Random Role Playing Dirty Gloves, Clean Suits---We Are The Strangers

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Jun 07, 2015 at 03:24AM
We are the light
But we are so dark
We've saved and helped
But we've destroyed and humiliated.
Are gloves are permanently stained and dirty......
But our suits are always clean.
Our minds.
Our bodies.
Our souls.
Are three different strangers.

[The Strangers]
The Strangers are not an organization, but rather explained as an unknown scale balance that destroys the inner worst of people such as addictions, cravings, lying, etc.. They are individuals with the ability to not only see, but also seek out the evil within humans. In many ways than one, they are basically able to slay one's sins. They do so by using named weapons that come from their souls and runs off of spiritual energy called, Slayer Ki. The stronger their souls, the stronger their Slayer Ki is.
--Say for instance, someone is a violent drunk. As that person continues to drink, an evil known as a Corruption begins to grow and strengthen. As the person comes closer to reaching a Apogee, their inner Corruption of the word "Drunk" will began to manifest itself. It is the Strangers job to deal with that manifestation and suppress them.

**An Apogee is the climatic point in ones intoxication or sin that allows the Corruption to manifest.**

The Strangers operate in Numerical Letter ranks ((# then the Letter)) from A-D.
#A-Superior Strangers
-Tier 1
-Tier 2
-Tier 3
#B-Beta Strangers
-Tier 1
-Tier 2
-Tier 3
#C-Average Beta Strangers
-Tier 1
-Tier 2
-Tier 3
#D-Stranger Omega

The Strangers are beings called Haikri or a Jindaimokei. It means Human Phantom. Half human, half phantom. They can appear as humans, which is like a base form for them. And then goes into a phantom, where they cant be seen at all by humans because their barrier between humans and the spiritual in a separate sort of living experience. However, they can be seen and sometimes felt as a pressure like presence by humans with high spiritual awareness.
And then these entities of their opposite opposition would basically be corrupted versions of themselves that want to completely let corruption consume all of human race with corruption so that humans maybe "renewed" in a new world, which adds another enemy of concern for them besides the manifestations of Corruptions. That specific opposite of the Jindaimokei is known as the Gōsuto, a rough translation of Corrupt Phantoms. So there would be a more three wayed war of spiritual and physical confliction in a way. Humans vs There sins, Sins=Manifestation, Manifestation vs. Corruption of the sins and addictions.

[Corruptions and their Manifestation]
As noted from before, the Corruptions are the inner
The manifestation type, shape, and form depends on how that person's personality is when they are intoxicated or their overall personality AND mentality when they sin. Regret and guilt play a large part in the way the Corruptions manifest. Usually the ones that hold the regret and guilt tend to be less powerful compared to the ones that have none. The strength of the Corruption depends mostly the human's motive and their level of regret or guilt. If the human that the corruption belongs to has none, then they are averagely stronger. The Corruption manifestations of serial killers and drug addicts are usually the strongest because of the large lack of guilt or regret, which requires the higher ranking Strangers.

[Humans, Corruptions, and Strangers]
A human can become a Stranger only if they have special qualities about them, such as the amount of spiritual awareness ((which i'm assuming you understand the concept of)), a specific name that they cherish, the overall sight of the foulness of sin, and spiritual endurance. If a human DOES in fact, have those qualities, and is deemed worthy enough by a Stranger, they can be turned by experiencing the silent, unwavering, cold feeling of death. During this process, they will have to face every fear they have ever had that is infused into one. They would have to understand their duty as a Stranger and accept their gift. Now to the subject of having a specific name to cherish. This is needed in order for the human's soul to create a suitable weapon because it will be their weapon's name. While facing their fears, if they are able to successfully confront their mashed together terror ((referring to the fears)), then their weapon will appear in a form that is the most comfortable to the soul, and from there, they would beable to destroy their current fears. But this doesnt mean that new ones cant come to surface if you're wondering. But in order for all of this to take place, the highest authority of the strangers known as the Stranger Of Eden ((Soe)), who is the order of all of the Strangers, must give the consent of acceptance.

