Random Role Playing [---]Xx~~~~UNRAVEL~~~~xX[---]

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Oct 05, 2015 at 04:40AM
A memory is the process in which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Encoding allows information from the outside world to be sensed in the form of chemical and physical stimuli. In the first stage the information must be changed so that it may be put into the encoding process. Storage is the second memory stage or process. This entails that information is maintained over periods of time. Finally the third process is the retrieval of information that has been stored. Such information must be located and returned to the consciousness. Some retrieval attempts may be effortless due to the type of information, and other attempts to remember stored information may be more demanding for various reasons.

"The Final Amnesia is the one that can erase a life"

"To Forget is to Repeat"

"To Forget is to Remember"
"To Forget is to Accept. To Remember one must Realize."

The third stage of memory has never been reached. The retrieval of information from the long storage of the mind has met a interference that has disrupted, preventing the third stage from being activated and making memories of your past unavailable. They have been locked away for you to find the key. The greatest obstacle will be unraveling who you are as well as what awaits outside.

The pods that have contained you for over an unknown amount of years have finally let out the deep freezing smoke that has kept you in your sleeping stasis. Time had been forgotten. As you remain unconscious for the first hour after the stasis begins to wear off, needles are pushed precisely into hippocampus, which is a artery associated ainly with memory, and different areas of the limbic system. By now, you awake for only a few seconds to a numbed pain before you slowly faint back into the darkness of sleep. After a full fifteen seconds, the needle that is pierced into the hippocampus injects a minuscule black parasite called a "Trigger Bug" that grows and stretches into cerebellum, which is responsible for sense of hearing, equilibrium, and balance. Afterwards, the needles retract into the areas that they have extended from, and a second set of needles filled with a grey liquid known as AFE (Anatomic Function Enhancer) pierce through the skin and into the muscles and veins of the body before the liquid is injected. Those needles then retract as well. As you awake a following three hours later, a holographic screen stretches itself across the screen and a version literally made of data will appear to greet you, stating your pod number and a name that will be assumed to be yours.
"Greetings *Number comes first, then First and Last Name*. You are awake. You have a task. Complete it." The screen then dissolves and disappears completely, leaving only that one message.
Then the artificial voice of a woman spoke as the pod began to tremble. "Initiating, Subject Release Sequence." The sound of gears turning and mechanical structures rearranging could be heard from inside the pod before the first set of thick doors lifted up and the second set pushed away from the center to reveal a large and wide space filled with pods identical to yours. Some still inhabiting people, most around you empty. You may even find that there are other people awake. There is another sound of rearranging mechanisms from the pod and you are supplied with a weapon you may be familiar with, along with it's name. The first memory comes back to you. But then the thick stains of blood dragging down the path that leads to the exit takes the attention. Because where it leads to....is the Outside....a place where survival will be a challenge with every step closer to the truth.
[AFE(Anatomic Function Enhancer)]
The Anatomic Function Enhancer is a steroid that acts as a ultra body magnifier, increasing senses and natural instincts by 150% of it's normal capacity. It allows faster actions and reactions as well as a potential boost in strength for some. This more focused and morphed version of anabolic steroids had an extremely complex concept that involved the infusion of dominant genetic structures and took years of trial and error to complete. It also had unlocked a secret said to be ancient potential that humans may have had in past. But scientifically speaking, it was skeptically an imitation version that had been discovered. It could have also been referred to as the answer to humanity because it gave immunity to all sicknesses. It was a cure that could pattern itself into DNA altogether, and gave users extraordinary abilities. But oddly, the greatest aspects that the creator, Professor Hineward Mairens, found most notable were the unstable and incomplete ones. It was what made the imperfect enhancer the perfect because it made those extraordinary abilities vary in great amounts. He found this to be so in his final experiment before the military stole his discovery and attempted to copy it for their own power purposes, which resulted in global catastrophe.

Trigger Bugs
The Trigger Bug is a parasite that resides inside the hippocampus of the brain after being injected and spreads across the brain in a pattern identical to roots. It's roots stretch over the cerebellum of the brain as well, which makes sight clearer for it's host and keeps a well built balance enabled. The parasite is harmless and more of a benefit than a negative. But it's name comes from it's purpose to trigger important memories at the sight or touch of something familiar, which could be both minor or major. But in all, even the most minor memories can be rendered useful. This genetically engineered/altered parasite also carried a nanochip that it injected into the brain to establish random structures of combat knowledge of the weapon that their host was supplied with.

On the opposite side, the same military generals/scientists that had taken the Anatomic Function Enhancer from Hineward Mairens had also taken this invention and sought a way to fuse the two into one using different formulas and numerous clusters of these insects. This resulted in the Trigger Bugs mutating into something larger and dangerous. (I'll call them Terror Bugs)) Terror Bugs.

