Random Role Playing The Academy

ConnerandTravis posted on Nov 12, 2015 at 01:44AM
You have been accepted to the Academy! You have been integrated into our society because you are not like the rest of the population.You are different. You have powers. My name is Daniel McGregor,the principal of this fine institute. Here at the academy you will learn how to harness your powers. What you will do with your powers after your five years is up to you. Some of you may be from a long line of superheroes. Some of you who are new to the whole powers thing.Either way, all of you will be held to the same exact standards.Class schedules will be made up each and every individual student. Lunch will be at 12 p.m every day, no matter the schedule. You will have a free block for an extra curricular activity or a study hall, it's up to the student. The Academy is located on a faraway island so that the students won't do any harm to any citizens. Here are the rules that you shall be expected to follow:
-A phone call twice per week to any family/friends
-Your parents can send you packages to you, but you may not be able to send anything from the island to them.
-No electronics after 10 p.m
-Cell phones are not allowed
-No boys in the girls wing after 9 p.m and vise versa
-Lights out at 10:30
-No bullying
-No citizens allowed on the island on the island for any reason
-You may not be allowed to leave. Exceptions are; death of a beloved family member and holidays.
-If you do leave for any of exceptions, you must not use your powers.
If you break any of these rules, punishments will be dealt out accordingly.
Welcome to The Academy. We are here for you.
Principal McGregor.


How many years have you been at The Academy?:
Legacy?: Yes/No
If yes to the above question, Parents?:

-No godmodding
-Be Respectful
-No having more than one power
-No harassing anybody
-Cursing is allowed IF you censor your choice of word. Also limit the F-bombs please.
-Romance is allowed, although no sex please. At least no getting into.
Ethan Slater, 2nd Year, Fire Control
Rex Smith, 1st Year, Lighting Manipulation
Xantus, 3rd Year, Mind Control(Telepathy/Telekinesis)
Ike, 3rd Year, Magic
Alek Valentine, 2nd Year, Supersonic Speed.
Parker Levine, 2nd Year, Metal Manipulation
last edited on Jan 12, 2016 at 02:36AM

Random Role Playing 252 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 252

over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Name: Ethan Slater
Age(15-20): 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: He is about 5'7'' with short brown hair. It has a little bit of blue dye in the front. He has emerald eyes, has glasses. Medium built. He has a bit of a southern accent
Personality: Ethan is quick to get angry, but is usually chill. He's nice and sometimes is funny. He is intelligent.
Powers: Fire Control
How many years have you been at The Academy?: 2 years
Legacy?: No
If yes to the above question, Parents?: N/A
Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Name: Roger (Rex) Smith

Age(15-20): 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Picture

Personality: He is one of those chilled, go with the flow kinda guy. He prefers to keep to himself most of the time but he also enjoys getting into fights. He's quick on his feet, a smart but lazy guy and rarely shows interest in things that don't involve sleeping or fighting

Powers: Lighting manipulation

How many years have you been at The Academy?: First year


If yes to the above question, Parents?: N/A

Hometown: Chicago ,Illinois
Name: Roger (Rex) Smith

Age(15-20): 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Picture

Personality: He i
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Name: Xantus
Age(15-20): 17
Gender: M
Appearance: blonde hair, unnaturally red eyes, 5' 10", pale, semi pointed ears. Wears a red hoodie and black jeans, red converse.
Personality: introverted, quite, knowledgable
Powers: mind control, telekinesis, telepathy.
How many years have you been at The Academy?: 3
Legacy?: no
Hometown: he can't remember.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( is this gonna start? I'm pretty excited ))
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
((Yeah, we can start))
Ethan was sitting at the center of the quad, studying for a test. His head bowed, trying to read his notes. "Even powerful citizens were thought to have a descendant that had powers." He read around, squinting Ethan looked up and surveyed the quad. Other students were eating lunch or hanging. Ethan was the only one that was alone.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Not too far from Ethan Rex was sitting back at a tree. His eyes were closed and was snoring quite loudly. His snoring was loud enough to be heard him. The passing students simply passed him with a confused expression and avoided looking at him
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Xanthus - Having been to the Arcady for a while, I knew my standing in the status quo, the outcast, the monster, the freak. And trust me when you get that from someone who can turn into a 15 foot tall rhino it is quite an achievement. I say in the parapets of the old bell tower, looking over the quad. In setting where so many minds are present for a telepath sometimes is not the most tolerable thing. I sat in solitude, from a distance being able to pick off people's thoughts and see what peoples true thoughts were.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Name: Alek Valentine

