Random Role Playing Vindictive: Everyone Hates Dick ((Lmao XD)) [/OPEN\]

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Apr 05, 2016 at 07:05AM
**NOTE:It IS a lot guys, I know, but bare with it because it'll have with the understanding!

Back to the Future, again...2048: In another 32 years we'll have 'talking' buildings, self-driving planes but will return to using pens and paper
The predictions have been made futurologists from Australian universities
They foresee 'talking' buildings, self-healing planes and no more windows
A plant-hire company has also imagined how construction will develop
The predictions have been made to coincide with Back to the Future day. As the world celebrates Back to the Future day, futurologists are already making predictions about how we will travel, work and live in the next 30 years.
By 2045, they foresaw 'talking' buildings, windows being replaced by augmented reality screens and self-healing, self-driving planes. But it won't be a fully autonomous society. One expert believes we may even ditch technology completely and go back to pens and paper, while another predicts candles and incense sticks will become heavily regulated over health concerns. supertall buildings (illustrated) will have artificial intelligence 'personalities' and will be able to 'talk' to people. Homes and offices will collect and process data from various sensors to flag up when repairs are needed or when the heating needs to be turned on. The predictions have been made by artificial intelligence specialists, roboticists and futurologists from Australian universities as well as experts from UK-based plant hire company Hewden. Hewden, with futurologist Dr. Ian Pearson, particularly focused on how buildings will adapt over the next 30 years. By the middle of the century, Dr Pearson believes buildings will have artificial intelligence 'personalities' and will be able to 'talk' to people.Homes and offices will collect and process data from various sensors to flag up when repairs are needed or when the heating needs to be turned on.As architects race to develop the world's tallest buildings, Dr Pearson said there will be a need for new kinds of elevators taking advantage of magnetic coupling and propulsion systems. German engineers from Thyssen Krupp have already started working on such technology called Multi. As a result, there will be no switches and manual controls. Dr. Pearson compared these networks to a 'human nervous system.'
Buildings will be made from translucent concrete plastics and shape-changing materials that can heal themselves in 2045, and the builders will have super-strength exoskeletons creating half-man, half-machine workers. As architects race to develop the world's tallest buildings, Dr. Pearson said there will be a need for new kinds of elevators taking advantage of magnetic coupling and propulsion systems. German engineers from Thyssen Krupp have already started working on such technology called Multi.The setup uses magnetic levitation, or maglev, to pull elevator cabins horizontally as well as vertically quickly and smoothly. Each of the cabins are self-propelled using a multi-level brake system and transfer power from the shaft to the cabin and back again. A magnetized coil running along the elevator shaft repels magnets on the outside of the cabins.This allows the cabins to levitate above this so-called guideway.Power is moved along the coils in the guide-way to pull and push the cabin up and down, or left and right.This current increases and decreases to accommodate differences in the polarity needed to keep the cabins in motion, and moving in the correct direction.This causes a magnetic field in front of the cabin to pull it forward, while a field at the rear adds thrust. These machines will look similar to the exoskeleton used by Ellen Ripley, played by Sigourney Weaver, in Aliens. As architects race to develop the world's tallest buildings, Dr. Pearson said there will be a need for new kinds of elevators taking advantage of magnetic coupling and propulsion systems. Vehicles could even travel vertically on 'elevator lanes' inside buildings.German engineers from Thyssen Krupp have already started working on such technology called Multi.The setup uses magnetic levitation, or maglev, to pull elevator cabins horizontally as well as vertically quickly and smoothly.
By mid-century, Dr. Pearson believes buildings will be miles tall and some may be so large that their capacity enables them to function as small cities in their own right. By comparison, the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, measures 2,722ft (829.8 metres or half a mile).As these building rise through the clouds, windows will be replaced by augmented reality virtual screens so people can choose any view they like. At height extremes, a London Spaceport is also likely by 2045 as the space industry explodes.There is a huge cost advantage going to space from as high a base as possible, so a spaceport is very likely to be over 6 miles (10km) and even as much as 18.5 miles (30km), using carbon-based-materials,' said Dr Pearson.
Other smart materials will include video tiles, color-changing materials and even electronic fibers in mats and other soft furnishings.
Building cleanliness will be enhanced by sterilization using UV and ionizing technologies, and there will even be laser-based insect zapping, Dr Pearson continued. .However, lack of exposure to pathogens will cause more allergies.
Due to health concerns, scents, candles, incense are also likely to be more strongly regulated, added Dr Pearson.
Back to the Future incorrectly predicted that by 2015 we'd all have flying cars, but this could finally become a reality by 2045.
What is more likely, though, is that planes will become smarter and may even become autonomous.

And that all became true. By 2042, there were numerous advancements to human civilization that "Changed the World As We Knew It". From the stereotypical hoverboards, flying cars, and instant transportation, to the eye-scanned credit cards and robots.The future happened, But if you are still following along and believing this ridiculous bullshit, I think there's some insight needed. That is the future that humanity EXPECTED.

The reality is that the world as we knew it is in peril plagued destruction, and catastrophe all at the hands on of one man. Dick "Rooky" Grayson.