Everywhere that's not in the white room area where the pods are is the Outside. The world that was once there is no more. Now it lays in waste and ruins with human life on the brink of destruction. The Outside is filled with unbelievable new dangers of various sizes. The Outside is what the world has become. There are areas that carry a toxin called the "Thereafter" Radiation, which effects any normal human who inhales it and causes them to lose memories just as well as be driven near insanity by hallucinations that may occur at any given moment. There are also some who managed to continue surviving even with the world as it is, while mysterious rumors of what await the foolish further beyond the Outside float through conversations. Information on other dangers can be found with those surviving people.
[Creatures and Animals]
There are a number of new creatures that aren't familiar that have popped up as well.

((Helping Hand Credit to Katrinamints))link----The Binges look like annoying little desert like giant bugs who don't like water. It is a rather pesky dry bug that multiplies quickly, laying eggs and teaching their young to kill their very first meal. And if they don't get flesh, then they'll binge on everything until they do, whether it's metal, concrete, or glass. These creatures are very fast and resides in dark hot dry places. In it's arsenal of attacking it has two types of toxins that it may spit out, one being to poison and paralyze, the other being acid. Their speed makes them hard to maneuver and fend against, and since their eggs are valuable, they are also hard to catch. The hatchling of the egg's venom doesn't get strong enough to kill until it's grown a bit.

((Helping Hand Credit to Katrinamints))link----Despite the Sore's monstrosity of an appearance, they are actually humans that have been effected by to much of the Thereafter Radiation and have therefore mutated. Their key advantages are extreme beastly strength and speed. But despite this, they are extremely moronic and idiotic. They have a disliking, or rather hatred for light. It is able to produce and release spores from it's throat, and if you were to breath in the spores that they leave around in tunnel systems you run the slight risk of getting infected. You slowly lose your humanity and sanity as the toxic spores infect your lungs then bloodstream, and you slowly agonizingly become a bloodthirsty mutant beast that eat's raw meat and likes dark dank places.

link:juggernauts are monsters creatures that have extra efficient healing capabilitiesand continuously mutating cells that allows it to grow in size and power as well as develop a defense mechanism that protects it from fatal injuries and protects its weak points which lie in the neck, more specifically in the nape of the neck. The more it receives damage and heals, it gains intelligence accordingly and becomes enraged.

((Helping Hand Cred to Fangfan))
link-The Mebrinka is an animal who has not mutated, but evolved in a sense that is illogical and a complete surprise. Just off of it's appearance along, it looked to be formed from the mixture of an animal from the canine species, some may say a striped hyena. And the other half that it is seemingly bred with is a species of ape. These animals are mainly shy and has the friendly aspects similar to a pet dog at some point if you are careful. But this does not exactly mean that they are always in that sense of mind. They are very alert, being that they are hunted as food by the Binges and Terror Bugs. They can become aggressive. Some have actually figured out a way to use tools, though it is a bit more closer to cave man capacity.

((Feel Free To Make Suggestions and Add More!))
*No god modding.
I mean, it's alright to be powerful, but come on. Endless fight scenes arent much of fight scenes. More like eternal conflict. Which would be pointless. Right?
*No killing other characters without permission
*Lets try to limit one liners. We want this to be interesting and have progress being made.
*Sex is allowed.
*Violence is Violence. If you cant do violence then this definitely isnt the place, because typically, blood and gore will be involved.
*Swearing is caring. And caring is swearing. Searing is caring, but do not go over board. BOOP! <<<**Says in a sing-along fashion.**<<<

**NO ONE starts off automatically knowing how to use their powers/abilities. It's for development purposes. **

[i]]It should already be well enough known how I feel without questions, and though I dont feel that it's necessary to state it, I will for the sake of those who wouldnt know. If you have any, ask me.


**You DO have the option to be a survivor instead of waking up from the pods**
------[Character Sheet]------
^^If Your a Survivor instead, just put "Survivor".


Power(s) (Two MAX, and one has to be weaker than the other):
Primary Power:
Secondary Power((Optional)):
----Weapon(s) Name:
^---If Character is a Survivor---^

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Additional Details:

------["Mutant Experiment" Character Sheet]------


Abiltes(s) (Two MAX, and one has to be weaker than the other):
Primary Ability:
Secondary Ability(Optional)):[/b]

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Additional Details:


Dante Bennit/26/Male----Me
Zuri Josephs/24/Female----FangFan
Ryan Matthews/25/Male----FangFan
Skylar Trist/22/Female----Katrinamints
Raven Adam/24/Female----Kat-chan

Kay'Koe Robbins/24/Female/002543----Me
Karin Popley/23/Female/008674----Me
Jack *Last Name Unknown*/28/Male /037443----BanetteGhosneir
Aquentia Ark/26/Female/037444----Banette Ghosneir
Oa/24/Female/ 000001----Banette Ghosneir
Noah Daniels/25/Male/007001----FangFan
Caleb Jade/25/Male/075206----Mcterra
Jade Krizen/28/Female/096742----Katrinamints
Jasper Bailey Age/Male/003712----Kat-chan

Mutant Experiments
[b]A memory is the process in which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Encoding allows in
last edited on Dec 04, 2015 at 01:07AM

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