Random Role Playing The Four(5) Kings

BanetteGhosneir posted on Jun 27, 2015 at 03:22PM
Welcome to Karua, whether you're new to the city, or a resident, you'll know of the 4 Kings.

the 1st King,Yellow King, Gold King,
the 2nd King, Platinum King, Silver King,
the 3rd King, Brown King, Rusted King
the 4th King, Blank King, the Clear King.

and, unknown to the people, and the King's Subordinates, there is a 5th King, the Forgotten King, the Colourless King

the four Kings have a Sigil, each King has a symbol that follows them. These Sigils grant the Kings a unique power, and also allows the Kings to asign ranks to their subordinates, and a portion of their power dependent apon their Rank. the 5th King however can only have 2 subordinates, and 2 new subordinates must be chosen when atleast all 4 kings have been replaced once.

as for the actual Kings, the 4 Kings are 4 major powers in the city, whether it's power distribution, a large mafia/gang, a weapons distribution company, Police Force, media company, ect. again, all but the 5th King.

now, the 4 Kings aren't gender restricted, but the title remains 'king' even if the king is a woman. but all the King's titles, Gold King, Silver King, is a secondary title, the Kings do have their own Primary title, this can be anything, an Example, is that the previous Clear King's primary title, was the White King, the previous Gold King's title was the Shining Chip, and the rusted King used to be the Corrupting Steel.

now, those Unique Powers of the Kings, some examples are, that the Clear King could manipulate the senses of humans, sight, smell, taste, touch, but they weren't limited there, they could edit the memories of others, their subordinates could only do the senses though. another example would be the Silver King, the previous one had the power to unite souls, the more Souls united, the stronger, faster and more durable the united. Subordinates that receive a power, will keep the power even after leaving the King, however if that person dies, their power will be available to someone else. so whilst someone is alive, no one else has their power (an exception being the 5th king)

now, as for why the 4 Kings seem to be in a strange sort of battle, no one seems to know, the Kings believe whoever of the 4 Kings wins, will receive a single wish, of anything. some others believe that the winner will become the true king of the world, others believe something else.

now, the subordinates of the Kings won't know this, nor will the regular People, but the Kings could be considered like a deck of Cards, a King, Queen, Jack and Ace.... however, the 5th King.... the Forgotten King... the Lonely King, is what is called a 'Joker', a King that is to be used by other Kings, a card easily able to turn a battle between 2 Kings, but the problem is, the 5th king isn't called the Forgotten King for nothing, the 5th king, is almost impossible to find.

a King is not selected by choice, no person can ever predict who the next King shall be, but they can sort of 'choose' the Next King, after a King has died they could order someone to evaluate the Next King once the sigil has chosen one. and if the king doesn't meet the last one's evaluation, they could get a King to slay them.

that is another thing to know, only a King and slay another King, this excludes the Forgotten King, the 5th king cannot slay, nor be slain. they are simply a pawn to be used. though if you were to ask the 5th King on why this is, they will simply reply as they always has.
"i won a fight, i wish i'd never fought, and this is my victory"

now, more apon the Kings. when 2 Kings come into Combat, their Sigils will enlargen for all to know, that any who is not a King and enters into the fight, will simply be in the way, also, the 5th King, as before, cannot be slain, nor can they slay, however they apparently can turn the tide of battle, how? the Forgotten King can allow another king to Borrow their power, since the Forgotten King cannot have any castle, nor many subordinates.

anyway, i welcome you, Kings, you are the 4 newly selected Kings, i am Galahad, i have seen Kings come and Go, i was once the Rusted King, but i did not win. i will not tell you who had won, nor will i tell you what they had won, i am simply here to guide you. now. you must all first choose your titles, in accordance with your unique abilities

Once a title is taken, that's that, first come first serve. so be quick.