Age(15-20): 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Picture

Personality: Hyperactive, Over confident, Loud, Rude, Always ready for a fight, Hotheaded

Powers: Supersonic Speed

How many years have you been at The Academy?: 2


If yes to the above question, Parents?: N/A

Hometown: Miami, Florida
Name: Alek Valentine

Age(15-20): 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Picture

Personality: Hyperac
over a year ago mcterra said…
One moment he was there, the next he was gone.
That was the impression Alek left in people's minds whenever he bypassed them. All they could perceive was a blur, and some couldn't even perceive anything.
Alek zoomed through the quad going straight for the center where Ethan was sitting. He stopped infront of his table.
"Hey Ethan." He said with a grin "Whatcha reading?" Without awaiting a response, he seized the book from Ethan's grasp. "Oh don't bother, I'll just find out myself."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
After Alek snatched Ethan's book a small lightning bolt struck his hand. "Do you mind ?" Rex asked letting out a huge yawn, "Some of us are trying to sleep so we're well rested to sleep again later. Honestly, you couldn't be any louder"
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Ethan cursed underneath his breath as he was shocked. "Do you mind? I'm trying to study over here."
over a year ago mcterra said…
"Ouch, that hurt, y'know." Alek said as he rubbed his hand with a pained expression on his face. He turned to Rex and smiled "Sleeping is quite a useless thing to be doing while the world is moving so fast all around you." He looked back at Ethan "You too Ethan. There's no point studying now when the test is so far ahead. You could still read everything quickly an hour before the test....That's what I always do anyway."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"You don't even study"Rex said getting up and stretching out his arms, "These tests aren't difficult anways and Sonic the hedgehog, how going moderately quick for a little bit. All the speed talk is making me tired"
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Some us aren't A+ students, Rex. Some people need to study." Ethan argued back. "Give me back my book."
over a year ago mcterra said…
"As a matter-of-fact Sleeping Beauty, I do." Alek said "And since you're so stuck up about studying and all, Ethan." He flipped through the entire book at Mach 1 right to the last page. He handed it back to Ethan with a wide grin "There, I'm done. I guess I'm ready for the test now too."
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
(Terra link XD)
"Well aren't you a just giant speed nerd" Rex said taking the book, "This is a bit too much, now summary notes. Those are what you need to get to through any test with no effort, so why even bother learning the book ?"
over a year ago mcterra said…
((ROTFLMAO vegeta, with Saitama that way, I definitely know what side I would be on XD))
Alek looked at Rex and raised a brow "Giant speed nerd huh...Not bad. How long did you take to think up that one? A week? A month?" He said "You can still correct me if I'm wrong, okay? It might've been a whole semester perhaps."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I start to pick up on a weird mixture of loathing and teasing all the way up in the tower. I decide to look over to the source and see three boys talking about a book. I start focus on those three minds to see if anything useful comes up.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Some of the students look up as the monster in the tower has started looking down, whispers start being spread.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Dude I don't even remember what were talking how do you think I'm gonna remember something from a week ago ?"Rex asked, "Useless information just filters out, that's why my mind only stores things I really need. Like my sleep schedule"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I start digging into Rex's mind, trying to see what he really means.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Alek raised his other brow. That sounded weird, even for him.
Just then, he felt like he was being watched. He looked up and immediately Xantus watching them. Alek furrowed his brow and looked at him curiously. It was the guy most considered as some sort of monster. Alek didn't really understand why. Apart from his strange eyes and pointed ears,the guy didn't look like a real monster.
"Hey." He said to Ethan and Rex "He's looking at us."
Alek wondered what ha piqued the guy's interest. Daringly, he lifted his hand and waved at Xantus.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Alright since my lunch time nap is over I'll need to reschedule.....hmm let's see when can I take another 2 hour nap, I should split it up between the next two classes...yeah that'll work. Rex the genius over here, you deserve a pat on the back. Too tired for that though"Rex was thinking to himself while Xantus was reading his mind
