Random Role Playing Raveled:We Could Be More [PRIVATE!] --Another and Liquidz--

_justAnother_ posted on Dec 02, 2015 at 04:06PM
READERS!!!--This, as you may know from the title, is a private RP created for Liquidz_Flamez and I for discussed purposes.--


This RP is centered around the deep wounds of sorrow and the pain that love can cause just as well as the effect of the aftermath on the characters. The cringing sensation for revenge, built by anger. Betrayal. In this RP, the mentality and emotions of created characters will be ventured through in order for the characters to be understood and developed further as the story progresses. Not only is there internal conflict, but it is also the world that adds confliction to the story as well for it stops turning for no one. Because all are raveled in its problems. Raveled.

There will be no character sheet required, just a description of who the character iREADERS!!!--This, as you may know from the title, is a private RP created for Liquidz_Flamez and I for discussed purposes.--

last edited on Apr 17, 2016 at 07:08AM

Random Role Playing 40 replies

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over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Aaah, I couldn't have made it better myself! Alrighty then, how many characters should we involve at the moment?))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
--I think we could manage two for now. Then again, it might be better to go ahead and get them all down before we start.--
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Yeah, now that you've pointed that out, that does seem like it might be better to take that route. I'll have three characters whipped up and ready to roll! But I'll probably do so later when I have more time on my hands.))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
--Right on! I guess I'll be doin the same!!--
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Crud!! We need to get this rollin!!))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Hailey "Sashana" Hinns

"I Dream", by Hailey Sashana Hinns.

"I dream. I dream of not being hated. I dream of not being judged and pointed out because of who I am and what I love. I dream of not meeting death by the bullets of words that are triggered from ones tongue and fired from the lips of many. Oh how much I've dreamed. I dream of capturing the air of relief instead of being drowned in the despair of a shattered whole. I dream of being warmed with the feeling of being wanted and loved, but instead my reality embraces me with the winter of a cursing mother and a bruising father. I dream that the one I cared for and trusted didn't stain my heart with betrayal, furthering the shattering of what were already pieces of my esteem. Oh how much I've dreamed. I've dreamed that my dreams were my reality, but instead they are only wishes. Hopes that are beginning to slip away and perish with my will. I dream that the pieces of pieces that are left would soothe the hole left in my heart. I dream that I am a book whose cover hasn't been judged and whose pages have been read. I dream of not having a past that scars my present and future like a curse. I dream of....waking up from the nightmares....of life."

((I'll do more work, but here's a start for now.))

last edited over a year ago
[u][b][i]Hailey "Sashana" Hinns[/i][/b][/u]

"I Dream", by Hailey Sashana Hinns.

[u][i]"I dream.
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
"I dream of not meeting death by the bullets of words that are triggered from ones tongue and fired from the lips of many."

--Darn it Liquidz! I swear that I felt that so much! That was beautiful! I cannot began to explain how much I related to that! Bravo! Bravo!!--
--I'll have something up as soon as I can! As a matter of fact, we can continue our conversation and collaboration over messaging.--
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Sounds like a plan!))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Lilith Parker

"Frail Heart, Tear Soaked Sleeves" by Lilith Parker

"You swallowed everything, like distance. Like the sea--like the time. And I watch my words from a long way off, as your "I love you"s became hollow and bitter. They are more yours than mine, and they climb upon the pain you dealt and the suffering you caused like ivy.
What hurts more than falling tears are the ones that dry as I think of you, bland and meaningless became the words "I love you too." I've seen lies in those eyes of yours, the ones that never cared. You wrote my novel of disillusionment, and now I live my poem of despair."
last edited over a year ago
[u][b][i]Lilith Parker[/i][/b][/u]

[i]"Frail Heart, Tear Soaked Sleeves"[/i] by Lilith Parker
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((I actually forgot about this one too XD I wonder what else I don't remember yet lol Cool chara :P))
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over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
((Lol, i know the feeling, and thank yous! So, ready to get this started?))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Yes! So shall I start or do you want to take the cake?))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Hmm...I owe atleast the first post because of my absent from before. I'll take the cake! Yummy! I'll have a post up in a few.)

over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Okii Dokie!))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(We can throw some more characters in along the way. I think that'll be a good way to do it. I also think we can actually fit a few side characters in as well.)

The day was attempting to be bright this morning, as if to finally wake Lilith from her daydreaming state. Lilith, sitting at a table by the window with her cheek resting delicately on the lightly balled fist of her right hand while the middle and index finger of her left was curled gently around a cup of coffee that had a half eaten chocolate donut that was scarcely coated with red and blue sprinkles hanging from the edge in a perfect lopsided symmetry. Her back length brown hair hung a little more to the right as she watched the people of the city go on about their day, chatting on cell phones and crossing the streets. Her green eyes would see and observe a few groups of people, friends she believed them to be, passing by on the side of the street that the JoJo's Cafe she was in sat on. Walking by, and paying her no mind. As if she wasn't there at all. She thought about what it would be like to be with them, laughing and joking as people did so often in front of her. If only if....Her thoughts were interrupted as she snapped out of her daydreaming daze and checked the time, lifting her head a little to look over at the black analog clock that sat upon the wall on the far left of the cashier's counter. 2:01p.m. She let out a sigh and lifted her cup of coffee to her lips to take what was one of many small sips, wrinkling her nose slightly when she felt bitten end of her half eaten pastry bump her nose lightly before her eyes wondered back to the sight outside.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Brilliant first post, and that sounds like a good base to build from.))

