Random Role Playing Para'Evolution:Humanity

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Apr 20, 2016 at 09:24PM
It might be sort of complicated to explain in a sense XD

Anyways, I pretty much started with humans beginning as what one would call a neanderthal as they slowly progressed from a ape-ish species. But that transition is what I focused on adding a little "oomph" to the most. You see, human beings are hosts to over 300 species of parasitic worms and over 70 species of protozoa in which some were derived from a primate ancestry. Our knowledge of parasitic infections extends into antiquity, and descriptions of parasites and parasitic infections are found in the earliest writings and have been confirmed by the finding of parasites in archaeological material. With that said, what happens as humanity advances in intelligence? Yes, they advance, but their methods of destruction advance as well. Which means that the smarter humankind became, the more destructive of a force of unnatural nature they became which has brought me to this question. How had words come about for humanity? How did ideas for inventions and creations, as well as theatrical conspiracies come to exist? And here's the answer. Parasites. Three types actually. Hand A parasites:The ones that are in humans, Hand B parasites:The ones that are in plants, and Hand C parasites: The ones that are in animals.


9.1 billion years ago, far before the explosion of the star that created our solar system 4.7 years ago, there was intelligence. Intelligence far beyond what would become human comprehension and possible belief. Out in the unforgivable, deathly chill of deep space of the universe, there existed a large portion of rock rifting amount of rock that orbited in a path throughout galaxies. This large portion of asteroid was the remains of a planet that had died and decayed, left to endlessly drift through the darkness of star light vacuum. But within that "rock" also existed billions of living microorganisms called Paratae that were able to survive by very slowly feeding from the asteroids properties, nickel, iridium, palladium, gold, magnesium, osmium, ruthenium, and rhodium, but more so the iron and the nickel. But it also fed from the intelligence that had came from the life the planet that the asteroid they inhabited came from, being that they also evolved at a unsubstantial rate and were able to also feed from the light of stars as they passed them by. The Paratae were able to communicate with one another through a series of continuous signals of vibration that were emitted by the "Mother" Paratae, which was also when the Paratae themselves scheduled itself to feed. While drifting through countless galaxies, the Paratae were able to receive information from many of the surrounding life forms that existed inside those galaxies through the form vibrations. This was able to occur due to continuous vibrant energy that pulsed from the asteroid because of the continuous vibration that the Mother Paratae let off. These vibrations were converted into electromagnetic waves that would flow out to everything that was able to sustain a solid form as and act as a stimulus. The magnetic waves would then bounce back as signals in the forms of transmissions of converted information and to the asteroid as a response all at once even as it moved. This information was then fed back to the Mother and retained and the Paratae would thus continue to use this information to evolve, millions of more times. By this time, the Mother Paratae was intelligent enough to conclude that their source of nutrients and survival would not last forever. It would deteriorate and they would meet certain death, no matter if it were to be billions of years later, or millions. No matter how much of the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole they had, time, they would eventually meet a inevitable end. 900,000 years later, a star exploded just as they were entering the Milky Way Galaxy, sending ripples of sheer power pushing through the stars silently with gifts of debris and subatomic dust. As well as a few larger asteroids, one in which nearly collided with the one that the Paratae were inhabiting. Luckily, it had only grazed it. But that graze meant a shortage on food supply, no matter how small the lost. Another 10.7 billion years later, the Paratae asteroid