Random Role Playing New Frontier

TAIKAMODO posted on Jul 24, 2015 at 04:48PM
There are many reasons one may choose to become a traveller, if they have the ability to do so. One reason could be to simply see what the endless horizon of space has to offer, to wonder what marvels lie beyond our planet, our solar system, even our galaxy. Another reason could be that they're searching. Maybe to discover some new form of life, a new planet, a new array of constellations, perhaps. In truth, the many possible reasons behind choosing to become a Traveller are virtually endless, as they can widely differ from person to person.

Travellers themselves, are quite simply people who explore the outer frontiers of space for one reason or another. Their assignments may vary from assisting the Galactic police in catching criminals or to investigate a possible newly inhabited planet, but regardless. Their primary focus is always going further and further beyond, to see everything this huge universe of ours has to offer and to learn everything they possibly can in their lifetime.

However, there is another thing that seperates Travellers from every other occupation across the world besides their task of exploring the universe. There is also the unique "bonuses" that come from accepting the job. The first bonus, and probably the biggest, is that in order to freely explore space, they must be able to breathe and move around in it without the use of a space suit or helmet. To do this, they are trained to develop a special gene in the human D.N.A that currently is outside of the human body's capacity to naturally reach, known as "Xenozic". But once it has been 'cracked open'(metaphorically speaking), it spreads through your genetic code like wildfire, granting you abilites previously thought to be impossible.

One useful side effect of Xenozic besides the ability to breathe and move freely in space, is that you also gain the ability manipulate and generate a specific kind of matter, depending on the person's D.N.A prior to the release of the xenozic in their body. Another effect is that it gives the user the ability to control how much their bodies are effected by Gravity, so that they are able to move efficiently regardless of how much gravitational force a planet has.

USEFUL INFO: The year is 30XX, and technology is Sci-Fi level on the 'advanced' scale. Also, there are different races inhabiting every planet of the solar system, and every planet is connected by a "Celestial Gateway", which act as Airports for people travelling planet to planet. There are also several huge(as in, country sized) man made structures known as "Space Colonies", that float around theough space. They can act as rest stops, hotels, or even permanent homes.

The Galactic Police Force are the authority across the entire solar system, and act as the government over every planet within the Milky Way.

Currently, everything within the solar system is considered the "Old Frontier", meaning it has been explored or seen through. The "New Frontier" is basically everything within the Milky Way Galaxy outside of the Solar System, and according to researchers, we haven't even covered half of the Milky Way yet.



(Fifteen is the minimum age for a Traveller, eighteen for a Galactic Police Force Officer)


Physicsl Description:




(Ony if you have one, if not, feel free to leave it blank. If you have one, simply put what kind of matter you manipulate.)
last edited on Nov 21, 2015 at 05:58PM

Random Role Playing 139 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 139

over a year ago mcterra said…
(Do the Galactic Police Force officers possess Xenozic?)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(They can, and some may only posess standard weaponry. It varies, though it is less common a,ong the Galactic police than it is among Travellers.)
over a year ago waspstricka said…
(zCan I Join?)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Sure, go right ahead!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago waspstricka said…
Name: Sak Cardenail

Age: 15

Occuption: Traveller

Gendar: male

Physical desricption: (picture(LOOK))
white hair, scared through eye, greyish blue eyes, white and black uniform.

Personailty: scared, shy, Quick, Strong willed at times

Backstory: TBW

Xenozic: energy manipulation
last edited over a year ago
Name: Sak Cardenail

Age: 15

Occuption: Traveller

Gendar: male

Physical desricption: (pict
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(A few things. One, Xenozic only allows the manipulation of matter, so telortation isn't possible. Secondly, force fields made out of what? Again, matter manipulation. Thirdly, what kind of energy is being fired? What kind of matter is being manipulated?)

Name: Alan Mahkarov

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Turwoise colored spiky hair, identically colored turqoise eyes, fair skin, a lean build, and stands about 6"2'. Wears a blue tracksuit with white bandages covering his hands and the bridge of his nose, and a headband that matches his tracksuit.

Personality: Hyperactive, happy-go-lucky, and a bit delusional in the words of his peers. He is constantly working on something, pushing himself to exhaustion on a regular basis, and nothing seems to be capable of dampening his spirits once he gets fired up about something, which is basically all the time.

