Random Role Playing White Cross Academy

El_Noire posted on Dec 06, 2015 at 02:14AM
Once upon a time, the Heavens, the Earth, and hell were all one. Humans, Angels, and Demons, the respective dominant races of their homeworlds, all shared one single space, known as "Eden", for millions of years in harmony. That is, until the Demons finally gave in to their hunger for power, and betrayed both the Humans and the Angels. Led by the Demon King himself, hades, the Demons lauched a full scale assualt on the Angels and Humans, pushing them to the brink. With Humans unable to stand up to the massive threat, Angels took up arms intheir place, and with that, the first Holy War, or Armageddon, began.

The War would last for a total of 300 years, with neither side giving in the other's, until finally, The Creator stepped down from his throne, ending the war on both sides with a single command. As punishment for ravaging Eden, all three races were cast out of the sacred ground, and the division between heaven, Hell, and Earth was created, with the Creator afterwards vanishing back to his throne. It seemed that peace would be restored from then on , but sandly, that wasn't the case.

Demons, being the embodiments of natural chaos, took advantage of the natural Darkness in Human Hearts, using that pull of shadows to allow them entrance to the human Realm and wreak havoc in hopes of once again taking over everything, starting the second Armageddon. In order to protect rhe Human Realm, and prevent the second Armaggedon, Angels took on the responsibility of preventing Demons from tresspassing in the Human World, using the good in Human Hearts to enter their world and slay demons.

With Demon Hunting Angels being of such high demand, those who wished to walk the path of an Angel Hunter were sent at a young age to White Cross Academy, a Heavenly school dedicated to educating Demon Hunting wannabe's how to do their future jobs.

So, now that you know what's going on, do you still wish to proceed? The choice is yours, Angel.



The Creator: The Creator, the original being, and the parent of the first Demon, first Human, andf first Angel. Little about them is known, but it is known that they have a throne that exists somewhere in the Universe, but has never been seen by anyone. The3 Creator's current whereabouts are unknown.

Yume: Yume is the official leader of the Angel race, and acts as it's representative. She is known for her kind and tolerant heart, but also has displayed a very strategic mind and unwavering will, as shown in the first Armageddon. She also acts as the principal of White Cross Academy, and is the only known weilder of "Pure Order" Magic, the culmination of all Divine and Orderly Power.

Hades: Hades is the official leader of the Demon race, and acts as it's representative. He is known for being a cruel tyrant and clever, cold hearted tactician, and is etremely disloyal, even to his own family and trusted comrades. He commands the Demon Army, and acts as it's Commander. He is also the only known weilder of "Pure Chaos" Magic, the culmination of all Dark and Chaotic Power.

Sable: Sable is the official leader of the Human Race, and acts as it's representative.He is known for being noble and very pure hearted, always believing in justice and sacrifice for the greater good, despite Humans being the weakest of the three races. During the first Armaggedon, he was one of the only humans to actually participate andfight alongside the Angels. He is the only known weilder of a "God Sword" in Excalibur, a weapon he received from the Creator during the period of the first Armageddon, that acts as the Ultimate Weapon.



Heaven: Heaven is the designated realm of Angels by the command of The Creator, and is the location of White Cross Academy. heaven is a beautiful place, sure, but it's basically like Earth, except more...divine.

Hell: Hell is the designated realm of Demons by the command of The Creator, and is the location of the Demon Army being led by hades. It looks pretty much like you would expect of a place called Hell, just minus the Lake of Fire thing. Demons have decent living conditions too!

Earth: Earth is the designated realm of Humansby the command of The Creator, and is the location of...well...Human World stuff. They don't have much going for them outside Sabel and Excalibur. They have magic like Angles and Demons, but it's nowhere near as strong. At least they have the best food though!

White Cross Academy: White Cross Academy, the school for Angels training to become Demon Hunters, and led by Yume, the Angel King(She wanted to be named a King like Hades and Sabel for some reason). Located in Heaven, it's this story's primary location!

Promethean Palace: The Promethean Palace, also located in Heaven, is the actual home of Heaven's King, Yume. Getting it's name from the Prometheus Metal used to construct it's walls, it's not only impenetrable, but really shiny! It's like...the size of four Mansions put together!

