Random Role Playing Light and Dark

Kat-chan posted on May 29, 2016 at 12:40AM
There are some people in this world who have talents that most people can only dream about. These people are called Lights.

Most people know nothing of the existence of Lights. These people are called Darks. There are also Dims, who know of Lights and yet are normal. Most Dims ignore Lights or fear them. However, there is a group of Dims known as The Masquerade who do neither of these things.

The Masquerade are a group of Dims dedicated to capturing Lights, supposedly for the safety of society. Once the Lights are in their possession, they are put through countless tests, most of which are neither safe nor humane.

Some Lights have managed to avoid detection by The Masquerade. Others have been captured but escaped. Most are still in their keeping. Many Lights both outside and inside The Masquerade formed a secret group known as The Shaded who plot to Overthrow The Masquerade and free the Lights.

And what about you? Where does your allegiance stand?

Fill out:

Light, Dark or Dim:
If Light, abilities:
If Light or Dim, weapon (optional):
Organization: (Masquerade, Shaded, none or Other)

Random Role Playing 208 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 208

over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
((This sounds awesome, Kat-chan!!! Definitely joining! When you say the lights have abilities what exactly do you mean?))
Kat-chan commented…
As in powers. I'll add my characters in a few hours, if you want a point of reference over a year ago
Firebird06721 commented…
((Perfect thanks)) over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Name: Emily Vantas
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Light, Dark or Dim: Light
If Light, abilities: Illusions (visual, auditory, emotional and physical)
If Light or Dim, weapon (optional): Dual daggers
Organization: Shaded
Appearance: pic
Bio: Child of a Dim and a Light. The Light, her mother, was taken into captivity when she was about 5. Her father, the Dim, was killed not long after. She has lived on her own ever since.
Name: Emily Vantas
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Light, Dark or Dim: Light 
If Light, abilities: Illusio
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Name: Elliot Lidell
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Light, Dark or Dim: Light (in captivity)
If Light, abilities: Flight and causes pain by looking at someone
If Light or Dim, weapon (optional): NA
Organization: Shaded
Appearance: pic
Bio: He was 'bred' by the Masquerade and has been raised in captivity his entire life. Hating it and longing to be free, he leads the Shaded from the inside.
Other: He is almost always blindfolded. The Masquerade does this to stop him from using his abilities when they're around.
Name: Elliot Lidell 
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Light, Dark or Dim: Light (in captivity)
If Light, abil
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Name: Alice Rix
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Light, Dark or Dim: Dim
If Light or Dim, weapon (optional): Pistol, though she's not much of a fighter
Organization: Masquerade
Appearance: pic
Bio: Was raised to think that Lights were evil and hates them with a passion. Her mother was killed by a Light.
Other: Daughter of the leader of The Masquerade, and therefor has certain privileges.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Alice Rix 
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Light, Dark or Dim: Dim 
If Light or Dim, weapon (optiona
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
Name: Aeo Shadow
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Light, Dark or Dim: Light

If Light, abilities: She can control air, and turn into wind at will.

If Light or Dim, weapon (optional): a shit ton of pairs of scissors

Organisation: None (as of yet)

Appearance: pic

Bio: She’s the daughter of the creators of the Shaded, however her parents didn’t want her to be affiliated with the group out of fear she’d be targeted - she doesn’t even know it exists. So, when her parents were killed by the Masquerade, she has no clue what happened - she just sees on the news that they were murdered and was pissed. So now, she just low-key tries to find out who killed them and why, always coming so close to unveiling the truth of her heritage, but never quite realising. Yet.