Xenozic: He manipulates Liquid Matter, in particular he manipulates the common earth element known as Water, or H2o. While it is not common in every planet, he remedies this by constantly having a large amount of water bottles stuffed in random places inside his tracksuit.
waspstricka commented…
(i didn't know that fully) over a year ago
BanetteGhosneir commented…
Teleportation can be a section of Matter Manipulation if he manipulates the matter to move around other matter and place his matter where he wants, the problem with this is that he can't get into places that have bonded matter which won't allow his own to pass into. as for the energy he'd need Energy Manipulation to do that, the forcefield could include manipulation of Air Molocules to form a shield around him, though this won't work for things heavier than air (which is EVERYTHING) over a year ago
BanetteGhosneir commented…
it would mean he can only have the ability to have Matter Blasts over a year ago
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
"Alright! That last planet was actually pretty dangerous!" Alan shouted obnoxiously, causing a few heads to turn to him with a raised brow or a knowing shake of the head. He had just arrived at one of the HQ ships, having returned from one of the old frontier planets in order to help the locals deal with an outlaw uprising.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Name: Nami Shisho

Age: 16

Gender: female

Physicsl Description: Picture, with bright blue eyes.

Personality: random, she can say random things at random times, Nami is also smart and knows a lot, but she can also have no clue about anything. She can get hot headed sometimes, but also very emotional at others...as well as very very annoyed or angry...and Irritated.

Backstory: Unknown..

Occupation: Traveler

Xenozic: Nami controls Gas Matter , ( Science Time!!! ) You might hear the term "vapor." Vapor and gas mean the same thing. The word vapor is used to describe gases that are usually liquids at room temperature. Good examples of these types of liquids include water and mercury. They get the vapor title when they are in a gaseous phase.
last edited over a year ago
Name:  Nami Shisho

Age:  16

Gender:  female

Physicsl Description:  Picture, with bright bl
BanetteGhosneir commented…
you're correct with your science part :D but now it's ENGLISH TIME! Mercury in it's gaseous phase is never referred to as 'vapor' although it IS vapor it is almost never referred to as such by scientists, there are Mercury-Vapor lamps but this is simply for consumer base, since Murcery-gas lamps sounds dangerous, the only compound that is referred to as a Vapor instead of a gas is Water, although both Water vapor and Water gas works fine. over a year ago
heart-of_love commented…
Banette? i think thats still Sciene..but yea.. over a year ago
over a year ago waspstricka said…
( has this project started)
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
( i'm not sure..but TAKI posted so i'm gonna reply.)
Nami rolled her eyes at Alan. "isint almost every planet we visit dangerous?" she asked calmly, running a hand through her hair, casting a glance at Sak, who was, like normal, quieter then a mouse.
over a year ago waspstricka said…
'Why is he always so hyperactive' sak thought to himself 'sora is abit like alan but more weird, she makes no sense sometimes, and her power is just weird, controling vapors of gas and liquids'. Sak turn around to the window, 'why is space so big, its just a void, of nothing' he laughed ' wow so thats why they call it space'.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
"Well, not every planet, I mean, there was that one planet of those weird plant guys...they didn't seem to dangerous to me! Well, except that poison ivy incident..." Alan trailed off thoughtfully, before turning to Sak, who was staring out the window. "You alright over there? You haven't said a word for a little while."
over a year ago waspstricka said…
" Yeah Alan" Sak said spinning around " what do you need". 'Wonder I can find a cat' Sak thought ' A cat is quite like me'." Alan" he said quietly " If you find a cat, can I please have it".
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
"Uh....a cat? I guess so, sure. I mean, I don't really need a cat myself." Alan replied with a sweat drop, stretching out a little. "Anyways, I wanna check in on Earth so I can get the next mission....I really wanna go to that new planet I heard about that has the whole world upside down...like...the sky and clouds are on the ground, but the ground itself, trees and all, are above...it sounds so cool!"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"that sounds like a headace.." Nami Muttered. "just thinking about it makes me sick..." She shook her head slightly and yawned,trying to get rid of the headace that was starting to pound at her temples. "lets hurry this up, i wanna sleep in a bed not on the ground of some un explored planet."
over a year ago waspstricka said…
'backwards gravity, probley' Sak thought ' that hurts just thinking about it' . " Alan, is the gravity backwards so we will be upside down or will we be walking on clouds" he asked. he turned back round to the window that looked into the never ending space of oblivion.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
"I don't know," He exclaimed excitedly, "that's why I wanna go there to find out! And besides, if we do end up walking on clouds, we'll have to sleep on clouds too, right? I think clouds should be fluffier than beds...well...if their clouds aren't made of condensed water vapor that's impossible to walk on..." He added thoughtfully. "As for headaches, I don't know why! I'm just gettin' excited!" As he finished his statement, the HW ship came to a halt, having docked and began releasing passengers at the home HQ station.