[June 6, 1966: It Had Already Been The End]
On June 6, 1966 a child would be born in New York City and raised in Washington D.C., right around the time that Washington was recovering from the snowstorm that hit in January 29 of that year and took 201 lives . A child given the name Dick "Rooky" Grayson. Grayson. The all in one poster-child. Symmetrically perfect dirty blonde short hair, a bright smile with a set of perfect teeth, and dark brown eyes. And by 2042, he was a billionaire business man and.....the United States President, appearing charming and well spoken in nature. Or so it seemed. Believe it or not, Dick Grayson came from nothing, as one would be liable to believe. His mother died six months after his birth and his father lost to a "sudden heart failure" said to be due to stress and mourning for his wife. Which left Grayson to be raised by his grandparents. Growing up, Grayson was the star of his grandparent's live, being the exceptional star child in school and as sharp as a needle while at home. He seemed to always have a way of getting what he desired when he "put his mind to it". In his 2nd grade year, a female teacher, 29 year old Milenda Thompson was fired from her job and arrested under the charges of sexual abuse towards a child when she was caught breast-feeding him in one of the employee restrooms in the school. In court, the woman was in a state of complete confusion and denial, stating that she didn't even remember going in for work that morning.

1984 Through his middle and highschool years, Grayson indulged in many sports and after school activities and was undoubtedly a straight A student. In the year of 1984, he graduated at the top of his class with a immediate acceptance into Harvard Law School where he again surpassed many expectations, becoming the owner of his own industry known as the Grayson and Grayson Enterprises as well as. At the age of 21, Dick Grayson became a millionaire in little to no time and was noted as one of the youngest entrepreneurs in history and having the honor of shaking the hand of former president Ronald Reagan in 1987 and later on in his life even getting recognition from George H. W. Bush in 1991 at the age 25 when embarked on a ruthless corporate takeover agenda, focusing specifically on the technology and food industry, and got married to a woman named Brenda Wilhmems along the way. He also received recognition from President George W. Bush in 2002 at the age of 36 and had been risen to be one of the top 35 most powerful people in the world.

June 6, 2003 On June 6, 2003, there was an attempt to assassinate Grayson in his very own home on his birthday where he was received nine fatal stab wounds to the chest and was rushed to the nearest hospital before being transferred to a more advanced one on emergency where he died 3 times before he was able to be stabilized. The attacker, FATHER Johnathan Hillman, who was the Administrative Assistant of the largest catholic church in the word Yamoussoukro Basilica, was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison with +3 sentences on the charges of breaking and entering, attempted murder, aggravated assault, and trespassing on private property. When detectives interviewed Father Hillman and questioned his motives behind the attack the answer they received was---

"The man, Dick Grayson, is pure evil from the depths of hell. I was tasked indirectly by the Lord's bidding to rid the abomination from the world before he destroys us all."

Father Johnathan Hillman was placed in a high security prison for the rest of his time alive. Around the time that he was attacked, Grayson had been working on a extremely confidential project known as Project Beasta 6 ((Bee-O-Sta)) that was organized through the Scientific Intelligence Division of the CIA, the project coordinated with the Special Operations Division of the U.S. Military's Chemical Corps.

On October 10th of the year 2009, 43 year old Dick Grayson was grasping towards more power than ever. While he was hospitalized, he continued to run his business accordingly with check-up calls and more detailed business plans. By this time, he had became partners in business with a few of the world's leading powers which included: Xi Jinping: General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Larry Page: Co-Founder of Google, Bill Gates:Founder of Microsoft, Angela Merkel: Chancellor of Germany, Janet Yellen: Chairmen of the Federal Reserve. The big names in high places, resources he could use to his advantage. During this year, the U.S. economy was in a bit of a messy turmoil, but yet, he still managed to slip through every loophole that was prevented and still thrived, even in the downhill economy.

November 9, 2024 On the day of November 9, 2024...58 year old Dick "Rooky" Grayson, born in New York and raised in Washington D.C., became the 46th president of the United States. On that day, he declared that the world would experience the greatest advancement in history and that peace would be essential in the matter. He had more followers behind him than any other former president, and human civilization advanced unnaturally fast into what was scientifically called the "Pre-Future".

In 2027 on the 13th of September, The United States experienced a sudden economic crash and by 2032, was hurled into a second Great Depression right before the beginning of World War 3, a war that was deemed to only be a hypothetical worldwide military conflict subsequent to World War II. Because of the development and use of nuclear weapons near the end of World War II and their subsequent acquisition and deployment by several countries, it was feared that a Third World War could cause the end of human civilization and most or all human life on Earth. A common hypothesis was that a small number of people could survive such an Armageddon, possibly in deep underground blast shelters or away from Earth, such as on the Moon or Mars or in space vehicles. Another major concern was that biological warfare could cause a very large number of casualties, either intentionally or inadvertently by an accidental release of a biological agent, the unexpected mutation of an agent, or its adaptation to other species after use. WW3 was sparked after several independent news headlines spoke about military exercises and movements across the world, involving 120 countries. All U.S. and most European news outlets weren't reporting on anything, therefore making the war itself a surprise to many. The Middle East is a time bomb set for detonation, and ISIS was a CIA false flag meant to usher in WW3.

December 6th, 2031, President Grayson announced that the war would be ending soon in a speech that had been broadcast live.