Other: tbc
Name: Aeo Shadow
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Light, Dark or Dim: Light

If Light, abilities: She ca
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Name: Arden Rix
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Light, Dark or Dim: Part Light part Dim
If Light, abilities: Shapeshifting, but he cannot shift entirely. He is also able to take the characteristics of animals
If Light or Dim, weapon (optional): A two bladed sword is kept at his side in case of emergency
Organization: The Masquerade
Appearance: pic
Bio: The eldest son of the leader of The Masquerade, his mother one of the first few Lights captured and imprisoned, his father admired her beauty and he'd visit her everyday, his persistence softened her heart, the two fell in love against the odds. She gave birth to Arden not long after and she was overjoyed, but not his father, as he was given the task to eliminate her in order to prove his loyalty to The Masquerade. Cold heartedly, he did just so; he returned to the organization along with baby Arden and claim his title as the new leader.
Arden grew up understanding his future responsibilities: to capture Lights as they are powerful and unpredictable. He became cruel and heartless, shadowing his father's every footstep. He wanted to be just like the old man... No.. He wanted to be better.
•During a mission, Arden found a lone wolf pup hiding in a bush, at first they were going to hunt it for sport, but something about it caught Arden's attention. He brought it home and raised it his own, he named it 'Grey' after its grey pelt, they're almost inseparable.
•Arden's right eye got taken out after a tough fight with some Lights, he wears an eyepatch to cover the shame of his first lost battle.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Arden Rix
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Light, Dark or Dim: Part Light part Dim
If Light, abilities:
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
((Okay, let's begin!))

Emily sat in her favourite cafe, a cup of coffee sitting barely touched in front of her. It was a nice little place; not too big, not too noisy. And it definitely served the best coffee that she had ever had. But she wasn't here for that today. Tody, she just needed somewhere to think.

It had been too long since the last Shaded meeting. Confuson was still high after the loss of their founders and old leaders. She had stepped up as a temporary replacement in their absence, but it was difficult trying to calm the panic and confusion. She needed to figure out how to get things back on track.


Elliot sat silently in the corner of his dirty cell. He had another headache - that was the only time that he was ever completely silent. He wasn't sure if he got them as a result of his powers, or simply because of the blindfold tied around his head. Whatever the reason, he could hardly even think when he was like this. So, for now, he just had to sit and try to cope with the pain.


Alice was in the security surveillance room at Masquerade headquarters, peering over her glasses at the footage of those monsters in their cells. Good. They seemed well behaved today, for the most part.

Pushing her glasses back up her nose, she strode out of the room, blowing a bubble with her gum. There was some sort of meeting today. She hadn't paid much attention to the details. The only reason she was even bothering to go was to ensure that her half-brother didn't run it by himself. The thought alone had her fighting her instinct to scowl. She didn't trust him.
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
Name: ??? [Called as Subject 001 or king of weoponry, Kuro]
Age: ???
Gender: male
Light, Dark or Dim: light [captured]
If Light, abilities: he can spawn countless swords
If Light or Dim, weapon (optional): his tails and the swords he spawn
Organization: none
Appearance: pic, [his skin is extremely rigid]
Bio: ???
Other: he is temporarily stuck in his form, his real looks are unknown, the only people that knows his tru looks are the scientists that made him stuck in his form
Name: ??? [Called as Subject 001 or king of weoponry, Kuro]
Age: ???
Gender: male
Light, Dark or D
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
Aeo sighed as she woke up, and got herself ready to face the day- after all, another day another chance to learn about what the actual fuck caused her parents to get murdered, and more importantly by whom. So far she hasn't been able to find anything - she feels like she always gets so close, but there's always something holding her back or stopping her from finding out the truth.

Aeo goes over to the window of the extremely isolated penthouse she lived in - she counts her lucky stars that it's owned completely by her parents, and now her as she's an only child, so she doesn't have to worry about finances or where she has to live. The penthouse is isolated from the rest of the building, as it doesn't seem to actually exist to outsiders- one has to be invited in, in order to even see it and even then once people leave, if they aren't keyed in as 'allowed to return' they no longer see it and forgets it exists- it was completely shaded from view. When Aeo had first questioned her parents long long ago about why their house was like this, they had told her that it was because they were all special, they were something called 'lights', which is why they have the powers that they do, and because of this people would try and harm them. Aeo didn't totally believe that any of them would come into harm, but accepted the explanation on her parent's behalf and never questioned or went against it - but honestly, her mother was a lawyer and father a doctor, totally normal professions nothing that screamed 'Light', it was hard to imagine anyone viewing them as threats for something they had no control over. She believes them now, but as the saying goes "too little too late".

