Random Role Playing He Teaches Through Tragedy

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Mar 20, 2016 at 09:26PM
It's name is...well, literally "This Guy".

Humanity goes around in circles with the same shit every....single.....time. War war war, pause and sip tea and or lemonade, then war war war, politics and pointless celebrities, enter....conspiracy. The skeleton running on the wheel represents that. "This Guy" is the overall cause of it BECAUSE, he's not just one person. He's that one person that pisses off the kid that shoots of the school in response. He's the prick that gets on the internet and causes someone to commit suicide. He's the husband that makes his wife frustrated while she's driving and causes the "accident", and the shithead that pushes people to far. The saying every action has a reaction leads to a Chain Reaction that an event can cause. So "This Guy" is everywhere. The one who teaches through tragedy. The one who walks among catastrophe. The only way to end the Chain Reaction is to end the cycle. Easy right? Just walts on to the wheel and break the cycle. That couldn't be further from the answer. See in order to Break a Chain Reaction, one would have to go ALL THE WAY to where it starts, meaning specific people, places, etc. And of course there would probably, possibly be some sort of time limit before the big catastrophes (plane crashes, bomb explosions, mass murders, etc) occur. The smaller reactions, that's how they work. So to stop the larger reactions, first the smaller ones would have to be dealt with. But even if this is the case....if the Chain Reaction is in peril of being disrupted and severed, "This Guy" WILL appear. And will not....be pleased.

But that isn't all there is. Each smaller reaction could be anything, and are signaled by small "Glints", sparks that no one ever bothers to notice and only can be noticed by the Anomalous and their Chosen. And each one, each glint, is protected by a creature known as a Spēche ((pronounced Speech)).

Spēches: Some have two eyes, some have four. There are some that are just waking from hibernation. These creatures are human in appearance but get this, they feed off of other people's worst intentions and can often bring out the worst in a person and inhabit telekinetic abilities if they're strong enough. They also feed on the lost souls after the tragedy of catastrophe has passed. Pet's to "This Guy". They've been alive since ancient civilization but were forced into hiding underground by means of fire and sea salt. This is because their bodies are basically allergic to it, and it's sort of like a strong poison. The method of fire is used in order for the salt to take affect physically because they have 2 extra layers of skin, one of them being their "true" identities, which is also revealed when they feed. When ready to feed, all layers of skin around the face push outwards where their many rows of jagged teeth are revealed because while they do feed off of bad intentions, there are some that do indulge in feasting on humans because human blood is actually addictive to them. Like a drug or large amounts of alchohol. But there are some that have a less...horrific true appearance.One that particular has different effects that varies depending on the amount consumed and the one consuming it. Their roles are to protect the Chain Reaction from ever being broken. But not all abide by the chains that keeps them bound to destiny. In fact, not all are bound. Some roam freely among the humans and live. Others seek to stop the chain reaction as well. These creatures are fully capable of devouring a Anomalous as well and shouldn't be taken lightly unless they're fodder. Their eye color trait ranges from autumn orange, black (irises), crimson ((when high off of blood)), sometimes even purple. Very powerful Spēches have the ability to convert human people into weaker Spēches, though there is a order to how this is allowed to be down.

The Anomalous: The Anomalous are a race of angel relatives that have been in existence since the beginning of civilization. The Anomalous also have a human appearance that is simply a vessel made....of matter. Unlike angels, the Anomalous's retractable wings are covered in a thick brown, black, or white/grey fur instead of the pure white feathers that their relatives have. Like humans, they come in all shapes and sizes and have their own personalities that make them unique and though they aren't as powerful as angels, they do have an ability that grants a power that can almost rival them. Branding. Branding is an ability that allows an Anomalous to choose and Brand a human, becoming known to that human, and allowing it to Merge with the inner soul of that human in order to become something greater. But in order for this ability of Branding and Merging to be complete, they must have consent of said human.
However, there are some Anomalous that would rather not have a human.

Branding: When a Anomalous brands a human, they usually place the human's zodiac symbol, which usually correlates with the branded human's abilities while merged with with their Anomalous. The brands are placed somewhere on the human body.