The pull-to-enter door to the JoJo's cafe opened after a few minutes had ticked by, the small bell hanging from the door chiming lightly as Hailey entered through, the door nearly smacking her on her way in as it closed fairly quickly just for the bad luck of her. She couldn't help but only gaze around self-consciously with her dark green eyes, unwilling to turn her head directly and just hope that no one had been paying enough attention to notice her. She walked to the counter., straightening out the small wrinkles that had popped up on her fittingly thin but unrevealing long sleeved plain white shirt that had been paired with her light blue jeans today. She greeted the cashier with the uneasy smile of a stressing day and placed her usual order of a lightly sugared and creamed cup of coffee and some mini chocolate glazed donuts sprinkled genuinely with blue and red sprinkles. They came in a small white box that had JoJo's Jonut Minis labeled on the top of it in bubbly yellow letters. She then cast a quick second glance around the cafe, this time checking for seats, particularly the ones that were closest to the large window panes. But she only found that nearly all of them were full. All but one, and it was at a table that someone was already occupying. Her shoulders slumped for a moment and disappointment, and she scanned the tables a third time, which she didn't really know why. It wasn't as if a miracle would make someone jump up and run out of the cafe screaming "TRALALALALA!" at the top of their lungs or something. Another sky escaped her lips as she did in fact find another seat, but that one had one person occupying it as well, a older man who looked as if he hadn't been sleeping in days, or hyped off of some sort of drug judging by the deep, deep bags under his eyes. That, and the fact that he seemed to twitch ever so often. And that definitely wasn't where she was headed. So she guessed that she would be sharing a table by the window today. Great. NOT.

