Random Role Playing HOTEL VALHALLA - Hall of Heroes [OPEN]

Hades_Shadow posted on Oct 17, 2016 at 06:16PM
HOTEL VALHALLA - Halls of Heroes

Welcome Mortal! Odin himself invites you to the Halls of Valhalla! Well, he would if he was here, hence why I am greeting you instead. Now if you are here, more than likely you are dead. We will consult our records to see if the Valkyrie have checked you in. Here is the afterlife for those who died with bravery and valor. This is a realm where the Einherjar, which is you, if you are dead that is, will practice combat and battle until the day of Ragnarok. Death is common here, and you will resurrect hours later in your room when you do. Now head to the front desk to talk with Helgi about your arrangement, and make sure you get a Minibar Key!


Einherjar (Sin. Einherji) - Great heroes who have died with bravery on Earth; soldiers in Odin's eternal army; they train in Valhalla for Ragnarök, when the bravest of them will join Odin against Loki and the giants in the battle at the end of the world. Einherjar live in Hotel Valhalla, where they train on a daily basis for Ragnarök. They don't age after they have been brought to Valhalla and cannot be permanently killed when they are in Valhalla, but they are resurrected a few hours after they are killed.

Valkyrie - one of Odin's female hand maidens who choose slain heroes to bring to Valhalla and become Einherjar. While in Valhalla the Valkyries serve the einherjar at meals, and consider it a great honor to do so.


1. No Godmodding. Demigod abilities are alright, but remember to not be invincible/impossible to hit, control others characters without their permission, and the like.
2. You may kill any NPC in the hotel, and if given permission you can kill other players. Outside the hotel talk to me if you want to kill named NPCs
3. Keep swearing to a minimum, you will be warned if you are being excessive.
4. No Sexual Content, having a relationship is ok, just make sure we don't make it Rated R.
5. Post often and have fun!


Race: (Human, Demigod, Dwarf, Elf)
Current State: (Living, Valkyrie, Einherji)
Date of Death: (Einherjar only)
Floor number: (Einherjar only. 1-540, the older you are usually the higher floor you are)


Standard Attire:
Background: (Einherjar put cause of death here)
HOTEL VALHALLA - Halls of Heroes 

     Welcome Mortal! Odin himself invites you to the Halls of Va
last edited on Oct 28, 2016 at 04:50AM

Random Role Playing 155 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 155

over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"the son of Loki?!" Zelda whispered, looking at Ulric in awe. It wasnt fair, she was just a simple snow elf, but her two friends were the sons of gods!

(sorry i've been busy.)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( Its fine, I understand ))

Herryk sat back, calmed actually. It was a blood feud after all, but one he could work through, magical anger or not, he can come to get over it depending on how well Ulric treated him.

Ulric finally sat down. a reaction like that was very disheartening. All of the applause for his death, and then promptly followed with jeers for the reason he was alive in the first place. they quieted the hall again, and the thanes let the feast end, giving the Einherjar a couple hours before enforced curfew.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"that was a bigger twist then i expected." Zelda mused,leaning back in her chair for a moment before standing up. "to think, Ulric is also a Demi-God...man you guys are so lucky." She smiled cheerfully, totally bored underneath that smile.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Yeah, lucky." Herryk said as he stands up, "it just means a bigger target on our backs in training" he said cheerfully. "Let's get him equipped for battle"

Ulric stood up slowly, many people still looked at him, but he started seeing Herryk and Zelda wading through the crowd toward him.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(i've been playing too much skyrim, i thought Ulric was Ulfric. XD)

"that was awefully cheerful for the words you spoke." Zelda teased as they made their way to Ulric. "Hey." she smiled at the 18 year old boy. "having fun yet?"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"I was" Ulric said in a joking tone, trying to make it seem less important to him than it was. "So what do we do now that the feast of the beast of many meats is over? Just sleep or what?"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( I have a new Star Wars RP for anyone who is interested! Here is the link! ))