The Chosen: The Chosen are the humans that have been chosen to be branded by or have the possibility of being branded by an Anomalous. As noted before, their brand is located somewhere on their bodies. When a Chosen Merges with an Anomalous, there can physical changes in appearance and they are able to communicate with their Anomalous through their thoughts. A Chosen can also force a severe in a Merge, causing them to become individuals again. While Merged, the Chosen are supplied with a suitable weapon and well-sharpened instinct. But out of the numerous abilities that a Anomalous may have, the Chosen only are only able to acquire two. It is more than rare for a Chosen to have acquired more than two unless the abilities are achieved or unlocked.
The Chosen without an Anomalous usually have a trait of discolored eyes. They are also able to unlock new feats strength and speed. Their speed can reach up to 4/5ths of subsonic speed and they can become strong enough to lift entire semi-trucks, though with strenuous efforts.

Vacuum Zone
The Vacuum Zone is a empty dimension that activates in areas where Glints can be found, and replicates the exact space that the Glint is surrounded by down to every detail except that it is void of people. It also activates automatically when the limit of Spiritual Pressure that is allowed in the area is broken, which is mostly when two opposing forces collide. The air is lighter in the atmosphere of the Vacuum Zone compared to that of the earthly atmosphere. This particular dimension can repair itself after it is deactivated unless a high enough level of damage is done to it.


Date of Birth:

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Additional Details:


*If one of the Chosen, include the following:
-Anomalous Name ((If you have one)):
-Abilities (2):
-Has Merging Been Achieved?:
If yes---->^:Merge Appearance((If any noticeable physical changes))/Description:
^:Time Limit

*If Anomalous, include the following:
-Age Appearance:
-Actual Age:
-Do You Have a Chosen One?:
-No date of birth needed

*If a Spēche, include the following:
-Do you protect the Chain Reaction?:
-Instead of Age, use Age Appearance: and Actual Age:
Normal Appearance:
-True Appearance:
-No date of birth needed


So this means that it's time to do a little rigging with destiny.

~Questions? I'm all ears.

Uzaezul Fein (Spēche/ Does not protect the Chain Reaction/ In his 500s/ Male/ Power:Agonizing pain) pg.1----[Me]
Mirlana Saint (Anomalous/ 532 yrs old/ Female) pg.1-----[Me]
Namaomi (Human/Chosen/ 20 yrs old/ Brand:None/ Female)-----Me
Isazel'Bella (Spēche/ Protects the Chain Reaction/ 230 yrs old/ Female/ Power(s): Sense Manipulation & Thermokinesis) pg.1----[JustAnother]
Eandir Alexander (Anomalous/ 534 yrs old/ Male)----[JustAnother]
Luci Yamajin (Human/Chosen/ 32 yrs old/ Brand:Libra/ Female)----[JustAnother]
Ninana Ollyfield (Anomalous/201 yrs old/ Female)----[JustAnother]
Dexter Bons (Human/Chosen/33 yrs old/ Brand:Scorpio/ Male)

((This Guy))

[i]It's name is...well, literally "This Guy". 

Humanity goes around in circles with the same shit
last edited on Apr 08, 2016 at 12:59AM

Random Role Playing 26 replies

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over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Race: Spēche
Name: Uzaezul Fein
Gender: Male

Age Appearance: Late 20s
Actual Age: Lost count somewhere in the five hundreds.
Do you protect the Chain Reaction?: No

Normal Appearance: The pic below except with normal human eyes
True Appearance:Pic 2

Height: 5 ft 8
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Jet Black
Additional Details: In flickering lights, his true form is revealed for only a second or so.

Bio: I remember it. The burning inside my body, in my veins, before the world that you see went black to me. Its been so long since I've seen light...centuries. At times, I thought that I was dead. But no...stuck under the darkness beneath your feet, so far under, there were times that I wished I had died. The hunger that ate at my mind...my body...at my very existence. I was so hungry. My mind threw itself into pure carnage. I just wanted to see light. I wanted to feel air, to taste the nothingness of it. Do you know what it feels like....to have insanity feed on your very well being? To want to die so badly but that very insanity prevents you from doing so? To feel as if you are nothing other than a corpse in the earth begging to be risen from the dead by any means necessary. To feel as if you can never breathe, but could not suffocate. There was nothing to end it. [NOTHING! And you have no choice but to lie there....and suffer. Suffer until suffering becomes your best friend, until DESPAIR becomes what you are and you, become despair. And that feeling of carnage and suffocation....becomes soothing. Your mind seems to reconstruct its insanity into something dead. A void that makes you want to live to see the light of day once more. A void that never fills until you reach the surface again. I remember accepting purpose....after agonizing despair.