(}[Gold King : Lion Soul Leone]{) - Mcterra

Advisor - Ushua - Angel_Kiss
??? - Gax - Banette

(}[Silver King : The Almighty One Eden]{)

Time Seer - Kiunu - Banette

(}[Rusted King : _____]{)


(}[Clear King : Hana the Dragon Queen]{) - Angel_Kiss

?? - Eva - Angel_Kiss
Seer - Buraddi - Banette

[Forgotten King : Kuraun... God] - BanetteGhosneir

[=====][CHARACTER SHEET][=====]

[b]Primary Title[/b]

[b]Number/Secondary/Tertiary Title[/b]




[b]Unique Power[/b]

[b]Sigil[/b] (Please upload a picture of your Sigil)


[b]extra[/b] (there are different races of beings, but they don't have any special properties, they just look different to humans, so put here what race you are, if you're human then just leave it)

[Subordinate/Civie Sheet]
(TY to Angel_Kiss for Template Original)

[b]Title[/b] (This would be what rank you are in your King's Kingdom)




[b]Unique Power[/b]



Welcome to Karua, whether you're new to the city, or a resident, you'll know of the 4 Kings.

the 1
last edited on Jul 08, 2015 at 07:23PM

Random Role Playing 54 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 54

over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Primary Title God

Number/Secondary/Tertiary Title 5th, Forgotten King, Colourless King

Name Kuraun

Age ???

Gender Female

Unique Power
The Forgotten King's power is not known yet to the new Kings, her power will only be shown once a King attempts to borrow it.

Sigil the 5th King's Sigil the black and gold crown above her head.
when the 5th King is used in a fight between 2 or more kings, her crown encircles the other king's sigils in the fight.

Again, the Forgotten King's past is not known to any but Galahad, and the previous Kings apon sight.

roleplay to find out.
last edited over a year ago
[b]Primary Title[/b] God

[b]Number/Secondary/Tertiary Title[/b] 5th, Forgotten King, Colourless Ki
over a year ago mcterra said…
(Can I have the Gold King?)
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(The Clear King please :3)
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
(There's some stuff I don't understand. These kings, what do they actually govern? Do they have armies, advisors, servants and all the like? Where do they get these Sigils from? Does this even happen in medieval times or its in the future?)
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(Well, I've already explained the governing and servants thing, they have ownership of large-scale organisations, such as companies or a police department or even a mafia/gang, as for the time it should be around present time, i dunno if you even read the main post did you?.... the sigils are entirely random, as for the advisers armies and servants, i already explained that they have subordinates, which would count those. and the title of 'king' doesn't necessarily mean they HAVE to govern something, an example is the Forgotten King)
over a year ago mcterra said…
(Ah okay...and yeah I read the main post...over and over again

Guess I just got quite dumb, all of a sudden :P )
over a year ago mcterra said…
Primary Title: Lion Soul

Number/Secondary/Tertiary Title: 1st, Yellow King, Gold King

Name: Regulus Leone

Age: He's in his early twenties.

Gender: Male

Unique Power:
His power is known as Rule Bending. He can alter reality, by bending the laws of Physics governing him, to achieve a variety of superhuman feats, increasing his personal capabilities to various extends, mimicing rules related-powers (walking on walls, dodging bullets etc) or resisting natural or supernatural effects.

His major drawback is that he can't affect other people directly with his powers and he can't affect anything apart from himself.

Sigil: A golden lion insignia.

He's at the head of a renowned family criminal organization, known as the Leones. He is known by everyone as 'Lion Soul Regulus'. The organization is passed down from generation to generation. He inherited the family business even before becoming king. His family is part of the huge criminal network that exists in the city. They're involved in a lot of offenses notably robbery, murder, and various others. By becoming king, he gained access to a lot of power, more than even he could fathom, both normal and paranormal.

He's heterochromic. His right eye is amber while the left is azure. His weapon os choice is a huge ass retractable axe he carries around.
roleplay to find out.
last edited over a year ago
Primary Title: Lion Soul

Number/Secondary/Tertiary Title: 1st, Yellow King, Gold King

Name: Reg
BanetteGhosneir commented…
i probably should've added that into the main Post, but i was sort of hoping people would've figured it out, anyway. the Sigil's aren't supposed to be physical objects, more of a floating symbol of some kind, because as it reads on the main post the Sigil enlargens to show all that any non-king will just be in the way, it would be quite strange for that gauntlet to suddenly become large enough to tell all that they're useless, so could you please pick/make a symbol? over a year ago
mcterra commented…
Oh sorry. I've got in now, thanks. over a year ago
BanetteGhosneir commented…
thank you :D over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Regulus' Sigil
Regulus' Sigil
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Primary Title
The Dragon Queen

Number/Secondary/Tertiary Title
4th, Blank King, Clear King


17 (?)


