Random Role Playing Hogwarts: Year one - The Four Wands

Hades_Shadow posted on Sep 19, 2015 at 03:15PM

10 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, it is finally reopened for students! Only first years will be invited to the school to start a new wave of students, and since there are no 5th Year students, Alumni of the school are filling in as the Prefects. This will be exciting as the renovations has brought the school to its original glory with even more protecting wards to make it safe. As these new Witches and Wizards start the new year, a threat arises of a new group like the death eaters start to bring rumors of shutting the school down again. the fate of the Schools future rests in the hands of Minerva McGonagall, the prefects, and ... a handful of eleven year olds.


1. Have fun!
2. No Godmodding, use approved spells, and expect consequences for bad behavior if caught!
3. Only swearing if it is in the books or the movies (bloody hell) other than that, don't do it!
4. You do not need a Pottermore account, but it is suggested to make the Wand customization quicker.
5. Romance is allowed, but remember, if you are a first year your version of romance will be different than a seventh year. No Sex
6. Have fun!


Skills are ranked basically on a 0-5 Scale,

5 = O = Outstanding
4 = E = Exceeds Expectations
3 = A = Acceptable
2 = P = Poor
1 = D = Dreadful
0 = T = Troll

As first years we start with 25 Points to distribute that means you can be acceptable in all and exceeds expectations in 1 of the categories, Prefects and teachers will have higher amounts of points to use. so if you want higher rankings in a skill, you have to lower your skill in another!

Character Rubric

First Year, Prefect, of Teacher (message me if you want to be a teacher or prefect):


(you can use what Pottermore has given you, What you were given from Olivander in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Amusement Parks, or the link!)

Wood (Elder is available, just not THE Elder wand):


Defence Against the Dark Arts:
History of Magic:


Prefect: (1 Male, 1 Female)

First Years:
Leon Vale [SilverLeo]
Victor Blaise [Nojida]
Phoebe Blaise [Nojida]


Prefect: (1 Male, 1 Female)

First Years:


Prefect: (1 Male, 1 Female)

First Years:
John Rogers [tytexas]

Prefect: (1 Male, 1 Female)

First Years:
Silas Salazar Saberton [Hades_Shadow]
Maya Bradley [Firebird06721]
Skyla [ForeverDream123]

IF you want a pretty accurate Patronus Quiz, this one I found to be pretty accurate: link

link is the American Wizard School RP going on at the same time
last edited on Apr 22, 2016 at 03:17PM

Random Role Playing 615 replies

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over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Name: Silas Salazar Saberton
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Birthday: July 21st
First Year, Prefect, of Teacher: First Year
House: Slytherin (when Sorted)
Looks: Blonde hair, Blue eyes,
Personality: Very ambitious, cunning, likes bending rules to how he sees fit, courageous, but can be a tiny bit sinister
Background: being the First Known wizard in his bloodline, he is going to Hogwarts to of Course learn Magic, but at the same time learn how he can better his families lives with his newfound gifts.

(From WW of HP)
Wood: Holly
Core: Dragon Heartstring
Size: 15 1/2 Inches
Flexibility: Slightly Springy


Defence Against the Dark Arts: 4
Charms: 3
Transfiguration: 2
Potions: 5
Herbology: 4
History of Magic: 1
Astronomy: 2
Flying: 4
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I look around a new place, trying to find my location in this place I was dropped off at Diagon alley. Trying to skill come to terms that I am a wizard. It had been an extremely hard transition and I just try to find my way around. I look at all the stores and what they entail, I have received vouchers from the school for some supplies I need, due to the fact that I have never had anyone in my family go to Hogwarts before. I was the only child and wizard in my family line. And being very poor I could only afford to purchase my own wand and a pet. The rest was being provided from the school and so I know I will have very well used materials for everything else. I look into Ollivander's and decide that will be my first stop.
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Im interested in joining. I do have a Pottermore account.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(alright create a character around it and jump on in!)
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Name: Leon Vale
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Birthday: Aug 17th
First Year, Prefect, of Teacher: 1st year
House: Gryffindor
Looks: Dark hair cut short and sticking up. Almost always looks like he just woke up. Green eyes.
Personality: Shows wide range of emotions ranging from mischievous, laid-back, friendly, cold, anger, crafty, courageous, brave
Background: Born and grew up in America. He is a half-blood and got his letter of acceptance into Hogwarts