"That'll be $7.93." The guy behind the register wearing the cafe uniform said in a bland, dull voice. He sounded as if he didn't even want to be there, but she couldn't blame him. It was Monday, and those were one of the worst days to work on the mildly chilly days like today, despite the sun attempting to pierce its light through the clouds that seemed to only allow its rays to give off warmth every so often. She went ahead and gave the cashier a ten dollar bill, allowing him to keep the change as a small tip that she would add on to before leaving after she was done. Collecting her order in her hands, she walked over to the table and was able to see now that it was a girl who seemed to be lost in thought as she approached the table, a cup of coffee in a gentle grasp and a half eaten donut placed on its edge similar to how a shrimp was on the edge of a martini glass. She cleared her throat silently before she spoke, hesitating for a sly second. "E-excuse me." She began with a small stutter. "All of the seats seem to be taken and I was....um...I was wondering if you would mind if I joined you at this table?" She asked, her voice soft and slightly pitchy.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Lilith's head turned quickly at the sound of someone speaking, their voice surprisingly close. She found her eyes trailing up a petite body frame where the hands were holding a small box along with a cup of and up to a soft, clear face where her eyes met with the luxurious green of another female's. She seemed to be around her age, late teens, and the second thing that caught her attention was the fluffy light blue of the girl's thick, stringy but orderly head of dyed hair. "U-uuh, sure!" She answered quickly, not wanting to delay her answer any longer than she already had and also not wanting to rudely keep her standing there. She re-positioned her coffee cup, scooting it more her way instead of leaving it there in the center of the small rectangular table. She straightened her white short-sleeved dress shirt as straightened herself in her chair now that someone was there, and also noticing that they seemed to be around the same height as well. Bringing her cup to her lips again, she took another sip of her beverage as to stop herself from looking up into the girls deep green eyes again. Wow....she looks nice. She hadn't really seen her in the cafe before either, so it was a new face for her eyes.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
When the girl had looked to her, Hailey caught sight of her eyes, green, just as hers were. The girl's bold brown hair instantly caught her liking, and her light face seemed to be in sync with the rays of sunlight that had managed to slip through the clouds. She had always wanted hair of a certain type of brown instead of her original head of dark ginger hair. A small sigh of relief escaped through Hailey's lips, releasing the wisp of air that felt as if she had been holding in when the girl had taken a few seconds to answer. It was a little surprising too because she half expected her to say no. "Thank you..." She sat down across the table from her and sat the small box and coffee cup down on the table lightly. She tried not to seem awkward or weird and out of nervousness, began fiddling with her fingers under the table before reaching over to the straw dispenser and grabbing one of the yellow straws. She popped the top off of her coffee cup, steam reaching up into the air in a waving mist, the freshness of it feeling her nostrils. Her straw was lowered down inside inside and she took in a small breath of air in before taking one very small sip to test the heat prior to her taking another bigger one, but still small.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
What an odd way to drink coffee.... Lilith had through to herself when she caught the girl popping off the top to her cup and watched her in puzzlement as she grabbed a straw and added it to her beverage. The quick silence that came after their mediocre exchange of words caused her shift in a uneasy nervousness, her mind itching anxiously in anticipation for a conversation. But the fear of sounding like a idiot or a weirdo stopped her from speaking. She wiped her palms against her skirt, staring down into her cup of coffee as if the courage to just talk would be granted to her from it. She shifted once more, but it seemed as if her thoughts had already put things into the negative for her. Her arm somehow managed to knock over her cup of coffee, spilling the half cup that she had had left over the table, her donut going along with it and unluckily falling onto the floor. FUDGE!!. "I-I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed to the girl, getting to her feet sloppily to grab some napkins to clean up the mess, her face in a fluster of embarrassment. She was sure that there were eyes on her now, watching the oh so clumsy girl clean up her mess. Probably laughing at her...smirking...snickering under their breath. That just made her want to clean up the mess faster.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
She had just about to open the small box of that contained her delicious circular treats before she found herself jumping to her a mere second after Lilith with a small yelp in surprise, her slightly widened eyes watching the coffee spill off of the side of the table and the donut drop to the floor with almost silent sticky thud. And....the girl, who had apologized in a hurry, as she moved in a haste to clean up the spilled caffeine. Hailey didn't know what it was that made her do so, but she moved to help her clean up what they were able to with the napkins that she grabbed from the small basket, setting her tipped over coffee cup back up straight and off to the side where it wouldn't be in their way. It was something about the way that the girl moved so frantically. She could see the embarrassment that splashed itself over her face, and couldn't help but think to herself....I know that feeling....
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over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Her eyes stuck on the girl and watched her take up napkins to help her clean up the mess that she had so clumsily made herself. She continued to wipe at the coffee on the table with numerous clots of napkins, not even daring to look in any direction until the table was cleaned of any noticeable splashes of her spilled beverage and one of the employees came to mop up what had wasted down onto the floor, her half eaten donut included. She looked to the girl, a patch of pink coming to her cheeks. "Thanks..." She said, her voice almost a whisper and her eyes to the ground as she got a few more napkins to wipe off her hands. This had to be one of the worst things that could have taken place. And here of all places...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Don't mention it." Hailey replied with a small shy smile, looking away for a moment's notice. She actually felt sort of good about helping out and getting the mess cleaned up. Slightly appreciated if she was willing to push it that far. "You know what they say, two heads are always better than one." She says, her voice a little louder than before as she took a attempt of maybe making something good of the small catastrophe that had brushed passed only seconds ago. "Accidents, they tend to happen when they're least expected am I right?" She said, giving a very light laugh, not completely sure if she should be doing so. Which made her nervous again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Lilith stared at her when she had smiled and the sunlight had seemed to shine through the cafe windows as if on que, which made her eyes widen slightly as the light poured in over the girl as she spoke. She ended up nodding slowly, catching the last bit that she had said. A smile came to her face and she mustered up the courage to speak. "Yeah...they do don't they?" She agreed with a small giggle. Maybe this was her chance to make up for the silence that had passed them, though she didn't know why she was so intrigued to talk to a complete stranger, though she supposed that's what the purpose of getting to know people was there for right? Maybe she just needed to do something different. Definitely right.., she agreed with herself. . She took her next step and stuck out her hand. "Lilith....Lilith Parker." She introduced herself.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Hailey smiled a little, glad that she was able to bring a smile to someone's face for once. And when she giggled, even if it was just a little, it made her almost forget about nearly being smacked by the door on the way in until she thought about how ironic it was being that the saying was "Dont let the door hit you on the way out" or something along the lines of that. But she was quickly distracted from her thoughts when the girl stuck out her hand and introduced herself as Lilith Parker. "Lilith....that's a nice name." She said and smiled, small dimples popping up on her cheeks, making her small dotted freckles stand out a little more. "I-I'm Hailey Hinns." She reached her hand out and took hers in a subtle handshake, pleased to meet her acquaintance. The spilled coffee came to mind and she decided to ask what had already come to mind. "May I ask how you take your coffee?" She asked politely.
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
A light blush had came across Lilith's cheeks when she told her that her name was nice. That was the first time that she had gotten a compliment on her name really because usually....well lets just say that people were bitter jerks sometimes.Hailey Hinns..., So her name was Hailey. That was a cute name, and it fit her clear and freckled face as well as those shimmering gorgeous eyes of hers. And those dimples! "I'm pleased to meet you Hailey." She had said. And then the questioning of how she had her coffee came to, and she stammered over her words in surprise. "N-You-I, you don't have to do that!" She finally was able to get out. She was...offering her coffee!? After she had already so recklessly spilled her own, nearly getting it on her too!?
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over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"I-It's alright, really! I'm sort of a coffee lover anyways and I don't mind buying someone as nice as you a cup of coffee and I really---" Hailey came to an abrupt stop and a heavy blush came to her face as she realized that she was doing it again. Talking in a rush without thinking which was something she had tried to break herself out of doing. It was a habit that kind of embarrassed her, making her feel as if she was talking to much at times."I-I'm sorry." She said, casting a glance at the ground shamefully. "But really, I don't mind." She added, feeling as if she just needed to so.
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
"..Lightly sugared and a little cream, not much." Lilith said finally after glancing to her. Was she going to have say thank you the entire time she was going to be around this girl? She was just...wow. Definitely in a good way. "Thank you, Hailey." She said, unable to stop herself from thanking her due to wanting keep her mannerism. And her gratitude. She was glad that she didn't get flipped out on! This was the most relief she had had all day! Her eyes looked to Hailey, and then to the full cup of coffee and the box of what she now knew was mini donuts, chocolate with---She had to be dreaming! Blue and red sprinkles!? She looked back to Hailey quickly. "I guess i'll wait for you here then..." She said with a smile, a more genuine one than before.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Right!" Hailey cheered lightly to herself as she went made her way up to the counter, stepping passed a few newly arriving customers as they retrieved their order from the cashier. Some people had been making their way out as well. She went to the luckily short train of people that was the line, being the fifth person behind four briefly before they began to move up. Now she was the fourth. Then the third. It took a little longer for her to move any further being that the middle aged woman in front of her made a larger order than the previous two. When the woman finally moved on, she stepped up to be one last person away from making her order. Casting barely a glance over at Lilith at the table, she felt her heart flutter for a moment and paused in that instant. She didn't know why, but it just happened. She took in a deep breath when she was able to move up in the line again, exhaling slowly before ordering another cup of lightly sugared and foamed coffee.
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Lilith had taken her seat back at the table and was sort of at a lost with what to do besides sit there patiently. Completely anxious and paranoid that even with how nice this girl was to her she would find a way to screw things up, but patient. She wiped her sweaty palms on her skirt, her foot tapping ever so slightly and her heart skipping along a little. She threw a small glance over to Hailey just in time to see her step to the counter and place her order. She couldn't help but wonder why such a person would go out of their way just to do this for someone as....worthless..."Idiotic"...."Pitiful"...Pathetic--The all to familiar words struck the nerves of memories that were meant to be buried and caused a instinctual exiguous flinch.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Hailey paid for the coffee with three dollars and forty-seven cents. I hate taxes.... She sighed in her head as she took the coffee lightly and before heading back to the awaiting Lilith, trying desperately to not seem as if she was in a her total hurry to do so. But with each step closer she got to the table, the more antsy and apprehensive she became and she gradually began to slow down. However, by the time she had decided to do so, she was already at the table before she knew it. She tried to stop her hands from shaking as she sat down and held the coffee out to her. "Here you go." She says, her words soft spoken.
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
((Lol, Taxes. Ugh. Sorry i'm late!))