She hops up onto the window sill, and ties her bright blue hair back into a high ponytail, blowing her bangs from her face - thankfully because of her age people think that her hair is dyed, even though it grows like that naturally from her head - and then manipulates the wind to bring over her messenger bag. With that firmly secured, she hops out of the window, allowing the winds to gently carry her down, turning into air herself as she came closer to the ground in order to escape from anyone's eyesight. She in her air form manoeuvred into a deserted alley and let herself become corporeal once more, checking herself over to ensure that nothing was still in air form, then exited the alley, casually joining the crowds.

She checked her phone for the time and decided it was far too early to do anything yet, especially since sleep still crowded her vision, so she ducked into a nearby cafe - it was nice, not too big, not too noisy, with only a few people in it. She went to the barista and ordered her usual caramel macchiato, before sitting down at seat nearby the window, with her back to the wall and her eyes on the door and looking out the glass. She always preferred seats by windows, or other sources of open air flow, but having your parents brutally murdered with the murderer still out on the loose makes one a bit paranoid.

She takes another look around before sipping her drink and closing her eyes. It's far too early to think, but she needs to figure out what to do next.
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
"Careful in there the subject is aggressive, we only need a drop of blod nothing more othing less" Kuro heard as the lights inside his cage went on blinding him, with a small growl the scientists approached him with elephant rifes and shotguns, he went into the ceiling and broke the lights causing the entire room to be dark. "Turn on your flashlights" the man behind the one way mirror ordered, the scientists did what they are told.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Emily glanced up as another girl entered the cafe, doing a double take when she saw who the girl was. It couldn't be, right? But it looked just like her...

The founders of Shaded had had a daughter, one who they hadn't wanted to get involved with any of this. Every member of Shaded had been expressly forbidden to even speak about it in her area. Most of them hadn't even seen her before, in fact. But Emily had seen pictures. There was no doubt about it. This was definitely Aeo.

She hesitated for a moment. Would it be a good idea to approach Aeo? Did she know anything about any of this? Probably not. But her parents had been killed by Masquerade, and she deserved to know the truth. More importantly, she might help to calm the confusion in Shaded, and take down Masquerade once and for all...
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
Aeo rubbed her temples, she wasn't sure exactly what she could do but maybe go back the police station and rifle through their documents again, but she did that yesterday and there wasn't much that was useful. She pouted to herself, who knew catching a murderer (or murderers) would be this hard! Especially when she can literally turn into and manipulate air! The tv shows always made it look so simple...

She sighed to herself, then shook her head to get herself out of the funk she found herself in. Getting frustrated wouldn't help anything. She took another sip of her drink, before checking her permitter once more. Aeo's eyes wandered past the window, to the door, then casually around the cafe, before she noticed that there was someone staring at her, another customer of the cafe. She looked more confused than out for blood, so instead of immediately leaving Aeo just quirked an eyebrow at her.

Aeo knew she should be more careful, but goddamit she hasn't been able to sit down and relax while drinking coffee in a while, and she wants to savour it. What was the woman's deal anyways, never seen someone with dark skin and blue hair? Did she see Aeo sighing and mumbling to herself and started worrying about her sanity? 'Cuz if that's the case', Aeo thought to herself, 'me too lady, me too." And took another swig of her drink, still looking at the lady with an eyebrow raised.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Emily didn't break eye-contact when Aeo - she was sure it was Aeo - looked her way. She had made up her mind. Talk to her, see how much she knew, then clue her in. Maybe she'd even be able to convince her to join Shaded.

