Random Role Playing Violence Below the Moon

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Sep 06, 2015 at 11:51PM

In the city known as Era, every night is a full moon. People walk the streets as casual as one may in a city that they call home. But nothing is what it seems. Dwelling in the dark are the unknown. Humans arent the only species that inhabit the city and call the city their home. There are Were creatures of all kind, better known as Therians. There are lycans. And there are vampires. Most humans don't know about this, even when mysterious deaths appear and the news reports of humongous canine like creatures showing up out of nowhere. Or people jumping from buildings. There's another thing they dont know about. The secret organization that hunts these huge canines, and other things. The Hunters. Over generations and time periods the Hunters have been hunting these creatures out of fear of becoming one, and of humanity being over thrown. Even when everything is innocent, the Hunters have always interrupted the peace between humans and supernatural canines. Now a conflict had began to rise between all that inhabit the city, and is slowly becoming noticeable. But all should beware the threat that creeps in the darkness, watching them. Waiting for the moment to strike at the moon's peek and take all into it's abyss of black. So it is assumed that is their priority. The Darkness has returned.

--The Darkness--
The Darkness is an organization of nearly ancient human beings who have been consumed by their curiosity of dark forces, and as a result, has become one themselves. These humans are called Shadow Eaters. They wield the ability to summon "Darklings", entities or pets that abide to their master's will. These Darklings cannot be killed, only stunned and sent into a loop by powerful sources of light such as the sun or other high radiant sources of light, which also has a small effect on it's master as well. When they are sent into "loop", they do not die, but are simply destroyed and reborn. The purpose of this organization is unknown, but they are known to be mutual towards the other supernatural species. They live in the shadows of the world and city, observing before making their moves. Though The Darkness is a very efficient organization, not all Shadow Eaters are known to be apart of it because most are unaware of what they are and havent unlocked their abilities. These Shadow Eaters are known as Dormants, while the ones who have unlocked their potentials are called Awakins.
Dormants only have the ability to sense other supernatural beings and can endure a bit more than an average human can. Their reflexes are fairly sharpened as well as their senses. This class of Shadow Eaters, as stated, are unaware of their true abilities and cannot summon Darklings to aid them. There are four ways that a Dormant may unlock their power and those ways are: drinking the blood of a lycan, human, and vampire all at once, drinking the black blood of a Shadow Eater that has in fact unlocked their potential, be extremely close to death, or have a traumatic experience. When their potential is unlocked, their new bred powers almost match those of the higher powers temporarily and their urge to kill is almost uncontrollable if their will isnt strong enough.
The higher power of The Darkness are known as Diablos. They are the elders, though most of their appearances may contradict this. With outstanding physical strength, speed, and agility, their power is far beyond those of an average Shadow Eater. They wield the ability to transform into a more powerful version of Darkling as well as conjure them to their side. But in this form, they are more vulnerable to death by weapons carved from very rare and almost non-existent bronze ore. Since their are only five that are this powerful, only one of these Diablos awake every one hundred or so years, picking up where the other left off while the other four return to their slumber. The headquarters of The Darkness organization is a little further off into the city in a very large white mansion that continues to collect age to it's features and is surrounded by a tall gate.


Therianthropy is the mythological ability of human beings to metamorphose into animals by means of shapeshifting. This metamorphosis is similar to that of both lycan and werewolf, but the difference being that they do not exactly transform into wolves. Instead, transformations include a variety of animals in which the transformations can be made, but are limited to how long they can be sustained. There are some Therians that have no control of their actions, and have to be taught how to tame themselves through self-evaluation in order to keep their memories of who they are as well as their sentience. This species is somewhat of a relative to werewolves and lycans, but are said to have existed far longer than both. They are usually an ally to the lycan kind and live near the suburban outskirts of the city.
The vampires. Everyone knows of vampires. But none no of which ones are good, and which ones are evil. There are some that can walk among humans in the daylight and not be harmed, and there are some who only move at night. But one thing that they all have in common is their disliking for Lycan kind, as well as the Therians since they associate themselves with them. They have been in existence for a very long time, but something that has been failed to be realized by most is that there are more than one type of them that carry different traits. They branched form the ancestors, but in different means, many being more unique than others.

Sanguine Vampires- Distinguished from their kin by their luminous mixed red-grey eyes, they must regularly drink fresh human (or animal) blood in order to sustain their life. Some cannot be satisfied with blood from dead animals, and would prefer live ones. This type of vampires is most common, and the most adaptive blood drinking vampires because one single feeding of blood can provide them with a subsidence for two weeks or more. After feeding, their eyes seem to turn a scarlet red with black slits as pupils.

Psi-Vampires - Psi- vampires does not physically harm their victims or willing donors, but they extract life force which enables them to continue living. This psionic ability can work both with single victims, and by extracting the life force from crowds of people. Most often, victims cannot notice that the vampire is feeding from them, and effects of such feeding can be short and long term fatigue (they vary rarely lead to death). They can be distinguished by their almost grey blue or sliver white eyes. They also have the smallest fangs, which makes them the most human like despite their means of feeding. They are the most human friendly and are able to sustain a more human eye color except when they feed. The only opposite to this is that when they feed off of to much negative life force, their mental state is effected and can drive them to become very unpredictable. It is not known how many there are exactly.

Emphatic Vampires - These types of vampire can feed from the emotion of people around them, most often positive energies such as happiness and love, but also from negative energies such as anger and fear. Vampires that feed from such darker emotions are often responsible for causing them (scaring the victim), but the rest of empathic vampires simply feed from the currently present emotions that are present around them. Much like the Psi-Vampires, their fangs are smaller compared to their blood drinking relatives, and feeding off of too much negative can result in an effective outcome of temporary insanity or depression. There eyes are usually those of a magnificent golden complexion or a dark green depending on the amount of positive or negative emotional energy they had drained.

Malkavian Vampires - Willful and sometimes unwanted conversion of human into vampire can sometimes induce mental illnesses and creation of insane vampires who cannot be easily control themselves. Their subconscious is the only thing that stops them from going on a feeding frenzy, which is why they try and seclude themselves on the very brinks of the city, but killing anything that crosses their path and draining them of their blood completely. They are also more carnivorous than any of the other kinds of vampires because their hunger for blood is so deep that they began to devour the flesh of both human and animal alike, and even other vampires. Ones that are spotted are known to have self inflicted wounds from their own extreme hunger. Their insanity makes them extremely dangerous, and their dilated eyes are a permanent blood red, showing almost no pupil. It is simply unwonted for this cycle of insanity to be broken, which is why there very few of them. Some say that the almost non existing pupil represents the subconscious, and the red that surrounds it represents the insanity that consumes them.

