Random Role Playing The Creators

Kat-chan posted on Aug 13, 2015 at 12:55AM
When the earth was made, several beings were made along with it. These beings were known as the creators. Each being added something to the world-humans, water, light- until earth was complete. These beings took on the atributes of their creations, as well as being able to control them.

The creators were unable to die by natural causes, such as age or sickness. They lived on. They were seen as gods by the mortals they had created. But eventually they were forgotten, looked at as nothing more than legends.

Forgotten and ignored, but still in existence, they decided to try to blend in with the humans and live normal lives. Of course, nothing could hide that they were diferent.

Human or Creator:

Random Role Playing 59 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 59

over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Name: Amanda Lillien
Age: Ageless, but appears around 23
Appearance: pic
Personality: It's as unpredictable and changing as the weather (hint at her creation)
Human or Creator: Creator
Creation: Weather
Bio: Too much to remember. Definitely too much to write.
Other: She currently works part-time as a waitress, though she technically has enough money saved from over the years that she really doesn't have to work.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Amanda Lillien
Age: Ageless, but appears around 23
Appearance: pic
Personality: It's as unpr
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Name: Henir Har

Age: Ageless, but he seems around 27-30

Appearance: look at the picture

Human or Creator: Creator

Creation: Space
this doesn't mean space as in the vacuum, this means area, existence, he made the canvas, the others painted on it.

Henir is one of the creators that alot of the others don't usually interact with, he sleeps, reads and sometimes might join in activities with the other creators. as for why he has an eyepatch over an eye that is fully black, is because he didn't protect his eyes from his own creations, causing him to lose eyesight in it.

Henir works as a Signaling Engineer, though he sees no need for money, since he doesn't need to eat, but he convinced himself it's for the pleasures of life. such as Coffee.

His last name is a fake one, simply to be used for the human world.

If Henir's 'canvas' was to be destroyed, all existence besides the 'creators' would cease, though he himself needs a vote with a majority to be able to destroy the 'canvas'

he holds a vote once every 10 years
last edited over a year ago
[b]Name:[/b] Henir Har

[b]Age:[/b] Ageless, but he seems around 27-30

[b]Appearance:[/b] look a
Kat-chan commented…
*a lot over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
over a year ago katrinamints said…
Do the only beings with power HAVE to be creators? Can we make our own powers and characters with a little bit different purpose, other than what was written in the intro?
If not I understand, it's your RP. :)
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((I suppose it depends. What exactly do you have in mind?))
over a year ago mcterra said…
Name: Reece Morgan

Age: Ageless but appears to be 22

Appearance: Pic

Personality: Calm, composed, coolheaded, lazy

Human or Creator: Creator

Creation: Time

Bio: Reece is with no doubt the laziest creator. Afterall he has all the time he needs...it belongs to him. And its because Reece was so lazy that he made Time to almost possess an autonomous will of its own, making it to constantly move forward endlessly without being interupted. And so Reece would never have any work to do.

Other: In the human world, Reece owns a bookshop. That's mostly because reading is one of the only things he does apart from sleeping and lazying around.
Name: Reece Morgan

Age: Ageless but appears to be 22

Appearance: Pic

Personality: Calm, comp
over a year ago katrinamints said…
*ummm, I guess something to start with would be, a vampire guy/girl that can make a "room" of sorts and manipulate anything inside that room. It's not a god mod ability, and is limited to a certain diameter of the room. If not that then I have some other ideas. Simple water manipulation, electricity, etc etc. it's totally fine if you're not cool with it. I'll come up with something you're cool with cuz it's your RP :) *
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((Yeah, I don't think I'm cool with that. Sorry. Human, creator, or no-go.))
over a year ago katrinamints said…
*sokay. Can I be the creator of electricity? Are we aloud to play more than one character?*
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((Yes and yes. Feel free to join whenever.))
over a year ago katrinamints said…
*Thank you! Here's my character profile!*

Name: Teera
Age: Ageless, appears 22
Appearance: 5/9 Feet tall, 120 pounds. Silver Hair, bright blue eyes, she tell's everybody who asks that she dye's her hair. It's her natural color.
Personality: she can go from keeping to herself to kicking butt in a second. She does NOT take BS, and isn't afraid to fight or speak up.
Human or Creator: Creator
Created: Electricity
Bio: She owns a bakery and LOVES sweets.
Other: Has excessive amounts of money, but doesn't use it TOO often. She likes to spend her time on the town dancing, having fun, and buying clothes every now and again.