began to drift upon a planet of blue and green. It contained H20 components:Water, Fe26:Iron, CaMg(CO3)2:Dolomite. Things that they had craved to encounter again. A planet that was 3,959 miles in radius with a Mass of 5.972 x 10^24kg, with a distance of 92.96 million miles away from a star that had a surface temperature of 5,778k, a radius of 432,687 mi, and a absolute magnitude of 4.83, all the information that was essential for studying the planet, for it was inhabited by a reptilian race similar to what they had been analyzed in previous galaxies. Except that they were wild and carnivorous, and overwhelmingly large in size. Nonetheless, they had possibly seen bigger. But what happened next, was what started it all. Their asteroid colliding with the planet.
So basically, the asteroid crashes into the planet and a lot of the microorganisms known as the Paratae are obliterated, but not all of them because they are a species similar to archaebacteria only they were able to survive in ridiculously harsher environments. Their asteroid was the cause of the Dinosaur extinction. But they had taken a heavy blow as well, and was left on the brink of being wiped out until their evolution started on the planet that they would later on call....Earth. The impact had halted their entire evolution and sent them into a deep state of what would be hibernation, their signals of vibration ceasing in motion, and their species scattered throughout the planet. Their further evolution had caused them to become more parasitic, thus they began to use the planet to feed. They thrived off of the catastrophic aftermath. But then the Ice Age would occur and they would retreat under the surface to survive, and the Mother, the source of their information, their intelligence, fell into a frozen state of sleep. As time progressed, the Paratae began to grow into much more than they had started as, and a process of build up was put in progress. They latched themselves into animals and plants alike as harmless bacteria. More time passes, and they continue to die without the guidance of their Mother, so they slept within these Earthly organisms until they finally found the perfect host. The first primitive species that inhabited Earth over 55 million years before present time. And thus, the "conscious" and "subconscious" was born. The thought of creativity and progression. Though these thoughts came into existence as relatively minuscule thoughts, almost non-existing at all until evolution began to enhance them bit by bit. They were able to insert their intelligence into the brains of animals and the nucleus in cells ((only in plants)). Though some of them lost that intelligence over time to nature, the survivors held on to the minds of their primates and set of a system in the mind known to us humans as the subconscious, the subconscious actually being a open communication web for the parasites. Since the Mother Paratae had been in a state of deep sleep, and due to the asteroid crashing, the Paratae themselves had a drop in the rate that they were able to evolve, therefore they evolve slower than before. The surviving microrganisms have delve into deep sleep inside inserted "subconscious" of the brain in a neutral setting to where they can also use the subconscious to unnoticeably and undetectably communicate through the many frequencies that the brain had to offer, even to determine decisions for the late human advancements. Man....that's a lot of info. But moving along, it basically moves on to the evolution of primate-kind to human-kind. The Paratae used the brain of the early primitive species to build upon the world, though they had to make the progression slow being that the human mind wouldn't be able to process the full capacity of their intelligence all at once. So over millions of years, they had to make very slow progression and understanding without the Mother to guide them quicker. This slow progression also caused some more of them to die eventually. This led to there being three types of Paratae. But the Paratae began to loathe humanity because of the way they began to destroy the planet without their guidance and sought to clear the other of the human life form after they were done with them. ((Fun Fact is that out of the billions of Paratae, they all are called by numbers instead of names and can share one each thoughts.))

