Random Role Playing [!!!]KILL-icky FOO[!!!]

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Aug 23, 2015 at 11:18PM
You wake to the harsh shock of a surge of electricity, and a man's twisted cheery voice on a tv screen. You find yourself bound to a chair as a man with slicked back brown hair spoke and a slide show began.

"Well Heeeellllo there!! My name is Brent Leetwayne, also known as the Head of the wonderful place known as KILL-icky FOO, and at this moment, I will be explaining to you everything you need to know!"

Have you ever killed someone? Do you want to kill someone? Do you like killing people? Well if you're here at the grand stage of KILL-icky FOO, then there's always a chance to get your hands bloody! Well of course you're probably just dying to know how you got here, am I right!? See the thing is, you're either one of the following things here in KILL-icky. A criminal that has been sent here to our "Prisoner Facility" for more than one accounts of murder, a victim of fraud/frame, a individual who was rather....low in reference to the society's social classes and kidnapped by the orders of yours truly, or my favorite, an innocent individual who will be subjects for our most interesting experiments! And the most exciting factor is that you are already registered as deceased! Isnt it amazing!?---

[Our Purpose]
We have been around for the past 34 years and here at KILL-icky FOO, we ensure that our means of entertainment, also known as you and the thousands other individuals harbored behind the walls of our facility, have all the tools and living necessities in order to make themselves comfortable and at home! We exist for the sole purpose of allowing humans such as yourself "Let off steam" on one another. We experiment with the concept of placing "animals" in the cage with "animals", as well as placing ones that are non-experienced with the realistic reality of being endanger of beat to death and torn apart by the fangs of those who may be stronger and more into sync with their inner killer instinct and insanity. We do assure you that this is all for the better purpose of study.

---KiLL-icky FOO System and Works---
Unlike prison systems and ordinary jailing concepts, we do not believe in hourly seclusion, and instead, we allow all to roam certain areas the facility as they please. Areas such as the higher levels of the facility and employee work areas are strictly off limits however. You will be given an initial and three to four digit number in replacement of your name after the slide show that you are currently watching comes to an end. The facility is built on 7 wards in which four (1-4) of them are for the normal individuals who have been brought here. Wards five, six, and seven are the special wards. The Fifth Ward is where inmates known as SkinCrafters have inherited a ability called Vice of Massacre, therefore this ward is known as the Fifth Vice Ward. The Sixth Ward is known as Ward F Experimenta, which is where our experiments are held under security and surveillance. The Seventh Ward on the other hand, contains the more successful and dangerous experiments, and is known as Ward "S" Experimenta. Those placed in Ward S are under the surveillance of specific highly trained staff and are usually put in secluded cells that meet their wants and are cut off from the rest of the wards for safety purposes as a precaution.
*All facilitated individuals have medical care.
*They also have tasks that they can complete in order to gain PDs (Privilege Dollars) which are used for the privileges of buying better choices of food, as well as extra accessories for their cells and even clothes! Accessories do not include televisions or computers of any sort. Tasks range from a variety of small tasks, such as cleaning floors and the mess hall, or washing the uniforms of staffs and inmates. If the individual so happens to die, then their accessories and Privilege Dollars will be put into a collection to be offered as a reward for winners of KILL-icky events.
*You will be woken up every day at 5:00 AM on the dot.

The staff that consists of four positions. The foot soldiers, the medical unit, the chief guard assistants, and the chief guards..

There are numerous foot soldiers that wear the standard blue and black uniforms with a formal white under shirt and commit to doing the basic tasks of ensuring that basic inmates stay in line.

The medical unit is in charge of making sure the inmates of KILL-icky FOO remain in good shape until their death. They operate on survivors of the KILL-icky games and also tend to inmates that are injured during conflicts between themselves. Not only that, but there 2nd duty is to decapitate or sew up bodies for scientific research before the bodies are disposed of. They can be recognized instantly from their white doctor jackets.

