Random Role Playing How the mighty have fallen

BanetteGhosneir posted on Dec 05, 2015 at 05:29AM
since long past, since man could remember, the Gods were a beacon of hope, they were there to help, but the Gods were at war with the Giants. man prayed to Gods to give them power, and in turn, Gods protected humans from the children of Giants, Durrs.

early in the medieval era, Priests could no longer feel the God's warmth, their love and protection, humans begun to worry, had the Gods fallen to the Giants?.

the world begun to decay, monsters begun to roam the land, and stories of Durrs taking over cities in the east. had the world truly fallen? had the Gods lost to the giants?.

and to make it all worse, there are madmen going around, teasing us on the God's mysterious disappearance, calling themselves the Gods, and begging for help, they all have something wrong with them, battle-scars, limbs gone, some times other problems like lost eyes or fingers. damn them to hell, insulting the Gods like that.

[===][↑Story in the eyes of the people↑][===]
[=====][↓Story in the eyes of Gods↓][=====]

it happened all too sudden.

we were doing our usual things, watching our churches, taking care of our people, making sure the world continues as it should. then, the Giants attacked.

our homes in the sky, were invaded, damaged, ruined. the Giants came quickly, smiting us down, we were unprepared.
we had to run, down to the mortal world, we need their help...
but, we have been abandoned by them.

[===][↓Gist of it↓][===]

Essentially, the Gods lost their war with giants, and all of them have fallen to the mortal world, wounded in some way or another, be it lost limbs, hearing, sight, something has caused them harm.

and the mortals, don't know it yet.

so, you can either be a God, or a Mortal, other races of Mortal do include monster-people, but society doesn't like them. half breeds between monsters that raped humans.

[===][Character sheet][===]

[b]Name[/b] (If you're a god, make this [name] God/Goddess of [god of])

[b]Species[/b] (if God, make this God, if monsterchild, make this the half monster you are)

[b]Age[/b] (Gods not needed)


[b]Problem[/b] (all the Gods have something wrong, put that here)




it's the early medieval era, so about 800AD
as for place, we can make it in a capital called Arangar

oh, and Giants look like link


usual rules, swearing is allowed, Gods in this won't be immortal, since they have fallen, they are quite killable.


Blidra, Goddess of the Dead ][ ][ Banette
Chrom, God of battle ][ ][ Tiger_Gaming
Dyr, Goddess of the Wilds ][ ][ Banette
Aine, Goddess of Love ][ Fairy Queen ][ Vanillama

Galahad ][ Favour of Blidra ][ Banette

Mithra, Princess of War ][ Favour of Chrom ][ Banette
since long past, since man could remember, the Gods were a beacon of hope, they were there to help, b
last edited on Dec 05, 2015 at 12:44PM

Random Role Playing 17 replies

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over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Name Blidra, Goddess of the Dead

Species Goddess

Gender female

Problem Blidra lost her eyesight, now she uses Soul Sight to see, though this doesn't allow her to see things without souls

Blidra at the time was judging souls to pass on to either the Garden of the dead or to eternally suffer and drown in the ocean of lost souls, then, the Giants attacked.

she called apon her creatures to defend her, the large beasts of the sea, but, a sneaky Giant struck her eyes, causing her to be blind, in an attempt to flee, she fell from her home in the heavens, and now, she in unable to help herself, until she gets used to the inability to see.

she has command over Death, she chooses who dies, from what, mostly she leaves that to the world though.
last edited over a year ago
[b]Name[/b] Blidra, Goddess of the Dead

[b]Species[/b] Goddess 

[b]Gender[/b] female

over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
Name Chrom, god of battle

Species god

Age (Gods not needed)

Gender male

Problem major injury to his waist making him needed to be assisted on moving [shattered bones]

Biography [Will be revealed]

Extra he is very helpful, and he's strong willed
last edited over a year ago
[b]Name[/b] Chrom, god of battle

[b]Species[/b] god

[b]Age[/b] (Gods not needed)
BanetteGhosneir commented…
what kind of injury? shattered bones? Tendon sliced through, disjointed bones or nerves, ect. over a year ago
Tiger_gaming commented…
bones over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Name Dyr, Goddess of the wild

Species Goddess

Gender Female

Problem look at her arm there... it's been cut off.

