Random Role Playing Heiau Kupua: the Temple of the Hawaiian Demigods [OPEN]

Hades_Shadow posted on Nov 26, 2016 at 11:30PM
Heiau Kupua, a temple made of obsidian stone, stands at the base of the active volcano Kilauea. The lava flows have stopped travelers and sightseers from exploring this ancient ruin, and no aircraft of boat can get close enough to survey it. Myth told of this being dedicated to the children of the gods and shape shifters, as a place of worship, war, and training. The temple has been abandoned now for hundreds of years, and the practice and life of the demigods seemed to have ceased.

At least, that is what we let the regular mortals believe.

Heiau Kupua will be my take on the Hawaiian equivilant to Camp Halfblood in the Rick Riordan universe. More info to come later.



1. No Godmodding. Demigod abilities are alright, but remember to not be invincible/impossible to hit, control others characters without their permission, and the like.
2. Ask permission before killing of an NPC or OC made by others. It's common curtesy and they may have different plans then you do.
3. Keep swearing to a minimum, you will be warned if you are being excessive.
4. No Sexual Content, having a relationship is ok, just make sure we don't make it Rated R.
5. Post often and have fun!


Home City:
Standard Attire:

Mortal Parent:
Deity Parent:

Assignment in Camp:


Kekoa Ekemona - Son of Pele [Hades_Shadow]
Alakai Makaha - Son of Kapohoikahiola [brodxe]
Zoya Johnson - Daughter of Poliahu [Heart-of_Love]
Kawai Brimstine - Son of Kanaloa [Its_Alvin]
Heiau Kupua, a temple made of obsidian stone, stands at the base of the active volcano Kilauea. The l
last edited on Jul 06, 2017 at 05:09PM

Random Role Playing 125 replies

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over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"knock it off Alakai!" Zoya yelled at him, the cold air getting stronger, stinging everyone around her with icey wind. "he has no reason to set a volcano on us!" She remarked, getting angry. "besides, all he's done is help us! on another note, I dont think Pele would allow him to attack his own camp!"
Frost formed around her, but quickly melted because of the heat of the volcano.

"Zoya!" The camp director barked at her, making her wince. "Alakai, enough you too, save this fight for another day."
over a year ago brodxe said…
"I could take you both, even with one arm..." He suddenly jerks his arm back very hard. A pop and crack is heard as his shoulder was set back into place. His wrist was still very swollen, most likely broken. "Pele is evil and always has been. Now then If we aren't going to get rid of Kekoa what do you suppose we do?" He asked with a sneering tone.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Very simple" Kekoa said, "Trust the guy that has repeatedly saved you twice now." He picked up the tiki torch from the ground, and the flame changed color, signifying his election for a quest.

"Well Kekoa, son of Pele, choose two companions for the quest." The director says, and immediately her responded by pointing to Zoya and Alakai, "one who trusts me, one who doesn't, and one on the fence. That should keep my evilness in check."
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya sighed lightly, of couse they had to add the guy who was suspicious of Kekoa..and possibly had a broken wrist. "Kekoa..i dont want to be rude." she started. "but i think Alakai has a broken wrist, he could be uselss to us on this quest." She snuck a glance at Akakai before looking back at Kekoa.

"not to metion he hates your guts right now, if anything goes wrong he might jump the gun and blame you for it."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Kekoa looked at Zoya, glad he now knew her name, "it's a method Zoya, if I can gain his trust, all of my problems at camp will be resolved. Broken wrist or not, I am choosing him."
over a year ago brodxe said…
"I may not trust you, but I'm up for adventure. But what kind of quest is this? I no longer have my sword so I am limited to my fists. Well... one fist." He attempted to move his fingers on his right hand, but with no success. "Anyone have some pain killers?"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya sighed in annoyance then held out her hand to Alakai. "it's not much, but i can numb the pain with my powers..i mean..the camp was destroyed and your expecting pain killers?" she was going to have to get along with two boys for the duration of this quest...hopefully they would all come out alive and not kill each other.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
The Director started again to talk, "First part of your quest will be scouring the islands for more weapons made of Lani Shark teeth and Kepolo Obsidian, and allowing the campers to protect themselves. Second part will be finding out what we should do about our camp grounds."

Kekoa looked at his friend and enemy he had selected for this. He had hope they could come together to destroy his reputation as well as pull the camp together. But for how he had to earn both of their trust, which was going to be hard, especially with preexisting prejudice.