She finished her own coffee and stood, crossing the cafe and sitting in the chair across from Aeo, not smiling. This wasn't exactly a happy occassion. "Hello." she greeted somewhat uncomfortably. "Sorry for staring; it's just that you look terribly familiar." Of course, she couldn't just plunge into the whole explanation of peole with powers and secret organizations and all that. She had to see how much the girl knew first.
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
As the scientists circled in order to prevent Kuro from taking one of them. "I see him!" A scientist yelled as he shot his elephant gun, he missed, miserably. "Kuro isn't like this the last time we did this, is he learning? Or evolving?" Another scientist said nervously. Then on of them got dragged into the darkness that surrounds them, "RICK!!" One of the scientists yelled as on of them got dragged into the ceiling and got his limbs torn off. "Dammit!" The scientists yelled as they opened fire. Kuro used the darkness to move around dodging any bullet that the scientists fire.
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
Aeo's second eyebrow joined her first in raising, as the woman actually came to sit by her. She puts down her coffee and says, "Well, I'd say that I get that a lot, but I don't. People usually recognise a dark skinned girl with bright blue hair, so I don't get mistaken for others very often. I certainly don't know you, at least I don't think so, forgive me if I've forgotten, things have gotten a bit...hectic for me as of late, so my head's not completely screwed on."
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Emliy nodded, understanding. So Aeo's parents hadn't said anything about her. Made sense. HOw would they explain who she was. "Of course. Maybe I was mistaken, then. My name's Emily Vantas." she introduced. "And you are?"
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
Aeo tilted her head a bit, staring at the woman, silently assessing her like Aeo's parents taught her how to- her parents used to do it to everyone before they answered questions, and ensured to teach Aeo the little trick, though it never truly came quite as in handy as it did after their death. Aeo decided that so far, this woman seemed okay - no twitches, or nervous looks, or any sort of hidden anger or hate -, and gave her a small, but genuine smile, "I'm Aeo Shadow, pleasure."
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Emily smiled, almost victoriously. She seemed to have passed the test of trustworthiness. Now it was time to try to find out how much her parents had told her. The real digging began now. "Shadow? Ah, so that's where I know you from! I worked quite closely with your parents. They used to show me pictures of you, so I guess that's why you look so familiar."
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Arden sat quietly at the head of the table with an elbow on the armrest, his good eye was closed and his head was supported by his index finger as well as his middle finger against his temple. No one dared to speak, they were frightened by the aura he was giving off. "How long have we waited?" Arden finally broke the silence. "22 Minutes, Mr Rix." The young woman standing next him said in a soft voice, gazing down at her watch, she is Arden's trusty assistant - Rosaline . "We will just start without her. Dr Stevenson, would you like to show us your findings?" Arden gestured towards the screen on the other end of the room. A middle aged man in a gold trimmed lab coat stood up and headed for the screen with a large suitcase in his one hand and a small transparent container with a white lab rat in the other.

Once Oliver Stevenson was on the other side, he looked up with a confident grin on his face. "So, as most of your would know, I have been inactive for a couple of months now, some even rumored that I was killed. But no, I have been inactive due to a secret project I was working on: Formula 94. Now, the idea I had in mind was to have the ability of the Lights materialize so that it could be extracted. And that is exactly what Formula 94 does. However, the testing has not gone pass it's lab rat stages yet, but I shall demonstrate what it can do as of now as a potential investment." Dr Stevenson unlocks the suitcase and selects a syringe with the thinnest needle, he extracted some purple liquid out of a small container using the syringe, then he took the white mouse out of its container, just as he was about to inject the liquid into the mouse, he was stopped by Arden's raise of hand.

"It seems that a problem has occurred in cell 0273." Rosa whispered into Arden's ear. "So?" He seemed uninterested. "He has taken down several of our valued scientists." She continues. "Send a few guards down and take care of the situation, they shouldn't bother me with things like that." He waved his hand in annoyance. "I do not think a few guards would do. It is Subject 001, the one that you obtained, sir." Rosa replied, Arden's eye finally opened. He stood up and gave his body a good stretch, Rosa handed his double bladed sword to him once he was done. "Sorry folks, we will have to end the meeting here today; Dr Stevenson, i would like Formula 94 to reach its maximum potential in one month time, I have very high hopes in its successfulness." Oliver Stevenson swallowed, "Of course, I'll get on with it right away."