Dyr, a Goddess mastering almost all forms of combat, swords, bows, daggers, hammers, maces, axes, but how did she lose in a fight?

simple: limit her capabilities, she was attacked without warning, in the Garden of the Dead, where hunters may eternally hunt with her, the Giants came, from behind, and without warning, lopped off her right arm, limiting her combat abilities.

after a long battle, more Giants arrived, and she was severely outnumbered, the Giants stormed her, and defeated her.

and, just like the others, she fell.

down to the mortal world.

because of her lost arm, she can no longer used Bows, Hammers and Axes

last edited over a year ago
[b]Name[/b] Dyr, Goddess of the wild

[b]Species[/b] Goddess 

[b]Gender[/b] Female

over a year ago Vanillama said…
Aine, Goddess of Love, Fairy Queen



Aine's tongue and wings were ripped off by Giants

(Working on it)

Aine is able to summon a fairy or two, only fairies who still believes and follows her are willing to help, others have began the ritual of electing a new queen.

(I hope this is okay...)
last edited over a year ago
Aine, Goddess of Love, Fairy Queen 



BanetteGhosneir commented…
sure, that is ok over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Name Galahad

Species Human (to the people, he is an immortal)

Age 653 years old

Gender Male

Problem he's not a God, but he does have a problem.
Old Age.

Galahad, unlike most normal people, prayed and worshipped Blidra, Goddess of the Dead, now, usually only Necromancers and Gravekeepers would do this, but Galahad is just a normal old man.

he worshipped Blidra for a long time, he was only devoted to her, no other Gods, and Blidra rewarded him, she delayed his death for hundreds of years, and in turn, Galahad would pray to her.

though this did spread rumors that Galahad was various things, a Necromancer sacrificing children to lengthen his life, a vampire, an immortal, a Durr in disguise of a human, or possibly a monster child. but he is none.

recently, he could no longer feel Blidra's protection, and although he is old, and not effected much by this, he worries for her, and continues to pray.

Galahad owns a Library, so he knows alot of things, about science and ancient history.
[b]Name[/b] Galahad 

[b]Species[/b] Human (to the people, he is an immortal) 

[b]Age[/b] 65
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
(I'll make 1 more human, but that's my char limit for me, controlling 5 people doesn't end well for me)

Name Mithra, Princess of War

Species Monster-child, Dragon and Minotour

Age 16

Gender Female

Problem besides being a Monster-child with a giant hand, her left horn is broken a bit.

Mithra, a child of a woman who was raped by a dragon and Minotaur, their genes spliced, creating Mithra, at first the monsters bred her on purpose, wanting to use Mithra as a powerful being to try and slay a Durr, allowing them to eat it, afterwhich they would slay more Durrs, eat them, and eventually, the Giants. and after that, the Gods.

but Mithra, was not one to be a tool, age of 7, she killed the monsters, and escaped with her mother, she accomplished this by worshipping Chrom, the God of Battle, gaining favour from him allowed her victory.

a few years after, her mother died, and she was left in the human world.

her strength had not changed, but she could feel it... Chrom's presence was no longer there.

something is wrong.

her title, Princess of war, was given to her by both Monsters and Humans.
(I'll make 1 more human, but that's my char limit for me, controlling 5 people doesn't end well for m
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
Name yuuki "the silent hunter"

Species half wolf half human

Age 18

Gender female

Problem even though she is not a god her problem is her shyness

Biography when she is only 5 years old she is despited and bullied by mostly other girls because of her cute looks and being surrounded by boys, at the age of 9 she began living in a forest only being alone in a house that can have almost 5 people in it in the age of 16 she is a hunter that has good sense but is always shy and never went back to the city

Extra she is often asked to a date by guys and yes her ears and tail is incredibly soft
[b]Name[/b] yuuki "the silent hunter"

[b]Species[/b] half wolf half human

[b]Age[/b] 18

over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
Chrom remembered it clearly he was the only soldier in the front lines alive and he was outnumbered. He is forced to retreat into the inner courtyard to cover the other gods and was struck by a hammer in the hip destroying his bones and being blown back to a room
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Black.... pitch black.... the bandages on her eyes only confirming her fear, and the familiar water, and creatures surrounding her, she was in the Ocean of Lost Souls, the damning creatures around her, wailing in sorrow, her eyes only let her see souls now... she needed help... she needed grave assistance, she remembered, a mortal.