There are 5 chief guards, as well as chief guard assistants. These chief guards along with their assistants are in charge of surveillance over assigned wards and are skilled special force fighters. Their assistants are most likely their second in commands in case of their absences and are trained efficiently and accordingly.
All chief guards and chief guard assistants carry around two weapons: their base weapon which is used to punish normal inmates in case of non-cooperation or breaking the rules, and their specialized weapons called "Ward Eaters" that are used as a precaution to combat Skincrafters and experiments just in case. The chief guards wear their assigned uniforms which are dark blue with a matching prison hat as well as a gold crest emblem that is pinned to both the hat and over the heart.
The chief guard assistants sport similar uniforms, the only difference being that their emblems are silver.


:::Vice of Massacre:::
The Vice of Massacre is a sixth sense that gives one the ability to make his/her body a living weapon, though that ability is only limited to one or two limbs on the body. When this ability is in use, it allows the skin and flesh on the specified part of the body to twist and contort in an unsettling manner until it settles down and hardens in a unique shape and form, depending on the user. It has shown that the use of this ability is painful when first used, but the nerves nullify after the first or second time of use. Research and experimentation has revealed that this "sixth sense" ability is gained from an extremely rare disease known as Nucleus Skinalleosis. This disease causes skin cells and nerves to interact with the cerebral and motor cortex, which is the parts of the brain that allows all voluntary movements of the body, and both increases and infuses it with the functioning of the cerebellum. The cerebellum is what allows the various segments of the body to move smoothly. It acts like an air traffic controller who gathers an unbelievable amount of information at every moment. The shape and form that the skin and flesh take after this process is oblivious and random to the user and the given form of the Vice of Massacre cannot be changed. The ones who are able to use this ability are called Skincrafters

Further research has concluded that there is another version of the Vice of Massacre that deals around the skeletal system and the control of the hypothalamus area of the brain that causes aging, which allows them to use their skeletal structure as a weapon though it is rare. There also seems to be a wider variety of the body that can be used to the abilities' will. This is called the Vice of the Dead, but still put under the same category of Massacre. The ones who are able to use this ability are called BoneCrafters. They are able to rearrange their bone structures as well as use them as projectiles or sharp weapons, which is also accompanied by their ability to rapidly recreate calcium phosphate and carbonate.

In uses of both Skincrafting and Bonecrafting, there are areas of the body that do remain normal, and their eyes change to either a blood red, a honey yellow, or a gray. The colors are additionally the same with the color of the contorted skin and bones when either Vices are activated.

:::KILL-icky FOO Events:::
One major rule of all of these games is that there is no "refusing" to participate if you're chosen. If you chose to do so, then you might want to remember that you're already rendered deceased, but your loved ones arent. Winning these game events can earn you PD points, immunity, and privileges.

Killamentus is a gladiator like event that was adopted from ancient Rome. In this event/game, inmates are forced to engage in a battle with other inmates or experiments inside a large electric caged arena to the death or until one is unable to fight anymore and is rendered immobile. A variety of weapons are scattered around the arena such as bats, steel pipes, and sometimes blades. There are no firearms because that would be rendered as boring and cliche.The winner of this event gains 1,000 PD and is immune from the next Killamentus event. The winner also gets an additional option to have a custom made weapon of choice created, the only catch being that the weapon has to become apart of their body. The loser, if still alive, get's all of their privileges taken away if they had any to began with but given a small reward of 200 PD. The winning contestant and surviving contestant are sent to the medical staff after the event to be tended to.
There are also times where, to make events more interesting for viewers that watch, a three way match or a handicap may be put into place.

Foo Wheel
In this twisted gaming event, 10 contestants/inmates must survive obstacles as well as falling tiles that lead straight down to piercing spikes while running around a gigantic rotating wheel that accelerates randomly. The tiles fall according to the time limit set on them. For example, a tile may have a time limit of 30 seconds that you can stand on it, and each time it is stepped on, the seconds decrease. Some tiles may have less seconds. The numbers will be shown on the tiles as the contestants use their agility to make it passed all obstacles and make it to the center of the wheel and climb a latter to the top where a buzzer button has to be pressed by each SURVIVING individual before all of the tiles fall. The winners receive 600 PD at the end.