Unique Power
Time Manipulation: accelerating, slowing, stopping, rewinding and forwarding time in a small area or a person.

Second Picture

Hana was found and raised by the previous Cleae King, who would always tell her the story of how he found her: in an egg on top of the highest mountain in Karua. After the death of the previous Clear King, Hana became the next King, surprisingly. She took over most of her father's businesses such as the banks and the bullet train stations. Hana has a very good reputation in the city of Karua, due to her and her father's good deeds, she is favored among citizens.

Hana is a descendant of Dragons, she possesses horns, wings and the tail of a dragon, her body in covered with scales so tiny her skin almost appear normal, it protects her from weapons such as knives and swords, bullets can scrap off her scales and it can take years for them to regrow.

last edited over a year ago
[b]Primary Title[/b]
The Dragon Queen

[b]Number/Secondary/Tertiary Title[/b]
4th, Blank King, Cl
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(Hana's Sigil)
last edited over a year ago
(Hana's Sigil)
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(yay! :D)
over a year ago mcterra said…
(So when are we starting? Waiting for the other kings?)
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(I don't know why it took me so long to post this but YAAY! I'll probably make one or two more characters((not right now though coz it's like 1am here and I really do wish I would just fall asleep already))

Is it just me or does the layout of the website look really... Fucked up.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
(What do you mean?)
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(Looks like this to me, and I don't feel comfortable looking at it:
(Looks like this to me, and I don't feel comfortable looking at it:
over a year ago mcterra said…
(Lol why won't you?)
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(It's just you, it looks like this for me, also yeah, we need the other Kings to RP, this entire thing is based apon the Kings, but if you already has a King, please don't take another, you can still make civies or Subordinates though)
(It's just you, it looks like this for me, also yeah, we need the other Kings to RP, this entire thin
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(Eh, may its because I'm using an iPad

You should probably make a character sign up sheet for Subordinates as well)

Eva Lannistsr



Unique Power
Plant Manipulation

Clear King

Eva is a mysterious woman who began following the Clear King only a couple of months ago, yet somehow the King trusted her more than anyone else, some say she has the power of Mind Manipulation as well and that she is messing with the Dragon Queen's mind. her pass is unknown.

last edited over a year ago
(Eh, may its because I'm using an iPad 

You should probably make a character sign up sheet for Sub
BanetteGhosneir commented…
yeah, good point gimme a sec, Ima borrow your Template for a sec over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Title the Seer, she's the 'Finder' in her King's Kingdom

Name Buraddi 'Red' yuki

Age 14

Gender Female

Unique Power
Well, from her Title you can probably assume her power is to locate things, well. you're Correct.
Yuki, or more commonly known as 'Red' can create spheres, the shape of Marbles, using her blood, once these spheres are made they will turn to Glass, resulting in a Blood-Red Glass marble, using three or more (dependable on the urgency of the search) of these Blood Marbles, and a map given to her of the location desired of the search (mostly it's a city map) she can use the marbles to try and deduce an area of search, whether it's an object, or person to be found you can count on her.

her Marbles can also work as a sort of 'information Identification', not in the sort that it tells you what you want to know, it only tells you if the person you're looking at through a Blood Marble KNOWS what you want to know.

there may be other uses for her Blood Marbles, but so far these 2 are the only known ones.

King the 4th King, the Blank King, the Clear King. the Dragon Queen

Well, at first Red was a regular 14 year old, brown hair and eyebrows, with brown eyes to accompany, but one day her school was attacked, burned to the ground, and among the rubble the Dragon Queen found her, she became one of the first 10 Subordinates, and when the 4th King's Sigil made Red one of her Subordinates, her hair turned white, and her eyes became red, and whenever she was cut, her blood became these marbles.

her parents went missing after the subordination, so she stays with her King

[b]Title[/b] the Seer, she's the 'Finder' in her King's Kingdom

[b]Name[/b] Buraddi 'Red' yuki
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Just some guy




Unique Power
Hellhound Summoning - it is an uncommon ability used by high ranked demons.

Darkness Manipulation - This is Ushua's primary ability, he can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. He usually appears as a cloud of black smoke, only people with the purest of hearts or darkest of sins are able to see him clearly.

