Random Role Playing Aruigar

BanetteGhosneir posted on May 08, 2016 at 12:51PM
well, first of, Sorry for not being so active, 2nd off, thanks to who ever did that last second vote to make 1 selection more than the other, it would be very hard to do Monsters and Demons part and not part of society.


Welcome to Aruigar, a newly made city in Western Australia, the year is 4022.
and, as the vote would suggest, there are 2 more races added to the planet, Demons and Monsters, don't be fooled by the names, they're not all that bad, the hardest part is telling Demons apart from Monsters, since both come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colours ect.

In society Demons and Monsters do alot of jobs better than normal humans, which is kinda bad i guess. not for the employers though.

how did monsters and demons come to be?
well, first it started off as a sort of disease, a mutation in the human gene caused from 2 different sources, Monsters came from a human experiment to try and splice a human and animal, over 300 test subjects were made, and plenty of them escaped, and raped, process repeated and bam, large number of monsters. you got all sorts, from Snake people to Bird people.

as for Demons, an entire cult city in 3271 did a mass ritual suicide, the single remaining survivor was turned into a demon, conquered a country and reproduced, demon babies were made, process repeated so to create the Demon homeland Cural, once known as India. demons spread out and melded into society, only for monsters to follow 350 years after.

so, you have today, Monsters and Demons living along side Humans, though that doesn't mean they get along well. Crimes are still going and it's even harder now with alot of criminals being Demons.

well, now i'm rambling on too much, this is your city. your story, write it as you go, make golden history or just be more black words in the book of this world, that's for you to make.

have fun kids.


1: you can be Demon, Monster or Human, no Angels.

2: Demons do have powers like Mind Control or flight, but Demons are VERY weak in direct sunlight, not like vampires but their powers don't work so well, so if you're a demon that can fly, i suggest flying only at night.

3: i don't know why there'd be fighting in this, unless you're a criminal or Cop, but no godmodding. if it's something like jumping off a cliff it's fine, but for fights, nope.

4: you can make up stuff as you go, but try not to break other people's lore please.

5: no time/space control, that shit just ruins roleplays.

6: Monsters aren't just limited to animals, allright? Giants work too and mythical things like Dullahans, but be creative please, i see vampires and werewolves all day everyday, make something unique, make something that could genuinely scare the shit out of me.

7: Swearing is A-OK, but don't go overboard.

8: Humans can have some tech to counter monsters, and some magic-type things to counter Demons, but you won't need this crap unless you're police or criminals. allright? (or school teachers in case of a raging demon/monster)

9: Demons don't live for millennia, these demons aren't pure demons from hell, they're essentially Nephilim, allright? a Nephilim's maximum lifespan is 240-250 years, no more.

10: Same with Monsters, they don't live for bloody ages, they're humans with different genes. Monsters live for roughly 160-180 years.


[===][Character Sheet][===]

[[b]Name[/b]][Put name here]


[[b]Age[/b]][Put age here]

[[b]Gender[/b]][Male/Female(this is essentially which genitalia they have, i don't care what they 'identify' as, if they're a monster that can change gender then just put 'both')]

[[b]Biography[/b]][this should be obvious]



Guruha Makura - Giant - Banette

Oni - Nephilim - Banette

well, first of, Sorry for not being so active, 2nd off, thanks to who ever did that last second vote
last edited on May 08, 2016 at 09:57PM

Random Role Playing 2 replies

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over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
[Name][Guruha Makura]

[Race][Monster - Giant]



Guruha, or 'Guru' for short, is a Rock Giant, Giants are well known for their strength, size and craftsmanship with metal and rocks, Guru's giant type is a Crystalline type, meaning she is a Giant with a body like rock, as you can see from her legs.

Guru growing up was easy to notice, being a giant n' all, currently she stands at 2.6 meters tall(8'5") and will continue to grow to 3 meters at 34, and 5 meters at 42, till she reaches an average giant's height of about 8 to 10 meters tall at 70.

so, as i was saying, she didn't do so well in school, math was fine, science was okay in chemistry and geography with geology, she didn't do so well in astrology, English was a tad hard for her too, but now she works with both Miners and Engineers.

her eye does glow like that, yes.

her right side of her face is rock, like her legs and bits of her arms.

she doesn't wear shoes, she don't need to.

she has no depth perception, since her face has rock on it.
the top of her head too.
[[b]Name[/b]][Guruha Makura] 

[[b]Race[/b]][Monster - Giant] 


over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
[Name] [Oni]

[Race] [Demon - Nephilim]

[Age] [198]


Oni, a famous criminal, don't be fooled by his name, that's not his actual name, and what you see in the picture is what they used to seal him away once, Oni doesn't have horns or anything demon-looking on him, but he is a demon, plenty capable of havoc.

oh, and that 'once' is the only time they've sealed him, cause that's all that's been happening, he's been sealed for over 20 years, rumours going around that he's gunna escape soon, but the police don't listen, they think all he can do with those charms around and that seal on his face is play that shamisen.

oh-ho-ho how wrong are they.


Oni is a Nephilim, that's his demon type, that just means he looks human, but is actually a demon, he can do a few things, fly, mind control, go through walls, and even cause mass illusions, he has a special little trait too, he can cause a siren's call from his mouth. or that's what he calls it.

his Siren's Call entrances the weak willed into a blood-crazed murder spree, with that seal on his face he can't even open his mouth, all he can do is move his fingers. his face is stuck in that smile of his.
[[b]Name[/b]] [Oni] 

[[b]Race[/b]] [Demon - Nephilim] 

[[b]Age[/b]] [198] 
