Random Role Playing Companion (rp)

Teawanee posted on Jun 19, 2010 at 10:35PM
In this world, everyone is born with a "Spiritual Companion" It is our soul, personafied. It can show your emotions when you're not sure how.

However, there are some who opposed the Companions. These people, known as the Emotionless Motion, Have come upwith a way to remove the companions, a minor surgery. They beleive Getting rid of them, they cannot feel pain, and they don't have to explain why there companions act they way they do. But, they couldn't stop at ridding themsleves of just there own Companion. They've began to kidnap children, and preforming the companion removal on them. They think b doing this, they can show others how "Simple, and eas" the children's lives have become.

However, There is another movement, the "Spiritual Movement." They are trying to fight the emotionlesses. They try to rescue kidnapped Children, and they are researching some way to reattach companions to the children who unwillingly went through removal surgery.

This is where you come in. hich side are you on? and who are you?


1) Everyone may have one simple power. nothing overly powerful, if your not sure, you can ask.

2) nothing to vulgar, if you can't hear it in a PG 13 movie, don't say/ do it here.

3)to speak out of character use "( )"

Random Role Playing 102 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 102

over a year ago Teawanee said…
Name: Amenthist (Amey for short)

Side: Spiritual

Companion: Samantha (Sammy for short)(You do not need a picture but you should explain what it looks like link

history: (this part is not required) Amey's little sister, Lily, was taken by the Emotionlesses, so amey has decided to run away from home and join the spirituals and save her sister.

Apperence:(once again, a description will be enough)
Edit: This is a better picture for what Amey looks like
last edited over a year ago
Name: Amenthist (Amey for short)

Side: Spiritual

Companion: Samantha (Sammy for short)(You do n
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Reminds me of His Dark Materials :3 ))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(Really? It always reminded me of that movie the golden compass. What is his dark materials?)
over a year ago Shebird said…
((The book series the movie Golden Compass is based off of it's a hell of a lot better than movie <3 ))
over a year ago Shebird said…
(( the*))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(cool, I might have to check it out!)
over a year ago Shebird said…
((It totally pwns. So like what are all my options here? Are the companions anything like daemons in the sense that the change form until the child is an adult or is it like always the same animal?))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(it can look like just about anything, and they only change shape while your a small child and your personality is still developing. Or, if someone experiences a life altering event.)
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Basically what you're saying is they're exactly the same as Daemons in every way :) ))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(yeah, kindof, but they can't conciously change. X3)
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Name: Dawn
Description: Black hair shoulder length. Sky blue eyes. Wheres a coat that is like the fur of a wolf, also black.
Side: "Spiritual Movement."
Companion: Jack a black wolf
Name: Dawn
Description: Black hair shoulder length. Sky blue eyes. Wheres a coat that is like the fu
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Can I make a sibling for yours um.....................WHINNY!))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(Shebird, are you talking to me or demon_wolf?)
over a year ago Shebird said…
(( Demonwolf. ))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(ok ^w^)
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
((Sure go ahead. ^^))
over a year ago Shebird said…
over a year ago Jv611 said…
(This reminds me of shugo-chara)
over a year ago hunter51 said…
description: dark navy blue hair silver eyes campanion is a black weasel named kohaku (haha named after my feret)& a black cat named Salem (history explains why he has to)
history: he was kidnaped by the emotion less shen he was nine but his older sister huntress offerd her self to the emotionless for my freedom and they took her instead they freed him snd took her now he has joined the spiritual motion to rescue her with him her companion Salem and his kohaku
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
(Yeah,I was thinking it reminded me more of Golden Compass too,because of the spirit companion.But I'm going to join!:D)

Age:(Can I put this here?)16
Companion:Kon(Pronounced cone.)
Description:Kin:I have long brown hair,that goes a little past my shoulders,and bright gray/green eyes.I am mostly cold-hearted,but if I have friends around me I'm happy.
Kon:A brown wolf that has gray eyes.He is happy whenever I'm happy,and sad whenever I'm sad.When we're both sad,he tries to comfort me.