Lilith tried to well, not stare at her but she was grateful. Grateful that there was one person that would so willingly go out of their way just to help a stranger like her. And she stared for that moment because she didn't known how to express that gratitude but with a gentle spoken and slightly stuttered "Thank you" as she carefully retrieved the cup of coffee from Hailey's hands. She felt something deep within her chest attempting to close the hole of bitter and lonely misunderstanding and hurt from her past. Taking the first sip of her coffee, the rush of a fresh cup of caffeine sent her mind tumbling forward on what to do, what to say. "S-so Hailey. You're a new face to me around the cafe at this time of day. Are you usual customer here?" She asked, her mind running off of the fumes of coffee now. She just prayed that she didn't say anything stupid by accident.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Yes, a-actually. Today is one of those once in a while days where I get caught up in a multitude of things while trying to get everything done and out of the way. I'm usually here a lot earlier on in day most of the time." She answered while opening her box of awaiting mini-donuts. Now that she thought about it a little more in depth, this was her first time resorting to going to the cafe in the afternoon because it would be crammed with people around current time. And when she went in the mornings, one could bet that she had enough determination to be one of the first people there when it opens around 5 a.m.. "What about you?" She asked, looking into her box. While doing so, Lilith's lost donut came to mind, and she remembered that---Mine are like the miniature version of what I have.... And maybe she could share. After all, coffee wasn't complete for her without the donuts, so maybe it was the same with her.

((It's cool! :D))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
So that's why I hadn't seen her around before.... Lilith stared down into her coffee as she thought on it briefly, weaving out a few other circling thoughts that she had been thinking on. So it was that Hailey always showed up earlier than herself, which is why they had never actually showed up at the shop at the same time for something like this to happen. It was legit reasoning really, but if simply coming a little later led to her finding someone that she could talk to, then, though it was sort of selfish on her end, she was glad that Hailey had been so busy today. "I, well, you see--" She started with a light nervous laugh, "--this is basically my place of reside. I guess you could just call it my little haven. I'm a coffee lover too, so this place works in my favor for having good coffee and a nice pastry to go with it." She said with a smile.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"I'm a coffee lover too"---"Having a good coffee and a nice pastry to go with it". That's all that Hailey would've have needed to here from the beginning and she would have instantly hung onto this woman's leg like a child to a mother! Okay, well, not literally. But as she replayed those two fragments of the wholes they came from over in her head, she looked down into her box. Was that a flag that Lilith still had a craving for a donut? She hadn't finished it by the looks of it when the coffee had spilled and it fell to the floor, so that had to be it! She bit her lip for a brief second and looked over at the napkins that were left. She reached out, grabbed a few, and placed half of the donuts that she had on it before sliding them over to her and hoped that it would be as good as the bigger sized donut that had been lost. "H-here. For you to enjoy your coffee with." She said, her cheeks beginning to flush and her eyes staring down at the table before gathering the courage to look up as a gentle smile of generosity placed itself at her lips.
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Error, "would've have". Haha, I don't know why, but I just had to point that one out.)
((And also, yes, this is the part where Plot kicks in.))