a friend... in the mortal world, a single prayer, brighter than all others onto her, her age old friend, Galahad, he could help, he was intelligent, he knew many things, he could help.

she plunged, deep into the dark waters of souls, long lost, till she fell out from among the clouds, falling, plummeting towards the mortal realm.


she hit more water, this time, pure water, though she didn't know that, being unable to see, she only knew she had fallen into familiar things, she floated to the top of the lake, in the middle of a large city, as she begun to drift towards the canals, underneath bridges.

she had no idea where she was.

damned giants, the hunt would need to wait now... a feeling of rushing wind passing oneself, accompanied by a hard landing... she had fallen, Dyr sat up, surrounded by Forests... good. she listened closely for prayers from her followers..............
not many..... and all so dim prayers... weak lights, had the humans lost hope?

damned giants.
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
Chrom couldn't just watch the giants get all the gods he slowly stood up resisting the abnormal pain before slaying 2 giants before getting thrown off the plane, falling freefall he is transported into the mortal world, water he felt, "its cold" he whispered
over a year ago Vanillama said…
"Please." Aine begged, she fell onto her knees with her hands clasped together and begged. "Please, don't hurt them." The Giants laughed like it was the most ridiculous thing they have ever seen or heard: a Goddess begging them to release her fairies. Why would she care when she can just create more?the Giants brought forth two of her fairies, the fairies did not scream or cry, their heads were bowed as they murmured a short prayer. Before Aine could say more, the Giants grasped the fairies' heads and wings, then with an almost effortless tug, the headless bodies dropped in front of Aine. "Like what you see? Don't worry, we have something better for you..."

"Oi! Wake up! Cmon, wake up!" A hoarse voice along with a rough push woke Aine up. "Good, now I don't have to use this on you." Once Aine vision became clearer, she could see an old man older a bucket of water in one hand and a piece of cloth on the other. "Now, who are you and why are you bleeding in my master's barn?" Aine opened her mouth and no words came out, she soon realized how empty her mouth felt. She reached inside of her mouth and where her tongue used be had only a small half of her tongue along with its root. "I can't help you, so you'd better go elsewhere before my master comes back and sees this mess. Now move along." The old man shoved her towards the door mercilessly, his hands pressed right on where her wings used to be, the pain made Aine groan. "Sorry, but I really can't help you." The old man closed the door as soon as Aine went through it,

Does humans no longer help ones in need? Aine chewed on that question for a bit before stepping on the dirt path leading to what seems to be a small town in the distance. Maybe others have too fallen, if she can find them, or even just one or two, there will be hope.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
Chrom woke up in a sting in the waist, gasping he is floated in the side of the river, he sitted upward but couldn't stand "damn" chrom said in deep sadness
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Humans on the bridges above the canals, pointed and stared at Blidra's body floating down the canal, many thought she was a corpse, and since the canal was their source of water, they needed to get the body out.

some fisherman threw over a net, catching Blidra's body, and hauling it up, blidra was confused, what was happening? she tried to turn her head around... souls... human souls.

"yer' think she be dead?"
"might be, look at er' eyes, bandages, Blidra's gunna have a hard time with this one"


Blidra spoke, her voice lapping over many other voices, of various aged girls.
"AH! she's still alive"
"i can see 'at, Lady, ya' ok?"

I͖̲͆͌ ̳̦͚͍̣̪̦ͪͫ̉̏̑̚a̱̫̗̣̭ͯ͋ͮ̆m̩͕̱͙͓͐̉͌͋͒̑ͅ ̣͔̠͓̬̥ͦ̏̒̇u̫͈̹̭͈̒̾̄̇ͧ͗n­ͩ̋̍­̘ͦͬ­͓͚͕­ͅs̽­̻u̩­̮̞r­̽̀̊­̻̭̅­̦̫e­ͨ͗͑­̠͍̰­.̋̾­͍͛ͣ­̦̳̹­̲.̀­̥͊̐­̲.͌­ͣ̇̊­̓̽ͤ­̝ ͍͇̖̖̍̓̈ͫͥ̒̚w̙͔̳̱ͦ͊ͤ͐ͅḣ­̂ͩ̄­͆̇̚­̬͉e­̎̓̄­͍̃͌­̯̟̠­̘̭r­͚̱͈­̦e͛­̗̄͋­̘ ͮ̔͛̿̇͒ͫä̖̪̯̣̳̹͈́̃m̖͎̩̥͍̥ ͕̰̄ͧ̚ï͇̺̗͖̋͛̓͂?̺͈̠͉̙̙̏̃͋̊ͮͨ

"so ya' are blind, Lady, d' ya' know anyone from here?"