Dhampir-Being the offspring of human and vampire though they arent exactly accepted by purebred vampires, they still live among humans peacefully. They have inhuman strength and speed and are sometimes more powerful than purebreds. They dont require the need for blood and can dine and survive off of human foods, though blood actually does make them stronger. They dont have the usual weaknesses of vampires which makes them a lot more fit for survival.
The Lycans are the second generation werewolves. They're faster, stronger, and able to keep their intelligence even after transforming into the big wolves that they are. The lycans are more likely to stick together than to be divided because after all, they are one large pack. Of course there are other packs as well. They have a great despise for vampires, or "leeches" as they call them and they do not take kindly to finding them in their territory. Even so, they have found it atleast tolerable that a few of their kind have managed to have a mutual relationship with them negotiation wise, but even that is beginning to dwindle down to just wanting nothing to do with them. When it comes to Therians, they are very fond of them and see them as another form of themselves except with many more forms. When they were at their lowest point, it was the Therians that came and brought them back up and aided them without any question. At night, they hunt animals outside the city and return by daylight. They make their home under the city when in animal form, and make sure that humans are kept from that specific area so no harm would have to come to them. From time to time, they are liable to just eat them when they have to. They dislike hunters for the simple reason that they stick their noses where they dont belong, and brought violence onto themselves, only to turn and try to point the finger at creatures they dont understand all to well. They live by the rule "Keep What You Kill" and are most likely to fight amongst themselves for the rank of "Alpha", though no one has dared to challenge the current one at all. The current alpha is referred to as a King, and his fierce red eyes strike fear into most and keeps order.
The current Alpha actually never changes into human form, which causes some to think that he has lost his humanity to the animal he is now. But contradicting that is the fact that....he can speak.

The Hunter
The Hunters have been in order since the 1860, when Abraham Lincoln had began to hunt vampires, though they didnt officially began until the early 1930's. It started when a young mayor's town was caught in the middle of a conflict between vampires and large canine like animals that were more intelligent than one may have thought. The people were frightened as the deaths of the town began to increase. People feared for their lives. The young mayor, Charles Fareway, decided to take action and began to build up a group that had to defend the town from these evil creatures and protect the innocence that were being effected by them. He was included in this group. They began to create weapons in order to make a more effective impact when they found that their normal guns wouldnt be much effective, and there forth they resorted to stakes crafted from steel and hatchets. Though they worked very effectively when it came to vampires, the lycans were far more savage and skilled when it came to close quarters because of their superior animal instinct and human-like intelligence. They made the mistake of judging them as bigger dogs. As time began to pass, they began to become more crafty with their weaponry and began to improve likewise. The conflict between them, the lycans, and the vampires lessen and a peace was looked to be made. But the hunters didnt rest. Just as they were coming to an agreement, the hunters unleashed and attack upon both races which resulted in an all out assault in anger and betrayal. As the years continued to go on, the hunters had decided to scatter out into groups and enter different areas of the US as well as other nations to start Hunting Parties and one of them settled in the mysterious dark city of Era. There they have been hunting and insuring that the people remained safe and all that was in the dark stayed there. Their weapons consist of advanced bows and firearms as well. They carry around light unnoticeable gear in the daylight just in case they get contacted to tend to an investigation or an attack from something that's not human. Their hand to hand combat and skill with weaponry has improved, but it's unknown if they are prepared from the darker things that lays in the shadows of the city.

*No god modding.
I mean, it's alright to be powerful, but come on. Endless fight scenes arent much of fight scenes. More like eternal conflict. Which would be pointless. Right?
*No killing other characters without permission
*Lets try to limit one liners. We want this to be interesting and have progress being made.
*Sex is allowed because, well, how else were Dhampir's brought into existence right? XD
*Violence is Violence. If you cant do violence then this definitely isnt the place, because typically, blood and gore will be involved.
*Swearing is caring. And caring is swearing. Searing is caring, but do not go over board. BOOP! <<<**Says in a sing-along fashion.**<<<

It should already be well enough known how I feel without questions, and though I dont feel that it's necessary to state it, I will for the sake of those who wouldnt know. If you have any, ask me. I dont bite.....but the vampires and pretty much everything else does.

----------[Character Sheet]----------
Race (Shadow Eater,Lycan, Therian, Human, Vampire):
^>>>If Human<<<^
Hunter or Average Human?:
---If Hunter--- Weapon(s):
^ ^
>>>If Shadow Eater<<<
Dormant or Awakin:
>>> If Awakin, Add the additional information<<<
Darkling Name:
Darkling Appearance:
Undercover Occupation:
^ ^
>>>If Vampire<<<
Vampire Type (Sanguine, Psi, Emphatic, Malkavian):
Vampic Eye Color:
Undercover Occupation(optional):
>>>If Lycan<<<
Rank(Omega, Beta, or Alpha):
Undercover Occupation(optional):
>>>]If Therian<<<
Animal Transformation:
Level of Control (1-5):
--1 being the least amount, 5 being the most---


Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Additional Details:




Graves Coler//Shadow Eater//Early 20s//Male
Lana'El Seeves//Therian//19//Female
Claude Vairold//Psi-Vampire//102//Male
Abella Delphine//Human *Hunter*//26//Female
Aaron Harper//Human *Partial Lycan*//19, almost 20//Male
Rezei Louis//Human *Partial Lycan*//19, almost 20//Female

Rowan Evergreen//Lycan//20//Female
Demetra Quil//Dhampir//100//Female
Josiah Leewater//Human *Hunter*//27//Male

Dawn Myer//Human-Dhampir *Hunter*//23//Female

Leda Monster//Sanguine-Vampire//Older than 100//Female

Crow//Shadow Eater//Unknown Age//Male

Uriah Zantos//Emphatic-Vampires//105-ish//Male
last edited on Sep 14, 2015 at 05:16AM

Random Role Playing 358 replies

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over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((I really want to join. I just don't know yet if it'll be before 10:00pm my time. Sounds really good though))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Alright! :D. No need to rush. Take your time! Oh, and thanks!))
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((Let me know what I need to fix))

Name: Rowan Evergreen
Age: 20
Gender: female
Race (Shadow Eater,Lycan, Therian, Human, Vampire): Lycan

Rank(Omega, Beta, or Alpha): The Beta's daughter (I don't know what that would make her)
Undercover Occupation(optional): Works as a waitress in one of the better known restraunt/bar. She can hear and gain a lot of information that way.