Agonizing Despair: This ability is one that he doesn't use often because its the heaviest burden of a reminder that he ever had. While activating this ability, he can inflict a heavy amount of painful despair onto other people by touching them, sending them into something similar to what he experienced ((in the bio)) except without a purpose. He also has the will to set a timer to when the effects go into place, but can only delay the effects for three minutes at most. Another thing he can do with this ability is make it an area of effect, the area covering a perimeter of 10 ft for three and a half minutes.

last edited over a year ago
Race: Spēche
Name: Uzaezul Fein
Gender: Male

 Age Appearance: Late 20s
Actual Age: Lost count
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Pic 2:True Appearance Uzaezul))
((Pic 2:True Appearance Uzaezul))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Name: Mirlana Saint
Gender: Female

-Age Appearance: early 30's
-Actual Age: 532
-Do You Have a Chosen One?: She refuses to chose one, nor does she desire to have one.

Weapon: Dual Rapier
Ability(s): Radiant Piercer-->This is a ability that allows her to condense large amounts of natural heat into the tips of her blade for maximum piercing plus a harsh burning effect.

Height: 5' ft 6 1/2
Weight: 102 lbs
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Hair Color: Blonde? XD
Additional Details: Her natural fatigue is far above most and allows her to remain on her toes and on guard. She usually gives a expressionless appearance when she's around any and everyone except those who she considers to be close and cherishable.

Bio: In the year 1484 in the motherland of Russia, a light shined dimly inside the womb of a pregnant mother weeping in joy as Mirlana Saint was born into the world.

In the havens among the motherlands that one may now call...Russia, I, as well as some of my fellow higher beings were born to this world from our mothers among our elders. We were raised alongside the human life forms and taught our purpose of preventing the ultimate destruction by our elder kin, in which I among many was grateful to be taught. ((And more will be revealed.))
last edited over a year ago
Name: Mirlana Saint
Gender: Female

-Age Appearance: early 30's
-Actual Age: 532
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…

Race: Spēche
Name: Isazel'Bella
Gender: Female

Age Appearance: 19-23
Actual Age:230
Normal Appearance: Pic 1
True Appearance:Pic 2

Height: 5''6'
Weight: 145lbs
Eye Color: Hot pink
Hair Color: Pink
Additional Details: Her original hair color is actually black, but due to her abilities her entire appearance was made to be to her disliking because "I don't cope well with the color pink. AND it's too obvious." Her physic is slim and fit, one that most would find attractive but again, she has grown to dislike the color pink. Why won't she just dye it? It's because every time she tried, the dye turned into dust strangely.

Bio: They wait until a person meets the end of his or her life either through accident, or simply the natural end point of that person's life, and then devour their souls.

She remembers being closely human. She remembered when she would sit out in the back yard on one of the swings that went with an old swing set that they had barely been able to afford, and her father would push her back and forth with a smile. Her father....his perfect hazel eyes, his slicked down brown hair. That wood chippy smell that seemed to stick to his old-school tattered leather jacket. She remembered how his goatee would be slightly uneven on the right side and perfect on the left, and that she was the only one who really noticed it and pointed it out. And every time, he would smile, move a few strands out from in front of her face and tell her thank you. And each time, she would smile up at him proudly and follow him to watch him even it out, or "Fix the chin-stache" as he would always say. He would make his "Super-Secretly Secret Chili Dog Specials" on Fridays, and she would laugh every time she heard the ridiculous name that she loved to hear so much. And the smell of them would be forever etched into the memory of her smell. And it was just something about the way they tasted that she would never forget. It was her most cherished memory. Her father, such a sweet and caring, hard working person just as a father should be. Even when they had nothing, he would always manage to make it home with something and tell her that he was able to do it because she was his daughter. That he was able to make it through every single day because she counted on him to do so. She would be proud to go to school and mention her father every chance that she could.