"Hear me, People under the one nation of god. The People of the United States of America. Our great nation has faced many threats in the years that it has sat high on its solid foundation, whether those threats were large or small. Now as you may know from the shallow footstepls of our history, no matter how great the threat has been we as a nation have pulled through the catastrophic fires of war for our cause. For our right to be free with dignity, respect, and to live in peace. And the many times we have done so, we have succeeded, for we our a nation of success and advancement and well as power. Today our soldiers, the men and women that fight for what you deserve AND for their lives on the battlefield of today with a purpose to haul the American flag high above the the veils of ash and smoke, and the bodies of the ones that we have lost in honor. We have fought through both economic and physically inclined crisis and today, I dare say, America has HAD ENOUGH. The war of countries has been hard fought by our people, and I hereby say in complete confidence that it will be brought to an end with our flags raised high and our names being praised among the lands! God bless America, and God bless the world!"

Weeks after this speech was given, Project Beasta 6 was officially no longer a project. During the chaos of nuclear weaponry in WW3, all U.S. forces and forces allied with the U.S. were ordered into a "bait retreat" and the opposing forces of Russia, New Era Prussia, Germany, France, and Italy. The opposing forces advanced on the sign of their enemies retreating, but were to late to retreat themselves from what was to come. The war pushed all the way to the west borders of the U.S. before the final blow was finally given. From the sky fell a large cylinder like object, dropped out of the bottom of a jet going at full speed. As the object dropped, it was said to have emitted a eardrum piercing sound as its parachute was deployed when it reached 143 ft above ground and when it landed, it exploded with a force that caused unbelievable devastation, wiping out large portions of Washington, Oregon, and Arizona.

The following year of 2038 secretly brought catastrophe. The Beasta 6 had caused a massive amount of destruction. But used in the light of President Grayson, it was looked upon as the Triumph Bomb, a weapon of saviors and a showcase of power by the people. What wasn't tended to was the tasteless, odorless, and unseen chemical gas that was the aftereffect of the Beasta 6. Five more had been dropped in sync with the with the one that decimated Washington, Oregon, and Arizona. There was one that struck in the center of Russia, another that exploded in Greenland, one in Argentina, Australlia, and the Democratic Republic of Congress.

By the year 2042, people had began to disappear from the face of the Earth in a sudden swoop, planes and cars crashing. But that was only the beginning of it. An unexpected virus had lashed out and quickly began to spread. A virus that effected people in all the worst ways. Symptoms included: a craving for flesh, loss of brain cells, thick saliva, failed sweat glands, and veiny eyes.. Around this time, there were also supposed sightings and encounters with people that had "BLACK EYES", but that was brushed to the side as another supposed symptom. The action taken was to gather all of the people that weren't infected into large "safety camps", mostly the rich and a few portions of the poor and middle class. The now 76 year old President Grayson was seen as a savior of all sorts, but there were some who didn't agree, and were forced out of the camps for the "More important safety of the rest of humanity", as stated by Grayson. People began despise him. He was the cause of the problems that had been occurring. And for the lives of all of the people that had been losing their lives. The cause of the people that had been ripped from their families by death, whether from the war or from the virus. There were people who wanted revenge. The oddest thing was that even at the age of 76, President Grayson still was a very healthy man, and looked to still be in his mid to late 50s. Since then, Grayson has been taking refugee in D.C. where there were a few camps walled in away from the infected. Every so often he traveled to the other camps by helicopter to lead the people and give instruction, and the people didn't panic. Resources that were safe for consumption were transported throughout the camps and from, as well as to, the few camps in other devastated countries and cities.

[2048 Present Time]
There was no future for humanity. In a world where the apocalypse reigned, the hatred in the hearts of numerous burns among the ashes of destroyed cities and infested ruins. Inside the walls of the camps, order is starting to crumble, and outside of them, many struggle to the very bone trying to survive. In both cases, there were some doing better than others. But something that would soon be understood was that this was far greater than just a devastation of what was the WW3 and what was now the apocalypse. This extended passed humanity, but drifted in the bounds of understanding. It is no longer a fight for survival, but a war for existence.

"There are a billion and more versions of the same world. The same humanity. The same mankind. I've ended them all in billions of ways. I've seen the beautiful destruction of technology. I've watched the bloodiest of massacres. I've seen instant endings that would be painless for the majority, and I've thought more "natural" ones into existence. For I, am the end. And I am many."

Cravers is the name given to the disease ridden humans, because of their obvious craving for flesh, by the people that were forced to have to survive outside of the wall. The Craves bare only the mindless instinct to tear apart and devour flesh, though they don't seem to bother animals like dogs, cats, or birds. They are exceptionally strong and vicious and carry a toxic in their saliva that carries the virus which can be transferred through a bite. They can best be killed by gunshots or stab wounds to the: head, eyes, and spinal cord, decapitation, etc. Large hordes of them are able to overwhelm weaker demons, but their toxins wouldn't turn them.

[The Black Eyed People]
The "humans" with black eyes are the least human thing on the planet at the moment. They've been spotted numerous times, even around the President at unexpected moments as the body guards and some of the groups being sent out to scout for resources at times. These dark-eyed humans are said to be a product of the Beasta 6. An after effect that went along side the numerous other effects and symptoms of the virus/plague. In different versions of the world, they came as many things. One of them being the extraterrestrial, or aliens. Some came as pharaohs. But what connects all of them is that they are all demons, the result of human souls going to Hell and being tortured until no humanity is left in them, thus turning into demons - dark, malicious spirits that revel in pain, chaos, and death. The most common and standard class of demons, black-eyed demons possess only basic powers, such as above average human strength and minor telekinesis. Effective defenses against these demons include holy water, salt, iron, a Devil's Trap, etc. Stronger black-eyed humans have more resistance such as not being barred from entering hallowed ground and have the ability of causing minor internal bleeding and extensive dark ritualistic knowledge.

