Random Role Playing The Idea and Pitch Forum.

Shebird posted on May 03, 2010 at 06:05AM
This idea was brought up by Demon_Wolf, here we can posts roleplay ideas and stuff and pick the ones that sound more appealing. The discarded ideas don't have die here, but this way we can get more rpers and have more structure in our rps. We make vague rough drafts in plots or just plan out basics.

Random Role Playing 59 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 59

over a year ago Shebird said…
over a year ago Shebird said…
Anyone got anything?
over a year ago Jv611 said…
I kinda do. I read it of a website and I thought it would make a good idea.
over a year ago Shebird said…
Spare no details. Tell!
over a year ago Shebird said…
Here's one.

A futuristic rp after the end of days. A society has been built out of what used to be a large shopping mall, a city so vast that it has managed to burrow itself deep into the earth. Upon the surface it looks like a decrepit old mall but beneath is where chaos thrives... It is perfect little society with guns or weapons or any of the sort, just innocent people going about their daily lives with a happy leader and reasonable laws...but all is not milk and honey in this underground heaven. Things are never as they seem. ((It's a little influenced by Bioshock and um...A boy and his dog by just the concept of it. I got the idea from shopping in the mall. The power went out and caused a great amount of nervousness..but when everything was repaired the music got switched on and everyone continued on as though nothing ever happened. It was really eerie...))
over a year ago Shebird said…
We should have a Western themed one somewhaere too <3
over a year ago Jv611 said…
(Cool. I love Bioshock)

Ok mine takes place in the future to but its different. Scientists have accidently discovered a strange new thing wich can't be classified. They call it Divine matter. It is used as medicine,fuel, and anything. Whatever it applies to gives it positive effects. But not everyone is using Divine matter for the better of mankind. An orginization has been formed called the Black Moon they use Divine Matter to create creatures and plan on owning the world. To help stop them the military has decided to use Divine Matter to create "Super Soldiers". When injected with it Humans seemed to undego effects wich change them giving them abilities such as great strength,speed,and other stuff such as the ability to cast fire and other things. Yeah so blah blah blah. Pick your side. (Copying the plasmid idea from Bioshock)
over a year ago Shebird said…
I like, it's got like a sort of comic book feel to it. Bioshock is really addictive
over a year ago Jv611 said…
(Well I got the idea off the web. Kinda like how people make movies now adays. And I love bioshock I wanna get the 2 one)
over a year ago Shebird said…
I only rented it. I don't really want to buy because I know I'll get way too into and that's another way of getting fat. But I love the story and the graphics...and the gameplay....and everything about it....because it's that fucking awesome
over a year ago Shebird said…
And yeah...all the movies suck anymore. I have yet so one that's really good and in theaters. The only one I've managed to watch without getting bored and/or feel stupid is Shutter Island...and that might just be because I'm a DeCaprio fan
over a year ago Jv611 said…
I saw it and it seemed strange. He goes their on investigation and winds up a patient by the end.
over a year ago Shebird said…
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
I have an idea, I don't really know if it will work in a rp or not, anywho here it is.

Its a world of demons and there are no such things as human, there are only myths that humans once roamed the earth with the demons. And humans are like the ghost stories that scare the younger demons. Until one day through like a portal or something a human appears. Everything starts to go chaotic and crazy. A groupl of demons called "Manic" that want to hunt down and kill the human and a group of demon that want to protect the human called the "Tame" The two groups fight over the human, (Who ever decides they would like to be the human.) And basically that is what the rp will be about two groups of demons goo and bad fighting over the mythical creature they had thought was dead, a human.....................................­...­...­
Yeah thats what i came up with. =P
over a year ago Jv611 said…
over a year ago Shebird said…
Oooooo...I wanna be the human-Waaait-yes....no...yes..............­...­...­.no­...­yes­. I don't know. .____.
over a year ago Shebird said…
How about some crazy retake on a dark fairy tale like Babes in the Woods or Beauty and the Beast (Not Red Riding Hood though because I'm sick of those redoes...even though I like it.)
over a year ago Shebird said…
Maybe we should somehow compile all this into a poll
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Yeah, but how would that work?
over a year ago Shebird said…
I have no idea
over a year ago hunter51 said…
over a year ago yukiloveskaname said…
^^ hiyass
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
How about one of us makes a pick with each idea and everyone picks the one they like best?