Personality: (To develop)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: dark brown/black
Additional Details: Not yet

Biography: Within her pack she is the daughter of the Beta. She has seen many bad things, lost those she has loved and cared for and killed many herself. ((More to develop, it is easier for me to develop their story as it goes, but If I need more details just let me know))
last edited over a year ago
((Let me know what I need to fix))

Name: Rowan Evergreen
Age: 20
Gender: female
Race (Shadow Ea
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((This is tattooed on her back))

((I may make another character too))
last edited over a year ago
((This is tattooed on her back))

((I may make another character too))
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
Cool idea for a tattoo over a year ago
fangfan7 commented…
Thanks over a year ago
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
No problem :) over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Name:Graves Coler. His name was originally James Coler.
Age: Looks to be around his early twenties.
Gender: Male
Race: Shadow Eater

Dormant or Awakin: Awakin
Darkling Name(s):Romeo and Juliet
Darkling Appearance: (pic)These Darklings are two wild snake like creatures that can tear apart anything they get a hold of. They dont like the sun, or any light, but they will attack suddenly if tempted to or if their master is in danger. They are said to be the incarnate of Savagery and Violence, but the story of why Coler ended up being the only Shadow Eater who is able to wield such devastating creatures as his Darklings. They go by many names. Sorrow and Pain. Bonnie and Clyde. Hansel and Gretel. But the names Romeo and Juliet were the ones that stuck with them and was remembered by most. Though they look extremely similar, their facial features different, just as the structure of their teeth are. Juliet, the one on the left ((I consider the left from my perspective of the screen instead of from the pictures perspective))that wields the more razor sharp and edgier teeth, is said to always pierce through victims chest, while Romeo, the one on the right, carries a toxic venom in it's teeth and mouth that puts the victim into a deep sleep like trance as they die.
There is a time where they connect to the area a little under the middle of his back when they are summoned and are mentally and physically commanded by him. He is also focus their energy into his two pistols, Karma and Jinx, and fire out projectiles that chew through what they come in contact with as if it were a bullet.

Undercover Occupation: He does not have a occupation that he does, but instead watches from the shadows and strikes when the opportunity presents itself. He does report certain information back to Hailix, the current Diablo that is awake.

Personality:Graves Coler definitely has a dark and mysterious aura about him. He has a certain loyalty to the elder Shadow Eaters. He has a no interest of justice because it is something that is never put in the right perspective. But he is just when it comes down to whether one lives or dies. The more he gives he stares out at the world and observes, the more he believes that it should be enveloped in the world that they live in. The world of shadows. Afterall, the human's world is destructive as it is. He believes it to be weak and fragile with fear at it core, stubborn and hypocritical in all. He follows the tasks that are given to him with little question, and is said to live the dread of a dark poet.

Height: 5"9' 1/2
Weight: 187 lbs
Eye Color: A dark autumn read.
[b[Hair Color:[/b] An extremely dark brown.
Additional Details: As seen in a picture, he is most likely seen wearing an all black suit without a tie and the color of a white button up undershirt under it with the color and a portion of the shirt visible and his solid black dress shoes. There is always an expression of stone melancholy and resentment on his face as well as a light scowl.

It all happened so fast. Everything. Everything was just turned into dust so many years ago....but it only seems as if a yesterday had passed....as a tomorrow ended. He was only a child then. A happy child at heart, almost as normal as the other kids. Almost. He had been a Dormant child. That's why it was always and "almost" normal for him. He was always moving around to different places, never really knowing what was going on. His adoptive mother and father never spoke to him about the things that they were protecting him from, or what they themselves were running from. They were human, and he never thought of them any differently because he thought that he too was one. He had limited time to try and make friends, and sometimes managed to do so. But every time they moved a hole of sadness burned itself into his chest until he soon learned how to cut off what he felt towards others there was no use in feeling that sorrow every single time. The last place he moved to was a small town governed by a mayor. One that hunted things. Monsters fore say. Being the child that he was, he didnt see himself as a Monster, nor did he see his adoptive parents that way. He loved them to death. Especially when he was able to realize how much they loved each other and how their need to protect him brought them so much closer. They reminded him of Romeo and Juliet because of that undying love aspect. But why....why did they have to go?