last edited over a year ago
*Thank you! Here's my character profile!*

Name: Teera
Age: Ageless, appears 22
Appearance: 5/9 F
over a year ago katrinamints said…
*Oh wait this ones better, sorry.*
*Oh wait this ones better, sorry.*
BanetteGhosneir commented…
why did you have to make a 2nd post? just edit the last one, remove the pic and add this one instead over a year ago
katrinamints commented…
It won't delete, sorry. I didn't know how but i think i figured it out but it's not working. sorry. over a year ago
over a year ago katrinamints said…
(( bump ))
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((Yeah, sorry, I'll start this first thing tomorrow. Too tired to function right now.))
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Name: Poocha

Age: Ageless, but she seems around 23-26

Appearance: look at the picture

Human or Creator: Creator

Creation: Life
all things that are alive, plants, bugs, humans, animals, aliens, anything that has a soul, Pooncha created

Pooncha is one of the most loved Creators by both mortals and creators, being called the 'mother of all life' she sometimes even acts like one.

she fears if a vote to destroy and re-create the 'canvas' was ever to be passed
[b]Name:[/b] Poocha

[b]Age:[/b] Ageless, but she seems around 23-26

[b]Appearance:[/b] look at
over a year ago katrinamints said…
((Sokay, I was just bumping it :) I didn't want to see it suffer on the *dun dun dun* second page..... O_O ))
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((Alright, let's start this thing!))

"Thanks for coming, visit again soon!"

Amanda waved goodbye as two of her customers left the café. She liked her job, and she was good at it. Well, at least she was on sunny days.
over a year ago mcterra said…
"Excuse me sir."
Reece slowly opened his eyes and looked up. A little girl was standing infront of the counter, where he had fallen asleep...again. He exhaled and sat up.
"Hey little girl." He said. The little girl held up a book and some money. Reece took the book from her and looked at it. He raised an eyebrow.
"How old are you, kid?" He asked.
"I'm 8."
"I see." The book was a compilation of true ghost stories and urban legends. Reece handed the book to her and took the money. The little girl took the book and left the shop.
over a year ago katrinamints said…
Teera handed an eclair over the counter. The bakery was loud, busy, the schools all down the streets had just gotten out over the past few hours. The bakery was filled with children, teens, and a few adults.
"Another eclair, two jelly filled, two boston cream filled, and a rainbow sprinkle!"
Teera handed them over the counter at the customers one-by-one. She was fast, and good at multitasking. She enjoyed the rush, the smells, the people.
Her not-so-little-anymore bakery had become so much more than she thought it would be over the years. And she absolutely loved it.
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
wait for it... wait for it....
here it is, the familiar racketing and rocketing of the train wheels shaking the very foundation of the building, not much to do until the Job cards are printed, you get used to it, wait from 6 am till 9 for your job cards to get through the cue, once it's here, do the job cards, come back, fix any problems, go home at 3, do whatever, rinse and repeat. the usual toil and tume. though it was past 9 now, and still no cards... strange

Henir sat up from his chair, usually he leans back on it whilst he waited for his job cards to print... the train's last carriage passed so the rumbling stopped. from his 3rd story up office he stood to the window, and looked out at the various shops. and even the park, and as usual, sitting in the park, having a doze was Poocha. happy and carefree as usual.

he sat back down to his computer, he'd already done the paperwork for yesterday's incident, some stupid kids had once again short-circuited the rail system. with nothing to do till job cards are printed he thought of where he might go today.