"Good." Arden nodded, then he looked down at Grey. "Now, shall we go and sort out the little trouble maker?" Grey growled, his paws shuffling restlessly underneath him, he had been waiting all day for some action. "Let's get going then." Arden exited the meeting room and headed to cell 0273 with Grey trotting behind him.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Alice arrived at the doors of the meeting room just as Arden exited through them, closely followed by Grey. Frowning, she spun on her heel, heading in the same direction they were walking. "Where the hell are you going?" she hissed in question. "You didn't have the meeting without me, did you?"
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
The smile quickly fell from Aeo's face, and she looked the woman - 'Emily' -, up and down distrustfully. "Forgive me if I'm wrong or come off rude but - worked with my parents? You don't seem like a doctor, nor a lawyer, and my parents certainly never mentioned an 'Emily' to me." Aeo crossed her arms, and guesstimated how quickly she could leave if things went bad. However, she didn't move just as yet- this is new info on her parents after all, whether the woman was telling the truth or not, she somehow knew them, and that was more than enough to have Aeo stay seated.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
The smile faded from Emily's face. "Oh. So they didn't tell you." she said quietly. Of course, it had been too much to hope for. She knew that they hadn't wanted Aeo to get involved in any of this, so it only made sense that they wouldn't have told her about Shaded. But she had to at least know about Lights, right?

"Sorry, I worked with them on an outside poject. Not that kind of work." She shrugged it off. "Your parents and I had a couple of things in common. A few...special talents." she said, hoping Aeo would get the message.
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
Some heavily guarded guards entered the room, they see nothing but the stench of blood, they point their lights at one corner and saw Kuro ripping a scientist in half, the door closed and the guards are trapped within the cell, "we have armor!" A guard yelled and rushed to Kuro, in a single swipe. Their abdomens are ripped into two peircing through the armor and into their stomachs, Kuro started ripping out his scaly jet black skin, making a horrible sight.
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"What? You think we were going to wait forever for your majesty's arrival?" Arden said without looking. "Besides, a mere child shouldn't be allowed to attend these meetings, father should have kept you in school."
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Alice's hands clenched into fists. "I am not a child." she snapped angrily. "You're only two years older than me, so quit acting like you know everything. And especially stop acting like you're better than me. You're barely even human, you half-breed freak."
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"What did you say?" Arden came to a stop, his brows furrowed. "You wanna repeat that, princess?" He wrapped a hand around Alice's neck and lifted her up against the wall. "'Half-breed freak', huh? You know who else said that to me once upon a time? Your mother. And guess what happened to her." He leaned forward and whispered into her ear.

(Ok, well, Arden didn't actually kill her mother, as you said, she was killed by a Light. He's just just being an asshole)
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
After Kuro scratched and clawed his skin, the rigid skin brok down revealing a man with white and black hair, the only thing wierd about him is that he has the same ability as Kuro, the scientist behind the one way mirror stood in awe, "my name is Shiro" the man spoke. "W-what" The scientist said as he froze in his feet, "I am the second person inside the original, I'm born to protect him." Shiro said as he slashes open the mirror with a sword he spawned, "and everyone in this place is guilty" Shiro said as his face slowly turned dark.
After Kuro scratched and clawed his skin, the rigid skin brok down revealing a man with white and bla
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Alice clawed at his hand, gasping for air, but her eyes when she looked at him held no fear. Only unspeakable hatred. She'd kill him one day. She would, even if it was the last thing she ever did.
over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
"Word of warning, don't piss me off again, otherwise I'll make your days in this place hell." Arden freed his grip, just as Rosaline came running towards them. "Mr Rix... Uh.." She stopped mid-sentence and looked down at Alice with concern, then continued. "we lost communication with 4 of the guards sent to Subject 001. Must I call for back up?" Arden shook his head and replied. "I will go alone. Oh, and Rosa, make sure this one doesn't get in my way." He pointed at Alice, then kept following Grey towards the smell of blood. "Of course, sir." She nodded, and helped Alice up. "Come with me miss, we'll get that patched up for you." Rosa sighed as she examined the cuts on Alice's neck, most likely created by Arden's nails.