Wood: Hazel
Core: Unicorn Hair
Size: 12 inches
Flexibility: Flexible


Defence Against the Dark Arts: 4
Charms: 3
Transfiguration: 3
Potions: 3
Herbology: 3
History of Magic: 3
Astronomy: 1
Flying: 4
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Do they have to be 1st years?
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
((For this one yes, or a prefect or teacher, I'm planning another a couple years in the future where they will be older))

I walk into Ollivander's and see a young man running the shop, "hi I am Octavius Ollivander, first time here I presume" he says while straightening things.

"Um ... Yes it is" I say, a little wary of his very upbeat attitude.

"Don't worry we will find the wand for you!" He says as he pulls out a measuring tape, "this will only take a second!"
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(So its either a 1st year, at least a 5th year, or a teacher.)
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(You lost me. We cant make prefects for this RP and generation?)
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(That's not right. A prefect is a student at the school.)

over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
((I know, but in the bio above, I explained that since there are no current 5th years there, Alumni will be filling the position until this grade becomes 5th years.))

Octavius keeps measuring me, "So what is your name?"

I try to keep looking forward as he measures me, "Saberton, Silas" I say as he keeps going

"Saberton, I have heard of that name from somewhere, but it escapes me why" he says as he finishs up, "now the Wand picks the Wizard, not the other way around, but I have found a way to see which are most optimal for you, You should have a Holly Wand within the Range of 14-17 Inches, so lets pull out all that meet those measurements and test them" We try a couple out, with of course a couple of mishaps until we find one, Dragon Heartstring, 15 1/2 Inches, and it works. "Very good, slightly springy, very resolute but is ok with changes"

I then ask, "do they have names?"

"Only the ones you give them."

I think about it, "maybe later, ok then here is the galleons, Bye!" I say leaving the shop.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(So in other words, any student we make has to be a 1st year.)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(Yes, if you are a student for this RP, you are going to be a first year)
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(Fine. I dont like to make 1st years, but looks like I have no choice if I want to join. No offense but this is stupid)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
((Well it's the story I designed, I can't control if you take offense or not, as I have stated before is the purpose is to establish characters for future RPs following the same story line. Trust me and it will make sense in the end))
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(There. My guy should be done now)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(Great, jump in whenever you feel!)
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(Sucks that everyone is from Great Britan. Not a lot of room for variety.)

Leon had all his materials for school except for a wand. His mother (who is a witch herself) took him in Ollivander's to get one. Upon entering, Leon looked around at the shelves stocked full of wands.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(I like how you have an american wizard, J.K. Rowling said the reasoning is every continent has their own wizarding school at least, so that is why they are british, and rumors that other series in other countries is a popular thing)

as I am walking out I see a boy and his mother enter, I look at him and think to myself and extend my hand, "Im Silas, and you are?"
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(Nothing personal, but I find it weird to see anything type of posting that's not third person. That's what I've always used and seen.)

"Leon." He replied to the boy that was walking out. "Going to Hogwarts too? That's cool."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(its fine, it takes alot more than that to offend me, usually I will put the characters name next to them to symbolize first person, thats just how I learned years ago)

"Yeah, so is your family all ... Wizards?" I say trying to see how to steer the conversation.
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"Only on my mother's side. My father and his family are non-magial." Leon replied to the boy. "I take it you just got your wand?"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Yeah, this is all so surreal to me, this stick actually casts magic, brooms actually fly, it's exciting, so I need to grab my books and gear, good luck Leon!" I say heading out toward the pet shop.
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"See ya!" Leon waved as the kid left. He turned back to the all the wands in the shop as he went to the front counter.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I go and see what pets I can get, and decide to buy a screech owl, a 7" tall owl with a silver appearance, "guess I am not getting any snacks on the Train then" I say as I receive all my hand-me-down books from the different bookstores. I then head to King's Cross Station to get on the Train. I hop into an empty cart on the Train and wait for it to start.
last edited over a year ago
I go and see what pets I can get, and decide to buy a screech owl, a 7" tall owl with a silver appear
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon got his wand and it was the last of his material. He headed to King's Cross Station, arrived on Platform 9 3/4 and boarded the train. As Leon looked for a cart to sit in, he spotted the kid he met at the wand shop.

