to find the crown, she would kindly request the ruler, to allow her to travel back in time to see her creator.
over a year ago Dizmo said…
Synog smiled, this noble was not a bitch. Well not much of one, most nobles were the biggest assholes to roam the lands. She was less so, and she was a princess, or queen. He couldn't tell which really. "Well then lets get started on the journey then, if we are going to find this crown the first place to look would be a palace. I assume you have your own horse? You will be leading me to the palace." Synog had heard stories of an ancient castle known as the palace, an old place. Home of the last king before he was dethroned. The best place to start looking for the crown would be its former owners house.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Victoria nodded and rose to her feet. "Of course. I'm ready to leave whenever you are. Let's get this over with." She may have sounded condescending, but on the inside she was grinning. Finally, it was starting to look like her wish would come true.
over a year ago Dizmo said…
"sure let's go, by the way if you are coming with me stop that attitude. It won't fly with me." he began to walk towards the bartender. "there is just some business i need to attend to first" He walked up to the bartender and discreetly handed him a sack full of 40 gold pieces. this left him with only five left, since he had already spent the other five. "this is four fifths of the money from my last job, they payed me way to much, as nobles tend to do." He dropped any attitude or joviality that had previously been in his voice. The He had known the bartender almost as long as he had been in the city. After the death of Synog's sister and the disappearance of Ahlzad, Derrick was the only one that knew anything about him on a personal level. Derrick of course did not know the name of Synog's sister, Synog would wager that only Ahlaz and himself are the only ones who know her name, but he knew more than anyone else. "I am going on another adventure, and i don't have time to give the orphanage the money. I was hoping you could give it to them" Ever since Synog had begun questing by himself he had given four fifths of all his earnings to the local orphanage or another charity. He only kept enough to get himself by since he had no need for the money.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"But I-" Victoria began before quickly stopping herself. She had been about to protest that she hadn't been acting any particular way, but stopped when she realised that she had seemed kind of negative. Really, it was only because she was nervous, but she decided that there was no need to let Synog know that. She followed him when he approached the bar, though she stayed a fair distance away. No need to seem clingy.
over a year ago Dizmo said…
After handing the money over to his bartender and long time friend he turned around and saw that Victoria was standing back and watching what he was doing, he immediately changed his attitude to his usual sarcastic self, but he thinks she might have seen something off. He walked over to her and began to lead her out the bar, when at the door he turned around and called out to the bar goers in a similar fashion to when he entered. "well i will be off then, wish me luck on my next adventure, and when i get back i will pay for everyone's drinks for a hole night!" With that he turned around and walked out, the cheers of the bar goers exploded in the bar as he left. He assumed that the princess had followed him as he began to walk to the stables. "this is going to be interesting" he said to himself as he walked.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Victoria silently followed Synog out of the bar and into the stables, where she found and mounted her horse. She glanced over at Synog. "It's a pretty long trip. Hope you're ready."
over a year ago Dizmo said…
"I'm always ready" Synog replied with a smirk before saddling his horse. His horse who he had named Tyler was male with a midnight black coat, the horse had been a gift from his mentor early in his career. The horse was brave, loyal and well trained. "We are going to have to stop in the market before we leave, i just need to pick up some previsions i ordered then i will be good." When ever he came home the first thing he did was stop in the market and order two weeks worth of supplies in preparation for another journey.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
'Sounds to me like you're not ready, then' she thought. Out loud, she said, "Alright. To the market then." She dug her heels slightly into her horse's side to encourage it to start walking.
over a year ago Dizmo said…
Once they reached the market Synog picked up the supplies and continued in the direction towards the direction of the castle his former mentor had told him stories about. 'If she is the princess i wonder what happened at that castle, like how did she escape? Where has she been living? there are to many unknowns, i will have to keep an eye on her in case she tries to double cross me.' he thought to himself.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
"And....finished!" Serle breathed in relief as he tied the bag that was now full of bread closed. "Now, to make my escape."
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Victoria remained silent as they travelled towards the castle. She found no need for small talk, or personal questions. The only thing that mattered now was the crown. That was all she was focused on.
over a year ago Dizmo said…
It took them about a week to get to the castle. Synog rarely talked to Victoria and Victoria rarely talked to Synog in turn. When they finally reached to castle Synog decided that it would be appropriate to ask a few questions to help with his investigation to the crowns location. "If this is not your castle speak up now, If you can, would you lead me to the throne room?"

(I did a bit of a time skip for mine and Kat-chan's character since it looked like we were not going to be doing anything for a while, Tell me if anyone has a problem with this so i can change it if i need to.)
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Blank sat down on the throne, and laid back a little, looking up at the roof, and still holding her staff in her left hand to the side... she stared and stared at the roof... for the past week she had been standing next to the throne... bored, without a King or Queen to serve.... she sat up for a moment.... she wanted a servant, someone to speak to. she closed her eyes, opened them again, and infront of her, stood her new Servant.
"I will name you Autumn." Autumn nodded in response.