over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zelda shrugged "Asmund wants to go get you equiped with stuff. so we should do that before anything else."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"But I don't have to fight until tomorrow" Ulric says, right before Herryk interjects, "but people might want to kill you tonight, so weapons are priority number one. Sleep is a close second"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"that's true, most people who come here end up being dead for a couple hours, then you'll wake up, but it sucks when you can't defend yourself." Zelda agreed with Asmund.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
All three of the einherjar head to Sindri's shop, which Herryk introduces him to Ulric. "Any Hallmate of Herryk is appreciated here, pick whatever you want, and I'll get it squared away for you." He started looking around, seeing swords, spears, other big and heavy weapons. He felt it would not match his style to be weighed down, so he looked into the corners of the room and found two saxe knives and a bandolier of throwing knives. "How are all of these?" He asked, to which Sindri replied, "well those are basic Saxe knives, nothing too special, but the throwing knives have a special enchantment, given 5 seconds after they have hit their target, they will return to the sheathe." Sindri cut the price of all the items in half, to which Herryk paid on account of it "being his treat"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zelda smiled "ah, so i'm not the only other knife user around here?" she teased him, before turing to asmund. "how long until curfew? if we have time, i'd like to give Ulric a true welcoming party."
The only other one she had thrown was when Asmund came to Valhalla, although he was too much of a stick in the mud at the time, so she didn't have fun at all.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"About two hours" Herryk replied, "but who is going to stop us if we go later?" He smiled on the last part. Ulric was testing his knives when he heard the word party, "So where are we holding it? My room? Somewhere else?"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"my room." Zelda replied. "it'll be more fun the sitting around a table,watching your past flash before your eyes and eating food." She turned to Asmund. "Bring him by my room in 5, i gotta get ready." Zelda gave a half salute and ran off, to make sure her room was clean and ready for visitors.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"So, Zelda seems pretty energetic" Ulric states, and Herryk responds, "She is in Valhalla, it's a good excuse to be excited about everything." He kept walking with Ulric in tow, "So, I saw how you died, but what did you do for a living before that?" "I managed someone's funds for a living."
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zelda rushed around her room,putting things away, picking things up, and studying her work.
her room was nice, when she was alive, she always wanted the finest things, now she was dead, and her room was made to her preference, she got what she wanted.

Her floor was a white marble, with a large sky blue throw rug in the middle of the room,her walls were a white, with one wall painted to look like a window, looking out on a brightly lit city and the other ones littered with her weapons from over the years. Her kitchen had white cabinets and cupboards while the counter tops were a blue marble. her bed was pushed to the far wall, next to the painting.
The bed was a Four Poster Canopy. the sheets and pillowcases were light blue satin, with a white comforter. The Canopy was a thick light blue fabric, along with the curtains that hid the bed from view when they were closed.
Across the room, sat a blue counch, looking at a flat screen tv, Next to the tv was a cabinet that held hundreds of dvds. a little ways away from this, built into the wall was two doors, one lead into her closet, the other lead into a nice blue and white marble bathroom.

over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
The two Demigods hopped into the elevator and hardly spoke a word on the way up to Zelda's room, but as soon as the doors opened on her floor, a group of other Einherjar were waiting for them weapons drawn. Herryk pulled out his sword and pistol, "Brock Manning, to what do I owe the surprise?"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zelda sat down on the counch, resting for a moment before she got to her feet, she figured she should go see if the boy's were okay.. after all a new person meant new blood to shed. Zela sighed and grabbed up her daggers, slipping them into her sheath. She opened her door and stuck her head out, not surprised to see a group of people by the elevator.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Brock pompously speaks, still with his spear in hand, "Well we just wanted to meet the Son of Loki, maybe talk a little about the chain of command here" to which Herryk quickly responded, "Strange, I don't remember being given a chain, you really must have a death wish today Brock." Before Brock could respond, a dagger buried itself in his chest, Herryk looked at Ulric, who simply stated, "he started to bore me." Brock's body fell to the ground and his group of friends proceeded to attack.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zelda smiled and stepped out of her room. this was going to be fun.
"hey!" she waved. "dont start the party without me." she grinned, tucking her white hair behind a pointed ear.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Ulric and Herryk start dueling with the people in front of them, but Herryk has to parry for both of them since Ulric doesn't have any defensive training yet.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
( a peak into a girls head ;) )

Instead of helping, Zelda leaned on the wall, enjoying the view. she always did this..at least when she wasnt bored. She liked to see Asmund in combat, how he was always fast, and precise, his strokes calm and his aim true.
Ulric was a different story..but he was a youngling. he hasn't been in thousands of fights, hasnt had the pratice Asmund has.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
( thought so ;) )

Through the fight, something would happen with Herryk, something that he knew too well by how the other Einherjar talked about it when they boasted and bragged. It was the purest adrenaline, the spark in your chest, the blood speeding through your veins. It was the sensation known as Berserker Rush. With it on your side, you could feel no pain in battle until the fight was over, or you died. Only the slightest difference was he still had clear thoughts, Berserkers would lose rational thought and fight in a crazed stupor, but Herryk was still calm, controlled, and cool headed.

Herryk finished stabbing through one of the bullies, "My headcount is 4" he stated, Ulric smirked and replied, "I'm at 5." Asmund slightly changed his expression from joy to upset, "Beginner's luck, and if I wasn't covering for you, you'd be my fifth" he finished grinning.