And then there was her mother. The woman who would come home early in the morning around 3 o'clock and sometimes 4:23ish from partying, smelling so strongly of alcohol and marijuana that it stung her noes and made her eyes water after it woke her up. Her mother would stumble through the door, nearly falling with her hot pink dyed hair in a frizz and her visible bra strap hanging off of her shoulder a bit. She would loud mouth her way to their battered couch half of the time and collapse, where she would sleep until the evening. That, she was able to deal with sometimes. But what was unforgivable, was how her mother hurt her father. Not physically, for her father had a good size as well as a good amount of muscle. But in the heart. She went out every night and slept with other men. Despite this, her father loved her to much to let her go, but Bella could see how much it hurt him. How it tore him apart on the inside. And....how sometimes..it took away the spark in his eyes that made him her father. This is what made her despise her mother with a hatred so deep that the only thing she did was glare at her harshly. So harsh that it would make her mother stumble even while she was sober. One so dead and void of reason that her mother started calling it "That Devil Look". This is what she remembered and what stuck with her for the rest of her life.

And then she woke up. She woke to what she really was. Who she really was. Her purpose, and how much she enjoyed the pain of other people sometimes.

Do you protect the Chain Reaction?: Yes, actually

Sense Manipulation: This ability only works with the sense of Sight, as she is able to make people see what they hate the most about themselves times 10. Meaning, she has the ability to make them see and notice more of what they hate about themselves in hallucinations and reflections. However, this ability doesn't work on people who are proud of themselves and have nothing that they particularly dislike about their existence.

Thermokinesis: This ability allows her to circulate and emit a great amount of heat through her skin, resulting in severe burns to whatever she touched. But with this ability is something that she has yet to obtain full control over, therefore she is only able to generate that heat through her fingers on one hand.

((How's this? Tell me if anything needs changing k? Oh, and WICKED awesome true appearance for Uzaezul!))
last edited over a year ago

Race: Spēche
Name: Isazel'Bella 
Gender: Female

Age A
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
Thanks! over a year ago
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Pic 2:True Appearance ((That Devil Look :D))
last edited over a year ago
Pic 2:True Appearance ((That Devil Look :D))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Firstly: FRIIIIIEEEEEND!! :D Finally you've returned!
Secondly: Your character is PERFECT! Isazel and Uzaezul XP Calling it! lol And I love how it's like her true appearance sort of correlates with how her mother called her glare "That Devil Look". It's awesome! And thanks for joining in, I sort of forgot all about this one XD)) ((I'll throw in a few more characters to mix things up.))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Being that life's been kicking my butt through heaven and hell it slipped my mind that I had my own little escape XP And lol, I think we can make an interesting path cross between Uzaezul and Isazel. I'm glad my she's in the clear ^_^ As for me joining, why the heck not?! This idea's amazing!)
((I'll bring in some characters too, and someone for Mirlana while i'm at it.))
last edited over a year ago
Liquidz-Flamez commented…
Okii Dokie! over a year ago
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Race: Anomalous
Name: Eandir Alexander
Gender: Male

Age Appearance: Early to mid 20's
Actual Age: 534
Do you Have a Chosen: He chooses not to have one, nor want one.

Height: 5''8'
Weight: 186 lbs
Eye Color: Silver
Hair Color: Brown/Blonde with many strands of black
Additional Details: N/A

Bio: ((To be revealed??))

Wind Control: He is able to generate powerful gusts of winds to the tips of his blades and fire them off as tornados or slicing wind currents.

Weapon:Multi-Wield Katanas

last edited over a year ago
Race: Anomalous 
Name: Eandir Alexander
Gender: Male

Age Appearance: Early to mid 20's
Actual A
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Race: Human/Chosen
Name: Luci Yamajin
Gender: Female

Age: 32
Date of Birth: October 5th

Height: 5''7' 1/2
Weight: 163 lbs
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Additional Details: None