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I give a slight chuckle at his seaming nonsense, i start focusing on the other two.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Alek waved again when Xantus didn't react the first time. All the guy did was stare more at him without a word. He then lowered his hand and called out "Oi, monster dude. If you've got a problem, just say it."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Don't provoke him." Ethan warned.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I notice Alek and his remarks, I tell him in his mind, you really want to challenge me like that?
over a year ago mcterra said…
Alek was startled at first when Xantus spoke to him in his mind. Then he grinned and replied out loud "The idea of a challenge isn't that bad." He never turned down a challenge. "Why don't you come down here and show me what you've got? Or I could go fetch you from up there myself. I'm fine either way." He said nonchalantly.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I grin slightly, the speedster has no idea what he is getting into. I use telekinesis to pull 3 floorboards out. I ring the bell as I set the floorboard as steps, and as I walk down the one am no longer on rotated to be the next stair. Alek Valentine, come out to play I inject into his, Ethan, and Rex's minds.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Alek cracked his knuckles, his grin widening. "By the time I'm done with you, everyone will know me as the guy who took down the Academy's monster." He placed a hand on his neck and cracked it too. "I'm pretty sure you're not so much of a big deal anyway. I don't see why people fear you so much." He said to Xantus as he stretched his arms and legs. "This will take seconds. And worry not, it won't hurt...much." He placed himself on the tips of his toes "Ready when you are, Sunshine."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Once I get to ground level, I just start spouting off out loud, "Alek Valentine, Super Speed, Discovered his powers at a young age. Has never taken anything serious in his life, except how he was treated by his parents, that is"
over a year ago mcterra said…
Alek's eyes widened for a moment. He hadn't seen that coming. His parents. That was an issue he had never spoken to anyone about and he preferred not to talk about it.
He remained speechless for a second or two, then for the first time in years, Alek frowned.
"How do you know about that??"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"The same way I know about what your parents did to you, your father in specific, and what you did in retaliation" I say, still out loud. "And what your mother went through because of your decision"
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Ethan's jaw dropped. Alek was fearful. How powerful was this kid? Ethan tried to clear his mind. He didn't want this kid to know about his fear. Losing control of his powers was his biggest fear. It tormented him all the time in class when they had to demonstrations.
over a year ago mcterra said…
People all around had begun looking at Alek curiously. No one could have imagined that such things could be implied about someone like Alek. "Shut up...!!" As the words left his mouth, he vanished from the spot where he was standing.
Everything around Alek seemed to move in slow motion as he shot forward in an outburst of speed producing a large gust of wind that spread around in his wake. He went straight towards Xantus and punched him in the face, faster than the human eye could perceive.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I take the hit, but use my Telepathy to keep track of where he is, I force a Tile underfoot to lift up and throw off his equalibrium. now, now, now, dont get too hasty
over a year ago mcterra said…
Alek was taken off guard and he tripped as Xantus lifted the tile. Alek fell forward and rolled a couple of times but he was up again in a flash.
He turned towards Xantus and in the blink of an eye, he was moving again. This time he stopped behind Xantus. Lacing his fingers together, he lifted both fists and clubbed Xantus hard at the back of his head.
He didn't even leave Xantus to register the attack. he sped off again, this time kicking Xantus on the crook of his knee, intending to sweep him off his feet.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I allow the physical beating to commence, unknowingly Alek had allowed physical contact while I was in his mind. I now use his mind to block his connection to his legs, rendering them into a state of paralysis. told you not to rush I tell him as I watch him squirm. Ethan, stay in control I remind him with a wicked smile.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Alek suddenly stopped in his tracks when he lost control of his legs. It was like he had been rooted to the spot. He gritted his teeth and looked up at Xantus. "What have you done to me, bastard??"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
tsk tsk, foul words get you nowhere in life, now, you wanted to see why I am a monster, correct? lets find out I say forcing Alek to face Ethan and let his curiosity get the best of him.