One kept running down the hall away from the boys, "Shouldn't we get him?" Ulric asked, Herryk just smiled, "I believe Miss White down there called dibs."
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zelda smiled "why thank you Asmund." she took this chance to gadge the distance, he was about 20 feet down the hall aready. Zelda pulled a throwing knife from her belt and spun it around, waiting.
23 feet.....24.....25...
She adjusted her hold on the knife, holding the blade between two fingers, eyes narrowed slightly she focased on her target and threw the knife, it spun, flipping over and over itself,the sound of the sharp blade cutting through the air, until it went silent, and the man crashed face first into the polished marble floor. she stared for a moment, before turning to the boys.
"30 feet." she grinned.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Ulric stood in shock of her accuracy, while Herryk applauded, "another reason why we keep you around" he joked as he started cleaning his blades off on Brock's shirt, "now reclaim your blades, we have a party to attend."
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zelda smiled, and put her hands behind her head. "what would you do without me?" she teased, looking at both boys as her dagger re-appeared in the sheath on her hip. "shall we?" she beconed, opening the heavy oak door.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Ulric was stunned by Zelda's place, of course it gave off more of a lighthearted feel than his bar-like bedroom, but he could still appreciate its beauty. "Alright, so what shall we start with?" He said, to which Herryk gave a slight grin along with pitching in without missing a beat. "How about manners?"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zelda laughed " yes, that would be a great place to start." she teased, walking over to her kitchen and pointing at the dark oak barstools with a light blue cushion. "i'll make some drinks and then we can decided on hat we wanna do."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Both the men sat down on the stools, Herryk put down a red gold coin, "a Sprite with cherry mix, shaken, not stirred." He said in a teasing manner,
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zelda rolled her eyes, picked up the coin and flicked it lightly at Asmund. " I'm not a bartender you know" she laughed, turning to the fridge and pulling out the nessary items for his drink. "What about you Ulric? ". She remarked
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"How about a Vanilla Dr. P on the rocks?" He asks, a devious smile on his face as he puts three Red Gold coins on the counter. Herryk was in shock, "how did you get those coins? You haven't even been in Valhalla for long." To which Ulric smiled wider, "I fished them out of the fountain in the Hotel Lobby"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zelda shook her head slowly, pushing the coins closer to Ulric before turning back to her fridge to get what sh needed. "Seems like we got a thief in our midst Asmund." she mused pouring the sprite and cherry's into a cup and pushing over to him..
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Ulric retorts with oozing sarcasm, "I take offense to that, thieves steal from other people, opportunist take from public services. No one else was using it anyway."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"It's still stealing" Zelda replied finishing Ulrics drink and giving it to him, before pulling out snacks of all kinda and putting them on plates and bowls. "Dosent matter tho, it'll get back the coins you took real quick. " she poured herself a drink and turned back to the boys.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Matter of opinion" Ulric waved it off, he never believed in wishing wells. If they did work, why was his father never around for him? Why did his mother get sick? Why did she have to die? This handful or two of golden coins was his retribution for all the ones he spent as a child.

Herryk grabbed his drink and started sipping on it, the nice cool flavored of the cherry and the artificial lime came together in a fantastic burst that invigorated his exhausted body. "Well, what else is on your agenda Miss White?"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
" how about a movie? My bookcase was updated today so theirs a lot of new ones I haven't seen yet. " she glanced at ulric. "But Ulric might have seem them already.. "
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Probably not" Ulric said between sips, "most of what I did in life was ... Business over pleasure" he continued sipping. He was very cautious, his reputation was tainted enough by his father, knowing he helped manage a loan shark would not earn him many brownie points with the current company.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"okay!" Zelda smiled. "I know just the one." she moved over to the bookcase filled with movies and begain her search. "asmund, Ulric, can you move the snacks to the coffee table?" she asked, pulling out a movie, looking at it then putting it back.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
The two grab the assorted snacks and treats and bring them to the sitting area for the tv, Ulric lays down on one couch all by himself, however Herryk sits right on the two seater couch, waiting for Zelda to sit down.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zelda popped in the movie and sat down next to Asmund. The titled popped onto the screen and She smiled. Hacksaw Ridge. "i thought you would like this one Asmund"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
They all watch the movie, Ulric seemed to like the parts where the battle was the most heated, the action was exciting. However Herryk loved how the main character never backed down, how he was determined to fight without a weapon because of his moral conviction. At the end Ulric stretched, "pretty good, but I prefer TV shows, blacklist, white collar, etc."
over a year ago Wolfpaw6 said…
(can I join)
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
" i normaly dont like war movies, but that one was really good." Zelda swung her legs. Halfway through the movie, Zelda put her head on Asmunds lap, and hung her legs over the arm of the love seat.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( sure, just make sure responses are clear and descriptive. ))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
((Hades, you didnt respond XD)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( I know, think of how to respond ))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(ill respond)

Zelda streached and sat up. "I love how much movies have changed since the 1920's" she remarked, putting her feet on the floor and picking up the empty plates and bowls. "don't you agree Asmund?"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
He sat up himself, he was saddened that Zelda had left him, for once in this entire time in the Hotel he did not need to be in his room to feel safe. "Yeah, however I believe that took place in my era" He stated, "If the man died in combat, I'm confident he would be roaming these halls with us."
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
" i dont think he did." Zelda pointed out, paused then laughed "then again he could have been like you, wanted to go back to the front lines. only he did and didnt return."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"I'd know him if he was here, being a spy i've learned not to forget any face." Herryk said, smiling, before Ulric commented, "If he was here, he would hate it, continual fighting with no one really wanting to get wounded without dying."