Random Role Playing Fun in a Box

Shebird posted on May 12, 2010 at 01:57AM
I know what you're thinking
You're thinking."But shebird, there's already a bazillion roleplays started in this forum!" Well I totally agree which is why I don't expect you to join as this is just here for fun!

So I had this idea to be as vague as possible.

We'll have characters stuck in a small room with barren walls and no memory of how they've gotten there. The profiles for such characters will go as such:

Description: Only describe your character's appearances NOT their personality (try doing it with the least words possible to make things fun, or if you want a challenge use just one sentence or a single word)

If you plan on joining please say, "Sorry about your cow, Mister Joe!"

That's it, no extras! If you put in extra I will completely ignore your character.

There will be no flashbacks, no thoughts, just actions and dialogue. Think about real life, think about what goes on in real life. You can't read people's minds and they can't read yours. Make these reactions as realistic as possible for your characters. The only information that can be exchanged is via words.

Please try not to use first person i.e. I woke up, staring at the cieling. No one can possibly know exactly what your looking at so don't put it there. It just makes things complicated.

Yes, I know that's a lot to read but I'm telling you it's worth it. The plot will be developed through our characters and not us <3

Please enjoy
last edited on May 12, 2010 at 02:03AM

Random Role Playing 31 replies

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over a year ago Shebird said…
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand BUMP
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Description:Mysteriously mysterious.

Sorry about your cow,Mister Joe.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shebird said…
Huzzah!! A first! Thanks for joinging Yugi
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
No prob i wanted to be a serialist and say my description was fish but everyone knows thats 2+2 ha ha ha XD
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Description: Silent, short

"Sorry about your cow, Mister Joe!"
^^ =D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shebird said…
Description: Bony and tall
over a year ago Shebird said…
The funny thing is...

Fish would have worked :o
over a year ago Shebird said…
Let's see..Anyone else joining? No?
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I don't think anyone else will join.....Then again I don't know.
over a year ago Shebird said…
Okay then

In that case less start
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
OOH OOH OOH I WANNA START....How do I do that?....
over a year ago Shebird said…
Well your character wakes up in the room with our characters I guess. This is all improvised. No one will have memory of how they gotten there nor will the remember the events prior to it.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…

I wake up in a room and look around.The room was too dark for me to see anything and it had seemed that I had forgotten everything.I whispered to myself,"Where am I?"
over a year ago Shebird said…
A woman groaned in the darkness, the sounds of which where followed by a shuffuling. "..Hello..." Came a hoarse voice. "Hello?.." It came clearer now, the sound of a young woman. "HELLO??!" Panic joined in with her voice, as her hand started to feel around floor. "It's so cold...Anyone here?! ((Remember no inside-thoughts, feelings, or things that are irrelevent to the sound, sight of others. It'll be like directing a movie))
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"I am here."I look towards the woman's voice."You seem worried.Is something wrong?"
over a year ago Shebird said…
A silence combined with a short intake of breath."..What do you mean. Where am I?? Who are you???!"
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"Calm yourself.I don't know where we are.I will not tell you my name until I actually know you,and I mean you seemed to be panicking.I was just wondering if you were going to hyperventilate from panic."
over a year ago Shebird said…
"How could you be so calm?! Do you know anything? Is anyone else here?"
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"One question at a time please.I'm so calm because I'm used to the dark.Yes I do know things,but not everything.And I have no idea if anyone else is here,"
over a year ago Shebird said…
"...Are you. Did you do this??! Is this..some kind of-Is this some kind of a joke?!"
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"Like I said,one question at a time.No I did not do this.How would I be able to pull something like this off if I don't even know where I am?And I wouldn't know if this were a joke or not."
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
A girl woke a few minutes after starteled and confused. Slight scream escaped her. "Ahhh!" The room was dark and she could hear people talking. "Hello? Who's ther? WHere are we?"
over a year ago Shebird said…
Hearing the scream the young replied with another scream. "What is it?!! Who's there? Is there someone else in here?"
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"Everyone calm down.If you panic,that will only create more panic.It may be dark but you have to remain calm.It seems that we are in a dark room,maybe.I will only say my name if I know you two first."
over a year ago Shebird said…
"Shutup about your name! I want to know what's going on...Can anyone find a light??! Hello?"
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"Please do not yell.I hate it when people yell."I stand up and walk around,feeling along what seems to be a wall,and look for a light switch.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
The girl stood. "hold on a minute I'm searching along the walls now." She ran her hands along the walls surface searching for any kind of switch.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I kept searching along the walls,feeling around for anything that seemed like a switch."I'm not finding one."
over a year ago yukiloveskaname said…
hi yas im yuuki and this sounds fun^^im joinin^^
over a year ago hunter51 said…

sorry about your cow mrs.joe ^^
over a year ago yukiloveskaname said…