BUT, that dark, malicious stereotype that all demons revel in chaos, pain, and death isn't completely true because of the fact that there ARE differences in demons just as there is in humankind. The demons aren't exactly known by the people inside the camps, and even when some were "exposed", the people just brushed it off as a religious hoax. The perfect cover.
((More To Be Revealed))

[Flock of the Folk]

[Four Horses' Men]

***And POSSIBLY [Our Deadly Sins]

*The Races so far are only either Human, or Black Eyes ((Demons))

[Character Sheet]

With or Against Grayson:
Inside or Outside the Camps:
Weapon(s) (Optional):


Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Additional Details:


Vessel Name:
True Name:
For Or Against Grayson:
Rank:((Not Available at this Time))
Age/Age Appearance:


Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Additional Details:


Lilly (Demon/ Vessel Name: Raechel Coles/ For Grayson/ Unknown Age/ Minor Telekinesis Abilities/ Female)---pg.1
Carlson Richards (Human/ 19 yrs old/ Neutral/ Outside the Camps)---pg.1
Kari Marlie (Human/ 18 yrs old/ Neutral/ Outside the Camps)---pg.1

Michelle Rozier (Human/ 22 yrs old/ Against Grayson/ Outside the Camps)---pg.1
Elizabel (Demon/ Vessel Name: Elizabeth Queens/ Neutral/ 312 yrs old/ Minor Terrakinesis)---pg.1
Corey McGordon (Human/ 29 yrs old/ Sides with Grayson/ Inside the Camps)---pg.1
last edited on Apr 09, 2016 at 06:09PM

Random Role Playing 21 replies

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over a year ago _justAnother_ said…

(HEY! It works now! I'm joining! :D)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((FINALLY!! :D))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Haha! I'll get started on a character for this one tomorrow too! And again, you never cease to amaze me with these ideas of yours. So much detail!)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Thank you X:3 And i'll probably have a character up for this tomorrow as well :) And again, thank you for the interest!))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Vessel Name: Raechel Coles
True Name: Lilly
Age: Unknown
Age Appearance: Early to Mid 20s
Gender: Female
For or Against Grayson: For
Rank:((Not Available at this Time)) N/A
Power(s): Minor Telekinetic Abilities

Personality: Lilly is would best be described as a not so artistic Hannibal Lecter. But that's mostly outside the walls of the camps where she gets to enjoy murdering an already dead person a second time, as well as humans for time to time, for their souls of course. As said, she is completely murderous and has no problem blasting a shotgun through someone's skull because either way she's going to enjoy doing so, showing no remorse. She likes to see people suffer. Inside the camps while on patrol, she considers herself top dog of her rank and is extremely outspoken. The only one she actually will speak to with a loyal respect is the president himself. She's a impatient one, and is liable to use physical force to get things done when she gets pissed off. She can be extremely sexual when she desires to or when something desires HER to, but mostly and preferably around women.

Height: 5''6' 1/2
Weight: 157 lbs
Eye Color: A devious blue
Hair Color: Blonde Brown
Additional Details: The two SWAT patrol soldiers are her subordinates that she sees more as convenient meat shields, though occasionally, she considers them ants obeying her commands.

Bio: ((To be revealed))
last edited over a year ago
Vessel Name: Raechel Coles
True Name: Lilly
Age: Unknown
Age Appearance: Early to Mid 20s
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Knarly! And no problem :) )
((So how many characters do we start with? Because I noticed the **To Be Revealed**s so I was just wondering.))

Name: Michelle Rozier
Age: 22
Gender: Female
With or Against Grayson: Against
Inside or Outside the Camps: Outside the camps
Weapon(s): link, a pair of link

Personality: Michelle is hot tempered but displays her temper through calm words, though that can be changed with the right buttons pushed. She's quite rowdy when it comes to getting rid of Craves, and thinks not even a second before offing a demon when they so happen to cross paths. She is focused when she puts her mind to things and tends to hold grudges when push comes the shove. She's all about surviving, and if that means that she has to off a few actual people to do so, then so be it. She can be severely cocky at times, which brings her to being reckless every once in a while.

Height: 5''7'
Weight: 159 lbs
Eye Color:
Hair Color: Dark Grey
Additional Details: She has strong lower body strength due to having to run a lot in the apocalypse. Her body is in fit posture and as healthy as it could be in a word like the one she's been hurled in.

Bio: Her friends were gone. The ones she could have saved, were dead. Everything was just sort of dead for her. She has only felt sadness, and tries to find away to make things cheery for herself by helping people when the time came to ease her mind. But that time passed and the only thing that kept her sorrow burned away was the despise that she held in her heart for the one who turned her life into hell. She's learned many things just by reading books and practicing to make sure she had had it down. Now she keeps safe in a abandoned office building that she boarded and set up for safety for the time being. She goes out every few days to search for food supplies, water, and other things that could be of use to her before making her way back, so she has a pretty large stock that would last the months as well. Now she just cherishes those memories of a normal world and keeps them locked away because chaos IS the knew normal. One of the only things she had left had been her drinking. Miserably alone with a vengeance that wouldn't disappear until she had Dick Grayson's head on a pike.
last edited over a year ago
(Knarly! And no problem :) )
((So how many characters do we start with? Because I noticed the **To B
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Nice! ^.^))
((And I guess we can start with eeeh....three max for now?))