Lilith blinked for a moment with an almost blank expression, her mind registering what Hailey had done first, and then her words afterwards. Her eyes shimmered for a moment and she actually felt as if she were about to shed tears. Such kindness shown towards her of all people. And then something kicked in from her memory and her eyes drifted to the table. She could still remember the harsh and cruel but calm manner of...his voice.

[Flashback: 6 Months Ago]
"You're gonna accept what I tell you to, you understand that you little whore? If somebody gives you something and it aint for me, you better either throw it away or hand it over anyways. You understand?"

Lilith had little to no choice but nod as she stood pinned against the wall of her apartment's bedroom by her hair in only her underwear, a look of utter shame on her face accompanied by the bitter disgrace and definite fear that warped in her eyes. Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest that she felt as if she were going to faint. But she knew that if she did, she would only awake to him taking what was meant to be her sacred parts as his own. Then, as sudden as a thought to a mind, she felt a sting spread across her right cheek, her head jerking to the side a little and the force rattling her mind. She had been so scared that she had forgotten to do something...that made him angry when she didn't do so.

"Excuse me, did you say something? Because I don't think I heard anything. Now if I have to repeat myself, you're going to be the only one having a bad time." He snarled.

"Y-yes--" As soon as the words left her mouth, she felt another sting across her cheek, harder than the last. And this one would bruise. She knew all to well that it would, because the force was all to familiar. And once again, she would have to make up a lie to explain to the friends that she did have, as well as her parents. Which actually wouldn't be a problem because she never saw them. He told her that she couldn't see them after they...."put problems in the past."

"Yes? YES? Is that how you fucking talk to me now you ungrateful bitch? You're being more idiotic than usual. Yes WHAT?" He said, expecting her to answer immediately with the correct answer.

"Yes sir...." Lilith responded in a sob, the tears that had prickled in her eyes from the first strike now streaming down her face. This....is what she knew as love. This is what she knew as care.

"Now that's better. See, that wasn't so hard now was it? I can see why no one would ever want you, especially not after i'm the one that took that importance away from you eh?" He smirked. "Now turn around, face to the wall so I can enjoy my respect." He said, reaching out and pinching one of her nipples extremely hard.

Lilith let out a gasp, wanting to pull away. Wanting to go. To leave. To leave and never have to turn back. But that was the only thing that she had to love her. No one would want her, as he had said because he took what would mean everything to most. Her virginity. And if she left him then...she was afraid that she would have nothing left. She would only be punished again. So she obeyed his command and turned around, putting her face against the wall as she had been instructed many times to do before and only awaited him to ruin her....once again.
Flashback End

Now as she stared at the miniature "babies" of the donut that she had ordered along with her coffee on arrival, a sick feeling boiled in the pit of her stomach. Her vision blurred for a second or so, and she didn't notice it until she felt drops of moisture land on her hands that tears had began to fall. "I-I'm sorry, but I have somewhere important that I need to be. Thank you for the kindness that you've shown." She said as she stood up and put on the best departure smile that she could as she gathered her things and rushed out, leaving both the donuts and the coffee that Hailey had so benevolently given her. It was too much. She believed that if she would've stayed any longer than that, then that woman would have somehow convinced her to stay. She didn't know where she had gripped that from, and part of her didn't want to leave at all because now she felt so...rude. And that she didn't deserve to be around someone like that. But those thoughts were overshadowed by even greater thoughts of guilt and shame, things that stuck with her even after....she shook her head and blended in with a feeling of being unwanted even by the numerous people around her. But it wouldn't occur to her until she would get close to home that something was missing. Her wallet.
last edited over a year ago
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
Well....that escalated quickly XD over a year ago
_justAnother_ commented…
Haha XP I think our pace needed to boost up a notch. And prepare for more flashbacks and things of that nature. I think things of the such will add a little more element to our plot :) over a year ago
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
Makes sense :) I'll be sure to throw in a few myself. over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Lol, I think I'm gonna leave that error there XP))

