Random Role Playing Chosen

Kat-chan posted on Jun 01, 2015 at 08:16PM
You have been training for years as the 'chosen one'. Training all your life, really. Chosen for what, you don't know, but you know it's important, and you know it will be coming soon.

You're not sure what's going on, but lately your mentor has been acting odd. He/She's been pushing you harder than ever in your training. Then they finally tell you. Tomorrow. Tomorrow's the day you've been waiting for. The day you've been training for. The day you've been chosen for.

Well, it's tomorrow. But something odd has happened. You woke up on a plane with several other 'chosen ones' that you've never heard about. What's going on? The captain's about to speak.

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Random Role Playing 117 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 117

over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Name: Avalon Tailor
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Pic
Mentor: A man named James Martin
Bio: Literally all her life was preparation to be the 'Chosen One'. She never knew her parents, and didn't grow up with the things that most little girls grew up with, like dolls. Instead, she grew up with knives and tools. All her life, she believed that she was unique and incredibly one of a kind; irreplaceable. And now here she was, with several others who had thought the same thing.
Skills: breaking and entering, close combat, forged personalities.
Other: Meh.
Name: Avalon Tailor
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Pic
Mentor: A man named James Martin
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Name: Jewel Jackson
Age: 17
Gender: female
Appearance: pic
Mentor: James Johnson
Bio: (i'll put it up later)
Skills: Sword play, weaponary, forgery (food gathering)
Other: ?
last edited over a year ago
Name:  Jewel Jackson
Age:  17
Gender:  female
Appearance:  pic
Mentor:   James Johnson
Bio:  (i'
over a year ago Firiel said…
Name : Eden Scarpone
Age : 12
Gender : Female
Appearance : Pic 1
Mentor : Sir Gastrous
Bio : Eden didn't have any memory before she was ended up in Sir Gastrous' care. Her whole life was preparation to some kind of event. She didn't know why, when, where, what, or how. Her mentor told her she will be a savior and thus trained her with amazing fighting skill. But since two years ago, her suspicion arise. She began to question why she was trained, why her mentor didn't even told her. She started to think if she was going to be some kind of test subject. And apparently, her brother has the same suspicion as her. And now, why she suddenly woke up in a plane with other .. Chosen Ones?
Skills : Close combat fighting skill, medication skill and little bit of food gatherings.
Other : She chose to cut her hair short because sometimes her hair get in the way of her training, she also often mistaken as boy.

Name : Adlon Scarpone
Age : 17
Gender : Male
Appearance : Pic 2
Mentor : Sir Gastrous
Bio : Adlon is Eden's big brother. As the older one, he was trained harder than Eden who was younger and a girl. His mentor always expected the best of him, but last weeks ago, his mentor began to act oddly. Same as Eden, he also has his suspicion why he was trained and why he was being prepared as if something was going to happen. And it can happen anytime. Two years ago, he confirmed his sister has the same suspicion and said that maybe they're some test subject. Then Adlon began to question what kind of test that will be done to them? And if it was chemical, why they need to be trained this hard? For Adlon, he think that one day they would be assigned to fight with some kind of race thay government wished to be non-exist. And now, why he suddenly woke up in a plane with other ... Chosen Ones?
Skills : Long Range Fighting skill, Food Gathering skill, and now some Medication skill that was enough to defend his lives if his sister wasn't around. They were trained to fight together as team after all.
Other : One of his eyes was made from glass, but now it can function as normal eye.
last edited over a year ago
Name : Eden Scarpone
Age : 12
Gender : Female
Appearance : Pic 1
Mentor : Sir Gastrous
Bio : Ede
over a year ago Firiel said…
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Name: Doll

Gender: Female

Appearance: the Doll is around 2 meters tall, her skin looks plastic (because it is) though it acts like flesh, her skin is cold and she doesn't seem fast, her eyes are golden, and she does do various actions in response to actions by people.

Mentor: the Doll has no Mentor, but she can be considered as a Mentor

The Doll's origin is unknown, she one day showed up at one of the places where they were training one of the chosen children, as far as seen she has various knowledge about many things, and can answer any question asked to her, she seems completely docile, and has been noticed to be a lifelike puppet, a Doll. she only seems to respond to being called Doll or The Doll.

right now, she is standing at the front of the plane of all the passengers, her legs together and her hands are holding eachother, she is staring forward, and not many people know how to react to the lady that's head is almost touching the roof... nor has many noticed how her hands look like a puppets.

she seems to be able to move about freely, and have extensive knowledge on many things, she can cook, clean, administer first aid, do repairs on all machinery, and much more. but she cannot fight.

the Doll sometimes sits down, and closes her eyes, it's very hard to tell if she's asleep or thinking when doing this, considering there's no brain activity, breathing rate or heart rate to use as reference if she's asleep.

she calls everyone 'hunter'

it has been noticed, that when someone grows enough, either in intelligence or strength, even in speed, they can visit the Doll, and she can increase their ability to grow stronger.