Amanda's café was nearby, so he could stop there for his lunch break, Reece's bookstore was in the opposite direction, and he didn't really buy books to read, he could always just use the library. Teera's bakery was close to the park with Poocha, so he might go there to pick up some chocolate doughnuts for Poocha.

just as he was thinking of his fellow creators, he wondered what year it was...
[it's been 10 years already............ vote needs to be done..... looks like I'll be visiting Reece afterall]

his door opened, to his colleague peeking through.
"Henir, there ain't no job cards today mate"
"why's that? no maintenance or checking to be done?"
"nope, the 2nd and 3rd departments got the day off, you can go if you want to, but there's always more paperwork"
Henir sighed. might aswell get started on the voting process,

he stood up, leaving his hard hat and high-vis-vest at his desk, leaving the Rails building, now on the sidewalk he decided to goto Amada's first... she was closest.

he begun the walk.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Amanda sat idly behind the counter. She had a little while before the lunch rush. Now was one of the rare moments where she could sit around and stare. Usually, she liked to watch the sky out the window. It had been a while since she had brought this town a disaster. May they needed a good hurricane? It had been a bit dry lately. But no, a hurricane would be overkill. Besides, she liked this town. No need to devastate it yet. She hopped to her feet and plastered a smile onto her face as a customer approached the counter.
over a year ago mcterra said…
After the little girl had left, Reece sat back in his chair. He turned to his computer, whiich was taken quite a while to boot. With a sigh, he clicked his fingers and the booting process fast forwarded. When it was done, he began working on it. He needed to order online for more books.
As he typed, he looked down at the date on the screen. He realized 10 years had passed since the last vote. He sighed again "Man, seems like it'll soon be time for another annoying one. I'll surely ditch and sleep off somewhere when the time comes."
over a year ago katrinamints said…
On lunch break, Teera contemplated starting another electrical storm. It had been over a month. Time for another nice lightning show. A few good pictures, some flashes over the ocean.
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Poocha awoke from her calming sleep, she was on her right side on the grass, her pipe lying infront of her, it wasn't even lit, she sat up, picking up her pipe and putting it in her mouth, then looked around.... she could smell pastry and sweets, Teera's bakery, she promptly stood up, and begun lightly skipping towards the bakery, getting a few looks from mortals, as to the strange woman dressed like a native american.

the Native American's were the ones who discovered that Poocha was a Creator, so they based their culture of her, she quite liked it. sadly they're gone now. awell. Life and Death, much like Reece's time, Poocha's life creation was self sufficient, and self working, though unlike Reece's time, Poocha's life creation was self aware, had the capability to evolve and grow, learn and create, they were complex and intricate, but it was funny watching them try to figure out Henir's space and Reece's time.

Poocha now peeked through the window of the bakery to see if Teera was in, and yep, there she was. Poocha waved through the window.

Henir opened the door to the café, and stood behind the customer at the counter and waited patiently, he got a few looks since he had a mask on, a black eye, and some chains coming off him. but he didn't mind. besides, his work allowed it.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Amanda spotted Henir as soon as she had finished dealing with the other customer. You would have thought someone as unusual-looking as him would have drawn her eye upon entrance, but she had lived a long time and seen much stranger things. She had grown used to the strange.

She smiled as Henir approached the counter. "Long time no see, Henir. What's up?"
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
"i Don't have work today, so i'd thought i'd come get coffee, and your vote"
as he said that, 2 boxes drew themselves on the counter, with a 'yes' and a 'no' over them.
"I'd like the strongest coffee you can make please"

as usual, they'd need to put their finger in the box that they vote for
over a year ago mcterra said…
A while later, Reece looked down at his watch. Time for a short break. He decided to stop by Amanda's café to get something. He turned the computer off and left the bookshop after locking up. After a little stroll, he finally got to the café. He opened the door and saw Henir sitting at the counter discussing with Amanda. He immediately noticed the boxes. He sighed in frustration "Aw man, no..." He hd arrived at the wrong moment. Henir wouldn't let him go without a vote.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Alright, just a minute."

Amanda set about brewing the coffee, pondering upon whether or no to end this round of existence. It had been getting kind of boring. There was a time Creators were worshiped like gods; no they had to work for a living, like everyone else. It would be nice to start over, re-live the glory days without their old mistakes.

At the same time, she did kind of like this life. She liked the coffee shop, and her customers, and even small things, like the colour of the sky. As she finished pouring the coffee, she came to a decision.

"Here you go." Amanda said, handing Henir his coffee. "Careful, it's hot. Also," she touched the no box, "Give me ten more years and I'll probably change my mind, but for now, there's my answer."
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
"Thank you." he replied, taking the coffee and on the spot, he slightly lifted his mask upward on his face, revealing only his burned and scarred jaw and mouth, as he tilted his head upward and poured the whole coffee down his mouth, whilst he did that the boxes dissipated. he put the cup back down, looking at Amanda again, and returned his mask to it's original position.