"W-wait, Lilith wait!" Hailey, in a state of confusion, had finally managed to find the words that she had lost when her eyes found the tears that fell from Lilith's face. She had tried to get up fast enough to get to her, but nearly tripped over herself and almost fell, this time knowing that there would be no escaping the eyes that would peer over at their table. She felt her stomach drop and now, she didn't think she was going to be able to drink her coffee anymore. Had she said something wrong? She had said something wrong. She didn't know what it was, but she did something wrong. The thought began to drill itself into her mind that she had screwed up somehow, someway, and she sat back down at the table, dropping her forehead down against it. Great...she had made the first person that actually seemed to want to talk to her cry. And she felt absolutely horrible. She hadn't even taken the coffee....or the donuts. "You're always fucking up aren't you?"--"Nobody likes you you loser, get lost."--. Her head began to spin a little and she sat there for a passing 2 hours and a few more minutes before she found herself sitting up with tired, sleepy eyes. Had I fallen asleep here? She thought to herself as she wiped her eyes, the sound of drumming against the window that she sat by sounding as if the entire cafe had began to tap their fingers on the table in a broken unison. Glancing over out the window, she saw that it had started raining. "Oh no..." She groaned to herself before she gathered the two cups of coffee and stuffed the mini donuts that were on the napkin into the box and made her way towards the trashcan to trash the items. She was going to leave right after doing so, but she was stopped.

"Hey ma'am!" The one of the employees called as he made her way towards her. "You're forgetting something!" When he got to her, he held out a dark brown wallet for her to take.

Hailey was puzzled of course, and checked her pockets. Her finger brushed across the jean-like fabric of her wallet in her back left pocket and it was concluded that it was still in its rightful place. She didn't even know why she had even bothered to check, because that wallet looked nothing like hers. "I'm sorry but--" Realization hit her. Yes, that wasn't her wallet because she had hers. Which meant that if that wallet came from the table that she had been sitting at then it belonged to---"I-I mean, thank you!" She revised her words, a few rays of hope shimmering into her heart as she politely took the wallet with a half smile. The employee gave her a nod and a smile before returning to work, and as soon as he did, she opened the wallet in search of an I.D.. And there it was. Lilith's picture, the corner of her lips brought up into a smile as soft as cotton, hair hanging so perfectly and her bangs brushed from her enlightening green eyes. And she noticed that she had light dimples on the picture as well. Her heart fluttered, and a small shiver came to her. In one the plastic see through slots on the right half of the wallet, she conveniently found an address as well as contact information. 973 Claytown Road Northeast... She knew where that was! This was her chance to apologize for whatever she had done wrong! Maybe she could make it up to her or something! She turned and left out the cafe door and out into the cold, needle like shower of rain and began to walk quickly, crossing the street the first chance she got and slipping Lilith's wallet into her back right pocket as she began to hurry through the rain.
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Noooooo! XP Hahaha)

After she had gotten home, Lilith had kicked her shoes off at the door with the guilt of just leaving like that eating at her conscious state of mind and ensuring that she felt some sort of bad for doing so. Her eyes had been red and burning from the tears that she had cried all the way to the street that her single room apartment sat on to the left and she was finally able to get the majority of it out of her system before she reached the door. The small yet roomy apartment had come cheap in standards and the rent was made peace with what she was able to afford, so she had no complaints. She had added the addition of furniture from what was now her old apartment and found that it suited the house quite nicely in terms of how much space it took up. The two seater "Sweater Brown" couch as she called it, sat in the living room close to the window and the living room table sat in the middle inhabited by light novels and a empty container of chinese food. Her average television sat a few feet behind the coffee table against the wall along with her internet and cable box, which she had found to be a good thing because it sat in the center of that wall. A little off to the left, but it worked. The way her apartment was set up was that as soon as you walked in the door, the living room was on the left in its own little section while on the right was the kitchen. Ahead there was a hallway that had her room at the end on the left and the bathroom right across the hall. With a sigh, she closed the door behind her and locked it before going to her room with the only thought being taking a shower. She trudged down the hallway glumly and opened the door to her room, going in and grabbing a white polka-dotted shower gown and identical colored towel from her room before dragging her feet as she made her way to the bathroom where she flicked on the light, missing the first time somehow but managing to flip it on after the second attempt. Her bathroom was the cleanest of her entire house, granted, the kitchen was dazzlingly spic-and-span, the bathroom was a different type of clean to from her perspective. As she stepped in, she paused and turned her head slowly along with the rest of her body to look at the person in the mirror. "Just look at yourself. Those pathetic green eyes and that ugly smile. Smile so you can see how ugly it is!"--She looked away with indignity before making her way to the shower, stripping herself of her clothing as she did so and wrapping the towel around her protectively before twisting the knob that would allow the shower head to spray out hot water, which always came out as cold as first. After a short minute or so in waiting, steam began to rise as the heating water pelted the at the shower floor. Reaching out, she then twisted the cold water knob to the left slightly, allowing the water to fluctuate to a temperature that her delicate skin was more comfortable with before hanging her shower gown over the towel rail and moving the curtains from her path to step inside. The hot water felt good against her skin but she covered her breasts to avoid having to take another trip down memory lane. She turned her back to the shower as she always did before taking up a large sponge that was already plump with soapy water, and grabbed her body wash as well. But soon she began to sob, the memories and words that were burned into her head clawing there way to the front of her mind and causing her to sit down and curl up. After her shower of good attentions turned dreadful was done, she dried herself off and slipped into her warm and comfortable night gown before going to the living room and collapsing onto the couch, burying her face into its soft and welcoming pillows. That was her shoulder to cry on. She pulled herself into a sitting position when she finally noticed that it had been raining outside. Just the weather to suit her mood. As she sat there own the couch, she squirmed a little, feeling a wetness began to form between her legs. This was usually around the time that IT happened. Her body had yet recovered from its sexual trauma, and she didn't that it ever would. The only thing she could do was distract herself while she could, grabbing the remote and flipping on the television to channel surf, her surf ending on the decision to keep it on the weather channel as she grabbed a book titled Shallow Graves off of the living room table and opened it to the page she had left off. 267. The book was about a girl named Breezy who wakes up to find herself having to claw her way to the surface from underground and discovers that she has the unique ability to know who is a murderer, as well as sort of kill them with a touch. After she kills them, she received the memories of the person or people that they had killed and remember them as if she was actually there. While doing so, she was also being hunted by a cult who just so happened to go after things like her. The book so far was amazing, and she was really anticipating the end.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Woo! That's what i'm talkin about XP Let's keep the giant post train going! :D))