"Welcome home, good hunter"
last edited over a year ago
[b]Name:[/b] Doll

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Appearance:[/b] the Doll is around 2 meters tall, he
BanetteGhosneir commented…
BTW, when it says she can increase their ability to grow stronger, it doesn't mean she makes them stronger, it means she widens their limits, makes it so they have higher reachable areas, and increase their capability to grow stronger over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((Boop? <:3))
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((Yeah, let's get started))

Avalon sat silently, looking around at everyone and trying to understand what was going on. She had thought that she was special, and here was an entire plane-full of people who could replace her at a moment's notice. The thought made her uneasy. 'The Chosen One' was who she was, the only person she'd ever been. She didn't like that that was being taken away from her.
over a year ago Alaska- said…
Name: Katerina Graham
Age: 17
Gender: female
Appearance: pic(her eyes are green if you cant see)
Mentor: a guy named Kyle Carter
Bio:(erm, i'll get back to this)
Skills: close combat(like karate and shit...she's a black belt),really fast and agile and extremely good memory
Other: not at the moment
last edited over a year ago
Name: Katerina Graham 
Age: 17
Gender: female
Appearance: pic(her eyes are green if you cant see)
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(Last reply for tonight, got work tomorrow)

The Doll sat apon a crate afront the plane, where it could see all the students ahead of it. all these humans, lied to and cradled, and now chucked apon the harsh mud of truth, the lies of warm blankets removed, and the cold winter air of these faces surrounding them, telling them what really was, and what was hence just a lie.

the Doll afront, even whilst sitting, was tall enough to be seen by all, her head tilted a little downwards, her eyes closed, her hands on her lap, left over right, and her feet to lets together, if it wasn't for her hair ocasionally waving, she could have been mistaken for a plastic statue, no sound came from her, no heartbeat nor breath... a true doll, sitting in their place.
over a year ago Alaska- said…
((wait where are all the mentors currently))

Katerina was for the first time...a lit thrown off. Like the others she thought she was the only chosen one but now everything's changed. She's despensable..what she really can't believe is that Kyle would have lied to her...when she had finally let down her wall separating her from everyone else...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((They didn't board the plane, so as far as the 'Chosen Ones' know, they're still back at wherever they were training. They'll be back though.))

Avalon was feeling incredibly antsy when the speaker system came on and a voice filled the plane.

"Hellooooooooo, Chosen Ones." The words felt like a punch to the gut for Avalon. "This is your captain speaking. We are approaching our destination and will touch down in about half an hour, if things go smoothly. If they don't you will find parachutes under you chairs. Please be ready to jump. Don't worry, kids, all your questions will be answered soon." With a crackle of static, the smooth voice cut off and the plane returned to silence.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Jewel had jerked her head up at the sound of the speakers going off. Why was she on a plane? Why did the speaker say there was a parachute under our seats and we needed to jump. She used her foot and pulled the chute out from under her seat. ' let's hope i wont need this." she muttered quietly, In the front of the plane ,on some crates was a..... a person? or a doll? Jewel shook her head slowly, and looked at the people around here, rubbing her hand up and down her tattoo. There was a girl with blonde, almost white hair.. another girl with all Gray hair who looked to be 15, which was odd. A creepy looking guy, the Doll thing, and a beautiful dark skinned woman.
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((Today and Tomorrow, Replies won't be happening between 8:30am~3:20pm so, try not to get too far without me ;_;))