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Name: Carlson Richards and Kari Marlie
Age: 19
Gender: Male and Female
With or Against Grayson: Neither, if its not benefiting them, they don't care. If its effecting them in a negative sense that they would find bothersome, their against him.
Inside or Outside the Camps: Outside the Camps
Weapon(s) (Optional):
Carlson: Steel Baseball Bat, Variety minor but effective explosives

Karmen Marlie: link(a claw-like weapon from India designed to fit over the knuckles or be concealed under and against the palm. It consists of four or five curved blades affixed to a crossbar or glove, and is designed to slash through skin and muscle) and a link

Personality: Both Carlson and Kari have this blankness about themselves that they've had most of what was there version of "normal" life. Carlson is extremely calm but also very sadistic in cases, much like Kari. Though Kari may seem almost harmless, she is terribly ruthless on daily bases to anyone that isn't Carlson yet seems so shy and quiet. The relationship the two have established is that they are each others protectors, and to them they take that very seriously.

^Carlson^:170 lbs
^Mari^:120 lbs
Eye Color:
^Carlson^: A hazy purple
^Mari^: Purple-Silver
Hair Color:
^Carlson^: Purple
^Mari^: Originally Black----> Dyed purple
Additional Details: Despite her seeming so harmless in appearance, Kari is actually surprisingly strong for her size as well as agile and swift. Carlson on the other hand is both quick on his feet and experienced, making the two of them the perfect combination for a damned world. Both have acknowledgable skill in hand to hand combat as well, including Karate and Muay Thai.

Bio: ((I'll come up with it along the way))
last edited over a year ago
Name: Carlson Richards and Kari Marlie
Age: 19
Gender: Male and Female
With or Against G
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Whoa! Those palm claw things look sick! I'm curious to how you'll incorporate their use into the fight scene scenarios :P I'll have another character up soon.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((I was actually working on a few ways that i'll make it work :D And takeall the time you need.))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Vessel Name: Elizabeth Queens
True Name: Elizabell
Gender: Female
For Or Against Grayson: Neutral
Rank:((Not Available at this Time)) N/A
Age: 312
Age Appearance: Appears to be in her late twenties, but surprisingly, Elizabeth was actually 34 years old.
Power(s): Minor Terrakinesis---Can cause small earthquakes

Personality: Sweet, caring, protective and outwardly friendly and happy on the inside, Elizabell is very stubborn and hard-headed. She has her "Blonde moments", which is funny because she's a demon, but she's actually a bit more intelligent than she lets on. This is because she was one of the few demons that actually was accepted by the vessel. Not only that, but she wasn't a much of a demon as her brothers and sisters of hell either, which is why unlike the others, she lets Elizabeth have control and when she goes to sleep, she takes over. Elizabell believes that who Elizabeth is as a person has started to blend with her demon nature and create something that was almost closer to human. Elizabell isn't particularly the violent type, but when she's around blood or when she needs to, she always hurts people harshly instead of killing them. She loves tea and sweet foods as well as painting with a passion thanks to Elizabeth and also hates spiders, sugar/coffee crashes, working the early morning shifts (mornings in general), being left alone, and overly judgmental people. Which is also a by product of becoming one with her vessel. Unlike other demons, she also takes the time to actually communicate with the rightful owner of her vessel.

Elizabeth comes off as a very open, friendly person, however she keeps most of her true feelings tucked away. She's guarded with her emotions, but enjoys finding someone she can trust sharing them with. She's prone to lashing out over silly things and is quick to anger, but also quick to calm down. She holds grudges easily when she feels hurt by someone, but is always quick to forgive when the right apology is given to her. Beck believes there is a soft spot in everyone's heart, and sometimes she feels the need to find it, no matter how well it's hidden. She's quick to love as well. She often lets her emotions make decisions first rather than thinking things through, so she's prone to make many mistakes in life.

Height: 5 foot 3
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye Color: A soft Scarlet
Hair Color: Blonde
Additional Details: N/A
last edited over a year ago
Vessel Name: Elizabeth Queens
True Name: Elizabell 
Gender: Female
For Or Against Grayson: Neutral
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
Name: Corey McGordon
Age: 29
Gender: Male
With or Against Grayson: With
Inside or Outside the Camps: Inside the camps of course
Weapon(s) (Optional): N/A

Personality: McGordon is an intimidating figure on first meeting him. Many don't even get to meet him as they are already dead. He is a very logical, strategic and quick thinker when in tight situations. He is not easy to make friends with as he has a very serious nature about himself. Despite this, he has a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor, which he rarely uses, that sounds slightly dark and twisted. What many don't know about him is that he has a high anxiety threshold, which means he does not get nervous easily even in stressful situations.