Bio: Earlier on in life, when she first saw the glints of light appearing almost everywhere she went, she thought that everyone could see them or at least they weren't going unnoticed. But she began to realize that out of the people around her, she seemed to be the only one who paid any mind to it. And that's when she saw what she now knows to be a Speche for the first time. She had never noticed until that moment that there was always someone near the glints of light, standing completely still. Some wearing suits, others wearing whatever. She thought that she was going insane for someone who was the only person who could actually see these things while everyone else passed on by without a care in the world, which led to her denying that she was actually seeing anything there at all. Until she saw it happen. A day came where she couldn't bare the fact of not being able to know whether something was real or not. She went to one of the glints, only for it to be set in motion. As she had approached the glint of light, she watched as everything around her began to slow down until they were frozen in place. Within a blink of an eye, they were gone and the only person who remained there was a person in a suit. A man in a dark black suit that had a red tie. The man was about 6ft exactly with lazy eyes and ginger hair along with a few freckles here and there on his face. The feeling that washed over her at that moment was that of knowing something was off. Wrong. And then the man's eyes seem to tear open wide, and his mouth opened into sections. His chin split down the middle and opened wide, letting out some sort of deafening hiss before attacked her. He was shockingly strong strength wise and fast. Almost faster than she could keep up with as he beat and clawed her nearly to death. She couldn't run. She knew that she couldn't hide. And a thought crossed her mind that she would die there. Until another man showed, a perfectly blue coat thrown over his shoulder. She wanted to tell him to run, to scream out to him that he would die if he didn't, but that's when she saw his eyes. Sharp, silver, focused eyes. Those eyes..... That was the last thought she had before everything went black.

After that fateful day, she found out why she saw the glints of light and why that...that THING had attacked her. The man with eyes, who she knew now as Eandir Alexander, gave her the explanation that she desired so. She was a Chosen. Chosen by him to take a part in something far bigger than both Life, and Death.

Anomalous Name: Eandir Alexander
Brand: Libra
Weapon: Multi-Wield Katanas

Yama-Gusto!: This ability allows her to create temporary tornado clouds among the ground. This ability isn't meant to cause much of any damage, but is actually used as a distraction and advantage.

Has Merging Been Achieved: Yes
Merge Appearance: The only addition to her and Alexander merging is that she gains a black version of his blue overcoat and her eye color turns silver.
^:Description: While merged with Alexander, the blades of her katanas are encased in a focused sharp wind that enables her to unleash multiple sharp edges of wind. Her speed is increased immensely along with her striking force though her durability weakens.
Time Limit: Though the Merge ability has been achieved, it has yet to be mastered. Therefore her limit is only 7 minutes with included drawbacks if she's not careful.
Race: Human/Chosen
Name: Luci Yamajin
Gender: Female

Age: 32
Date of Birth: October 5th

over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Race: Human/Chosen
Name: Nimaomi
Gender: Female

Age: 20
Date of Birth: April 6th ((Aires))

Height: 5'5 1/2
Weight: 133 lbs
Eye Color: Her left eye-color is black while the right is a Silver/Grey
Hair Color: Light Black
Additional Details: She has a tattoo going across her collarbone and chest on the right side.

Bio: ((I'll get to this))----However, I will state that she knows a bit about both the Speche and the Anomalous to know what's going on.

-Anomalous Name ((If you have one)): N/A
-Brand: N/A

-Weapon: An Okatana and a pistol

-Abilities (2): None ((N/A))
-Has Merging Been Achieved?: ((N/A))
If yes---->^:Merge Appearance((If any noticeable physical changes))/Description:
^:Time Limit:((N/A))
last edited over a year ago
Race: Human/Chosen
Name: Nimaomi 
Gender: Female

Age: 20
Date of Birth: April 6th ((Aires))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
((Everyone has swords XD Lol, is it alright if I make a character that uses firearms?))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Sure! XP Lol, it would make the battle sequences more interesting if firearms were put into the mix.))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Cool beans! I'll get to work then and have it up by tomorrow, that is, if I don't get too excited and have things up and finished sooner!)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Awesome! I'll probably throw another character in before we can get around to getting this kicked off :D))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Race: Anomalous
Name: Ninana Ollyfield
Gender: Female

Age Appearance: 17-18
Actual Age: 201
Do You Have a Chosen One?: Yes

Height: 5''6'
Weight: 109 lbs
Eye Color: Orange
Hair Color: A very dark Green/Black
Additional Details: N/A

Weapon(s): Demolition V-MAXIMUM (Machine Gun) and the Civil Arc ((The blade))
~Rabid Sting--Allows her to fire out a single shot bullet that attacks the nerve of the target in the area that it hits.
~Rabid Arc Claw--While using this ability, the Civil Arc blade glows with shining yellow aura and grows in size. While swinging the blade, her attack force becomes so great that she is able to output a massive concentrated shockwave wave that she can use as a projectile.
~V-MAXIMUM Rabid Sting--Activating this ability causes the Demolition V-Maximum to reconstruct itself into a more bulky state while it's barrel constructs into multiple barrels that allows her to fire out thousands of bullets with 10 times the effect of the Rabid Sting.