The Doll slowley opened her eyes, and looked up when the sound speaker went off... she couldn't stand in the plane, it was too small for her, they had to bring her in whilst she was sitting atop the crate, then she looked ahead, at all the children. at all the humans.
over a year ago Alaska- said…
Katerina felt regret deep in her chest. She wished she hadn't gone along with the whole chosen one thing for her whole life now to find out she's being taken to who knows where with all these other people she didn't know. She felt like punching something to let out some of her frustration...She eyed the doll wondering if anyone else saw it there too...
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Avalon pulled the parachute out from under her chair and placed it in the empty seat next to her. She felt like strapping it on, ripping a hole in the wall, and jumping out of the plane, escaping from all the fate thieves. She knew that was ridiculous, of course. There was no way she could rip a hole in the metal plane.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Jewel leaned back, and decided to break the silence. "is it just me...or does anyone else see the creepy looking doll sitting on the crates?" She asked, looking around at all the people around her.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"I can see her. I think we can all see her." Avalon called back to the girl who had spoken, who she judged to be a few rows behind her. Even as she spoke, she didn't look back.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"well good." Jewel huffed. " i dont want to be thought of as crazy if i was the only one that saw the doll.."
over a year ago Alaska- said…
"thank God...I was staring at it too..does anyone know where we're going..this can be considered kidnapping" Katerina replied in the seat behind Jewel.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Jewel turned around ,leaning over the back of her seat. "Who know...it might be, seeing how all they told us was that we were going to be arriving soon..but where are we going?"
over a year ago Alaska- said…
Katerina rubbed her temple, "as soon as we get off I think i'll make a run for it to the nearest terminal, assuming we're landing in the airport or something and take the first flight out of here..." She didn't want anything to do with being chosen anymore and she wasn't about to get into something she couldn't get out of.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
" all i have to say right now is...i hope that talking speaker was wrong about us having to use the parachutes..." Jewel remarked " and i agree, getting away as soon as possible sounds like a great idea.." she paused. "now that i think about it...where is everyone's master..."
Alaska- commented…
you mean mentor over a year ago
heart-of_love commented…
oops XD over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
The Doll's head perked up when they asked if anyone else saw the doll. her eyes alone, without her head moving, looked around at the children, in an attempt to find the person who spoke to her.
"Hunter... was there something you desired?" she finally spoke
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Jewel Jumped in surprise. "d-d-did the d-doll j-just talk? or an i going insane." The color had faded from her face, leaving her pale. After a moment she composed herself and turned around. " yes i had a question...Where are we going?"
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
"Hunter... you are being taken to where they believe you'll be tested, where you and many hunters will see if you are the ones they seeked"
The Doll's head moved to look at Jewel
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
The speakers crackled with static once more and the pilot's voice filled the plane. "Alright, Chosen Ones! This is your captian speaking. Looks like it's your lucky day - we made it to our destination in one piece! We'll be landing in a minute, so make sure you're seated and your seatbelt is on. Also, once we've landed, remain in your seats and wait until you recieve further instructions. Thank you, ladies and gents, and goodnight!"

((BTW, the pilot is going to be popping in and out from now on, so here's what he looks like))
last edited over a year ago
The speakers crackled with static once more and the pilot's voice filled the plane. "Alright, Chosen
over a year ago Firiel said…
((Sorry, the exams were holding me up from getting online. There's one day left though.))

Eden's head perked up when he heard the speaker start to announce something, so she have been sleeping till a while ago. She listened carefully and analyze each word before looking for her brother. Apparently Adlon have been awake earlier than she was and was sitting next to her. Eden sat next to the window and Adlon sat next to her, both of them were sitting the back rows, so they will be able to see events that will be occurred before them. She checked below her chair and found a parachute, she put it on her lap in case anything happen and started to analyze her surrounding. When you are in unfamiliar place, the first thing to do is to analyze your surrounding then the people around you, and if you can, found their weakness. Then she listened to the doll-like person answering the a brunette's question and listened back to the speaker who start talking again. This is annoying, Eden thought. She looked to her brother and nodded.

Adlon saw her sister nodded and he replied back with a nod. They knew better than to talk in this kind of foreign situation. One wrong word, and they found your weakness, then it will be easy to finish you off. He already checked the parachute and analyze his surroundings. They were raised in the same mentor's care so their method of fighting and surviving is similar. The ones they seek? So if this was going to be some kind of elimination, there should be more than one to be chosen since she say 'ones'. Hm... then Eden and I would be safe then. And test? So Eden's suspicions was right? What the hell is going on?! Adlon inwardly sighed. He mentally prepare himself if anything bad might happen in future. It seems like both of them raised with trust issues.
over a year ago Alaska- said…
Katerina sighed. What could she do to get herself out of this mess? Where was Kyle? Why she chosen if she wasn't all that special aparently? Does this change the meaning of her life? She had so many questions but zero answers. She jabbed her chin into her palm((idk if I described that effectively or)) and stared out the window. The sky was a fleshy pink.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((I'm doing exams too. My last on is Wednesday morning. Then I have to start graduation practice. I know that struggle life, bruh.))

Suddenly, the plane started shaking as if it was experiencing bad turbulence. The captain's voice came on over the speakers once more, sounding just as calm as he had sounded the previous times.

"Hello again Chosen Ones. Captain speaking. Um, this is a bit embarrassing to admit, but it looks like I may have spoken too soon when I said we made it. We've run into a spot of trouble, so if you all could strap on your parachutes and make your way to the nearest exit, you-" His voice suddenly cut off, replaced by static.