"Hey, we're here!"
over a year ago waspstricka said…
(ummmm does my picture match my name XD(being an idiot)
"Oh great were finally here" Sak said " Can I go stock up on chips and barbecue sauce" he asked like a little kid. As he said that, Sak ran off to his room in the ship to go find his money stash that he kept for when they got back to earth, so he could buy more chips.

(btw can we come up for a name the money system)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Definitely does! XD)

"Uh....sure." He replied with a sweat drop, watching the boy run off to retrieve his money. He still never knew where the boy kept any of it, no matter how many times he saw him go and retrieve it.

(The currency? Yeah, why not? I guess something futuristic...like...currency or something?)
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Nami sighed and brushed her hair over her shoulder. "i'm going to go get more supplys.. meet me here in an hour okay." without waiting for a reply she turned and walked off.

(why not use like..money from video games, like Gil or Coins or something?)
over a year ago waspstricka said…
(btw, the chip thing is something i do with chips)

Walking outside the ship, he felt alot better to be in the fresh air. Sak skipped down the street towards the markets. As he passed a backstreet and he saw some of the Glactic Police beating up a guy, Sak paused for a moment then stop. " Stop" Sak said but the guards didn't hear " STOP!!!", the guards turned around to face Sak. " What are you looking at kid" One of the guards jeered "Leave the poor man alone" Sak said " What are you gonna do" The other said " You will see" Sak Said as The lights went out and his hands began to glow, he fired the energy at the guards sending them flying. The man just looked stunned, Sak left the street and ran.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Chips are awesome.)

"I'm heading straight to the Frontier Office, so I can get a new mission! You comin' Nami? Or are you going off to get some chi-" Questioned Alan, pausing mid sentence when he realized she wasn't here. "Where'd she go?..." After turning side to side and seeing she wasn't in either direction, he shrugged. "Well, I guess I'll just go by myself."

(Well, Halo has a futuristic kind of currency called Credits, NBA 2K has VC(Virtual Currency)...your choice.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(TAIKA, Nami went off to get supplys XD)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Ooooooh....I feel really stupid now. XD)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(lol it's okay XD)
Nami walked around the station, chringing slightly at the pure white...everything. The floor, The walls, Even the clothes the people were wearing seemed to brght, to clean..Nami's purple and black dress looked like a stain on a white shirt. She ducked into a shop and started to get supplys, Ex. Food, water, and some new Sleeping Bags.

NAmi walked up the shop owner and handed him a card that connected to her Credits. After a moment the man shook his head "your short 3 credits." he remarked.
Nami sighed and went to put something away when a card was handed to the man. "here."
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Name: Sora Kota

Age: 16

Gender: male

Physicsl Description: pic

Personality: Calm, kinda cold to some people, but happy and warm with people he's familiar with.

Backstory: (i'll come up with this)

Occupation: New Traveler

Xenozic: None
Name:  Sora Kota

Age:  16

Gender:  male

Physicsl Description:  pic

Personality: Calm, kin
over a year ago waspstricka said…
(did it die........)
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(yep most likely)
over a year ago waspstricka said…
taki this needs to start again
over a year ago 666demon said…
Name: Ninenna Grobin

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Physical Description: (picture)

Personality: She seams cold and heartless, only cares about getting the shipments across and the money that comes with it, but that's how she was disciplined as a GPO.

Backstory: Her parents were GPOs, so were their parents, and there parents. Stretching the tradition way back to 2019. At a young age, She was wandering around her parents ship when the climbed on board without them knowing, She would run out and play with the other children from different races. Her parents were angry and demanded answers to this. Turns out, 9th generation grandfather had been adopted and had been born with Xenozic in his D.N.A, though he did not posses any powers. Her parents were outraged and enlisted her for training, to be a GPO. The training was successful, although it turned her cold.

Occupation: Ex Galactic Police Force Officer, now Traveler/smuggler

Xenozic :none.
Name: Ninenna Grobin

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Physical Description: (picture)

over a year ago 666demon said…
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Heheh....my bad, guys....black cat crossed my path, y'know?)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( I'm intrigued, let me see if I can make a good character ))
over a year ago 666demon said…
(It's ok Taik! Now we can discover the New Frontier... together!)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(XD As corny as that was, yeah! New Frontier!)