Hi, yukiloveskaname, and hunter51! ;)
over a year ago yukiloveskaname said…
Hi demon_wolf^^
okays that sound like fun^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hunter51 said…
i agree ill make the pick
over a year ago Shebird said…
Yaaay! Thanks Hunter!
over a year ago Shebird said…
Still need to work on some of these
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Hey guys I was thinking of changing the banner and icon. If you have any ideas plz add them.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Icon (if it'll work)
Icon (if it'll work)
over a year ago Shebird said…
I'm tired of the anime theme it's irrelevent to rping to me but like maybe something more imaginative like some cool landscaping or someting pretty abd general.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Yeah.I could have gotten a better icon and banner,but it was the first thing that popped into my head and it was easier to find.I didn't have much time,since I had to do things.
over a year ago Shebird said…
Is alright Yugi, don't fret so much over little things it might cause you burst a blood vessel *w*
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Ouchies.....Sounds painful.....
over a year ago Jv611 said…
You need something that invokes creativity
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I have plenty of creativity.
over a year ago Shebird said…
The bannner is certainly invoking my creativity........bubbles<3
over a year ago Teawanee said…
I'd like to post an idea. An rp about wolves, basically were your a wolf in a wolfpack.
over a year ago Shebird said…
I know whinny and Yugi would tear their hair out in absolute excitement over that idea...of course I may just be exaggerating....just a bit.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
lol, I thought ppl on here would like a wolf rp.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Well, i told M about the idea and she said:

I LUV IT *rips out sum of my hair*

So, u were right.
over a year ago Shebird said…
Yaay now I can bask in my glory -starts basking-
over a year ago Teawanee said…
and i can be happy about makeing an rp ppl like so much they inflict personal damage to themselves. *happy dance*
over a year ago Shebird said…
three cheers for self-mutilation!
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Hip hip..
over a year ago Shebird said…
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
I Actually wrote this Idea as my grade 9 final Project here's the Idea

Name : Zenith Chronicals

Genere : Action, Fantasy, Maigc, Romance , supernatural

Storey : so the time peroid is Fudal Japan there was a war between Demons and all fantasy like creatures between Humans the kings of each race (demon,vampire, dragon etc ) worked out a contract and now they live in Harmoney with one another the main Protagonist of the seris is a guy named Zenith moltray a half Dragon Half human Hybrid makeing him a Dragon born. Zenith is being trained by his father Norith who was a mighty Dragon Knight and is the Gaurdain of the four elements , he is teaching Zenith to become the next Dragon knight of the elements but his brother Nortra become's Jealous and one day when Zenith is a way he come's home to find his family and future wife Yuki all posed so he kills his posed family and get's taken in by the Military due to Breach of the Treaty once he breaks out he goes into the underworld to get his familyies souls back. in season 2 he finds out that the soul of his wife Yuki hasn't been taken away so he decides to Pursue and find her he also meets a Ninja named Rin who falls deeply in love with him at the end of season 2 Zenith finds his wife and in the final season , season 3 Zenith finds out his Brother was behind the whole thing and they have the battle of there life time resulting in Zenith as the winner and new Dragon Gardain of the elements. on a side note Zenith during the course of the seris Gains the powers of the four elements along his way.

Second Seris : Ryu the son of the mighty Gaurdain.

this storey takes place 100 years after Zenith's Storey and foucues in on Zenith's son Ryu , is odd because he is Dragon born with Demon blood inside him makeing him a Unique hybrid. Zenith's mom & Zenith both are now dead the seris starts off with a young Ryu watching his parents fight because Zenith has to go to war ( another war between Supernaturals and humans broke out ) and Zenith get's killed Gaurds come to take away Ryu , Naturally he runs away than it goes forward 20 years into the future the first season is really Ryu going around helping people with there day to day problems so slaying demons yard work getting supplies for shops etc. the second season Ryu ends up seeing his main Antgaonist The God of Destruction and the Order of the black knights Orginzation there purpose to control the world. Ryu than meets Riku a Ninja who Ironically is the Daughter of Rin. the two naturally have a great start off to one another season 2 end with Ryu gaining the power of his first element. through out the course season 3 Ryu is Gaining and learning how to use the four elements. in season 4 Ryu Pursu's the Forbidden four witch are the toughest memebers of the Black sword group season 4 ends with the god of destruction battleing with Ryu with Ryu as the Victor and now Gaurdain of the four elements.

eipqment in the seris :

element orb : these orbs are in diffrent temples and allow the user to control the four elements in the first seris Zenith gains them from each temple in the second Seris there in diffrent worlds where Ryu has to venture forward.

so let me know what you think :)
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
So the rp itself? Would it just take place in this universe or will it have this steady plot?
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
Well depends on if you wanan go with "second seris" or first
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
Second I guess...seems more open.