September 23rd, on a Wednesday, he had been getting off of the bus a later afternoon spending a the entire day at the school library after he had school had ended. He reading a book called Graves, a thrilling horror novel about a darkness that plagued a kingdom many years ago, and the main protagonist was a grave digger with a ability to bend snake like shadows to his whim. He had read all of the sequels to the book, because it was one of his favorite ones. The entire day, he had felt as if he was being watched or followed. There was another feeling that made him feel as if he could sense something dark near him, and that made him hurry home only the find the horror of the gore his eyes landed upon. Blood. It was everywhere. On the walls. On the ceiling. Covering the soft brown oakwood flooring of his home. He dropped his book bag and had no control of his body as he began to walk through the house slowly, tears falling from his eyes as he made his way towards the kitchen. He froze when something hit the ground with a slight bounce and rolled towards him. His eyes were so blurry with tears that he could depict what it was at first. But as he began to see it clearly through the tears, his eyes widened in terror and fear as he jumped back and stumbled onto the ground. It was a severed head. His foster father's head. He heard a gasp and a weak cough come from the kitchen as he saw a hand reach out of the kitchen entry way. A blood covered hand. He was frozen in shock by fear. As the hand began to pull itself around the corner, an arm came with it. Then something that made him cry harder. His foster mother crawled out of the kitchen and her eyes locked with his. "James....." she had said, her eyes tearing up and her voice already sounding as a plea."Run....". Not long a second afterwards, she was drug back into the kitchen forcefully and she screamed. Then silence came after a sickening Snap was heard. His heart was pounding in his chest and he watched as something monstrous and emerged from the kitchen entrance. Some sort of large...dark, lizard like underwordly beast. It's small dots as eyes, trailed up the sides of its head and he counted it to be 5 of them on each side. There were two pairs where the eyes were one above another, and then the fifth one was solitary after them. A tongue lashed from it's mouth and it stepped to the side as a man with a dark cloak walked to his sight. He just stared at him from behind his hood in silence before he lifted a gun and pointed it at him. He was only 10 years old at the time. What could he do? His eyes shut close tight as he heard a gunshot and everything blacked out as a strange feeling washed over him. One that felt so much like anger, but also fear, as well as sadness. It was both cold and warm at the same time. And along with that, was a sharp pain in his head that caused him to black out. When he had came back to, he found himself staring down at a blood soaked creature through a vision of rage. His eyes burned a deep autumn red and bullet began to slowly push itself from his forehead and fell to the floor with a cling. Two serpentine creatures slithered from a mist of smoky shadows and bit at one another before one coiled itself around him while the other struck the fallen creature in the chest with one rapid strike after rearing back, and left a hole gaping there. It chewed viciously before letting out shrill hiss. James's eyes traveled to the cloaked man that stood before him a slight smirk but otherwise blank cold expression. As if it had no meaning. The man said to him, "Your eyes are now truly open." And turned to leave. James wanted to attack He wanted to tear the man to pieces for what he had done. But then he felt a heavy nausea come over him and the serpent like creatures hissed again as he fell unconscious. When he awoke, it was dark and he found that he couldnt remember much of anything. His name was absent. His memories were lost. The only thing that illuminated any source of light was the ceiling lamp swinging back and forward slowly. He was afraid, and he was alone. As he strained to remember, the only thing that came to mind constantly was hooded figure. As he got to his feet trembling, he took a few steps back at sight of then scene at hand and ended up tripping over a snaplock book bag and causing a book to slide out. A book...titled Graves. He felt an odd calmness come over him for a moment and out of a misty black shadowy smoke came two serpentine creatures that he was sure he had seen before. He felt a warmness radiating from them, and though he was fearful of them at first, he began to feel as if he were safe while they were there. That thought only strengthened when one of them had pushed the book to him and he stared at the title. Graves.... When he opened the book, there was a message that had said....Happy Birthday,,,,,to the Graves lover and part of the Colers family. And under it it signed: From Romeo and Juliet. The names flashed through his mind and he saw something that was not quite clear to him. He didnt understand.....

Years began to pass by quickly, and soon, was 20 years old. He had began to suffer from an insanity to kill like no other. He only went outside during the night to kill because his companions that he named "Romeo and Juliet" seemed to be the most comfortable then than in the daylight. He had also adapted to using two black pistols that he had found on top of the kitchen counters at the house that he had left after waking with no memory of who he was or what he was, and called them "Karma and Jinx". They assisted him in his quest to make people suffer to satisfy his hunger to shed blood. That was until he met them....The Darkness. And he ended up joining them in hopes of finding out more about himself, and more about what he was. He found that he was a Shadow Eater through a bit of investigation and The Darkness organization covered the rest. He was disappointed to find that the people he thought was his real parents were actually his foster parents, and that they were Hunters.....Hunters who killed his actual parents. That fueled his rage, but ended up molding him into a subject of solemnity. Bits and pieces of his memory recovered gradually as he was taught how to better use his two serpentine allies as weapons rather than just companions.
As more years passed and he is who he is now, he watches form the shadows, searching for useful information that could benefit the organization as well as information about himself.
last edited over a year ago
[b]Name:[/b]Graves Coler. His name was originally James Coler.
[b]Age:[/b] Looks to be around his ea
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Name: Dawn Myer
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race (Shadow Eater,Lycan, Therian, Human, Vampire): Human (part Dhampir)
^>>>If Human<<<^
Occupation: junior detective
Hunter or Average Human?: Hunter
---If Hunter--- Weapon(s): link

Personality: Dawn seems shy and quiet when you first meet her, but once that wall of strangerhood breaks away, you'll get the full on crazy. Dawn strives to become the perfect Hunter like her dad once were, she sets the bars pretty high for herself. She sees life in black and white, it was either wrong or right, good or evil and those factors should never mix according to her. Dawn can sometimes be very frustrating to work with, she is stubborn and wants things done her way, sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't.

Height: 175cm
Weight: 53kg
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: dirty blonde
Additional Details: Dawn bears a rather frightening scar that runs from just below her elbow towards her hand, it was said to be left by a Lycan from when she was much younger.

Biography: (W.I.P)
last edited over a year ago
Name: Dawn Myer
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race (Shadow Eater,Lycan, Therian, Human, Vampire): Human (
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Angel, I dont know why, but I was expecting you sooner or later XD))

Name: Lana'El Seeves
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Therian

Under Cover Occupation: None, but she wants to find something to do amongst humans very badly.

Animal Transformation: A large and muscular mixed breed of Lion and Caracal. But the Lion side is the most dominant, judging by her wild mane like hair.
Duration: 40 minutes, but improving.
Level of Control : 4
Personality: Being a very free spirited breed of Therian, Lana is more than likely to embrace her much wilder animal side than keep it under restraints. She is kind, and never pushes anyone away that's friendly and would bring no harm to her or her people, and is more than often wondering about piece. Though she is very stubborn and outgoing, she also has her moments when maturity takes full control and she just has to do what must be done. Being that she is not as old as the other Therians, she strives to be on the same level as them and be respected just as such. She loves to hunt with Lycans which is why she sneaks out at night, despite what her parents and such say, and despite her soft and kind appearance, she is rather tough.

Height: 5"7'
Weight:143 lbs
Eye Color: Blue-grey
Hair Color: An extremely light brown, edging close to blonde.
Additional Details: When seen closer to the forests and woods further back, her ears are usually pointed straight up and a bushy tail is usually following close behind her. Though she does have the ability to blind her animal ears in with her hair and make her tail disappear as well, she prefers to keep them out when away from human civilization.

Biography: TBR. ((To Be Revealed))
((Angel, I dont know why, but I was expecting you sooner or later XD))

Name: Lana'El Seeves
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(It's actually been quite awhile.

I'm like the wind, I come and go)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((I see XP An yes, it has been quite the while.))
over a year ago mcterra said…
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(I'll try to make one more character, but that'll probably be it)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Alrighty then! I might still have one or two to make. A vamp and a hunter most likely.))