"The hell?" Avalon exclaimed as she jumped to her feet, grabbing her parachute from the chair next to her. She was almost knock back down by the wildly shaking plane, but quickly grabbed onto the seat in front of her to steady herself.

((Banette, don't worry about Doll. I guarantee that she'll be fine. I have a plan >:) ))
over a year ago Alaska- said…
((hehehe i finished all my exams and I'll be back maybe later today cause i'm going prom dress shopping XD ..please don't get too far without me))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(lol mine were finished last month XD, and i hope it's a beautiful dress)

Jewel stiffened slightly before jumping to her feet and yanked on the parachute, clipping it so it didnt come off. Grabbing onto the seat infront of her, herfeet sliding as the plane tilted. Her gaze flew around the plane,before landing on the exit door. "over there." she remarked, alowing the planes next tilt to carry her over to the door.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Avalon shakily made her way over to the exit door, buckling on her parachute as she went. She yanked the door open just in time for the plane to jerk in the other direction, causing her to fall and slide away from the door. She let out a small shriek of surprise as this happened, then got back to her feet with some difficulty.
over a year ago Alaska- said…
Katerina grabbed her parachute and stood up but as soon as she did the plane sharply titled. She skidded to the left unable to grab anything in time and knocked against a window really hard. She fell down to the floor, blood dripping from her head, unconcious...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
the Doll remained stationary, watching as the Chaos unfolded
"Hunters, becareful, i hope you will find your worth in the waking world"
((you has plan? :D then by all means, please, save the Doll, you'll need her later afterall))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Jewel grabbed onto the seats and looked back at Katerina , laying on the ground. "wow, she's useless." Jewel grumbled, crawling over to her and grabbed her around the waist,lifting her up off the ground, when the Plane tilted and sent Jewel stumbling over to the door, at the last moment She was able to use one arm, and grab onto a seat.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((Um, heart-of_love, I believe there's been some confusion. Katerina's the one who's unconcious, not Avalon.))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(ohh i got people confused...i'll fix the post , i think it's because you and alaska- both have black and white pictures so i got mixed XD sorry!!)
over a year ago Alaska- said…
((oh shoot i wrote she instead of Katerina cause i was the one on the ground heart-of love >.< srry!! I changed it and thanks for saving me XD kat-chan said she was gonna throw me off the plane))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(oh dear XD lol)
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((Yesss, I am evil >:D ))

Avalon made her way back to the door, this time holding on to seats all the way to stop herself from falling over. Upon arriving at the door, she looked back at the other inhabitants of the plane. "Are you coming, or what?" With those parting words, she threw herself out of the plane and into the wind.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Jewel watched as Avalon threw herself from the plane. "you have got to be kidding me.." she growled, adjusting her hold on Katerina. Jewel took a deep breath and reliesed it, before glacing back. "1..2. 3" she let go of the chair she was holding onto and flung herself and Katerina out of the plane, tumbling through the air. Jewel reached back and pulled the string, the Parachute opened but a moment later the ropes snapped, sending both girl's freefalling. "this backup better work!" Jewel hissed grabbing the other rope and yanking on it, allowing the second one to open.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((I'm going to give Firiel a chance to respond before I post again and start explaining things))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(okey dokey Kat-chan.)
over a year ago Alaska- said…
((I changed my pic to color so its not as confusing oh and I made a new rp about killing people if anyone wants to join!!))

Unfortunately Katerina regained consciousness whilst they were falling. Her head instantly hurt her and she realized that both her and Jewel were falling to their deaths unless the backup parachute opened.
"AHH" she allowed herself to say as this was not the best way to wake up.
"What the hell is happening?? And what happened to me?!" she yelled to Jewel as the wind pounded in her ears.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((Doll? :<))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(it's helps a lot Alaska, and it's so cute! also..yea What are we going to do about Doll?)
Jewel winced at Katerina's scream. she swore if this girl kept screaming, she was going to drop her. " were excaping the plane, and you got knocked out, you didnt expect me to leave you there did it?" Jewel remarked, tightening her grip on Katerina's waist, so the girl didnt fall.
over a year ago Alaska- said…
((Is there anyone still left in the plane to save her?))

Katerina scream died quickly enough an she hated the fact that she needed the help but she was grateful. Her head was still throbbing and when she touched her forehead, there was blood, "I think I need to go to a hospital" she yelled again, the wind making her voice slightly muffled. "Oh and thanks...for not leaving me.."
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(Firel's character's are still inside, i think)
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((I've PM-ed Banette about Doll's situation. No worries, she's perfectly safe))
over a year ago Alaska- said…
((hey does anyone wanna join this new rp with me and Kat-chan??))