The Summit: The meeting place for the representatives of each race, in the event a Summit is called. It sits just outside the perimeters of all three Realms, meaning it is neutral and untouchable ground, even for Hades. Of course, since Hades is on such bad terms with Yume and Sabel, such summits are extremely rare, and only really arise to deal with something huge.



Angels: The divine beings that descend from the first Angelic child of The Creator, Yume. Angels are infamous fror their purity of heart and White Wings, though Angels can be really big jerks just like anyone else. Angels, like Demons, posess an absurd amount of Magic Power inside their bodies.

Demons: The evil beings that descend from the first demonic child of The Creator, Hades. Demons are infamous for their back stabbing and impure hearts, innate shape shifting abilities, and causing the first Armageddon, though there may have been a pretty nice Demon at some point. Like Angels, Demons posess an absurd amount of magic power inside their bodies.

Humans: The equal beings that descend from the first Human child of The Creator, Sabel. Humans are infamous for their sheer variety in nature and weakness in comparison to Angles and Demoins despite having the most Magic Potential of the three races due to carrying both light and Darkness inside them. They only have avergae Magic Power inside their bodies.

Demis: Demis are mixtures of Humans and either an Angel or Demon, hybrids if you will. Considering how porrly the three races tend to act, Demis are very rare to see, and are often recruited as soon as possibile to either the side of Angels or Demons due to their rarity. They are best known for being extremely powerful if trained properly due to having the latent potential of a Human and sheer Magic Power of an Angel or Demon. However, the last recorded birth of a Demi was thirty years ago.


Demon Bounties: When a Demon is spotted on Earth, it's estimated strength, appearance, and location recorded and placed on the Bounty Bulletin with a rank. These ranks are broken down by the difficulty of the Demon, and go as follows:

Bronze Class-The weakest and least dangerous of Demons, safe for Rookies to take on to get their feet wet.

Silver Class-The third highest class of difficulty, Demons are moderately challenging, not safe for Rookies, but still not hard to handle.

Gold Class-The second highest class of difficulty. Demons are very difficult at this level, and should be taken on with extreme caution.

Platinum Class-The highest class of difficulty. Demons of this level are on the same strength as Yume, Sable, and Hades, and should at all costs be avoided if spotted.

Hunter Classes: Similar to Demon Bounties, Demon Hunters use a class system, to determine a person's level of skill, experience, and what they are allowed to know and do. The classes are the same and represent the same things as Demon Bounty classes.



We are all big kids now, so we're old enough to know what to and not to do, right? But since i'm probably going to get a few things that would be exclusive to this Rp alone, so i guess i'll cover a few things.

1.) No, you cannot be an Angel/Demon Hybrid.

2.) No, you cannot have your character know Pure Order Magic, Pure Chaos Magic, or weild a Legendary weapon on the same strength as Excalibur. They are established as the leaders of the three races because they are as of this moment the irrefutable strongest.

3.) No, you cannot have multiple Magic Powers. That's kinda OP unless you have a GREAT explanation for it.










Magic Power/Weapon(If Any):

Allegiance: (Light/Dark)

STORY ARCS: This is for newcomers to the Rp or people who leave and come back like i tend to. Basically, instead of reading all fifty pages if you were gone for them, you can just read this to catch up! ^.^

Introductory Arc: Everybody is introducing themselves, with heated arguements between several students, while a few...odd ones are looking at clouds out the window.

This relatively peaceful day changes when the King of Hell, Hades, appears inside the walls of White Cross, and a grand battle between Hades, King Yume, the Royal Guard, Felix, and even Ilthas ensues!

As the students all scramble to escape the fight alive, another demon appears by the name of Rei, who's unbelievably strong! now, without the help of the adults, the students must fight to survive the deadly attack from Rei! Alf and Alex, two students, hold Rei off while Aeolus takes Leon towards the entrance of the school, where they find a mysterious cloaked kid surrounded by dead guards! The Kidd reveals herself to be an experimental reject by Hades shortly after Felix appears, seemingly having dealt with Ilthas!

Meanwhile, Hades and Yume's fight rages on, and down on Earth, king Sable is preparing his steed! What is the King of Earth planning?! Rei has reappeared and is continuing her fight with Alf and Alex, even while Kidd takes on Aeolus, Leon, Draydan, and even Felix!
last edited on Jan 25, 2016 at 12:13AM

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