((@ mcterra, long time no see....or rp. Whatever the case may be XD come on and join us!))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Name: Rosalyn "Rose"
Age: 16
Gender: female
Race: Therian

Animal Transformation: a really 'scary' deer/bear thing (let's be honest, it kinda looks like a bear with antlers.)
Duration: 15 minutes
Level of Control (1-5): 2
--1 being the least amount, 5 being the most---

Personality: shy and timid, Rose likes to watch people. She sometimes habitually stalks humans to find out about their lifestyle. Rose chooses her friends and foes very carefully, she will never force herself into liking someone.

Height: 167cm
Weight: 48Kg
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: brown
Additional Details:


last edited over a year ago
Name: Rosalyn "Rose"  
Age: 16
Gender: female 
Race: Therian 

Animal Transformation: a really '
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((I'm probably going to make a vampire and human as well a little later when I have more time to make a character (: ))
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
:D Okay, thanks! over a year ago
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(seems intresting..lets see how long i can last XD)

Name: Leda Monster

Age: Leda lost count after 100

Gender: Female

Race (Shadow Eater,Lycan, Therian, Human, Vampire): Vampire

Vampire Type (Sanguine, Psi, Emphatic, Malkavian): Sanguine vampire

Vampic Eye Color: Red

Undercover Occupation(optional): works at a Night club that everyone knows about, but only a select few can go in, as long as they know the password. if they dont know the password they cant get in. someone will ask "what is the color of night" and the answer is "Sanguine my brother''

Personality: Leda is bipolar.. one moment she can be happy, then next she's depressed or about to rip someones throat out.

Height: 5'4

Weight: 100

Eye Color: Red-Gray

Hair Color: Black, Dyed blue

Additional Details: When people ask about her eyes, she claims there contacts

Biography: (i'll put this up later!)
(seems intresting..lets see how long i can last XD)

Name:  Leda Monster

Age:   Leda lost count
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
Heeeeart!! :D Welcome! over a year ago
heart-of_love commented…
XD lol thanks Flamez over a year ago
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
((I wanna join! I love your rps. I'll try to have a character up soon.))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Sparrow!! :D It'll be great if you joined, so feel free to do so! Love ya!))

Name: Claude Vairold
Age: 102
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire

Vampire Type (Sanguine, Psi, Emphatic, Malkavian): Psi
Vampic Eye Color: White rimmed with red
Undercover Occupation(optional): He works has a psychiatrist that accepts calls and giving at home treatments if the patients would rather do so that go to his work place.

Personality: Most would say he is charming in more ways than one, and that he his sincerely kind and hard working. He himself finds beauty in words and countless descriptions in one. Being quite the scholar, he enjoys learning more about human anatomy and the sciences. But under his enthusiasm and love for helping people is a deep feeling of sadness that had been attached to him from feeding on patients. The negative life energy causes him to zone out at times, but it never seems to get to him to the point where others would typically notice right off hand. There are times when he isnt working that his demeanor would become rather wild at night in means of feeding relentlessly without knowing, though he is able to contain himself still. He doesnt like to see blood very often and becomes very uneasy when around even the smallest amounts.

Height: 5"8' 1/2
Weight: 175 lbs
Eye Color: Silver White
Hair Color: A dark bluish black
Additional Details: He is always dressed professionally with a dark turquoise suit with a dull white undershirt and an dark turquoise tie striped with dull grey lines. His skin is fairly pale, but his excuse to most people is that his body temperature doesnt match the environment and his Irish decent.

Biography: ((I'll get back to this.))
last edited over a year ago
((Sparrow!! :D It'll be great if you joined, so feel free to do so! Love ya!))

Name: Claude Vair
BlackSparrow commented…
Thanks hon :D over a year ago
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(Alright! Now it's a party!)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Yes, yes it is XD))
over a year ago mcterra said…
(I'll be using an old character of mine for this.)


Age: ???

Gender: Male

Race: Shadow Eater

Dormant or Awakin: Awakin
Darkling Name(s): Joshua
Darkling Appearance: Joshua isn't the name of one, but of an entire multitude of crows. Black as night, the crows are metallic, looking almost mechanic. The crows materialze from shadows and darkness. The darker the area, the more numerous and powerful Joshua will be.Their beaks and wings are razor-sharp and could tear through steel. The cry of a single one of them causes loss of consciousness, and ear bleeding..and the combined cries of Joshua as a whole lead to insomnia, paranoia, memory loss and could literally drive insane. Their eyes are blood red and they glow in the dark.

Undercover Occupation: Crow doesn't have any particular occupation. Like most other Shadow Eaters, he works in the shadows and acts under the orders of the Darkness. He equally reports back to Hailix, the current Diablo that is awake.

Personality: Crow is a living mystery. Added to the fact that he is clouded in it, Crow is a very cold, composed and calculative person, who seems near emotionless. He seldom speaks and has the tendency of disappearing from and appearing in places unnoticed.

Height: 5"9'
Weight: 183 lbs
Eye Color: ???
[b[Hair Color:[/b] Midnight black
Additional Details: Crow's face is NEVER exposed. He is wearing a gas mask like in the pic. He is also always seen with a black suit and black gloves, and holding a briefcase. It is in that briefcase that he keeps the retractable black katana that he uses in combat.

Biography: As mentioned above, Crow is a living mystery. Nothing is known about him. Many have never even seen his FACE. Even among Shadow Eaters, Crow's name is one that has little or no information associated to it. Where he comes from, When and Why he joined the Darkness, Who he really is, His objectives and so on...those are all things that are unknown to all apart from those in the inner circle of the Darkness, including Hailix himself.

He was assigned to Graves when the deranged young man joined the Darknesss and has been his partner since then, helping him to find out more about who he is.

Strangely enough, Crow doesn't seem to age, but that isn't a confirmed fact since he is always seen with his gas mask on.
(I'll be using an old character of mine for this.)


Age: ???

Gender: Male

over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(this is gonna be fun! )
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(You guys have fun, I'm off to dreamland now)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Awwww, but Aaaangeeeel))
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
(But nothing)
last edited over a year ago
(But nothing)
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
Lol XD So harsh over a year ago
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Name: Demetra (Dem) Quill
Age: 100
Gender: fenale
Race (Shadow Eater,Lycan, Therian, Human, Vampire): Vampire

Vampire Type (Sanguine, Psi, Emphatic, Malkavian): Dhampir
Vampic Eye Color: A deep endless grey blue color.
Undercover Occupation(optional): she works as a cocktail waitress in some bar and casino.