"Hey. Mind if I sit?"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"I have no mind" I joke as I offer for him to sit down. the candy cart comes around and offers its services, "No I can't, I am from a poor family and we cant afford most anything, sometimes I feel as if I dont belong" I say looking dejectedly at the ground. She hands me a chocolate frog "aww you do belong pumpkin, this one is on the house." she says before she turns to Leon "and for you?"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
((WHAT THE HECK JK ROWLING! Pottermore is being replaced, I am Officially Pissed! if it aint broke dont fix it!))
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"I'll take a package of Jelly Slugs and a liquorice wand." Leon told the trolley lady handing her the money.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
As she leaves I turn to Leon, "And that is how you play on peoples emotions" I say opening my chocolate frog. "So what is special about this school again?"
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"You've never heard of Hogwarts?" Leon asked Silas.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"I did a bit, but I am the only wizard I know of in my Family" I say biting into the chocolate frog, "goodness, this is delicious"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"I see. So you're not too familiar with all this magic stuff?" Leon asked.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"not in the slightest" I say as the frog tries coming to life, and I shove it whole in my mouth, "so why are we required to have a pet, not that I disagree with it, I just dont see a point" I state with my mouth full.
last edited over a year ago
"not in the slightest" I say as the frog tries coming to life, and I shove it whole in my mouth, "so
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"I hear there's a class where we get to turn our animals into things. Other than that, I dont know." Leon answered.

(His is an eagle owl)

last edited over a year ago
"I hear there's a class where we get to turn our animals into things. Other than that, I dont know."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Alright, that sounds cool, and so also i heard about potions and flying are classes too, I am borrowing a cauldron but do we need a broom for flying?" I say as I swallow and look at my card, "Merlin was a real person?"
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"I think we get brooms to use for that class. Yep, he was." Leon said as the train started to move away from the station.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Alright, well this will be fun, and I heard about houses or something like that, do you know what that means?"
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"Hogwarts has four houses that we get sorted into. Each was founded by a great witch or wizard long ago when they made the school. That's all I heard. Im sure we'll know more when we get there." Leon said.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Alright, well this seems better than other schools I went to." I say looking out the window, seeing how fast we are going, "do we have to change into those dingy black robes? or can I stay in my jeans and shirt?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"I think first years have to change into our robes here on the train." Leon told him.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"well let me know when we are almost there, Im going to sleep until we have to change" I say as I get ready to lay down on the bench.
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"Okay." Leon said looking out the window.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
the train keeps moving on and goes through the countryside, showing off natural beauty around every turn. until the conductor says "Please get ready for your robes, we will be arriving momentarily"
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon heard the conductor and then poked Silas to wake him up.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I stir from my sleep and get up "Changing time?"
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"Yeah." Leon replied getting up to go change.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I follow Leon to where we change into our robes and get ready for what is to come, once changed I head back and grab my stuff, perching my owl on my shoulder, "ready to go?" I ask
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(What's up with Pottermore?)

"Yep." Leon said as the train arrived at the Hogwarts station. Leon stepped out.

(Will Hagrid still lead the 1st years by boat?)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( Pottermore has been 'updated' which means the got rid of all the interactive activities, spell casting, potions, etc, and turned it into a Harry potter buzzfeed. It literally killed the magic. ))

[[yes hagrid will lead them]]

We walk to the lake where we are greeted by a large grizzled man with a beard towering over any adult I've know, "well just when I thought I was getting used to all this"