"I'll see your vote again next decade then... as for you, Reece, whether you like it or not. your vote is needed."

the same 2 boxes appeared, except this time, underneath the NO box, was an I, Henir moved out of the line so the mortals could continue.

"your vote is needed so that the amount of Votes will be an Odd number."
he patted Reece's shoulder as he left the cozy little cafe.
"who knows, maybe if the Canvas is wiped, you could fix some Errors in your time, like the Black Holes... or was that my fault....?"
Henir begun the walk down to the bakery... the next voters would need to vote too.

Poocha looked at all the yummy pastery through the window... though since she didn't have a job she couldn't buy any, so she simply lit her pipe. don't worry she doesn't smoke Tobaco, strangly she has her own wierd substance, which is healing to the body, not harmful.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
"Black holes were your fault Henir I told you your canvas never was as perfect as you thought." Reece said back as he got into the café.

He found that voting issue annoying because it always made him think. Over the course of time, so many things had happened, so many events had occured, so many creatures had appeared. Erasing everything would seem like a waste. But at the same time, existence itself was gradually becoming more and more pointless so wiping everything out wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Reece walked to the counter. "Hey Amanda, same as usual." He always took the same type of coffee from Amanda's place; Medium Americano,with caramel vanilla cream. Fistly that was his favourite type of coffee and secondly, he was too lazy to make a different choice each time.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"On it," Amanda confirmed, and went about pulling a shot for the Americano. While she was waiting for the shot, she questioned, "So, thinking about ending existence and trying again?" She removed the Americano from under the espresso machine, added the vanilla and cream, and handed the completed beverage to Reece.
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Henir thought on Reece's reply, whilst the boxes continued to stay infront of Reece, following him everywhere until his vote would be cast.

the Canvas was never meant to be perfect, it was simply a box with a white sheet of paper on it, everyone has a brush, but once everything is filled, where would you draw? so it needed to expand, get bigger, so he stretched the canvas, Reece's time was the main cause of the expansion... the constant moving forward anomaly caused the canvas to be needed to stretched and stretched... and when things get stretched, they rip... Poocha's humans was quite similair to Reece's time, but the difference is that the humans don't leave a permanant trail, and barely take up much space on the canvas, sure they take more than everyone else's stuff,but the time is taking up most of it....
"Armaggeddon.... the wiping of the canvas"

[maybe after I wipe it, whenever they feel like doing that, I'll make the canvas infinite, a forever expanding and stretching canvas with no rips... then Reece can have all the time he wants]

almost to the bakery now. then he'd need to move onto the park, then further onto the tattoo shop.

Poocha got the feeling of Henir getting close.... Henir always had an empty kind of feel, which would mean the horrible thought process of wiping the canvas was going to have to be shunted onto her again... every decade with that vote...