Gold King

Ushua began has a demon who makes deals with people and fulfills their desires, and one day he met a young man who wishes to become one of the four kings, and that man was the previous Gold King. As all wishes go, after ten years, the King would have to surrender his soul and be taken to hell, that is exactly what happened. Ushua decided he would quit the deal making job and stay on Earth for a bit, so he became a subordinate under power of the present Gold King.

He is a demon, his appearance gives it away.
last edited over a year ago
Just some guy 



mcterra commented…
HELL YEAH!!!!! over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(The forgotten King can only have 2 Subordinates, so if anyone wants to fill a slot in? cause i might take one of those Slots)
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Title the Crazy Wizard

Name meet Gax, please... for the love of GOD don't talk to him.

Age WHY DO YOU CARE? fine, he's 17

Gender he's a guy.... i think? honestly if he has a gender i'm hoping it's male, i hope females will never do what he has done.

Unique Power ok, from his title, you can guess the closest to describing his power is magic.... yes, f*cking magic! and how he uses it is RETARDED

i swear this f*cknugget is the most annoying asshole on the planet, y'know what he did the first time he unlocked his power from his King's Sigil? he went into the public, and pulled cannibalistic rabbits out of his nose, and the rabbits went crazy eating eachother, he traumatized some kids doing this! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? THERE WAS BLOOD AND SNOT EVERYWHERE

that's not all! someone once tried to run him over! HE TURNED THE CAR INTO 2 HORSES! the poor man inside the car was stuck half inside the horse! the horse was in mass pain! so was the guy! WHY IS THIS GUY ALLOWED TO LIVE?

if his Magic wasn't also able to heal people's disease and chopped off limbs, I'd say he should be killed right away....

1st, Yellow King, Gold King, Lion Soul

what the HELL am i supposed to tell you about this guy? i don't know anything about him! hell! I'm pretty sure he used his magic to wipe my memory, i think... he turned me into a Deer once.... that was horrible.... please.... PLEASE KILL HIM.

seriously... he's f*cked in the head.
[b]Title[/b] the Crazy Wizard 

[b]Name[/b] meet Gax, please... for the love of GOD don't talk to
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(I've never seen you swear this much, it's traumatizing. )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(Angel, you've clearly never seen my seven Deadly Sins characters, Wrath swears MUCH MUCH MUCH more than than Gax's Profile)

the Picture is Wrath, her name is Ira, she swears significantly more than any roleplay you can find, i can guarantee that (remember, i don't pre-make personalities for characters, once the RP starts then my brain makes a random personality for them)
(Angel, you've clearly never seen my seven Deadly Sins characters, Wrath swears MUCH MUCH MUCH more t
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(I think I have seen them before, just didn't have time to read through the RP)
over a year ago mcterra said…
(Soooo I get all the weird guys........... once again

over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(Ushua isn't weird... He's just... Different)
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(We need the remaining 2 Kings to start... and since no one seems to be joining, if you 2 whunna make them go ahead now :D)
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(This is the first RP that I might actually make more than five characters... Don't know how it's gonna go.)

Primary Title
The Almighty One

Number/Secondary/Tertiary Title
2nd, Platinum King, Silver King



Unknown, appears to be male

Unique Power
Animal Mimicry - Eden is able to mimic the ability of an animal (or multiple animals at once), that means he cannot transform into the actual animal itself.

Second Picture


Eden is considered the weakest out of all the Kings.
last edited over a year ago
(This is the first RP that I might actually make more than five characters... Don't know how it's gon
BanetteGhosneir commented…
Irony.... titled 'the almighty one' yet is considered the weakest king over a year ago
Angel_Kiss commented…
he is [i]considered[/I] to be the weakest, mainly because he is fairly new and people don't really know him over a year ago
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(The Silver King's sigil)
(The Silver King's sigil)
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Title the Time seer

Name Kiunu

Age 17

Gender Female

=Unique Power "Timed Message"=
this sounds like a strange power, and within the Rank of the Silver King, Kiunu is the seer, so this power sort of makes sense, anyway.

this power allows Kiunu, with any sort of message-sending method, to send messages either forward or Backwards within time though she cannot send dates from the future to the past, she can choose when to send the message, an example would be this;

say that there was a lottery on the 7th day of the 4th month, and the winning numbers were announced on the 8th of the 8th month, Kiunu from the 8/8 can send a message VIA a phone to the Kiunu on 7/4, with the winning numbers, however the 8/8 cannot tell the 7/4 when the numbers will be announced, any sort of date on these messages gets erased or blocked by various amounts of events, however if the 7/4 then sends a reply to the 8/8, the 7/4 CAN send dates.