Icky Swamp
In this event, two contestants must battle on a tight rope 40 ft high with the goal of attempting to knock each other into the large pool of boiling chemicals that lies below. Whoever succeeds in doing so wins 850 PD and is immune from the next event.
1st Degree Penalty: Force will be used to make you obey any rules that were broken as a warning if necessary.

2nd Degree Penalty: If rule breaking continues, PD points will be deducted and you will face 1 weeks in seclusion, as well as participate in a randomly chosen game event.

3rd Degree Penalty: You will have a non-vital organ taken from you, or a sequence of shock therapy and torture.

Facility Rules:
-If you are to participate in a game event, there is no refusal option. Anyone who refuses to do so will face a penalty.
-There will be no killing in the mess hall. Fighting yes, killing no. Anyone who breaks this rule will face an automatic 2nd Degree Penalty.
-Attacking KILL-icky FOO employees will result in a 3rd Degree Penalty and cell seclusion.
My Rules:
*No Godmodding.
*No killing a character without permission.
*Limit one-liners.
*Follow first three rules.
*It's obvious that one than more character should be made.

Initials and 3-4 Digit Number:
Date of Birth:

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Overall Appearance (pic/optional):

Room/Cell Number:

Do you have a Vice of Massacre:
>>If So<<
Are you a Skincrafter or Bonecrafter?:
What is the name of your Vice of Massacre?:
Brief Description:

Are you a Test Subject?:
>>If So<<

How long have you been an inmate at KILL-icky FOO?:
Biography (5 sentences atleast):
Date of Birth:

Occuptation: (Foot Soldier, Medic, Assistant Chief Guard, Chief Guard):
Years Employed:
>>If Rank is Assistant Chief Guard or Chief Guard<<
What is the name of your Ward Eater?:
Description of Weapon or Pic:

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Overall Appearance (pic?)


I.F. 4221// [Ikenak "Frankenstein" Fraizzer] / /Experiment //16 1/2// Special Cell 000// Male

Chief Guards:
Leonard Zeal // Male // 26
Assistant Chief Guards:

Medical Squad

If there are ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL, feel free to ask.
last edited on Aug 24, 2015 at 01:11AM

Random Role Playing 15 replies

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over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Name: Ikenak "Frankenstein" Fraizzer
Initials and 3-4 Digit Number: I.F. 4221
Age: 16 1/2
Date of Birth: October 1st
Gender: Male

Personality:Ikenak is a harmless and almost ordinary boy, so to speak. Or so he thinks. He is initially confused and frightened by the brutality of the prison he knows as Kill-icky FOO....his home. During his time there, he learns to live with the insanity of having to go through everyday constantly fearing what may happen next. He is shy, and loves books and has a wide imagination.
But there is another personality that dwells within his mind who instead of living with the insanity, embraces it to the fullest extent, being the sadistic, cruel, and heartless opposite of the innocent Ikenak. This side of him is referred to as "Stein", and alternate personality that was mentally created in order to deal with the pain of being experimented on constantly and being alone. This is the side that harbors the pain for Ikenak because it believes that all of Ikenak's pain belongs to him, and that it is his job to harbor it. He enjoys inflicting pain in every way possible, and when he was asked who he was, he responded--"I am Stein. I hate all. I kill and destroy all. I break all. I inflict pain on all." But deep inside, there is a deeper meaning to himself that is complexed and hard to understand.