Personality: to develop

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 100
Eye Color: blue/grey
Hair Color: black
Additional Details:

Biography: Her father was a Psi vampire and her mother was human. Both were killed by hunters when she was very young. She finds humans fascinating none the less. But she tries to stick around her kind just as much. Typically with other Psi, Dhampir or Emphatic vampires.
More will develop as the to goes.

((I have one more who'll be up later))
Name: Demetra (Dem) Quill
Age: 100
Gender: fenale
Race (Shadow Eater,Lycan, Therian, Human, Vampir
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
Okii Dokie! over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Name: Abella Delphine
Age: 26, but looks to be in her earlier 20s.
Gender: Female
^>>>If Human<<<^
Occupation: All of her focus is on The Hunting Hour during the night, so when the sun is out and shining, she is rather the business aspect and is portrayed as a Mafian Boss, though where this idea came from is unknown.
Hunter or Average Human?: Hunter
Weapon(s): Besides her deadly hand-to-hand combat experience using Krav Maga and Silat (A Malaysian and Israeli style of martial arts)), she uses a small arsenal of weapons that she is most comfortable with using, ranging from duel daggers with pure white blades, a katana, a light weighted Tommy Gun loaded with either bullets crafted from pure silver or another special made bullet that consists of wolfs bane and iron.

Personality: As stated, in the day she's all about business. Accomplishing. Becoming a better her than yesterday or today before. She's genuinely graced with the skill of entrepreneurship and is quick on her toes about each an every situation, but in such a calm manner that one would never actually notice how serious she would be unless she makes it known. She writes her thoughts a lot of times as well. She doesnt have much patience for procrastination but sometimes lets it slide since she does have her moments where she does it herself. She's tough and durable, though her personal opinions might get in the way of right or wrong. She is solemnly earnest at nightfall and all chances of her sparing someone from a soft, blank scowl is unlikely.

Height: 5"7'
Weight: 156 lbs
Eye Color: A pearly grey
Hair Color: Dark brown, but a little lighter in the light.
Additional Details: Being that she has been through mass amount of physical endurance, she is very lean in shape and physical build, as well as fairly muscular for the most. She sports a light cover of lip gloss over her lips and has short brown hair.

Biography: "Born a hunter. Raised a hunter. Lives a Hunter. Traits are something that never leaves an individual whether they like it or not. A child born into the world and enslaved by the fate of killing, but for the better good that it could. For what the child learned to kill was not human. And seeing it through the eyes of one who did not have knowledge of what things were in full ensured that questioning was at a minimum. At such a young age learning to fight and endure, teachers in combat and instructors for killing showing little remorse as to push her to her limits each time until those limits were broken through and surpassed. Instincts to survive were natural, but sharpening them were manual. A image of what was to be put forth seared into the mind of one who could only argue in opinion but obey as was told. A mere seed that began to grow forcefully before time into a flower that never bloomed. But surely that time came to an end when the understanding of sense and duty was the first foot put forward, only tripping over the second foot of opinion and perspective momentarily before being able to walk with both feet towards the same goal only looking forward to the pure white color that presented itself and seeing everything else in grey instead of black and white. It was her understanding that brought this, but what had been taught to her mind and body is what completed it. The flower bloomed white and shining into a life surrounded by dark. The roots of the child, the small girl now replaced by the striving stride and determination of a woman. A Hunter."
last edited over a year ago
Name: Abella Delphine
Age: 26, but looks to be in her earlier 20s.
Gender: Female
over a year ago mcterra said…
(Damn dude I can't bow for you enough...Is that a Bio or a poem???)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(oh gosh XD Flamez! i just finished messing with rhyming stuff last week! you gotta be kidding me! Good Character though.)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Lmao XD It's a bit of both. It just came as natural as speaking. And thanks dude.))

((Thanks youz Heart! Lol))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(no prob Flamez, now what though?)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Well, we got two options. Go ahead and crank the key to get this started, or wait for everyone their characters in and situated.))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
( i vote for the first one, but it's your choice.)
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((I'm open to anything. I'm done with characters for now and I don't know when Sparrow will be able to get back on))

Name: Josiah Leewater
Age: 27
Gender: male
Race (Shadow Eater,Lycan, Therian, Human, Vampire): human
^>>>If Human<<<^
Occupation: he works currently as a business man. Running a bank in town and keeping things fling nicely as he can during his off times
Hunter or Average Human?: hunter
---If Hunter--- Weapon(s): he can use a wide variety of weapons. Often the guns he has have special bullets for killing any number of supernatural beings

Personality: as always, to develop

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 200lbs
Eye Color: deep green with golden specks
Hair Color: blonde
Additional Details:

Biography: his father was killed by a vampire when he was a young child. He had only been spared because...well he never really found out why. By the time he was 15 his single mother was killed by a shadow eater and ever since then he had been working as a hunter. Becoming better and better and gradually it became the only thing he knew. His sister, who had been living away at the time finally found him and got him back to a sane state of mind. He only works among other humans to help him hold on to his already fraying sanity. But hunting is what he lives for.
More to develop.
last edited over a year ago
((I'm open to anything. I'm done with characters for now and I don't know when Sparrow will be able t
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(oh! oh! fang! i have a question!!)
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((Haha, Go for it heart.))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Well, in that case, i'm all for starting then. Give me a moment and i'll have the first post up and ready!))

over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(okay, btw Fang, Could Leda be the vampire that spared Josiah, or do you have plans for that later?)
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((Nope, no plans yet. So yes that sounds good to me, Leda can be the one who spared him. I already like where that could be going))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(really? share your thoughts Fang XD)
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((Well I don't really know haha but I guess it could just lead to an interesting relationship. Since that was the start of why he wanted to be a hunter and yet she spared him. So then if they met again like what if he spared her or something happened. But either way I think they should definitely meet))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(my thoughts excatily Fang, The relationship stuff i mean XD)
fangfan7 commented…
Yuppers :) haha it'll be good over a year ago
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
((Aww, love ya too!))