Height: 6'2''
Weight: 206 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Light Violet
Additional Details: He has a broad yet quite muscular physique. He has dark piercing blue eyes which seem to see straight into the heart of his friends and foes alike, though they are rarely seen as they are concealed under his dark grey and white cloak which he wears to hide his true identity. His hair is short and dark with a single blonde streak. The armour he wears is bullet proof and super lightweight.

Bio: He's apart of a recon scouting force that basically shoots down vigilantes and the walking dead alike. (This will go into more detail along the way.)
Name: Corey McGordon
Age: 29
Gender: Male
With or Against Grayson: With
Inside or Outsi
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Great! Interesting aspect with Elizabell :D So it looks like we pretty much have our starting three on board!))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Lol, yeah. And you get the cake for starting us off this time XD)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((X:P I get to take ALL of the cake this time lol I'll get to working on a post.))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Raechel Coles, would be at the office dressed in her dark brown skirt and light khaki button up shirt by seven o'clock in the morning at her desk shuffling through file papers and filling out her reports as well as typing up her articles for the Daiy-Weekly Newspapers. After a while, Raechel Coles then would go on lunch break with her usual quad (not including her) of friends: Bethiney, Avery, Donna aka Don Don, and Melanie. Each day, they would go out to different restaurants around town (usually ordering a salad when they went out if it was available), not only to have a bite to eat, but to pick up on new stories for the news. The group would laugh and throw a few jokes into the air here and there as they enjoyed their break before they would head back to work where she, Raechel Coles, would stay and work for a following eight hours and then leave to go home. When at home, Raechel would crack open a new book or one that she hadn't finished and spend the rest of her day reading away. On Fridays and the weekends, her days off, she would go out with a few fitness friends as well as her boyfriend and have a few rounds of competitive but just-for-fun tennis. Raechel Coles...was happy. She loved her life. She loved her friends, her books, her job, her boyfriend. But now, Raechel Coles was no longer Raechel Coles. Instead, there was Lilly. And Raechel, was a prison to her mind, her own body. Her friends, dead. Tore to pieces at her hands. Her healthy and nice salads replaced with greasy fries and burgers. Her books, burned to ashes. Her job....no longer existing. Her boyfriend....killed slowly and threw to the flesh eating, disease ridden, mindless meat suits of what were once humans. And Lilly made sure that she watched every...last...second of it. ALL of it. And to hear the owner of her vessel screaming in agonizing despair and so much heart filled pain in the deepest corner of her own mind with no way to escape, was orgasmic. Lilly, who now sat with her feet kicked up at her desk in the Patrol Station in a camp in Oregon cleaning her a standard 12-gauge shotgun. There was a hesitant knock at her open door, and she answered with the "The fucks at my door eh?" and lifted her head to find her two subordinates, Frank and Rodriguez, standing there in their uniforms with a shaggy looking man held tightly by the arms in their grasp, struggling in vain.

"It's us ma'am." Rodriguez spoke, his base filled voice filling the near emptiness of the office. "We've retrieved Jerry Wilder as you asked us to."

A grin came to her face and she took the feet off of her desk, turning to get to her feet, satting her firearm to the side. "Well, well, well. And looky what we have here?" She said, her grin growing as she made her way over to where they held the man. "How long's it been since we last saw encountered each other eh? A month and a few shitty days?" She spoke as if they were old friends. But that wasn't the case. A month back he had put her task in jeopardy, and not only that. He shot her.

"You..." Jerry spat in disgust. "Go fuck yourself you bitch!"

"Oh?" Lilly said, smirking. "After you threw the salt in my wound and fucked over my mission? Killing my men?" Not that she really cared about the disposable meat heads anyways. "So how about this, I fuck YOU, and then blow your brains out? Maybe feed the bits to your family--whoops. I forgot, they're already dead aren't they?"

"You sick FUCK!" Jerry yelled, attempting to lash out at her. But it was pointless. The men holding him weren't exactly small guys, or weak for that matter. "BURN IN HELL YOU SLUT!"

"Oooo, not to sure about the last part. But trust me, hell? Been there, done that." And with that, in one swift motion her hand pulled the pistol from the holster strapped to her waist and she blew his brain out of his head without second thought, his bits and chunks splattering onto the floor and onto her mend. "Pssh, fucktard." She mumbled and looked to see the almost bewildered expressions on her subordinates' faces. "Get this trash out of my sight." She says, gesturing the gun carelessly. "And send somebody to clean this mess up." She added while walking back to her desk.

"Yes ma'am." Both Rodriguez and Frank said urgently before Frank pulled a wool sack from his back pocket and placed it over Jerry's head and then dragging his body out with the help of Rodriguez.