(Ooooh, Hades, you wanna join? Awesome, go right ahead!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 666demon said…
(It was meant to be corny)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I know,, i just found it funny!)
over a year ago 666demon said…
(so you wanna wait for Hades or can we start?)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Name: Xzavis Breckett

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Very muscular, 6' 1", light brown hair and green eyes, slightly tanned.

Personality: very task oriented, hardened hearted. Most people mistake him for a robot.

Backstory: Trained to be a part of the Galactic Police elite task force since birth, he is top of his class and has not let a mark escape. He does not really know what living life is because the Galactic Force provides for his needs.

Occupation: Galactic Police Elite Task Force

Xenozic: Currently None
Name: Xzavis Breckett

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Very muscular, 6' 1", light
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Fortunately, it only took a minute to figure out where my Character was, so i'm ready to start now!)

(Awesome character Shadow, and either color works fine. I imagine Blue fits more with the standard officers, and Red for Elite Officers?)

"Did you hear about that new Gold Class Mission that came in?"

"Yeah. Apparently there's some weird signal coming from a New Frontier Planet. I heard they sent a team of Gold Tier Travellers to check it out, but they haven't heard from them in weeks."

"Sounds serious. I heard they're also bringing the Galactic Police into this."

Alan found his interest peaked upon hearing the murmuring among his peers. Gold Tier Missions were the rarest to receive and hardest to find. Missions were labeled according to their difficulty. Bronze being the easiest and most common, Silver being the second most common, and Gold being third. Gold Missions were galactic level threats, that only Gold Tier Travellers, the best of the best, could handle.

Alan himself was a Bronze, but that didn't deter his curiosity. Besides that, the Traveller's Association and Galactic Police acted seperately from each other, only teaming up when something big was happening. Grinning with excitement, he picked up his pace as he headed for HQ's closest Recon Tower. He needed to see whatever was happening on this New Frontier planet himself, if Gold Tiers and the Galactic Police were getting involved.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 666demon said…
Ninenna kept her grey hood up and over her eyes as she walked, trying to blend in with the rest of the travelers around her. She had a a small amount of the shipment she had from Saturn, supposedly the dust was like a drug according to her payers. She had it in a small airtight bag as she walked fast down the way, many people bumping into her while gossiping about a Gold Tier mission.. This could be useful information.

"The GPO's? What could they possibly do in this mission?"

"I heard they want control over the natives that live there."

"Those poor people. The GPO should be brought on their asses."

"Don't speak like that woman! They'll arrest you."

Ninenna got to the meeting place. Three men looked at her and smiled brightly as they gave her their pay, adding up to 500 credits. She threw the bag at them like it was just one steak being fed to three dogs that hadn't ate in days. pocketing her money and heading out of there, she managed to bump into a body, but looked more like machine.
over a year ago 666demon said…
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
over a year ago 666demon said…
(*glare* Just post already)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Oh, fine! XP)

Alan noticed a few people in the crowd turning their heads, and letting his curiosity get the better of him, he began slipping his way through the growing Crowd of Civilians and Travellers alike. His eyes grew huge upon seeing what everyone was talking about.

"That suit..."

"The red color..."

"No way, is it really him?"

"I think it is."

Walikng through one of the Traveller's Association's Cities was one of the strongest Galactic Police Officers around. Xzavis Breckett, one of the Elite Officers.

"No way..." Alan muttered, speechless.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I had been assigned to prepare for a Gold Ranked Mission. Something about a new planet, adding them to the Galactic Planets, and something with allowing Travelers to map the planet. I start heading through the planet we will take off from, looking around and seeing of course a good amount of illegal dealings going on, I start leaving universal trackers on the Illegal locations, so the Lower Ranked police can find them and arrest the dealers. As I head to one of the locations a Woman runs into me. "Identification ma'am"
over a year ago 666demon said…
Ninenna raised her hand, two fingers holding out a card. She knew it would be foolish to run, considering how jam packed the wide circle of people had become. Her eyes hidden still though she did not speak a word but she memorized the voice, even through the suit. She tipped her head up in question and a request to leave once he was done. She had a another shipment she needed to drop off but she wasn't about to give that away.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I put the card through a Portable Scanner, "Ninnena Grobin, known smuggler, is that what was happening here?"
over a year ago 666demon said…
"No sir it is not." She kept her responses simple and short. Ninnena kept a straight face, but her eyes, even hidden showed a tiny bit of the sinking feeling of getting caught. "May I leave, Officer Xzavis?" She asked as politely as she could.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"If I examined the Premise you would have no residual on any illegal substance? Or anything from the Old Frontier?" I say remembering the good I had busted her for last time.