The Director then pulled out seven stones from a bag. These shaman stones helped many a heroes find out what to do on their quest and told them what to avoid. "Now we shall see what fate has in store." He said before casting the stones on the ground.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya looked at the stones intently, after being ingored by Alakai and her offer, she turned away from him, now she was focased on the path ahead.. hopefully everything would go easily.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
The stones tumble to the ground the closest three to the white stone are the Blue, then Red, then Yellow, "Mana Kala Manawa" the director says, "the lessons to remember on this journey, Mana, all power comes from within, Kala, there are no limits, everything is possible, and Manawa, now is the moment of power" he looks at all of us, "but beware, the reverse stones, lack of focus, anger, and rigidity will bring suffering. Use the powers of confidence, freedom, and persistence to prevail." Finally he hands Kekoa the last relics, a bag with three stones inside, a piece of koa wood, and a small stone hammer, "the two stone set to find confidence, the shrunken boat to give you freedom, and the builders hammer for when persistence is needed. Before you leave, our sage will allow you all a tattoo of choice, be careful on your journeys, and may the gods guide you."
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya was silent until he Mentioned a Tattoo "W-wait, a tattoo? what does he mean a tattoo?" she swallowed heavily, no one ever mentioned getting a tattoo...and stupid things? really? two ricks a small boat and a hammer? what were they even supposed to use those things for?
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Kekoa leans over to explain, "Shapeshifter Tattoos, whatever animal you pick, you can become that animal. Really expernsive to get those tattoos."
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya's eyes widened in surprise, "cool." she remarked, instantly going through animals in her head, from a Eagle to a panther. she then decided on her favorite animal.. it symbolized Wisdom,Cunning, Strategy, Cleverness, Adaptability and Quick-thinking..maybe it would help her be a better person..
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
The Temple's artist sits down at a makeshift studio, to which Keko sits down and gives him the animal he desires. It takes a while since these tattoos are done in the old traditional way. After 3 hours his shoulder has a gleaming tribal symbol of a Lion.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(( i looked up a video of a tattoo done the old way, IT LOOKS LIKE IT HURTS SO BADLY!!!!))

Zoya glanced at Keko's Tattoo when he walked out, She took a deep breath and walked into the makeshift studio. 3 and a half hours later, a red eyed, tear streaked Zoya walked out, a Fox symbol on her shoulder blade.

(( i looked up a video of a tattoo done the old way, IT LOOKS LIKE IT HURTS SO BADLY!!!!))

Zoya gl
over a year ago brodxe said…
(( Hey guys, sorry I haven't been active. I got busy with school and then I just kind of forgot about it. I just finished up some exams so I will be pretty active now. ))

Alakai still didn't really trust anyone but walked into the studio after Zoya was finished as the idea of turning into an animal spiked his interest. As he entered he decided on the Hawk, representing focus, taking the lead when the time is right, clear vision and a strong connection to the spirit. After about 2 and a half hours he walked out with his shirt in his hand. He looked around at everyone staring at him and quickly put it on, covering the tribal hawk tattoo on his left pectoral. "Alright... Now what?" He said looking over at Kekoa.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
((it's alright Brodxe, it happens to all of us XD))

"First, i think we should take care of that broken wrist." Zoya remarked suddenly. "i'll grab something from the medical tent and i'll set that wrist while Kekoa decides what we should do."
Without waiting for an answer she hurried off to the tent that was set up, thankfully the only person was was really hurt was Alakai, so she got in, grabbed what she needed and hurried back out.
'Let me see that wrist." she remarked, hands holding a wrist brace.
over a year ago brodxe said…
Alakai simply held his wrist out towards Zoya with a blank expression. "How long will I have to wear that thing?"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya rolled her eyes and grabbed his wrist. "until we can get you healed, or have a real cast put on." she replied, attaching it tightly. "you shouldnt use your wrist, but if you need to, you can." she replied, pulling her hands away.
"how's that feel?"
over a year ago brodxe said…
"Well still can't move my fingers..." His wrist did feel slightly better now tightly held together to heal. He glanced up at Zoya and managed to mumble "Thanks..." with the tiniest hint of a smile on his face.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya couldnt help but smile back. "your welcome.."
With a sigh she pulled her beanie off her head and fluffed up her short brown hair."man, today has been rough..and we still have to go on a quest.."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Kekoa saw the exchange of the other two, all the while he retraced his readings in the camp to find something of use. The village they were at was the most modern, but there are others that may have had supplies for their journeys, supplies like ...

"Weapons should be our first priority, arming ourselves and the other campers will help ward off more night walkers, I believe there was an old settlement on Oahu that served as an armory, if we can find it, we might be able to pick up new weaponry, after that we need to find something or someone who would help rebuilt and protect the temple."