Name: Niklaus (he doesn't have a last name really)
Age: 25
Gender: male
Race (Shadow Eater,Lycan, Therian, Human, Vampire): therian

>>>]If Therian<<<
Animal Transformation: an odd hybrid between a small dragon and raven. His claws are almost permanent as are his canines.
Duration: about an hour
Level of Control (1-5): he would say about a 3 it really just depends. See bio for more
--1 being the least amount, 5 being the most---

Personality: to develop

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190
Eye Color: deep dark brown
Hair Color: dark brown
Additional Details:

Biography: Niklaus grew up on his own with no family. He had to learn to control himself but having no one he never really learned how to control it. He can either be in complete control or he can be a bit of a loose cannon.
More will come.
last edited over a year ago
((Aww, love ya too!))

Name: Niklaus (he doesn't have a last name really)
Age: 25
Gender: male
BlackSparrow commented…
I'll make one more in a bit over a year ago
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Name: Uriah Zantos
Age: 105-ish
Gender: make
Race (Shadow Eater,Lycan, Therian, Human, Vampire): vampire

>>>If Vampire<<<
Vampire Type (Sanguine, Psi, Emphatic, Malkavian): Emphatic
Vampic Eye Color: one green and one hold
Undercover Occupation(optional): he works okay an underground club as a sort of bouncer type at night and at a hospital during the day

Personality: to develop

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 170
Eye Color: green and gold still
Hair Color: silvery/white

Biography: Uriah goes from place to place to get the energy he needs. He doesn't have one home though the place where he is now he quite likes.
More to come.
Name: Uriah Zantos
Age: 105-ish
Gender: make
Race (Shadow Eater,Lycan, Therian, Human, Vampire): v
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(lol my girl, Leda, is the only Sanguine vampire so far XD)
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
((That's alright heart, my girl is the only Lycan so far too.))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(didnt Flamez Say he was going to make a post? That was 2 hours ago XD)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Aaaaand DONE!!))

Abella Delphine

"The moon. It was such a beautiful thing and only second to the sun. It's beauty illuminating such a dim and glee filled dull light that danced along the crisp shadows so gracefully as if it were born for to experiencing the steps of dancing with the darkness. Sitting in the frailness of the sky seeming to be close for the eyes to see, but too far for the hands to grasp. Perhaps this is made so to keep its delicacy out of the reach of the violence that everything it's light shines upon. Perhaps what is committed as evil is what it seeks to avoid....or rather conceal. To swathe the nature of what prowls through the dark unseen by those who are blinded by the very shadows that seek to guzzle their well being. Such a beauty committing such a sinister deed. If the moon were to be a being among us, it would only shroud the light and cloak the steps of what is truly varmint as well as what is unmistakably cantankerous. But it is not a being, and yet it still advocates the concepts of violence and blood shed that is caused by these darknesses and evils that scrutinize us so. The most vile deeds are perpetrated under it's luminosity and revealed by the flare of the sun for all who can see clearly, to perceive. But from the perception of those who are not unaware and blind, comes the gallant actions to confront what seeks to feast off the blood and flesh of humanity. To protect those who's fear and skepticism prevent them from seeing and realizing. But does this justify our actions to continuously break a inching peace from ever occurring between us and they to do so? From the heart and mind of one who knows only to follow what was to her, a lead since birth, just actions are but....a fable." In a private office, a book was here by closed gently and a small sigh curled into the air as a grey click pen was laid beside it. A woman that wore a white notch lapel and a clear collared and opened under jacket made of a flexible and durable material along with a black strapless/sleeveless black shirt pushed back on the desk using her hands and the rolling chair in which she sat in rolled backwards, hitting the wall and causing a light weighted Tommy Gun to fall from it's mount on that very wall and land in her finger gloved hand, the glove being the one without the fingers. She reached to her right and grabbed a polishing rag off of the small filing drawer that was sort of just there for decoration and began to ripe the barrel of one of her most favorable and used weapons of choice. She had received a task from the Hunting Party to exterminate a problem of vampires that had been feeding more than usual and leaving torn limbs and ripped flesh at the seen. A violent massacre. It was most likely a Malkavian type. If there were more than one in one place, then they were most likely competing to see who could cause the most gruesome scene, and attempt to quench their suffering hunger. The pathetic leeches. In a way, she pitied them for what they had to suffer through. But in that case, she was going to end their suffering tonight....with a shower of silver bullets. She stood up after she was finished polishing her "babe" and stood up and said to herself in a light french accent. "Laissez la chasse commence"


Graves Coler

What is there to seek inside the darkness of humanity or inside the darkness of what is far from being humanity at heart? What comes from all that is yearning to be free of the blackest of evils that they are bound to, and the hatred it brings?The sorrow? The despair? The forever inflicting anguish of what is known as the heart? The answer never reveals itself as the same to anyone. To every individual it may be different. It make be power that is sought through the darkest means. Or an answer to the notion of what may be more ancient that it. It may be power that is unreachable through the means of anything that is light. To many it may be to finding means to become apart of the corruption that plagues the hearts of much more than just humans. But to one man....the answer he found was only relentless, bitter anger and painful memories fulled by the nothingness of the blank shadows and void of black. That is only what is briefly an explanation from a mind that was once innocent and unknowing. But there was an understanding that one must indulge themselves far into the shadows in order to find the light, even the smallest amount of it in order to warm a heart that has been burned by hatred, and became colder than the lifeless eyes of a deceased mother. Colder than any than the moonlight on that very mother's tombstone. This man....was Graves Coler. The man that had lost himself....to find a purpose. This man, Graves Coler, sat on a bench that only was only barely visible because of the hollow streaks of moon light that slipped between the branches and leaves of a tree in which it sat under. His usual dress clothes on. A short glass of red wine was carefully gripped in his hands, and the bottle in which the wine had came from sat near his feet. He watched the nearly empty street pass the silence along for an eternity. Upon his face rested an expression of solemnity, along with the patient dark autumn red eyes in which his burning stare flowed from. He did not know what he was waiting for, but it would only be revealed if he kept his patience. And so he did.