Hair Color: Dark purple with streaks and strands of blue
Eye Color: A light pink
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 143 lbs
Overall Appearance (pic/optional): Pic

Ward:Ward F Experimenta
Room/Cell Number: Special Cell 000

Are you a Test Subject?: Yes
Abilities: Ikenak has the ability to resew inflicted wounds at will as well as conduct an powerful electrical current through his body. He can move fairly quickly when he feels that he is in immediate danger.
At the sign of being in immense pain, Stein takes control and when this occurs, his physical ability and endurance increases greatly. His ability to conduct electricity is not only boosted, but is able to be concentrated into quick strikes of thin but concentrated and powerful volts of energized projectiles.

How long have you been an inmate at KILL-icky FOO?: 11 years
Biography: All that he is able to remember is that he was raised in a lab as a normal boy. At age 4, the experiments started and he cringes at the memories of pain and suffering as the years progressed and he grew older. Most of his memories of his past are held with Stein, the alternate version of himself who endured the painful procedures of being picked apart and injected with chemicals that sent unbelievable agony through his body. At the time, all he sought was to protect Ikenak from the cruelness of his reality. But then dark sadistic hatred began to build until he finally snapped for the sake of Ikenak and decapitated the scientists that were putting them through the hell they were in. He brutally murdered every single last one of them with no remorse, the entire time, laughing. Enjoying every moment.

Extra?:Ikenak is very aware of the second personality that comforts him in his subconscious. Him and Stein are both able to speak with each when Ikenak goes to sleep.
last edited over a year ago
[b]Name:[/b] Ikenak [i]"Frankenstein"[/i] Fraizzer
[b]Initials and 3-4 Digit Number:[/b] I.F. 4221
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Name: Leonard Zeal
Age: 27
Date of Birth: December 8th
Gender: Male
Personality: Being that he had been brought into special forces because of his unique skills to advise tactics and dominate in hand to hand combat, plus his quick learning in the art of blades and silent killing, his demeanor is cold and silent, but stern and sharp all at once. He rarely let's himself have to much of free time because he feels that his involvement in KILL-icky FOO as a Chief Guard is important. He doesnt think much of the psychotic games and killing, and actually sees them as just. But he does realize that there are things he does not know. He's loyal to his position and will gladly cut down anyone who threatens the well being and order of his pride.

Occuptation:Chief Guard
Years Employed: 7
What is the name of your Ward Eater?: Julius and Caesar
Description of Weapon or Pic: link

Hair Color:White
Eye Color:Blue
Height: 5'9''
Weight:165 lbs
Overall Appearance: Leonard is physically lean and fit. His fair height and well built body structure allows him to move quickly when in the heat of a battle. His rather young appearance depicts him as a elite in a young man's body, and most say his personality is more than the right one to fight his appearance.
Biography: To be revealed
Extra?: He is one of the only Chief Guards to have dual Ward Eaters. He is also one of the only Chief Guard's that has went head to head with the psychotic Stein and lived to tell the tale.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Leonard Zeal 
Age: 27 
Date of Birth: December 8th 
Gender: Male 
Personality: Being that h
over a year ago pokemonfan909 said…
((I think I'll join... If its okay with the owner? I'll post my CV later, I gtg rn))
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
((Compliments to the writer!! This is fantastic and super details, I would definitely love this roleplay, I know it's been five months but I can't believe this didn't get many people))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Thank you! And hey, time has indeed passed but it is still available of course! :D))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
((Expect a profile soon maybe we can get enough people to start))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Sounds like a plan))
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Name: Madison Dickenson
Initials and 3-4 Digit Number: M.D. 2927
Age: 23
Date of Birth: November 22nd
Gender: Female
Personality: Madison is quite most of the time but when she does speak up she is loud and commanding. Its the only way to get listened to around here. She spends her time doing yoga and working out. She laughs easily and it often gets her in trouble.
Hair Color: long and Rose gold with the left side shaved.
Eye Color: green
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 148
Overall Appearance (pic/optional):

Ward: 4
Room/Cell Number: 670

Do you have a Vice of Massacre: no
>>If So<<
Are you a Skincrafter or Bonecrafter?:
What is the name of your Vice of Massacre?:
Brief Description:

Are you a Test Subject?: no
>>If So<<

How long have you been an inmate at KILL-icky FOO?: 6 years
Biography (5 sentences atleast): Madison was a normal girl with a normal life including a very very annoying twin bother named Derrik and a younger sister named Elly. When Madison was 15 she murdered her twin brother in cold blood. At least that's what the press says. In their preteen years Madison and her brother took up smoking weed. Everything was just fine and "chill" as kids would say now. That is.... until Derrik found stronger better drugs. Drugs that changed his personality, drugs that made him dangerous. Madison tried her best to ignore it at first, trying to save herself the punishment of her parents finding out that not only was Derrik doing hard core drugs but their golden child was a pot head. She soon noticed bruises appearing on their 8 year old sister Elly. Madison grew worried and more angry every day from then on. Her snapping point was catching her brother completely out of it on the kitchen floor when he should have been babysitting their sister. Hearing screams she found their little sister cornered by two of his friends that were throwing things at her, smacking her, and her shirt ripped open.


Everything went black.

Madison only remembered waking up handcuffed to a hospital bed. She had murdered her brothers two friends upstairs and saved her dearest twin for last. blood painted the walls as she had beat them with whatever objects she could find which included a lamp. a flashlight. her cell phone. and for her brother? The kitchen knife. Elly was found under the bed crying by the time police got there. Even though she saved her sister. Murder was murder. she murdered 3 boys in cold blood, in black out rage, boys the media tried to defend as being helpless due to the drugs rotting their brains. Since the day she was locked up She was transferred here and continued killing ever since.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…

Name: Anastasia Clark
Age: 20
Date of Birth: January 4th
Gender: Female
Personality: Bubbly, happy, caring, and kind. She is a part-time college student with her head in the clouds. She also is a bit of junk food addict, and always has snacks stashed away somewhere. She is also a huge book reader, its the only way she stays sane dealing with the shit that goes on in this place.

Occuptation: (Foot Soldier, Medic, Assistant Chief Guard, Chief Guard): Medic
Years Employed: 8 months
>>If Rank is Assistant Chief Guard or Chief Guard<<
What is the name of your Ward Eater?:
Description of Weapon or Pic:

Hair Color: Black wavy hair to the shoulders with some bangs.
Eye Color: light brown
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 150
Overall Appearance (pic?) (coming later)

Biography: Anastasia's parents split when she was younger. They stayed friends but Ana lived with her mom and they moved to a different state. Little did she know one of the main factors of their split was her fathers job, well that and her moms affair she didn't find out about until years later. Ana remained with close with her dad but she honestly never knew what his job really was. She just thought he was a guard at a prison. Ana's father {Frank} is a retired head chief guard and when his frustrated nursing student daughter couldn't take her mom who was having a mid life crisis and acting like a spoiled teenager anymore waned to move down to live with him he jumped at the opportunity. A nurse now wanting to be a doctor needed a jo and naturally her good ole dad hooked her up. However she was not prepared for what she had gotten herself into. The wounds she had seen in the E.R. were nothing compared to this and she had to pull a lighter out of a mans anus before. However with the pay good, she holds out, the hardest part of her job is holding back the sympathy she feels for the inmates most times. Her dads buddies even gave her the "privilege" of declaring the dead ones deceased after the gladiator battles they put them through.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Hey! Thanks for joining! :D))
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
((Anytime!! Just Start whenever and I'll jump on it :) ))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Will do! Working on a post now! :D))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Its wasn't long afterwards that Ikenak was escorted from the Killamentus arena and back to Ward F, where he was locked away in his room after being stitched up and taken care of. But he still was going to have to be visited by one of the medical team mwmbers for further treatment. And they would probably be tore to pieces, depending on who it was. He was still covered in blood, but that would be gone in due time after his reward arrived. He looked around his room for a moment before his eyes searched the blankness of the TV screen that was mounted into the wall. But this was not Ikenak in who was in control. This person who operated his body was far from who he was. This person was his friend...his demented companion that took his pain as laughter and joy. His
..best friend. At the moment, Ikenak was in a deep sleep inside his own head. Stein was of course, still in control and he let out a sigh. It wasn't over yet. None of it was over. Even though he one his match by a brutal means of slow and bloody decapitation. And he could still hear the uncivilized screaming...the hooting and cheering up of the crowd that had surrounded the arena. There was a bit of static as the sound of a microphone came on, sounding throughout Kill-ICKY as a surprise announcement was called into place.