As they approached testing room, Grey's growl grew more and more aggressive to the heavy scent of blood, Arden could smell it as well since the door was left ajar. "Stay here, Grey. And don't come in." He gave his loyal companion a pat on the head, Grey sat down unwillingly. Arden stepped into the lab and found the one way mirror slashed open, Dr Kim backed up against the wall looking terrified and an unfamiliar figure. "Get out of here! Quickly!" He jumped in between the scientist and the figure, Dr Kim hesitated, but knowing that he would be of no use in this situation, he made a run for the door.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Alice threw one last glare at Arden as he walked away, then turned and headed in the opposite direction. "It's perfectly fine. I can take care of it myself." she insisted as she strode away.
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
"Ara? Running?" Shiro said as he suddenly appeared in front of the door, putting his hand on Dr. Kim's face and a sword suddenly appeared, killing him. He then noticed Arden, "and what would the man who made us doing here?" He asked as the sword disappeared, "I'm sorry but "ao" is wanting go go out, I must get out before he uses this body and destroy it." Shiro said as he suddenly went past Arden, "if you want to know where is Kuro, he's sleeping."
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
Aeo's eyes widened in understanding, then squinted at Emily once more, after all this entire thing could be a set-up. "Yes, my parents were very... special. Smart beyond their years, which i suppose you have to be to be a doctor or lawyer. They were always really kind, however. What sorta specialities you got? Anything that can spread a little light on this whole situation?"

Aeo placed slight emphasis on the word light, before sipping her drink. If Emily knew anything, and was actually friends with her parents, then she should hopefully pick up on it.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( should I be a light? Or a dim assassin? ))
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
((Light? I need someone to help my char. To escape))
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Name: Dao Chen
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Light, Dark or Dim: Light
If Light, abilities: Invisibility, Silent Movement
If Light or Dim, weapon (optional): Dual Han Jian Swords
Organization: Shaded
Appearance: Picture, white hair
Bio: Hired man for the Shaded, helps whenever call upon and payed.
Other: known as the White Death.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Dao Chen
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Light, Dark or Dim: Light
If Light, abilities: Invisibility,
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(Grip and case of the the Yang sword made from pure ivory with black leather, and they Grip and case of the Yin Sword is obsidian with pure white cow hide)
(Grip and case of the the Yang sword made from pure ivory with black leather, and they Grip and case
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Emily nodded ever so slightly. So Aeo did know about Lights, at the very least. "A few." She traced a message onto the table with one finger, while focusing her abilities on a two pronged illusion. For Aeo, a black line would be following Emily's finger, spelling out the message ONE OF US? For anyone else in the cafe who happened to glance there way, there was no message at all. In fact, it would appear to them that Emily's hads weren't even on the table, but under it. It was difficult to split her attention to create two illusions, but she had had time to practice.

She felt the need to ensure that Aeo was, indeed, a Light. While it wasn't common, it was possible for two Lights to have a child with no powers what-so-ever. Though Emily doubted that was the case with Aeo - her parents had both been quite powerful, after all - it was still a possibility she had to consider. This girl would be nearly useless if she was powerless.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
The White Death had been waiting in the Dark Hallway, watching and waiting for an opportunity to help Kuro escape. He let his personal cloaking cover him as he had so many times entering the facility. His "Natural Skillset" allowed him to be able to monitor the lights in captivity, and see how he could help them be free. He had overseen the debacle between Alice and Arden, which he chuckled at, his power of being silent to others in his invisible state made his job so much easier, his weapons even unsheathed silently when he saw Arden go into the room, but now he was face with the challenge of getting pasted the real wolf in the room.
last edited over a year ago
Tiger_gaming commented…
Kuro and shiro is the same person over a year ago
Hades_Shadow commented…
Fixed it. over a year ago
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
Aeo nearly choked on her drink as she saw Emily spell out a message in thin air. She quickly glanced around the cafe, and saw that no one was noticing what she was seeing, so she turned back to Emily and winked, summoning a strong, but not overly noteworthy, wind that came out of nowhere, slamming open the windows and messing up Emily's hair - though Aeo's hair remained untouched despite her being closer to the window. Aeo allowed a smile to grace her lips, and said, "What do you think?"