There is also a way that humans can become a Gōsuto. If a heart was purefully evil and embraces its sins then Corruption Manefistations of similar impurities and sins will draws itself to that human and bind itself to his or her Corruption and devours it after it has been made at its highest point during the Apogee phase.

[Types of Strangers that Exist]
--Black Suits, White Ties-- Mind
These strangers are unknown to even the ones who know them. Strange right? They are the ones that are known for the purging of evil. Meaning, they usually ALWAYS make their presence known. But after their work is done, they disappear from the minds of anyone that saw them. They can wipe their existence from any ones mind ((except for the OTHERS)) after they're work is completely done. Any other found abilities usually deal with the mind.

--Black Suits, Black Ties-- Soul
Also known as the First Strangers, and the Balance of Light and Darkness, these strangers have the ability to look into other people's soul, as well as attack them. They usually mask their presence before making their move so they will have time to observe everything that goes around them. They see things as a game of chess, which is why they're known for showing up when something horrible is about to happen, or watching scenes unfold. Some of the strangers of this class dont talk much.

--White Suits, Blood Red Ties-- Body
Known as the most deceiving, chaotic, and perceiving of them all, these strangers cause chaos. They have the ability to change their entire existence and print that existence into the memories of regular people. They never stay as one person, but live as multiple people. They are the dirt on the clean gloves. They're always in the dirty work. But in the midst of their dirty work, there is strangely, some good that comes from it, though Strangers of this category are known to be corrupted the easiest.

((Credit to Angel_Kiss)) White Suits, Blue Ties: Will

These Strangers sometimes works with the ones of the Mind category. They are able to help humans fight against the Corruption by supplying them the will to go against their sins or addictions. But unlike the other Strangers, they tend to stay with that person for a long period of time to ensure that they dont resort back to unknowingly building up their corruption, before finally moving on to someone else, during this period. Along with that, they are able to disguise themselves as students or co-workers of the person they're looking after.

***These are the four strangers in existence, no one knows their true purpose. No one actually knows them at all. They are the strangers, that's all you need to know. Each individual has a 2nd ability that can be used at their disposal as well.***

No Godmodding ((And Yes, that goes for me as well, unless specific situations are at hand.))
No killing another person's character without permission
*Note* This CAN and WILL get violent and or sexual at moments, so if you may not approve or dislike content of that matter, please do not join.
And NO, your character doesnt necessarily have to wear a suit, but the tie and colors are mandatory.
No one liners, unless you cant help it
Stranger Character Sheet:
Stranger Type(Mind, Body, Soul, or Will):

Secondary Ability:

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Overall Appearance (pic?):

Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:
Weapon Appearance (optional):

Extra/Small Backstory

[Human] Character Sheet:

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Overall Appearance (pic?):



#A-Superior Strangers
Leu'Rox Cherery// Body //Tier 3/ Appears to be 19 or 10// Female // Weapon:Lullaby--Verzion 2:Symphony ((Me))

#B-Beta Strangers
Tint Roosevelt// Will // Tier 1/ Appears to be 16-20// Female // Weapon:??? ((Alaska))
Rinne Tsubaki// Soul //Tier 3/ Mid 20's// Female // Weapon:Diva/ ((xXDreamWriterXx)

#C-Average Beta Strangers
Matro Collens// Soul // Tier 1/ Mid or Late 20's// Male // Weapon: Shest' Koroli ((Me))
Iris Griffin// Body // Tier 3/ Mid Twenties// Female // Weapon:Knightfall ((Angel_Kiss))

#D-Stranger Omega

Ryan Kuro/ Age 24/ Male ((xXDreamWriterXx))
Joey Lynks/ Almost 20/ Male ((Me))

((Questions, Ideas, and concerns, please, ask freely.))
last edited on Jun 26, 2015 at 03:57PM

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