"that crazy ol' cook?, d' ya need help gettin' ta him?"

ĩ͇͎̲̗͙́̔̃ͅf͚̠͇̥̿ͮͦ ̳̹͚̥y̙̝ͧo͖͖̳̻̖̹͉̓u͓̫̻̬ͧͬ ̣ͦ̃́c͍̦͎͖̝͍o̗ͦ̅̈́ͤ͌u̳̠̪͓l͛ͨ̏̈ͮͨd̹͚̞̥̫͖͂̏ ͚̪̌͌̓p̖͇̣̾l̠͙͖̼̾̐ͭͯe̒ͭ̏̈­̥͕̭­a̔̏­̜͛s­̈́̔̊­͖̺̠­͙͇̖­͖e͊­̻ͤ̎­͓̝̼­̤ͅ

"Yer' voice.... voices are quite strange lady, what's yer' name?"
the fisherman took Blidra's hand, as to guide her, he begun to lead her through the streets.

I̺̒͊̏́ͨ ̭̹̼͓a̿ͨ̓͒m̗ͥ̃̅̈̓ ̞͙̌̔B̲͚̹ͤ̀̔̒̾͑ͅl͐͊ͦ͐ͨ͊ͫ­̲͈ͅ­̦̯ͅ­i͊d­͓͖ͪ­͓r͌­͙͆ͩ­̮ǎ­̣̓

the Fisherman stopped, and turned around to look at her.
"Amnesia? well, i suppose a name ya' just heard would b' a good substitute till ya' know yer' real name"

I ͇͒a͔̣̜̗̘ͫ͗͑̎̇͊m̠̥̗̣̟͓̅ͅ ̺̥̭̳̎͌̎̄̌ͧB̐͐̋l̰͕̼̆͆̃ͦi­͊͂̅­̠͈̭­̭d͆­ͣ̂͒­͂̅ͮ­̪̘̻­̯̩r­̘̪̉­͓͓̪­͔͚a­̂̈͆­͛͊͛­̣̏,­́̈́̏­͍̱ ̥̜̼̟̰͉̬̅t͚͍̻͔̞̪ͣͣͥh̹̋͛̍­̪͖̦­aͭ̔­̞̯t­͛͋ͦ­͚͉͎­̻̺ ̝̹̉i̠̖̦͖̭̯̖̍͛s̼̦̃͗̇̎͑̄̄ ͉̙̇̏̽̑̅m̼͈y̟̘͈ͭ̇ͭ̈͆ ̫̃n͙̭̠̼̦a̙̗͈͙̺̫ͤͬ̀̊̌͑m̠­̘̠ͅ­eͦͭ­̅ͮ̌­͓̞͉­,̓̓­ͪ̆͑­̥̘͚­͈ ̹̥̫̣̯̘͕̎ͬ̆͆̌ͣi͚̥̣̿ ͎͎͖͗͂ͤd͉͕̻̗̬͇͗͂͛ͩͪ̚oͤ͗̇­̀͊ͮ­̦̦̾­̫̥̺­nͭ̾­̒͗̄­̬'ͭ­̐̀̃­̗̱̓­t̉̚­̏ͧ ͇̜̳͓ͣẖ͚͓͉̥̲̫̇ͪ͌̓̅ͯͩa̝̺͒͌v͓̖̩͚̀̽e̺̤͕͖̻ ͇a̝̲̼̹͎͐͌ͯ̋̆ͦͅm̟͖̥̬͒ͪ̈ͯ­̜n̓­̤e͋­̣s̝­̣ia­͍̔̂­̹̤̝­̺̝̤­

"allright Lady"
the Fisherman continued to take Blidra to the library near the castle.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
"Look" a woodcutter pointed at chrom "ya thinks he's alve?" One said "maybe not" the other said "maybe he's rich" one whispered "let's loot it" the other said
over a year ago killer24 said…
(This looks interesting do you mind of I join?)