Another thing to Note: Both future and past Kiunu's can send Times, an example would be

To: Kiunu 5/04/2014 [[07:22]]

From: Kiunu █/██/████ [[06:44]]

Subject: Example of Time
Hello past, don't forget that within █ days you have a dentist appointment, at 4 PM at Karlington Street

i was told to do this by a Kiunu on the █/██/████ at 1AM.

~love, Future Kiunu

[[[[EXAMPLE 2: Past Kiunu to Future Kiunu]]]]

To: Kiunu 1/01/2022 [[01:00]]

From: Kiunu 1/01/2015 [[01:00]]

Subject: Example of Time 2

hello Future, for my 2015 new years resolution, it was to try and help my King figure out this game, oh! and thanks Future me for telling us about the Forgotten king! we don't know where to find her, but if you do find her, send a message telling us where, we can set up cameras to find her. we'd probably never know there was a hidden 5th king until you told us. send me a message on the 4/11/2021 to me on the 5/04/2014 that i have a dentist appointment in 7 days

~Love, Past Kiunu


Another Problem with this power, is that she cannot use abbreviations or symbols to try and tell time, again the message of time is blocked or blurred with a █ ▓ ▒ ░ and on various other occasions, various amounts of symbols, an example would be if they made the 2nd day of a month with the symbol Å, the system will replace it with another random symbol, like ó or ƒ.


2nd, Platinum King, Silver King, the almighty one

how do you think her life must've been?, receiving messages from her future self the moment she first got an email account? her first phone? over and over again, at first it was scary, but later she could avoid bullies, punishment, and even do things she forgot, at first she tried to send herself these messages... to no avail, but eventually she received a message, telling her to find someone called Eden, the 2nd King, she spent a little but of her time everyday searching the internet and her local neighbors for this 'eden' till she eventually found him.

after she received her unique power, she quickly understood her messages.

her power also works from sending from her to someone else, however that person cannot reply. much like her past self cannot reply directly to the sending Future self.
[b]Title[/b] the Time seer 

[b]Name[/b] Kiunu

[b]Age[/b] 17

[b]Gender[/b] Female
mcterra commented…
dude this power...is...CRAZILY AWESOME...confusing a little...but awesome nonethelesss over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(y'know what... stuff it, we can start without the last king, maybe he/she will hop in later, if someone wants to start you have till i wake up tomorrow to start)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((Allright, so lets start)

the familiar ring of Kiunu's phone, with that creepy sound, like a sort of machine humming, Kiunu pulled out her phone from her pocket, the racketing of the Train she was on wasn't a problem, since it was a text... from herself.

From: Kiunu ██/██/████ 19:44
Sub: Kings

We found the 5th King, who knew they existed? well... our King did, well, now i know too, BTW remember to stop off from the train at Eden's house, ask him about the 5th king, and keep persisting, eventually he'll tell me.

P.S. Mother will still be fine here, i know i can't send an actual amount of time, but after █ █████ she's still alive and doing well.

May tomorrow talk to Today
~ Kiunu

a 5th king? so far she only knew of 3, and the 4th king hasn't shown themselves... but her future self just spoke of a 5th king?.... and that Eden knows of them?... she quickly begun writing a reply, since she couldn't reply directly to the sender from the future, she usually replied to them a week from now, usually this system made no sense to her a week later, but the future self sometimes forgets past texts, so looking back on them makes sense again.

To: Kiunu 06/05/2016 19:55
Sub: Re:Kings

Thanks, I'll be sure to do that, well.. you already know that, also remember mums birthday.... what about dad? is he..... has he done that yet?

May Today ask tomorrow
~ Kiunu

Kiunu pushed send... she was quite proud of her typing speed, 188 characters a second, the train was nearing where she had to hop off to visit Eden, since she takes the train every few days to a hospital further out in the city to visit her mother.


Another human being's mindscape.... it was filled with everyday problems, taxes, food, family.... though this human had the occasional good deed, helping the elderly, giving to charity.... humans were so..... routine....
Kuraun exited the mindscape of the human she had been inside, the other humans continuing with their lives, not a single one seeming to notice her, she was in the center of the city, where a fountain stood, continuing with it's purpose, wasting away it's time, filtering and reusing the same clear crystal liquid, Kuraun sat down by the fountain... the cruel game is on again.