[Flashback: Afraid--Last Christmas]
The day the snow fell in the city. It was one of the most memorable days that they had had because this year, it snowed and broke the last record that was 4 1/2 inches. Children wrapped in the warmth of scarfs, bulky winter coats, mittens and snow boots ran through yards with piles of snow balls held in their arms, some of the spheres of snow dropping to meet their plushy death as they hit the ground while others were thrown around in a flurry of friendly war. The joy of Christmas lights flashed on amd off in blues, yellows, reds, and greens, strung around the apartments and street lights. Groups of men, women, and children were certainly destined to be in the right spirits as they went from location to location, delivering fruit cake and cookies as well as eggnog all in one basket that was accompanied by the melodies of the holiday's carols. The atmosphere was practically lit with the warmth of family bonding and the usual christmasy things that was involved with the holiday. Hailey hurried down the sidewalk, bags of wrapped presents held tightly in her red mittens and her red and black striped scarf around her neck loosely. A big and comfy white fur brimmed red coat kept her from fully the full on sting of the cold and her red just below knee socks were cut from view by her identical covered boots. Upon her head sat a pair of white furry earmuffs, and on her face was a genuine smile of happiness. She paused as she came to a stop at the corner of the street as cars passed and her eyes wondered up to the sky where the sight of the falling flakes of snow brought awe to her heart. Oh how much she loved the snow. Across the street in the park of frozen excitement she could see more children there building snowmen and making snow angels. All of it just made her smile more while crossing the street after the the walking signal flashed. A vibration was felt in the pocket of her jacket and she switched the bags in her right hand to the left and came to a short pause as she dug her phone from her pocket to see that she had a text message. She flipped her phone open and within two button presses max, her eyes were scanning a text from an unknown number. She had been receiving them since the month of December had began, but she just deleted them, not even bothering to look them over after the rude comment that she had received from the first few. But now, something egged her to do so.

It's OVER.

The text had read, and she felt something in the pit of her stomach cramp for a moment. "Ugh...someone's not in the christmas spirits today..." She mumbled to herself and decided to delete the message dismissively before continuing on her way, slipping her phone back down into her pocket. Not long afterwards, she felt her phone vibrate once more, and again, she removed it from her pocket to see that she had gotten another message. Flipping her phone open she checked the message just to see that it was from the same number and stopped cold in her tracks as she read it.

I've found some1 better. You R pretty much trash now.

She raised her eyebrow and decided to text back, but before she could, another message planted into her inbox and she read that one as well.

You know I never loved you right? I mean, you were fun to fuck around with and it was hilarious to see you smiling like the dipshit that you are, soaking it all up like it was something real.

Hailey felt a cold shiver run through her body, and she felt a light sickness come over her for a moment. Despite that, she shook her head bitterly. Whoever this was was starting to really get on her nerves, but there was no way she would let something like this ruin her spirits. She had a family to deliver presents to and someone special that she had something special for. She started back walking again, but now unconsciously walking a bit faster than she had been before as she deleted the message, only for yet another one to appear in her inbox. She hesitated, but opened it anyways.

Man, the look on ur face when I told U that I had told U that I wuz gonna get you something special. A "surprise". HA! Ur so fucking gullible! Lmfao