Race: Anomalous
Name: Ninana Ollyfield
Gender: Female

Age Appearance: 17-18
Actual Age: 201
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Race: Human/Chosen
Name: Dexter Bons
Gender: Male

Age: 33
Date of Birth: November 19th

Height:5''8 1/2
Weight: 185 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark Velvet Brown
Additional Details: Them tats! >-._.-<


Anomalous Name ((If you have one)): Ninana Ollyfield
Brand: Scorpio
Weapon: Demolition V1---his pistol
~Rabid Sting-This allows him to shoot out bullets that have the ability to cause a stinging agony to come upon whatever the shot from his pistol come in contact with.

Has Merging Been Achieved?: No
If yes---->^:Merge Appearance: N/A
^:Description: N/A
^:Time Limit:N/A
Race: Human/Chosen
Name: Dexter Bons
Gender: Male

Age: 33
Date of Birth: November 19th

over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Awesome! :D I'm working on my other one now.))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Can't wait to get this started, take as much time as you need!)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((On second thought XD I'll probably just add the him or her in along the way somehow. I'll figure it out lol Which means, we can start!))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
((I call the cake on starting us off! Such a late second thought --- As if I have any room to talk lmao, mine came what, three month late XP))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((It's all yours lmao, take it away XD))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
"ASSHOLE!" A Isazel'Bella's voice ring through the air angrily, picking herself up from dreadfully hard concrete of the side walk in recovery from some insignificant sloppily made human being after they had so rudely pushed into her while walking by. She pushed a few long strands of pink hair from in front of her eyes, growling in dismay as she looked to see him still walking and she smirked deviously before focusing her attention on him, singling him out of everyone who was passing by. She watched as he lifted his hand to his head in a slight distortion before he jumped back seconds later as a car flew passed him blowing the horn and causing him to stumble right on to his grimy little ass. "Serves you right." She muttered, grinning. "Score:5.679.823 for Bella! Douche bag dickhead: 1, respectively." She cooed to herself as she carried on about her day. The bastard was lucky that she had a objective to take care or else she would of went the full length and killed him. Death by car, and KASPLAT!. She had sensed that a Glint that had appeared in the upstate New York in America. Ugh. America. She groaned mentally. She hated coming to this country. It was so dirty and hypocritical, more so than anywhere else she had been in the world. "One nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all~" She mocked with a snort to herself. What a joke!. There was no "justice for all", because even the innocent were killed for just being innocent as well as locked in prisons. Their at war with each other the majority of the times because their always sniffing other people's shit. Though she would love to see what that felt like, to feel all of that negative tension. And Indivisible? This country was more divided that asexual cells, so that was bullshit too. And man, don't let her get started on "one nation under god" crap. She masked her presence so that she wouldn't be noticed by anything that wanted to kill HER in particularly. She stopped at the end of the street and instantly, her eyes caught something flicker with a addictive spark right at the block. "Hehehe, all to easy." She said. One small little accident. She reached her hand out to hit the streetlight button so that the walking signal could display itself, but found a hand clasping around her wrist tightly. (Uzaezul?)

"You feel that?" the sunlight reflected off of Eandir's gleaming silver eyes as he turned his head toward the sun for a moment before glancing to his Chosen one, Luci, who was stripping herself of her dojo gear and gathering up her blades.

While Luci sheathed her many blades in newly clad sheaths. "Yeah..." She answered after a moment. "If a Speche's in China then I can only guess that there's a Glint somewhere near by. We might as well ahead and take care of it before it decides to set something off."

(Not gonna bring in Dexter and Ninana yet :P)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((I think i'm in love with Isazel'Bella already XD And I like how Uzaezal is introduced into the mix lol gives me so many ways to go about things! But I think I have the perfect follow up to that.))