"ya hear that?"
"h-hear what?"
"nothing... you're hearing things again"
"Sure i am, and you're just a voice in my head"
"GOD you're retarded! I AM A VOICE IN YOUR HEAD"
"are you? or am i the voice in your head?"
"wait.... oh shit.... i dunno"

Gax slapped himself
"shaddup! you're BOTH in my head!"
he seemingly yelled towards the roof. he was inside a local bar, when Gax isn't causing some poor shmuck to shit rabbits or bricks, he's usually arguing with the magical imbued voices in his head, or learning new things he can do with his magic.

"WHAT? no! YOU are the voice! I'm real!"
"Neither of you have a body.... I'm the real one!"
"shit... he's right"
Gax took a sip of his beer, which, i might add, was originally water, since Water at this bar is free, and he just used magic to turn it to beer, he's not even legally allowed to drink beer, he's 17, but he don't care.


Red slept quietly apon the couch, she enjoyed staying with her king, since her own home is an abandoned warehouse, which people don't seem to go near for some strange reason, even she doesn't know.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Regulus snatched the mug from Gax. He looked down at him and raised an eyebrow. "Speaking to yourself again huh." He sat next to Gax and downed the beer to the last drop. He then looked at Gax "You're not supposed to be drinking this, y'know." Regulus had earphones on, 'Hail to the King' was playing in them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Hana reached forward and traced the patterns on the large glass coffin with her finger, in it, was the previous Clear King Yuuma, and thanks to Eva, he didn't look a day over 40. "Don't worry father, I'm strong enough now, I can do it, I'll kill all of them and then I'll bring you back." She whispered softly before exiting the secret room.


The 5th King is... Real...

For the past few days, Eden has been chewing on that fact. "God... Huh." He chuckled, rubbing his tired eyes. "Let's hope it wasn't a dream." He mumbled and got out of bed. For a King, Eden has to be the saddest of all, so far, he has only one subordinate and lives in a one bedroom apartment he could barely afford, he works at the local newspaper as an editor, people hardly ever notice him. But Eden doesn't mind, in fact, he likes being 'normal', the last thing he wants to do is going head to head with the other kings and risking his life. "I'd better clean up before she arrives." Eden stood half naked with his one hand in the pocket of his jeans and the other one scratching the back of his head, staring down at the pizza boxes and coke cans with a sigh.
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Red awoke to the sound of a large metal object being moved upstairs, she groaned and rubbed her eyes, though she already noticed she didn't need them to see, the Blood Marbles scattered along the floor served as eyes too, there were about 6, rolling in circles by her feet, one marble begun floating, and headed into the airvents to the upstairs room, to see what the noise was....

after a few moments, the single blood marble was in Hana's office, and noticed Hana standing in the room.... what was the metal noise then?... Hana probably did something. the marble returned through the vents downstairs. Red stood and stretched.


Kiunu hopped off the train, now it was around 15-20 minute walk to Eden's home... a 5th king was a real surprise... but how did Eden know of the 5th king?.... do the other kings know of the 5th king?.... she pulled out her phone again.


To: [Kiunu 07/05/2016 13:30] [Kiunu 14/05/2016 13:30] [Kiunu 28/05/2016 13:30] [Kiunu 04/06/2016 13:30]

Sub: Other Kings

Figured out yet if the other kings know about the 5th king? and can anyone provide details on the 5th king?


no reply?.... something's wrong, usually she could reply within an instant to herself.... Something's going to happen.....

over a year ago mcterra said…
Regulus ordered for real beer this time. But it was for him alone. As it was gien to him he spoke "So tell me, have you seen Ushua anywhere around? He's supposed to be my advisor but he's nowhere to be found."
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(Shit, i forgot to reply with Gax D: sorry)

Gax chuckled, pulled a random, rusty pole out from.... you know what, you know EXACTLY where he pulled it out from, then in a blink it turned into a mug of Beer.
"Nap, ain't seen him nowhere, i could probably shit him out"
"you mean teleport him from where ever he is and out from your ass?"
"hey hey hey, don't ruin the magic man!"
"your magic makes no sense!"
"that's why it's magic!"
"it won't even work! if you can't imagine where he is, you can't teleport him"

yeah... those magical voices.... i'd say those 2 are... MINIMAL fragments of his remaining sanity... IF he has any left, seriously, this guy once tried to buy clothes from a pet store, A PET STORE.... why the hell Regulus even keeps this guy is a surprise to me... who am i?.... I'm the 3rd magical voice in his head, though he can't hear me either. so anyway... kill me please.