Carlson Richards and Kari Marlie. Childhood cage mates. That's right, not room mates. Not house mates. Well, not exactly. Their cages were close enough for them to consider themselves so, but it was only by pure luck that they ended up meeting one another under those circumstances. By the age they were able to understand what "surviving" was, they found themselves damned since birth. A human born into the with their destinys to be ruthless killers. At the hands of their own families. At first, they were raised and taken care of as a sort of orphanage where all of the children grew from birth. It was practically never even found, little less, ever expected.. They were taught how read, right, and some even to speak entire sentences at earlier ages. Carlson and Kari back then seemed to have always fought with each other, even as they grew older. But they eventually learned to get along little by little along the way, which actually seemed start to turn out well. Up until they were all separated from one of another. Each and every last one of the children. All they knew how to do at the time was obey. While away, they were taught how to hunt and stitch. First, it was just the original train-through of holding rifles and using knives properly until they were around the age of fourteen, and then it began to quickly advance into something for more dangerous. How to fight. And how to kill. They were allowed to watch five minutes of cartoons daily, as well as enough knew to know that killing wasn't a good think. To let them have a conscious. To have friends and people that they could consider family and to care for each other. And their "Sweet 16", was being forced to kill those very people by your families. No matter how old, or how young. They made them want to fight. NEED to fight...for survival. Physically beating them harshly into become animals. Making them want to fight and survive at any cost until they no longer understood what it was to have mercy. Even if it meant the same person they had laughed withed. Not just someone that they cared about, but PEOPLE that they cared about. All with a conscious mind, until they no longer felt what it was to have sympathy, or to have remorse. They were locked in cages to watch the people they knew all of their lives have to hunt each other in the surroundings forests, given 10 days and anything that could be considered a weapon (minus guns) and guards that heavily were heavily armed and outnumbered them would shoot them on sight if they tried to go pass the seemingly ending stretch of trees. Things they could use, become creative with. There were even times when 6 to 8 of them all had to hunt each other to be the last one alive, given 10 days to do so. Because anyone that they refused to kill, earned them an extremely harsh beating, along with the person they refused to kill. But when it came to Carlson and Kari, something different occurred. The two had chosen a path to stick together since the beginning, before the torturous acts that scarred their minds. And they refused to kill each other. They had been forced into a eight-man hunt, where they first encountered each other after the years that they were apart. They both were been sixteen at the time. Kari had been wounded in the crossing of two other hunters on the 3rd day of the hunt, and it had been a fight to the death in which she managed to barely come out on top. As she limped through the area bleeding, she was attacked once more. Someone had taken the opportunity to take her out before she could even attempt to sew herself up somewhere safe. if she made it That far; She put up a fight, but the attacker was much stronger and bigger than herself, and in her injured state she was only beaten to nearly to death by bare hands until it all stopped. She heard the a shuffling and then the sound of something hard damaging a skull with a devastating crack. The pain she felt was still there, but the blunt force that had been striking her face had stopped. Her eyes were swollen and badly cut, and her face bruised purple and bloody. She had no strength left to fight and once more the thought crossed her mind that she was at the open herself at the open door way of death's door. Her value of consciousness flickered in and out, and her will slowly began to break. She soon found herself being lifted into the air in someone's arms and she couldn't even struggle. Soon afterwards, she lost consciousness only to find herself waking and staring up with limited and blurry vision. She could feel the solid grass field ground under her still, but she could also feel something sticking into her face, and though it was numb she recognized the feeling. Stitching. Sewing. She had fallen unconscious again shortly after. On the 4th day, She came to again, her vision blurred still but clear enough to where she was able to see. She was on something soft that she couldn't quite make out, but she was also still in the woods of the forest. And for the first time in so long, her eyes landed upon a face that made her cry inside. Cry for joy. She recognized who this person was because of the hair color, what had brought them to being friends to began with. Carlson. Carlie, her friend. But she couldn't understand why. The way she had been beaten and was forced to learn how to become soulless, she found herself wondering why he was helping her. Why, if there was only going to be punishment at stake. A few months after that, when she had recovered twice, the first from the hunt, and the second from the beating she received after the first recovery, she found herself face to face with him again, and they were forced to fight. Before they had to fight, she had asked him---

"Why...did you help me? Why didn't you....kill me."

Carlson had only smiled and mouthed the words, "Because I Care. You're my friend."

It was as if he said the words, but Kari heard nothing. And when she seen the scar on his neck her body felt as if it locked up. They had taken his voice....surgery marks were all to familiar, being that she has been taught medical field education. She couldn't, she wouldn't move to fight. She knew what was at stake if she didn't kill him but she couldn't imagine doing that. Not to him. She didn't understand what was happening to her or why it was. Was she sick? Had they slipped something in her food or water supplements? It wasn't until after she received her beating and she was back in her cage that she understood again. She cared about him to. He....he was her friend.
After that, they started accepting the beatings that they took for refusing to kill one another because those beatings that they took were for the sake of protecting each other the best they could. They would die for one another, but until that time came they would kill anyone they had to. They couldn't trust anyone...they didn't trust anyone but themselves, and each other. This trust became so mutual that Kari felt that Carlson wasn't able to talk, she wasn't going to either. She ended up learning language from Carlson, as well as other tactics and signals. When the apocalypse struck, then it just became a matter of killing zombies. And it was actually quite simple. They had gotten so use to taking lives that it was as if it were a seventh sense. But likes always, some things are bound to go wrong. To make a long story short, they got free, walking dead on steroids had a good meal off of the people that had held them prison for so long.

over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Good read :D Not gonna lie though, I caught you slacking a little near the end XP Lol. But man, Carlie and Kari's back story is so fucking dark >.< I love it! I sorta expected demons to be in it but hell (No Pun Zone!), that satisfied me haha. And for the record, MY FUCKING GOD LILLY! WOOHOO! She's a freaking S.A.V.A.G.E!)