So maaaaaybe the wind messing up Emily's hair was slight payback for startling Aeo. No one could prove anything.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Dao runs full speed at the door, and does a front flip over the wolf into the room where the chaos is ensuing. He takes a big breath before walking into the room.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Emily didn't even mind the messy hair. She let it float wildly around her face as she broke into a grin. "I knew it. I knew you would be. Oh, this is perfect!" She tried to calm down at not let her excitement get the best of her. Aeo didn't even know about Shaded or Masquerade; there was no guarentee she'd agree to join them. Still, this was a good first step.

She glanced around the cafe to ensure no one was paying attention then, satisfied, leaned forward slightly, lowering her voice. "Now that we can stop tip-toeing around the matter at hand...your parents never told you anything about Shaded, did they?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
Aeo grinned at Emily's enthusiasm, before tilting her head and furrowing her eyebrows, "Shaded? No that was never mentioned, is it important? Connected to their deaths at all?"

Aeo was low-key excited, though she tried not to show it - this was the biggest lead she'd gotten in a long ass time! Not to mention, another light!
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
The smile faded from Emily's face. Now was the serious part. She nodded slightly. "In a manner of speaking, yes." she confessed. "Shaded is a group of Lights. It was founded by your parents years back, and it was run by them up until recently. We were formed to stop a group of people who call themselves 'Masquerade', an organization which captures and kills Lights. If we look at how it's gone down in the past, it's likely that someone from Masquerade killed your parents."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Upon entering the room Dao noticed Kuro and Arden, he tries seeing what will transpire, all the while getting close behind Arden in case things get out of hand.
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
A large gust of wind came in and blew customers drinks over, even Aeo's drink wasn't safe and the wind whipped her hair, before she forced herself to calm down. "So, you're saying that my parents were secretly the founders and leaders of a super powerful, Light-only organisation called the Shaded, which they have never ever mentioned to me, and that the Shaded has an arch-rival organisation called the Masquerade, who I'm guessing is all non-light people who hate lights, and who I have also never heard of before, and people from this enemy organisation killed my parents?"

Aeo let that information settle in her head, before she blinked and then shrugged, "Yeah, seems like something my parents would get themselves into. The real question is, is the Masquerade already destroyed, or do I get the pleasure of doing so?"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Emily frowned slightly. Maybe she shouldn't have dumped everything on her at once. It might have been a bit much to take in.

"Masquerade is still around. We're trying to fix that." Emily responded casually. "Though, you did get one tiny detail wrong. Masquerade isn't all non-Lights. At least, there are rumors that they have a few lights working on their side. I'm not sure how true that is, though."
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
"That doesn't make any sense though, if they hate us why work with us?...Curiouser and curiouser. So, what's the plan of action now?" Aeo asked.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"I can only asssume they work with us because they recognize our supirior skills." Emily bragged, smirking, before shaking her head slightly. "Right now, there is no 'plan of action'. Shaded pretty much fell apart after your parents passed. Sorry about that, by the way. They were good people."
over a year ago Beckie545 said…
"Yes, they really were." Aeo glanced down at the table, taking a moment of silence before clearing her throat. "So, do you guys have like a base I can snoop around in? Am i going to ever see the Shaded? Because, despite my parent's wishes, i am involved now, and there's no way to undo that. Unless you have a light that erases memories, and in that case - 1. that's super cool, and 2. hell no."
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Emily shrugged. "For the time being, no one can erase memories. I think." she paused. "We do have a base, but there's a lot of chaos right now. Everyone's scared, and confused. I was actually kind of hoping...well, I was hoping that seeing you might give them a boost in spirits."