***None of the parasites are able to reach full mind capacity of the humans because the Mother is missing in action basically.

Hand A: The Paratae parasites that were able to retain some of their intelligence and live in dormant inside the human mind. These parasites are also able to unlock a potential of the human mind at any given moment that could cause mutation and give a normal human a unique abilities. These Paratae are also basically hell bent on finding the host of all hosts for their mother to successfully take over and feed from. They are the alphas of all parasitic life forms on Earth. They are able to stop the human aging process altogether.
Hand B: These Paratae parasites are the ones that have lost their intelligence. Most of these types of parasites reside in animal life, the only actual signs of them being there being the animal's "adaptations".
Hand C: Hand C Paratae are the ones that plants have. They feed from photosynthesis and reside in the earth as well. In the soil, and in the water. These plant-attached parasites would have enough intelligence to keep the Earth's atmosphere balanced through photosynthesis and oxygen/carbon input and output. The human nature is a threat to this however.

So when it comes to how the Paratae effect human life, they actually have a large influence on the human life form, some of which one would not consider. In their neutral state in the human mind, there would be moments where they would "Partially Awake" and create. For example, the pyramids of Egypt would be the handy work of awakening parasites. And the buildings that we see today, also a part of a "Partial Awakening", as it is them who is responsible for the idea. And that works like this. Say there is a decision to where you have infinite ways to go about it, but you need that specific ONE way to continue a quick paced progression. This was something that would have probably taken far longer if it weren't for the Paratae. In a sense to say, they were able to guide Humanity into making a evolutionary decision. Which went from caves for warmth an protection, to later huts and small villages, further on to higher structures. Things to allow humankind to survive. It is in these moments of Partial Awakenings that the Paratae are able to implant bits of their data, their information, into the human mind as thoughts. Subconscious thoughts. They introduce things into the human thought process. Things like buildings would be something that they learned from the more advanced civilizations while drifting through space for such a long time, constantly picking up information. A smaller effect that they have on humankind would be the circular pupil of the eye instead of us having slitted eyes. The pupil is actually the most "Here, in your face" aspect of their existence, mostly because it works as a blind-spot to conceal their existence.

Now the question comes to Mother. The producer, the consumer, and the concluder. Now here's where things get interesting. As stated previously, the Paratae have grown to hate humanity over time because of their destructive waves. They are able to believe that humans, without their guidance, are just highly intelligent animals with a psychological instinct to destroy more than they construct, which they would see as a threat being that these humans are their hosts for starters and that their resources are in danger if being put in peril, roughly putting them in the same situation they were in with the asteroid. Mother, is contains the grand majority if all of the information that they've abstracted. Since this "Mother" is still in a shock-like sleep from the crashing of the asteroid, the Paratae only retained portions of the intelligence. Granted, those portions were fairly useful and still excessively more than the human mind would be able to receive all at once. Now before I further explain Mother and what it's capabilities are, I would like to state that yes, the Paratae despise humanity, but that isn't something that's true for all of them, as they were able to experience thought separately and away from the hive. Which means that there are some that have come to have a general liking for the human race. Now if Mother were to awake, then the Paratae would not only regain all learned information, but also be able to send out a signal that would potentially activate all other Paratae for a process simply called The Beginning, where they would began to cease the human mind as their own and diminish the human brain prior to becoming a highly advanced replica of it in the skull. What would disrupt their complete reign would be the Paratae that rather enjoy the better side of humanity and the things that they had created on their own. Another thing to mention is that there are also fewer Paratae compared to how many there were before the asteroid crash. Still a very large number of them, but still fewer. And without Mother, they are unable to reproduce asexual at their mist efficient rate, also a downside to having a human host. Which means that they would die if Mother would remain in sleep. Another thing is, as the humans bred among civilizations, they began to sort if breed out their parasite, and each time that occurred the Paratae of said host would indeed multiply, but also would reduce the offspring's chances of having a Paratae that could take complete control.

The Paratae do in fact breed. But since they are asexual producers and are forced to sort of adjust to human breeding without Mother, the offspring would be a almost identical copy of the parasite itself, only with a shorter lifespan than the original. When the human dies, the parasite is able to still feed from said deceased body accept at a higher rate, which is my reasoning for the internal organs as well as internal tissues and skin "decaying".

Now it is, in fact, possible for a human to be born and grow old and die without being infected with a parasite because of the chances of them inheriting the parasite to begin with. Granted, the percentage rate of them being able to survive completely without one is fair, being that once two people with Paratae breed and create offspring, it is liable that the genetics of the Paratae could be transferred along with the mixing genes of both human parents therefore weakening the genes of the parasite itself. The weaker versions of the parasites can be referred to as Mediums, being that they would most likely be unable to completely control their host, actually benefiting them for the most. However, they can be "switched off" by more powerful Paratae.

There are also Paratae that aren't able spread throughout the human mind at all, and are gradually smaller than the rest. This is due to them being subjected to TOO MUCH human genetics to where they wouldn't be able to adapt properly. These Paratae can be referred to as Minors. These "Minors" can also be subjected to control by the Mother's signal as well as stronger Paratae, though they are harder to detect in the human brain because of their nearly fragile existence.