Autumn felt.... everything, she had gained awareness, sudden existence, she had knowledge that she doesn't know where she learnt.... her name was Autumn, she is the servant of Blank.... but she barely know more of herself.

NAME: Autumn

AGE: Just Born

GENDER: Female


Created by the God device as a Servant, she was created mainly to serve the God Device, and to control the changing of Seasons.




PURPOSE FOR GAINING CROWN: None. she has no reason for existence other than serving the God Device.

KINGDOM DUTY: Servant and Friend to the God Device.
Blank sat down on the throne, and laid back a little, looking up at the roof, and still holding her s
over a year ago Dizmo said…
(Kat-chan are you going to reply?)
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((Yes. >.< Terribly sorry about the wait.))
Victoria nodded absently. "Castle. Throne room. Yes. This way." She mumbled as she stared up at the castle. Finally. She was finally here. All that was left was to find the crown, get the God-Device, and make her wish. For the first time since she had formed her plan, she allowed herself to hope that it might actually work. With hope in her heart and a hop in her step, she entered the castle and began leading Synog to the Throne room.
over a year ago Dizmo said…
(Its okay, i was mainly posting that to make sure that this RP doesn't die by making sure that it gets at least one reply every few days.)

Synog followed behind the visibly elated princess who was strolling through the castle with out a care in the world. Which made sense to Synog since (Heavy sarcasm incoming) Why the hell would bandits, evil wizards, vampires or other monsters like to make a massive abandon castle their new home. (Everyone can leave their cover, sarcasm over) Synog kept his senses looking for the slightest presence of evil. "So is the crown meant to be in the thrown room, if it is than this was an easy quest." Synog felt a little disappointed to honest. He let himself hope that accepting a quest from a princess to secure a magical wish granting device might be filled with a bit more fame, enough to put himself in the history books, for the memory of his sister. "wait up" Synog said as they approached the doors that he believed to be the throne room. "alright i will enter first, you alright with that" Synog asked, not really caring for the answer.
BanetteGhosneir commented…
didn't i already post on my first post that there were still GUARDS in the castle/palace? the place sure as f*ck aint abandoned since who the hell is going to abandon the building where an all mighty god-device is somewhere inside. over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((So sorry Banette >~< I'll fix that with this post.))

"Huh?" Victoria said. Somehow, she was surprised to find that Synog was still there. And getting in her way. "Oh, yeah. You go in first. Makes sense, I guess." She stepped back to allow Synog to pass her and enter, only to notice two guards running towards them. Dammit. And it had looked like it was going to be so easy...
over a year ago Dizmo said…
"Halt the two guards ordered" Synog checked his weapon to make sure his crossbow was still cocked. 'Where the hell were the guards earlier?' Synog thought to himself "Watch your tongue guards, surly you would not want to stand in the way of the princess and her personal guard?" Synog hoped the took his bluff.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Victoria caught on two what Synog was doing and quickly straightened up, doing her best to seem like a snooty rich princess. It wasn't difficult. She scowled disapprovingly at the guards. "You'd think they'd be able to recognize a princess when they saw one. Honestly, good guards are so hard to find these days." The guards stood back uncertainly for a moment. Would this work?
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Gomen everyone! I totally forgot to reply to this!)

"Okay...here you go..." Serle said gently, passing out the bread among a group of children in a worn out building. It was familiar to him, as it had been his own home for several years. The orphanage.
last edited over a year ago
Dizmo commented…
hey Synog donates to the orphanage :D, it feels weird making a character that tries not to look nice but secretly is. over a year ago
TAIKAMODO commented…
Well, the 'King of Pessants' is that kinda character, so i'll be experiencing the weirdness soon too! XD over a year ago
over a year ago Dizmo said…
Synog smirked under his hood as he watched the guards take a step back, uncertain on what to do next. "Follow me princess, I believe we should encounter no more interruption from this rabble." He said as he made to open the throne room doors. 'Thanks god that the princess in smarter than she looks, guess you have to be to be a good princess.' Synog thought as he opened the doors.
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Blank could hear the commotion outside the throne room gates, she wanted to go and check, but she didn't want to leave the Throne unattended, in case the old kings returned. She stood up and stood back where she was before, on the right side of the throne.

"Autumn, can you please go check what's happening outside the Gates?
Autumn nodded, turned around, and headed towards the gates, the 2 guards stationed there saw her walk over, at first they were suspicious, but they saw that Blank had spoken to her, so she must've been allowed here, they begun to push the gates open, the gates made a large sound like metal grinding against metal, Autumn then walked through into the long hallway, to see the Princess and a strange man looking at 2 guards.
" Is something the matter Princess?" Autumn asked.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dizmo said…
As Synog was about to open the massive metal doors he was surprised when they began to open for him, which he was thankful for since when they were fully open he realized they were more like gates no doors and would have been extremely difficult to open. 'I almost made an ass out of myself by trying to open something i wouldn't have had a chance at opening.' He looked at the figure that came through the gates and found a human-tree hybrid person, and he was in awe for a second, unprepared for such a sight. "Who are you?" he asked genuinely curious.