well, now half the bar is staring at Gax, if you're a regular here, you'd be the other half not staring at him, this sort of thing is normal.
"anyway, if he's your adviser, then shouldn't you keep him chained to you? or at least give him a phone and your mail address."
"how aren't you drunk from the beer?"
"i bet you he's gon say 'magic'"
"called it"
over a year ago mcterra said…
Regulus stared at Gax halfway through his mug of beer. He sighed "Gax, I know this is around the hundredth time I'm asking you this but...you sure you don't need to see a doctor or something?"
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Gax nodded
"It's just the 2 retards argueing with me again"
"HEY! we were MADE by you!"
"What're your names anyway?"
"you never gave us any"
"hmmmm.... well, what do you whunna be called?"
"we get to choose? our names?.... I'm charles from now on"
"Boris for me"
"yay. anyway"
Gax quickly chugged his beer, and stood up... truth is the reason he can't get drunk is cause he replaced his liver with a bears... what a retard
"Let's go find Demon-boy, he's gotta advise you, no?"
"You're an idiot"
Gax nodded
then begun moving towards the Bar Entrance, without even waiting for Regulus
over a year ago mcterra said…
Regulus sighed. Though the kid always managed to freak the hell outta him, he kept him because he was loyal and it was better if he wasn't against him anyway. He emptied his beer, dropped some coins on the table and stood up to leave. He joined Gax outside. "Alright, you're the wizard here. Can't you use a spell or something to find him? Or you could even pull him out of your sleeve, so long as he's here, its fine."
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(I'm waiting for Angel_Kiss to reply)
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(Sorry, I've been busy finishing my reading list, I'll try to post today.)
over a year ago soulrocks said…
(can i still join also is this based on the idea of kings in the k project animewhich is just called k)
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(first question: yes
second question: already been answered, go back and look)
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
when Eden walked pass his bathroom, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and only seconds later, he realized something was definitely wrong. He rushed to the mirror with widened eyes, his hand reached for the strange marking on the left side of his face. "What in the world?..." He began scratching the marking, which made no difference whatsoever. "Did someone tattoo this on my face while I was sleeping?... No, it can't be, I locked the doors and even double checked just to make sure... Well, it looks kind of badass, I guess I'll just leave it for now, maybe Future Kiunu might know something about it." He shrugged to himself and left the bathroom.
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Gax cracked his neck at a 210 degree turn, then snapped it back into place
"Allright, though he might not come out at first try"
Gax retreats his left arm into his sleeve, then puts his right arm up his left sleeve, and his right arm moves around somehow, but his left sleeve seems to stay still.
"I think i got Demon-boy, OI! DEMON BOY! GRAB MY HAND!"

Kiunu became worried, still no response fr-
then he phone rang, a text! finally!


From: Kiunu ██/██/████ 19:44
Sub: Re:Other Kings

5th King is Female, white hair, she doesn't have a home, and so far no known subordinates, her Sigil is a Black and Gold Crown, and a nice figure, i hope this helps me ok? i can't describe her that much better



Female? white hair. black and gold crown?.... we could probably search the internet for any traces of a Black and Gold Crown.


From: Kiunu
To: (King) Eden
Sub: 5th King

EDEN! Tell me about the 5th king! all that you know! i already know a little! White Hair, B&G crown, nice body, anything you know? Also, Good Morning, I'll be there soon to cook some Breakfast for you, check the fridge for veg, if there is none i can pick up some on the way


Did you make sure to turn off lights in rooms where you're not to save power?


there was a small general store on the way, after that she should turn the corner, and there would be his apartment.

There was that feeling again, Red always felt it, the presence of someone annoying.
She said, looking around the room, she had completely forgotten that Hana was on the above floor, even AFTER she just used a Blood Marble to look, so she decided to goto her office to see if she was there.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Regulus' jaw dropped open. He hadn't really meant that when he had said. He then facepalmed and sighed. Though he had known the boy for quite a while, he always managed to amaze him. It was Gax afterall.