Now she felt her heart start to crack and break slowly. The thing was, Henry DID tell her that he was going to get her something special for christmas. No no no..... She shook her head. That wasn't Henry. She had his number for christ sake, and there were other people around when he had told her that so it could be anybody. Her cheery mood was overseen by agitation. This was all just some joke from a imbecile who had nothing better to do than text random people. As far as she knew, people did that when they were down and lonely or complete a-holes. But there was something else as well. Her hands were trembling, and she...was afraid. Afraid because this person was pretending to be the person she knew that she loved, the person that loved HER. And there wasn't a chance that she would give whoever it was to have the satisfaction of making her submit to second thoughts. "Leave....me...the fuck....alone," She spoke to herself quietly as she texted a reply. "I don't know who you think you are but you should stop texting my phone and get a life, please and thank you. Oh, and Merry Christmas!" She added at the end before sending her reply. But she could feel the pounding in her chest that told her that she needed to hurry and bring resolve to her mind and she hurried off to her parents home to drop off the presents before heading home. She hadn't gotten any other messages from the Anonymous Prick on the way, so that actually brought a bit of relief to her mind. But when she got to the door, she stopped dead in her tracks as she heard.....moaning. Loud female moaning. Her hands grasp the door knob and tried to turn it but it was locked. Since when was SHE locked out of her own house!? She fumbled around with her keys as her heart slowly began to chip into fragments. Her hands were trembling so bad that she could barely get the key into the door keyhole to unlock what stood between the inside and the outside. When she was finally able to get the key in, she twisted it with so much unintended force that she had thought that she had broke the damn thing but she didn't care. She twisted the knob and stumbled inside, only for her eyes to widen in disbelief and horror. Her hear burst into pieces as her eyes trailed from the clothing littered on the floor, to the sight of Henry having sex with some woman that she couldn't even make out through her blurring vision. Her mouth felt as if it had become a fraction of the desert, dry and bland. They only turned to look at her, and Henry had a grin on his face.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Bitch."
[b][Flashback End][/]

Hailey stood outside the apartment that the address had brought her to and she pulled herself together with a small breath that shivered from the cold and her being drenched from the rain. She waited until a upcoming car passed her by before crossing the street and going up to the apartment's door and knocking three times.. Her hands felt like blocks of ice tapping against the door and her fingers were so numb that they felt as if they were beginning to burn a bit. She wrapped her arms around her as she waited for someone to come to the door. She could see that the light was on, mostly because it illuminated from the window, and she could hear the faint sound of a television.
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(That guy...is a fucking DICKHEAD. >:I)
((GPT (Giant Post Train) Continuing on its way! CHOO-CHOO! XD))

At the sound of knocking at the door, Lilith was jumpscared from her state of drifting off and was sitting up straight on the couch, her book falling to the carpeted floor with a faint thump. She felt as though her heart had been about to leap out of her chest it was pounding so hard. The audio of the television helped wake her a bit more while she scrambled to her feet, unable to resist stretching with a groan and letting out a soft moan of relief before wiping at her eyes. She felt exhausted. It came to her attention that it was still raining, or storming, as said by the weather man. Who could be out in a storm at this time of day? She wondered. Glancing out the window she could see that the sky had gotten fairly dark with grey clouds as well. How what was such a beautiful day could turn into that was beyond her. She went to the door and reached for the knob, but paused for a moment and glanced at the bat that in the corner behind the door. It had became a habit of keeping one there after someone had tried to break into her apartment more than once. Her fingers finally wrapped around the knob of the door and she twisted and pulled at it, only to find that she hadn't even unlocked it yet. Idiot... She immediately blamed the simple mistake on after-effect drowsiness, not wanting to be reminded of what she would have been called if---

She shook her head, clearing it of those thoughts as she unlocked the knob lock and the master lock, leaving only the chain lock there for safety precautions before opening the door to a limited length. "Ye--" Her eyes widened in shock as they met the sight of a shivering and unbelievably soaked person. A fresh and familiar face. It was the young woman from the cafe! "H-Hailey!?" She said almost in a almost squeak-ish voice from her surprise. What was she doing here out in weather like that with no umbrella or coat? Not another thought crossed her mind before she unlocked the chain latch and pulled the door open to full length, now able to see that she had her arms were wrapped around herself. She was basically at a lost for words. "You're drenched!" She exclaimed, "Come in, come in!" She said, guiding her inside and out of the chilling rain so that she wouldn't have to stand in the cold.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((XP Glad to know that that point sticks out lol))

As Hailey waited for the door to open, she had started having doubts and thought about just leaving the wallet somewhere that would be noticeable. But at the same time, she didn't want to do so because what if it were to be stolen? Then it would be all her fault again and this would have all been for nothing. She shivered and looked around. This was the same street that her parents used to stay on, and a matter of fact, they had stayed only three apartment buildings down. She glanced out in that direction in thought, the memories of the good days, god forbid the bad ones from clawing from the deepest parts of her mind, occupying her enough to distract her from the drops of warmth piercing rain until she jumped a little in fright at the sound of the door attempting to open at first. Of course, she thought that it was just her imagination and nervous anticipation playing tricks on her when the door didn't open. But that was soon redefined as soon as the sound of locks being removed became present. She was trembling, but now she couldn't tell if it was from the building anxiousness at her core or ice of the rain. When the door opened, she went completely stiff for a brief seconds until the shakes still managed to get the best of her. And boy did Lilith seem surprised to see her. Or at least she thought that she was anyways, hoping that she could at least return her wallet before she could potentially have the door slammed in her face. But with what happened next, it was her turn to be surprised, being invited in and guided into the house. Now that, was a scenario that hand't played out in her head. As a matter of fact, that hadn't even been something that had even come to mind, being that she had done something to make her cry earlier. But then the door opened completely and she noticed that Lilith was in a bathrobe. And there she was now, standing in the warmth of Lilith's house, her teeth chattering until she clenched them together to stop them. "Th-th-th-thank y-y-you." She managed to say with a trembling voice, her hair hanging in wet stringy tangles.