Lana'El Seeves

In the middle of the city, where busy was busy and noises were all around, a pair of illuminating blue-grey eyes stared eagerly from the window of a broken down building, staring down at all of the people that were crossing the streets and walking along the sideways. Watching as cars passed by and they eyes remained unseen. The eyes in fact, belonged to a young-woman who hadnt really seemed to be anywhere in her twenties, but more of in her "almost there" years. The smell of foods of numerous varieties tickled at her nostrils and her stomach growled only a little as she opened the window and daringly stared leaned out to get a closer look at everything. Her wild and long mane like light brown hair blew in the slight breeze that floated passed and a grin came to her face. Her bushy tail, and yes, an actual tail, swayed from side to side as she looked out at the beauty of the people and the city. Her feline ears, and yes, feline ears, perked at the sound of friendly laughter and association. The delightful smell of food here and there. Wonders and mysteries everywhere! But there, she did not belong. Because even by first glance, it could be told that she wasnt anything that walked below. She wasnt human. She could make herself look like them, but she wasnt one of them. And it didnt bother her in the slightest. She knew that she had nothing against them, and in fact, enjoyed watching them, but the problem was that she knew she wasnt welcomed. Only if she remained unseen and stealthy, would she be welcomed. Anyhow, while her eyes trailed across everything that they could see, they mainly kept watching the manholes for the sewage system, and her ears kept listening in from any sound that came from them. She found everything fascinating in the particularly cheery mood that she was in. There were numerous reasons that she would be in such a mood, one of them being that she snuck away from her home in the forest without her parents noticing. Hopefully, they would just think she was venturing around through the trees or hunting. This bright and cheery young woman was Lana'El Seeves, and at the moment, she was waiting eagerly to hear the howling of a pack of lycans that she usually hung out with. The humans would never beable to hear the howl because their senses werent as keen as hers, so it wasnt a problem. As she saw someone point up to her, she quickly pulled herself back in through the window and closed it, leaving it cracked a little while giving a small murmur. "Sheesh...." She said as she sat down by the window in the usual dark room with the caved in floors and electric wires hanging from the ceiling. Waiting.


Claude Vairold

There was a small Click as the door to the psychiatrist's office closed lightly and there stood a man, his dark blue-black hair in a slight but neat mess, his eyes low in a sort of exhaustion, and a file folder tucked under his arm. He was well dressed a professional dark turquoise suit with a dull white undershirt and an dark turquoise tie striped with dull grey lines. His hand reached in his pocket and fumbled around until he felt the familiarity of his keys and when he pulled them out, a slight jingling sound was heard from them, and was heard a second time as he stuck one of the keys into the key whole on the handle of the door and twisted it to the left, locking it. He thin twisted it back to the center and gave a very gentle pull. Last time he had unlocked it so carelessly, the they had snapped and the entire key hole had bent in, so of course he would be careful not to make that same mistake twice. As he shoved his keys back into his pocket, his eyes trailed across the square sign next to the door that read "Dr. Claude Vairold" and a smile came to his face. "Aaah, the human ways of doing things is so wonderful." He said to himself quietly, the smile remaining and his eyes gleaming for a moment before he walked down the hallway with the file folder tucked securely under his arm still. He greeted his fellow employees with smiles and hand shakes and winked at a few of the woman with a more charming smile. When he reached the end, he pushed through one of the doors and paused for a moment to take in the night air. He just had fed a little off of all of those people. So beautiful. And the air was just the right temperature tonight for him to go grab a more human bite to eat maybe. He would think about it as he walked home, which wasnt exactly far if you didnt mind walking to the other side of the city. Or....if you were a vampire perhaps.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Niklaus crept through the streets of the town. He hadn't really been here before but he had sensed others like him and even Lycans here and he hoped that maybe he could get to know them a little more. Maybe he could trust any one of them better that the last ones he had been with. He moved into the shadows of a building and kept trying to find the ones he had smelled.


Uriah walked down a darkened street. He ha an hour before he had to be at the club. He was searching though. Searching for the energy he could feed on and preferably something positive. He had been starting to lose his sanity recently and he didn't want to go there. He wanted to try to keep somewhat sane but the more negative energy he had been feeding off of the more he had started to crave blood and flesh.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
A woman stood out in a alley way, her bag pressed t oa brick wall, staring up at the sky, the sounds of people trying to get into the night club echoed from the street a little ways away from her, She closed her eyes in thought.. More then 100...thats how old she was, and how long she has been on this planet, hiding, changing and running from the hunters.


The womans Eye's snapped open, showing red eyes that almost seemed clouded by smoke, Leda turned and looked at the person calling her, surprised to see one of the ,she chringed inwardly, Lycans she worked with walking over to her. Leda noted that the Lycan also chringed. "some person asked me for alchol..but there underage..what do i do?"
Leda sighed, The Lycan had to come outside to ask her this? why couldnt they have asked one of the human workers inside. "Never say no when a client asks for something, even if it is the moon. You can always try, and anyhow there is plenty of time afterwards to explain that it was not possible." She turned and walked off, Leaving the Lycan confused.
Leda walked up to the main doors, and knocked, After a moment A voice, a husky and creepy sounding one asked "what Is the Color of Night?"
Leda rolled her eyes "Sanguine My Brother."
The door opened and She stepped through, and the Husky voice remarked "welcome home." As Leda walked away, hearing the doors slam shut behind her.

(BTW these are the doors)
A woman stood out in a alley way, her bag pressed t oa brick wall, staring up at the sky, the sounds
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Rowan Evergreen

Rowan was out running with her pack. She loved running in their wolf forms though they all had to be careful. She let out a howl and would have smiled as howls responded while they ran. They were going to hunt. Something they didn't get to do as often recently. She then gave out orders for them to split into two for hunting. When the Alpha and her father were busy, then sometimes she was put in charge of the pack and she absolutely loved it.


Demetra Quill

Demetra walked home from The casino she worked at. It hadn't been a bad day but it wasn't the best either. She didn't mind though as she reached her small one bed room apartment. She looked around as she thought she smelled something...not human. She looked around some, it was very very close to her apartment too. Curious.


Josiah Leewater

Josiah found himself going to where Ms. Delphine worked. He usually did not associate with other hunters. But here in this town he had heard she was the best and frankly he didn't feel like getting into any quarrels with other hunters while he was also hunting. If nothing else he hoped to make a deal with her he would rather not work with her but if that was the case then he would. He sighed he was nearly there now. He wore a hood to cover the long disfiguring scar that covered the left side of his face from when he was spared by a vampire. And the jacket itself covered the countless scars that covered his body. He paused at the door and then walked in to where Ms. Delphine was.