Random Role Playing ℙANDORA ⌧ (Accepting)

Yumiko_Senpai posted on Feb 05, 2016 at 07:54PM
The Earth used to be chained.

Sinful beings ruled the world.

Disease killed man.

Madness killed man.

Man killed man.

Pandora killed man...
When the Earth was young, nobody knew it was coming. Nobody knew she would do such a thing. Why did she open the box? Because curiosity devoured her soul. Just a small peak, she said. I wanna see, she said. And once the box was opened, the Earth was chained.

Pandoras, the spirits that lived inside the box, were free. They destroyed, murdered, possessed, and spread madness throughout the Earth. Again, the Earth was chained. This horrible awakening lasted through decades. Where was hope? Where was light? Where was SANITY? Nobody knew. But they all killed the girl who tore open the box.

After the terrible years of chaos, a man, named Fisher Correll, trapped the Pandoras. The mysterious, yet powerful man banished the spirits back into their box. Mankind, was spared. Fisher Correll then set a lock to the box, he burnt the key and carried the danger away. The box and Fisher Correll, were never seen again.

Now, a hundred years had passed and humanity built themselves back up. But, just because the Pandoras were gone, didn't mean evil still stood. You, see, when the Pandoras reigned, cute harmless creatures, and all of the animal planet, became... well.. threats. And I mean: Monsters. Like squirrels becoming 5x larger and has lusts for blood. Scary... And wanna know something else? If they continue to evolve, they become Pandoras!!!! Ain't that something?
During the hundred years, humanity created an organization called "W.P.P.A."
World Pandora Prevention Agency. They are to help prevent the evolved monsters into becoming Pandoras. There are 3 branches in the W.P.P.A.




Teenagers and adults can be employed, but the less experienced will start at D-class. And of course, there are many ranks too, although it could take years to move up ranks. It's not that easy. Really.





The W.P.P.A. is also has 15 Headquarters. 1-5 are the Huntsman, 6-10 Military, 11-15 Operatives. Our characters will be in the Huntsman branch, Headquarters 5.

Headquarters 5 is 5 stories high.

1st Floor: Lobby, Office, and Hangout Room

2nd Floor: Girls Dorm

3rd Floor: Boys Dorm

4th Floor: Indoor Training Room & Laboratory

5th Floor: Library


So the plot is, after the century of the Pandora's banishment, our characters joined the W.P.P.A. for different reasons and goals. Nobody wants the Pandoras to reign again, yes? Most of the characters will start at D-class, and if you'd like to be a higher rank or mentor, you can PM (Private Message) me. I'll be controlling most of the NPC's (Non-Playable Characters) and villains in the story. Again PM me if you'd like to be one of those too.
You can also be a hybrid of some type, although they are very rare. So far there are only 2 types and I only need a few hybrids, we need humans too, y'know?


Weapon Hybrids: A human who can transform part of a limb or their whole body into a weapon. You cannot transform into multiple weapons. Just that one weapon alone. (Kinda like Soul eater)

Monster Hybrids: A human mixed with a monster. The person possesses special abilities depending on that type of monster.

No God-modding (That's my job XD)

Respect each other

Swearing and foul language is allowed

If you have to... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fade to black...

Romance is allowed

No Overpowered/ Marysues characters... Everybody has flaws, the world ain't perfect

If you want to talk out of character use (this) otherwise if you have any questions or comments PM me

Please at least make your posts readable...

I'd at least like a paragraph each post (1-5 sentences) You can do more than 1 paragraph if you'd like

There will only be 3 weapon hybrids and 3 monster hybrids

Have fun!!!


You will be put in Squads of 4, You guys can decide otherwise I'll do it for you

Mentors will be guiding each squad

There will 2 classes of you to choose from: Weapon Wielder, Magician, or a Long-ranger. Since there will be squads of 4, there will be 2 weapon wielder/hybrids and 2 magician/monster hybrids.

Weapon Wielder: You can be a weapon hybrid, but you cannot be a monster hybrid. Otherwise just a wielder. Weapon wielders and hybrids are more skilled in combat than magicians.

Magician: You can be a monster hybrid, or just a regular magic user. You can be a wield a weapon, but most magicians use weapon hybrids. Most magicians possess elemental magic, but there can be other varieties. Such as, healing magic.


~Character Sheet~


Nicknames/Alias: (Not required)

Age: (15-18) (Unless you're a mentor)


Appearance: (Description or Picture I don't care)

Rank: (You begin at D-class) (Unless you're a mentor, but if you are, please list Mentor after your rank)

Class: (Weapon Wielder or Magician)

Human or Hybrid:


Weapon: (Required if you're a weapon wielder/ hybrid)

Bio: (Not required)







Edgar March [Chain Weapon Wielder] (Yumiko_Senpai)

Kylei Crysten [Double Sided Blade Hybrid](Yumiko_Senpai)

Uforia (UFO) Sou [Earth Elemental](Yumiko_Senpai)


last edited on Feb 05, 2016 at 11:54PM

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