Now there is also a dangerously negative side to most, but not all, that are born without a Paratae. Insanity. Mental instability. If one were to be born without the parasite, there are chances that their mental state would end in utter failure, resulting in disorders such as schizophrenia or born with disabilities such as blindness or physical incapabilities because of the lack of order that the Paratae establish once stationed inside a humans mind. n-

.Now when it comes to the more specific interactions between Paratae and humans, the parasites reside in the cerebrum of the brain, the large outer portion responsible for thinking, reading, learning, and speech. Since they would be considered the subconscious anyways, they are able to transfer the data they've retained from their long journey and transfer it into the human thought pattern as information by using the electrical signals that all homosapiens have running through their bodies. They do this by manipulating the electrons that the brain contains and bending/morphing them to where they are able to match frequencies and therefore transfer said information efficiently, though it isn't as easy as it would be with Mother back in the mix. As for how they are able to adjust the gene sequences for physical evolution, its simple. With access to the overall gene pool of both primal apes and humans, as well as mostly every other species on the planet, they are able to tap into genetic information more so with humans than with animals or plants.

And now....they're waking up.
{Paratae Hiearchy}

Wholesomes: Paratae that are able to take full control of their host once powerful enough. Some can take over their host instantly as they grow through the human brain's cerebellum and eventually over the brain itself.

Mediums: Paratae that aren't able to take over their hosts due to them being weakened by human genetics. They are able to unlock portions of the human mind that allow sharpened instincts or enhanced strength. These parasites are also able to communicate with their host telekinetically.

Minors: These are the weakest generation of the parasites/Paratae in the human mind, the ones who have nearly been bred from the human cycle of mind. They can be subjected to Control, and aren't really capable of communicating with their host. These parasites are mostly stuck on neutral but have been Awake the entire time, but give their hosts a higher than average boost in strength and agility when adrenaline kicks in. They also provide as minor sense boosters for a host that has a well trained mind.

{ Important Terms To Know}

Awakening: The term used for a Paratae that has become conscious inside of its host.

Switching Off: The ability to disrupt the frequencies between Paratae and Host, therefore severing the connections that would enhance any self-ability of the host.

Signals: The frequencies by which Paratae are able to communicate with each other, as well as humans. These signals are able to disrupt and or cut off weaker signals and can be used to locate other Paratae.

Hacking: The process in which the Paratae begins to take over their hosts mind.

Resistance: The level/percentage in which the host is able to resist the parasite's takeover/control.

The Beginning: The event in which the Mother awakes and sends a powerful signal that would enable the Paratae to regain the full extent of their intelligence to cease the human mind as their own and diminish the human brain prior to becoming a highly advanced replica of it in the skull.

Epiphany: The state in which the Paratae have successfully gained complete control of their host's body and unlocked the full potential of the new brain that they would become after The Beginning.They will have abilities beyond comprehension.
I'll try it a little different this time and just say fuck the character sheets XD Just state whether or not your character(s) will be totally taken over by the parasite or able to fight back ((Resistance Level)) . OR, if they're one of those humans who've managed to get a much weaker parasite ((Mediums)) or don't have one at all. Basically the Ranking of the Paratae. So basically the Oh, and the number that the Paratae is referred as.

Here's a small guidline for Paratae characters already in control of their host:
Parasite Number:
Hierarchy Level: ((Wholesome))
Host Name:
Current Hacking Percentage:


Jeffery Coleman-[Host:Yes/Paratae Hierarchy:Medium/ Paratae Status:Alseep(Neutral)/ Current Resistance:100%/ Parasite Number: 05-99]
Parasite 76-23-[Host:Blake Porter/ Wholesome Level/ Current "Hacking" Percentage: 33%]

Catherine Major-[Host:Yes/ Paratae Hierarchy:Wholsome/ Paratae Status:Partially Awake/Current Resistance: 73%/ Parasite Number:36-82]

Judison Valentine-[Host/ Paratae Hierarchy:Minor/ Paratae Status: Neutrally Awake/ Current Resistance: 100%(N/A)]
Parasite 87-46-[Host:Nelsa Briggens/ Wholesome Level/ Current "Hacking" Percentage:32%]

[b]It might be sort of complicated to explain in a sense XD 

Anyways, I pretty much started with h
last edited on May 14, 2016 at 06:00PM

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