"Where....do you think your going." A dark, rough and scratchy voice of a male spoke as the owner of the person that had grabbed her wrist. "I know that was you." He spoke, his voice sinking to just above a whisper as his grip tightened. "You shouldn't be playing your mediocre tricks on someone that can show you something truly frightening." What brought this situation to hand was that he had just been walking. Just trying to blend in with the surrounding faces until someone, a woman, had bumped into him. He could instantly catch her scent of existence as a Speche, but he thought nothing of it. Until he felt something slip into his mind as he was about to cross the street. Now he stared at her, and his eyes seem to shift for a moment two where he know had two sets of them, both sets pitch black and wide with no ending to their bottomless empty darkness and his mouth opened a bit, the corners and was connecting the top and bottom jaws of the mouth by fleshy skin, revealing rows of jaggedly sharp teeth. This all happened in a flicker of three seconds and then he was back to normal. He had forced a very minuscule portion of his power upon her only briefly. "If one of you are here....that can only mean there's a Glint somewhere in the vicinity." He glanced in the direction she was headed in, and his vision warped into a tunneling zoom, scanning the area until he saw a flickering spark. His vision reverted back to normal and he could see children crossing the streets nearby. "You're not causing anything here, so i'd advise that you find somewhere else." He said coldly..

Mirlana appeared out of an imploding vortex and stepped out onto the very tip of the Statue of Liberty's torch with perfect balance accordingly. Her dully sharp blue eyes opened slowly to scan the area and the vortex imploded into nonexistence in a snap with a silent crackle of air. That was the way that they got around so quickly, the Anomalouses. If they could use it in a more omnipotent manner, she considered that they would be able to break the chains of tragedy a lot more efficiently, but they all had their limits. She concentrated on detecting the grim threads of Speche existence that had drew her to the area, seeking to destroy it before tending to the Glint that was undoubtedly located somewhere in the surrounding vicinities. A brief gust of wind drifted by softly, her hair and cross coat drifting in place with it.

((Alrighty! I'll keep Namaomi in the shadows until its time for her to be brought in :) ))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Isazel'Bella let out both a gasp in shock and surprise as the man who's grasp was clamped around her wrist had tightened. What the hell... She found herself thinking. Mediocre tricks? Something truly frightening? How had she not sensed the presence of another Spiche in the area? Not even when the guy had pushed straight into her, she hadn't realized a damn thing! And by the looks of it, she had made the mistake of pissing him off. Despite that, she scoffed and attempted to pull her wrist away to no prevail however, leaving her cursing to herself mentally. "Says who? Who the hell do you think you're suppose to be anyways? First you go knocking a woman down without offering to help her up or let alone apologizing! Now you're trying to prevent me from doing what I was ordered to do? Sorry, but try again pal."

over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Uzaezul tipped his head to the side very slightly. "Try again?" He repeated slowly. "So be it." He began to twist her wrist back, his senses scanning over the area quickly as he reminded himself that they were still around humans. He had learned something while watching television about what the humans called "abuse", and something else about "feminism". It went along with some of their more ridiculous laws that were supposedly there to sustain order among the society. He glanced over to the glint that shimmered ever so slightly across the street, and grimaced when he felt that small familiar tug duty. That WAS NOT his duty. He looked back to the woman and began to unleash more of his true form, tipping the effect of his power over onto her slowly. "You would do well to heed my words." He spoke, his words followed anxiously by a chilling mist before he released her from his grasp. And just like that, his features had returned to their more human state as they did before.
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Isazel was bent into silence by the pain that came with her wrist being twisted. She pulled at her arm in attempt to be lucky enough and pull it away, but just as before, it was useless. She could have easily screamed to draw attention to them and force him to unhand her, but of course, her pride was to great to. Not only that, but if she were to scream out, who's not to say that he wouldn't just jump them to the Vaccum Zone? "Let...go of me!" She said through clenched teeth. Her mind jumped to the conclusion finally of burning her way out of his grip. Just as the thought came to mind, her eyes met the empty black holes of both sets of his in mistake. Her eyes widened, and something felt as if it latched on to her very well being. Her heart sank into the pits of her stomach and her breathing caught itself sharply in her throat as a chill of terror ran her down to the bone. Her body felt stuck, and a weight unlike anything she ever experienced weighed down on her slowly, accompanied by a agony she never felt before. I...I cant get away...he's going to kill me...there's nothing I can do...so much pain. It wasn't physical pain, but it was very much well pain. Her arms dropped to her side and she couldn't stop herself from trembling. At his words, she thought she stopped existing all together, not realizing that he released her afterwards. Her knees buckled under her and she could do nothing but stare in blank terror.