(( BTW, if you are DC Comic fans, Here is a link you can throw your Heroes/Villains into as grown Supers ))

[[ link ]]
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Dude you are getting your butt whopped hardcore right now" Rex told Alek while watching from under a tree, "Do you need some help or are you doing fine ? Because it doesn't seem like you're winning this right now. Could be wrong though"
over a year ago mcterra said…
Alek's eyes widened when, against his will, he turned and faced Ethan. "What the-.."
It was then that Rex spoke. Hearing his taunt actually had an effect on Alek. Strangely enough, at that instant, Alek's grin returned. "Shut up Rex...if not I'll deal with you too once I'm done with Sunshine here." He said.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I reinforce my grip on Alek's Mind, now allowing his arms to go streched out to Rex's throat, why not now?
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Well because he's busy at the moment"Rex replied stepping out of the way, "And don't get to comfy there mindfreak. I'm not afraid to come over there and teach you some manners" Rex then turned to Alek, "Do me a favour and get this guy already, I'm waiting to take you down a peg"
over a year ago mcterra said…
"Working on it." Alek said. The monster dude was using his mind to mess with Alek's mind and force his body to move. The key was his mind. It was with through his mind that Xantus was manipulating him.
Right then, Alek found the solution. It was quite plain and simple.
The secret was speed.
He had to be faster. Faster than his own mind. (Sounds totally crazy, I know.)
"I'll be done with this, in a flash." With that, he vanished from where he was standing.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Although fragmented, I still had a rein on his mind, just now it was more like being on a bucking bronco. I notice I can do no long term mind plans as normal, but I do allow to make my quick bursts count, Locking legs so he falls on the ground, using his own momentum to punch his face, all the while trying to keep him at a distance that he does not get to me physically, this has literally turned into a Brain over Brawn Situation.
over a year ago mcterra said…
The struggle went on for a good moment, Alek realizing that he was literally fighting against his own self. Avoiding his own punches aimed at his own face, getting up each time he fell...the whole time running around Xantus at break-neck speed as he did all that. Each time he found an opening, the bastard managed to make his own body stop him from attacking.
Till finally, in one outburst of speed greater than all the others, Alek managed to be faster than Xantus' power for a millisecond. It was enough for him to dash forward straight towards his opponent and swing a powerful uppercut at him. Alek made sure his fist connected hard with Xantus' chin, enough to rattle all his teeth and jar some loose.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I spit Blood from the impact into Alek's Face, It was time to pull all stops, I use his own control lobe to shut down internal commands, forcing him to sleep. I spit once more on the back of his skull. Let this be a warning to the rest of you I project to everyone. I then Kick His Ribs, just so he has something to look forward to when he wakes up.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Hah"Rex let out a snicker after Xantus kicked Alek in the ribs, a warning he says. This guy is a riot" he walked up to Xantus and looked him in the eye with no fear, "Do you know what'll get the taste of blood outta your mouth ? Mouthwash"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I knew you were going to say that I project to Rex smiling, Still with a busted lip, that is a downfall to this ability, peoples thoughts are as strong in my mind as words