He put the strings on the small pouch of stones around his neck like a necklace, and grabbed the Small koa wood, and glanced at it intently, "anyone know how to sail?"
over a year ago brodxe said…
Alakai turned and looked at Kekoa. "Well I was friends with a fisherman and I often would go on his sail boat with him. I don't know a lot but I could be a little help."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Well then, you can be the helmsman, I know about star maps so I can navigate," Kekoa says as he threw the piece of wood into the ocean and it grew into a full sized Drua sailing canoe "Together, we can function like a true wayfinder"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya looked at the boat skeptically, was this thing really going to hold their weight? " i hope i can get a crash course in Wayfinding." she remarked, trying to make a joke. "otherwise i'm dead weight."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Bringing a cold front to provide wind for the sails does not seem like dead weight to me" Kekoa said with a wink, helping her feel better about the sailing parts of they journey.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya smiled, he was right, if they ever ran into a situation where there was no wind, she could bring some icy wind to them, it would be cold, but they would be moving instead of sitting in the water. "alright, say the word and i'll bring the wind."
over a year ago brodxe said…
"Well what are we waiting for?" Alakai leaps on to the boat and inspects it carefully, admiring the craftsmanship. He grabs hold of the sail rope and waits for the other two to board.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Slowly Kekoa gets on the Drua, a ship made to carry many across the waters would suit this group of three. He did not like the sea, especially since the winds and waves are hardly ever in the favor of the children of Pele. The Goddess of the Sea has a grudge with the Volcano Goddess, but which deity didn't. The ship felt solid and strong, although it was clear it was not new to the open sea. "Alright, Westward Ho" he muttered under his breathe.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya gently hopped into the Drua, and tried to balance. The last time she was on a boat she was six..she was fishing with her dad and somehow fell into the water..hence the reason she never learned how to swim...hopefully she wouldnt need too. "so..to the west then?" Zoya asked when she heard Kekoa mutter.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Yes, the sun is setting, giving us a clear line of where to go. We will head west until it is time to adjust northward to Oahu." He said, pointing in the direction of the sun. "If we do this, and with the wind on our side, we can be at Oahu in the next 24 hours"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"alright then." Zoya mused. "do we have enough supplies to last us that long?" she remarked, concern evident in her voice. She didnt want to be stuck on the water, with no food or drinkable water.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Kekoa opened the below hatch to the ship, revealing fresh food and water, "Fresh food to last three days, tack and water to last a week" he said, but knowing they wouldn't need to worry about eating the tack until later in their trip.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( I have a new Star Wars RP for anyone who is interested! Here is the link! ))

over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"okay, as long as we have supplys, we're good then." Zoya smiled lightly. "so are we all ready?" she remarked, looking at her two companions.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Kekoa gets behind the boat and starts to shove it off the shore, allowing it to start flowing on the open water, "Does that answer your question?"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya nodded, trying to keep herself stedy, after all, she barely ever set foot on a boat. "yea..that does." she smiled lightly, her legs at an odd angle to keep her footing.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Once everyone is stable and set, Kekoa starts moving the boat using one of the paddles to get it flowing with the ocean, then he uses it as a rotor to direct where the boat will go.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya, not sure what to do, or where to go, just kinda sat close to the rotor,so she had a secure feeling that she wasnt going to fall off
over a year ago brodxe said…
Alakai pulled on the sail rope allowing the sail to catch the wind and they were off at a steady pace. "Anyone know how long of a trip this is going to be?"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"With the winds in our favor, this should just be a day or two, if not it can take three to five days" Kekoa says, then looks at the others, "but I have a feeling we can guarantee a fast trip"
over a year ago brodxe said…
"That's a relief... I hate long trips." He tied the rope in a hoop and put ignore on a post to keep the sail in place. "Wake me up if anything goes wrong." He sits against the rail and nods off to sleep.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya stares, wided eyed at Alakai...he just left her alone with the son of her mother's enemy.. With a sigh she glanced at Kekoa. "sooo....' she begin, only to stop..not sure what to say..to anyone..
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"So." Kekoa replied, he knew precisely what was racing through Zoya's mind, partially because he had the same thought. "What do you like eating? I mean, um, what sounds good to you?"
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya smiled lightly "what sounds good right about now would be a Bacon and sasage pizza. " she laughed turning to face him fully. " what sounds good to you Kekoa? "
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Kekoa gave a slight laugh under his breath, "unfortunately I don't think pizza is in the hull, but I think there is some salted pork that could hold us over" he kept a tight hold on the paddle and making sure they stayed on course.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya couldnt help it, she laughed " i'll grab some then." Crawling on all fours she moved over to the hull and opened it up, grabbing what she needed, closing it, and moving back to Kekoa, all the while feeling extreemely foolish.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Kekoa watched Zoya crawled away, and thought about the days events. He didn't choose Alakai for his different opinion, but he knew he was a good fighter, and against his desire knew his skills would be needed. Zoya however, she was the only person who treated him kindly, who showed him compassion, who made him feel ... normal. He couldn't leave that behind. When Zoya returned, he said his thanks before eating some of the salted pork.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Zoya ate a small portion of the salted pork, making a weird noise when she got a mouthful of nothing but salt. "gross." she remarked, sticking out her tounge. "i thought it was going to taste good." she complained, turning her gaze to the blue water.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Kekoa laughed at the reaction to the food, "It's to preserve it without needing to cook it, brush some of it off before eating it" he said demonstrating how. "If you brush it off you will get more pork flavor in with the salt."