P.S.:Post is on the way!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((*bows* Thank you! Thank you! Lol X:P I couldn't stop typing so the length of the post went way passed what I was going for, but that worked one way or another XD))
((And take your time! Add as much detail as you need!))
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Hahaha, I know the feeling :3, but atleast it sure beats writer's block by miles. And thanks!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _justAnother_ said…
(Again, sorry i'm late! Forgive me Senpai!)

"What!? What do you mean they "got Jerry"!? Jerry doesn't just simply get fucking "got"!" Michelle fumed over the phone to the person on the other line. "Which means that, despite all of the logic and time we spent trying to cover up our tracks, you're telling me that they still managed to catch him. Which also means that if that's the case, he would probably be dead by now! It's been THREE DAYS! DO YOU HERE ME!? THREE. FUCKING DAYS! And I REFUSE to believe that he would be the dumb fuck that would go back or turn himself in! So in other words, I ain't buyin' i--" She came to an abrupt halt in her sentence as the person on the other line said one word that shook her to the core with a silent rage. "Raechel..." Or should she rather say, Lilly. Her voice had drained of any compassion and only filled with blunt disgust. She let out a frustrated yell, turning and throwing the phone with full force against the wall, breaking it into numerous tiny pieces. That was the 10th person. The 10th person that that BITCH had snatched from them. And if it was one thing that she knew, it was that she asked questions later. "FUCK!" She cursed loudly. Being that she was in the safest place she could possibly be, which was in a ran down two story apartment from the outside but a well furnished and stocked safe house with boarded and blocked doors on the inside, it wouldn't exactly matter. "DAMNIT! BLOODY PISSING SHIT!!" She continued on her rant of anger, kicking chairs and flipping over the small table that sat off in the corner of the living room area by dusty and unused bookshelf. Afterwards, she took a breather and sighed as she heard the Battle Scars, a song by one of her more favored bands called Bayside, sound off at full volume from the bedroom right on que. That, was the second phone that she kept around. It was a suggestion made by someone she knew, the reason being what she had just done. Running her hand her hair, she went and grabbed the flip phone and answered, letting only three words growl themselves into existence. "Where is she?"

There was a particular house that sat at the edge of a road in a camp in Minnesota, it's color painted a lightly tainted and generously peeled tan. Inside this house, a woman's gentle scarlet eyes drifted across a wall of paintings that was thought to be almost perfect in her perspective. Not perfect, but almost. Always...almost. Then her attention drifted back to the large and almost covered blank poster that sat in front of her. Her long, waist length blonde hair hung back in a french braid and in her hands she held a paint brush that was lightly tipped with a dot of red, and a delicate wooden plate of paint (I forgot what those things are called lol). Her brow furrowed just a little as she thought, and then she spoke. "May I have your thoughts on this?" Now if someone were to be there with her, they would have answered as if she would have been speaking to them. If they were to be watching her from a distance, then she would have clearly been talking to herself, one might have thought. But she was, in fact, speaking to someone. Someone who was also a someTHING that resided inside of her. There was a pause as she stared at the painting, but then her eyes flickered the pitch blackness of an abyss, and her head tipped to the side. This, was no longer Elizabeth. But instead, Elizabell.
"Hmmm....", her voice hummed, "--a spot of black would do well with this one..." her own voice answered her question, but it was not her that spoke. She dipped the tip of the brush into the small black puddle of black paint that sat among the colors on the wooden plate and carefully applied a few streaks along the upper top portion on the left and right, There was another pause before her eyes flickered and returned to their scarlet coloring. She observed the new addition to the painting and a smile crossed her lips. "We'll call it....Queen."

(I'll bring McGordon in later on due to there being something specific I have in mind for his introduction, if that is alright with you of course.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Lmao, Forgiven XD. It's cool it's cool! X:P))
((And of course! If you have a plan for action then i'm all for it! :D And also, this is actually a nice setup to for Raechel and Michelle to :P I think we can legit take them a long way. Also i'll probably have the twins be incorporated with Elizabell/Elizabeth somehow.))

After the mess was well enough cleaned up as much as it possibly could for the time being, Raechel flipped on the radio that sat to the side numerous papers that were scattered among the test lazily. She tuned in on a heavy metal station where she relaxed to the electrifying rips of guitars and the heavy hardcore beat of the drums, as well as the screams that were not quite there to compare to the ones in hell but good enough. Because that's what hell did to people. Twist and contort. Flesh you of your name. Of your freedom, and all that you stand for. It tortures you, and burns you at degrees that you would never think was possible without your body reducing to ashes. Home sweet home. She thought sarcastically while nodding her head to the music. She had to admit, if it was one thing that the humans were good at besides being the scum product that they were, it was making good music. Jazz and the Blues were a thing for her for some odd reasons as well, and she somehow appreciated the sound of it. Her eyes drifted over to where there was now a light stain forming on the floor where the brains of Jerry had been blown out, and a smirk came across her face as something came to mind. She had read in the report that had been brought back to her that the little cunt had been heading somewhere east with a smaller group. The group was killed and he was captured yeah, but another portion of the pleasure from turning his brains into paint on the door came from knowing exactly who he had been going to. That same portion of her should have let him lead them right to their little rat hole. But it didn't really matter to her at all because she knew that she would get to them eventually. Although she had never been able to strike like she wanted because one person always stood in her way. "And what will you do now, Miche." She laughed to herself and turned the radio up louder.

((Working on the twins XD))