over time, the human's evolving process was going well, but lately it's been slowing down... almost hitting a wall, which was not intented in their creation... they've gone from worshipping, to science, and now it's getting slower and slowerm with their intellince degrading... wiping the canvas would be a way to apply a fix, but Poocha needed longer to figure out how to fix it... what to fix.....
she made her decision, when the boxes come.
over a year ago katrinamints said…
((Hey guys, sorry but I'm super swamped with school right now and I didn't think Shedding Light would take off as well as it did XD it's been a while since I started an RP, I forgot what it was like. I really want to stay in the circus RP so I'm afraid I'll have to drop out of this one, Sorry everyone. Have fun :D ))
over a year ago mcterra said…
"Thanks." Reece said as he took the coffee and sipped from the cup. "I probably am the last Creator you should be asking that to, you know." He said to Amanda. "I've always been neutral. It wouldn't bother me if there wasn't any vote at all or if someone else just voted for me. And also, it had always bugged me why Henir would want to erase his creation in the first place." Reece looked at the two boxes then down at his coffee "If we are eternal, why can't our creations be the same?" That was one of the few questions that he considered worht keeping at the back of his mind.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Amanda shrugged and answered his question with another question. "What would be the point if nothing ever changed? You've noticed, haven't you? Creation is slowing down, humans are losing interest. At this rate, all progress will stop. There won't be any point to continue. I'm willing to wait it out a little longer, but I'm starting to think about wiping the slate and starting over, seeing what we can do differently."
over a year ago mcterra said…
Reece took another sip of coffee. "Seeing what we can do differently huh. You know when I created time I gave it the attribute of not only being eternal like me, but being able to sustain change. Everything changes with time. That means humans can still change and start worshipping us again. The only problem is it is impossible to predict the way things will change. I made my creation quite unpredictable." He took another sip "Anyway I'm completely neutral as usual. Any decision would suit me."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Amanda raised an eyebrow. "Then choose something. If it doesn't matter to you, then it should be easy. Just pick either. If we go again, we go again, if we don't, we don't. Either way, we won't come to a conclusion until you decide."
over a year ago mcterra said…
With a sigh, Reece placed a finger on the 'NO' box. "Everything can't end yet, I've got new book arrivals this week." He took another sip of his coffee "And I'll miss the Americano too much. Humans took too long to come up with such pleasant stuff."
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Amanda laughed. "I hear you. Why don't we have an espresso creator, huh? That would make things a hell of a lot easier."
over a year ago mcterra said…
Reece looked up her with a raised eyebrow and an amusing grin "That would be the most awesome thing ever." He emptied the cup and placed it on the counter. "Another one, please. So tell me, what's the weather forecast? Any storms or hurricanes coming up? Or just friendly drizzle and sunshine?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Amanda grinned back as she set about making another coffee. "It'll be all blue skies and sunshine for now, but I'm thinking there'll be some major rain later in the afternoon. Be prepared to stay home, or get soaked."
over a year ago mcterra said…
Reece smiled "Oh is that so? That's too bad then, I was planning a walk in the park later in the afternoon...with you, that is." He said that last time with a sly smirk.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Amanda raised an eyebrow as she handed him his coffee. "I suppose the storm could be put off for a few hours."
over a year ago mcterra said…
Reece grinned. He picked up his coffee and sipped from it. "That's nice. I have nothing doing after I close my shop today, that's why." He sipped again and looked around at the café. It wasn't crowded...it never was. Reece loved the peace and quiet of the place. "By the way, have you seen Poocha today?"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Amanda shrugged. "No. She doesn't usually come by the café. Have you checked the park? That's where she usually is."
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
a familiar face stepped into Amanda's cafe, here for his usual Latte, he walked up to the counter.
"The regular if you please... and from the masked fella i just saw leaving, I'm assuming i just managed to sneak behind the vote train huh"

Carl, the creator of Physics and Celestial Bodies(we needed 1 more for an Odd vote, since right now there's 3 girls, 2 guys and Henir can't vote)

Name: Carl

Age: Ageless, looks around 20

Human or Creator: Creator

Creation: Canvial Bodies
He says Canvial Bodies, since it's Henir's 'canvas' but the humans named them Celestial Bodies, though he also made Physics.

Carl is one of the smart creators, being able to process and evaluate problems and errors easily. Poocha is a bit mad at him, since her original intention for Blue Whales was for them to fly, but Carl's Physics didn't allow it.

Carl spends his time figuring out the flaws of each person's creations, including his own. if you feel as if something is wrong with your creation, Carl's usually the one that already knows.
a familiar face stepped into Amanda's cafe, here for his usual Latte, he walked up to the counter.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Reece looked up as Carl walked in. "You may have missed him now, but he'll eventually make you vote. Even I was forced to vote...again."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Amanda gave him a thumbs up. "Alright, give me two seconds." She pulled the espresso shot, steamed the milk, combined the two and topped it off with latte art before handing the completed concoction to Carl.
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
carl put around 20 bucks on the counter, though that was obveously more than the actual drink.
"can i get a cookie too please."
he asked, moving to the side of the line, whilst slowely sipping the drink
"I'm amazed that he managed to get you so quickly, usually you'd be the last he got... how's your time. still str- ticking on?"

it obveously was, he was just maing conversation
over a year ago mcterra said…
Reece smiled "You know, it still baffles me how humans were able to attribute such a verb to my creation. Though I don't really have anything against it I'm still convinced I would have found something better myself..and a better sign than an hourglass or a clock."
last edited over a year ago