​"HELLooooo Kill-ICKY!"​ The voice of the one and only over enthusiastic Brent Leetwayne spread through the facility. ​"That was quite the show from our current number 1 Killamentus contestant! And as always, it was enjoyed by all of our viewers and staff alike! But don't think that the fun is over just yet folks, because another event will be taking place today! That's right! Since today's Killamentus was so awe inspiringly entertaining, we're doing one of the first in a long time Double Draw! So stay in tune, because the Foo Wheel is right around the corner! Ten contestants, one gigantic wheel of fate, obstacles all around and potential death! Who will our contestants be!? Who will our survivors be!? Find out and stay in tuned!"​

Leonard Zeal stared at the large and wide image of the Kill-Icky arena from the screen in the employees lounge, and had continued to stare at the screen in a unfazed manner as he watched the cleanup crew sweep in and rid the arena of the limbs and internal organs that were scattered around like an animal had turned satanist and decided to commence a sacrifice. But he knew that what he watched...WHO he watched was far more dangerous than any animal. From seeing it, to encountering one in one. He finally turned away from the screen as the announcement was made on the intercom. Do there was going to be a Double Draw event....which meant that he was probably going to have to escort a few. Stein in particular perhaps.
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Madison was laying on her back on her cell floor. She was dizzy from the meds she was given for her concussion from her earlier match. She had broken all for of her opponents limbs and then smashed her head in with a near by brick. She slowly started to count from 1 to 100. Anything to keep her mind off of the images replaying in her brain. Sometimes she wondered why she fought, why she would proceed to win and live to fight another day. She realized years ago the only way out of here was with a body bag. Even the girl who tried to sleep her way out with the guards died. None of her "Lovers" did anything to save her when her dying breath came out. So why...she asked herself after every fight.... Why keep going. Was she afraid to die? Was she afraid of how painful it would be? Was she terrified of being reunited with her brother after all this time? Or did she foolishly still have hope that she would see her little sister in some way or somehow and know she was okay and recovered from what happened so many many years ago. She took a deep breath and felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. The cold cement floor felt good. Maybe one night she would just die in her sleep, unable to recover from an injury and just be free. She closed her eyes and just breathed.


Anastasia was leaning against the cold wall breathing hard. 'Ugh' she thought, the patient was....ugh. On top of having too push a protruding bone back into the body the patient had smacked her ass which ended with him being tazed by the guard that escorted her. She took a deep breath and straighnted up. Time to finish her rounds and check on the patients after their matches (Well the ones who weren't dead or wheeled to her medical tent because the injuires were so bad) Thankfully the guard never saw her stumble and lose composer. Last thing she needed was jokes getting back to her father that daddys little girl cant cut it. She looked up at the next cell. "I wonder who he is right now" Anastasia thought and she tapped on the door to Special Cell 000.

"Hello?" She called out with the guard now behind her.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Sorry for the uber late reply XD Haven't really been on as of lately!))

There was a empty silence from the Special Cell 000 that contained Ikenak (who was Stein at the moment.),but not long after, that silence was broken. "Who....iiiiis iiiit?" Stein's voices drifted from other side of the door. Then suddenly, the door began to dent in numerous places as if something were being smashed against it with large amounts of force. Then a slow laughter began to slither into existence. "If you dare to....come right on in...." He laughed for a moment but then that laughter was cut short just as fast as it had began and the silence filled the room once more.
last edited over a year ago