(This was all I could put,because I have to leave.BYE!!!)
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(yeah, you can put anything in your description you think would help ^w^ btw for anyone who wants, here isa good place to make what you look like. [to save it, press Print script, or PrtSc it's above the backspace, then paste into a paint program.

link )
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(I'm adding another character, because we need an emotionless X3 btw, you can make as many characters as you know you can handle

Name: Kaien

Side: Emotionless

Companion: It never fully developed because he was one of the kidnapped children, but when it was alive It's name was "Bobby"

He was kidnapped from the nursery at the hospitol he was born in. He Can't remember what it was like to have a companion, and was raised by an emotionless supporting family. He joined the movement, and is known for being a smoothtalker, and try's to talk people into joining his side.
(I'm adding another character, because we need an emotionless X3 btw, you can make as many characters
over a year ago Shebird said…
Name: Dusk
Side: Spiritual
Description: Dark brown hair, looking as if he had given himself a haircut as it is messily done and almost too short. Stands at about 5'7" with a slacking posture and skin of healthy hue. He usually wears light clothing, overall and light t's at times. His eyes are just as blue as that of his sister, Dawn.

Companion: A female Serval named Tarot.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(just to avoid confusion when we do start, companions can't suddenly change like Daemons, they change slowly over time alond with a person.They also don't have to be an animal, they can look like pretty much anything, real, mythical, or completely made up A baby's companion usualy look very simple(Like Kaien's). yhey can talk out loud to general people, and can communicate telepathically to there human. Also, emotionlesses cannot feel emotions such as sadness or happiness, but can feel things like pain or comfort. and besides the absence of a companion, they do not look any different from normal people. I also forgot about this, but most people have powers, very simple ones tho, like mind reading, hovering [but not flying], ect.

Amey's power is the ablitity to speak to animals [normal ones, because companions can talk] and Kaien, despite being an emotionless, has 2 emotions: love, and humor.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(do you guys think we have enough ppl 2 start tomorrow? I'm just waiting on one person to join before we begin X3)
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
((Yeah that should be fine.))
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
Name: Edward
gender female. got a prblem with that?
side: Spiritual
Companion: a fox, Kitsune.
powers: Fox Fire
last edited over a year ago
Name: Edward
gender female. got a prblem with that?
side: Spiritual
Companion: a fox, Kitsune.
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…

over a year ago Shebird said…
Ooo...I wanna...pet it. ._.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(ichi, you can't give two powers to one person.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
So? I just did
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(Thanks Ichi! btw, u need to use the ( ) when speaking out f character, remember. U have trouble remembering that it seems X3

Also, thanks shebird, lol)
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Oh I didn't know we had to when the rp hasn't started. Sorry 'bout that ))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(Well, Ichi has problems with remembering that, at least it seems that way to me X3 [I talk to her alot outside the forum rp's] Just reminding her ^w^ )
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Oh ._. Maybe I should delete all my bitchsquealing then. Especially if she's a friend of yours. ))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(It's ok, She'll get over it, i think She's already seen it. Tho, the douche thing you may want to get rid of.)
over a year ago Shebird said…
(( For the record I never directly called her a douche. It was to make things lighter actually so I hope she doesn't take it too personally, I might as well delete just in case. Dun want to be a bitch .___. Lately I have been, and usually I'm the one complaining about how people take things too seriously. The tables have turned on me))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(( I know the feeling, it's ok. ^w^))
over a year ago hunter51 said…
(how about I start?)
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
(Yeah,because I got lost yesterday with the conversation((I was gone all day and didn't have any time to read it.))and I just need this thing to start off and I'm good....So yeah....)
over a year ago hunter51 said…
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(you can start Hunter, I'm not good at starting)
over a year ago hunter51 said…
(yayz) marks hands were freezing climbing mountains wasn't easy easpecialy carrying a feret and a cat on your shoulders he reached the summit and took camp Salem and kohaku turning blue and growing ice on their fur told them exactly how cold mark was "are you ok guys?" "yeah I'm ok" replied kohaku "same here" Salem replies out of no where they burst into flames from the thought of heat from marks head
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Amey gathered everything she would need from he house, It was nearly 2 in the morning, but she was up, getting ready to leave and go to a meeting of spirituals in the city. She heard of it through the grapevine, and wasn't entirely sure it was true. But she was desperate, and would try anything to get Lily back. "Sammy." she said, "We can't let you be seen, i don't want an emotionless to take us too, so if I hide you it should be fine." she opened her backpack. "See that pouch? it should be comfortable enough for you." "Okay." Sammy said, and climbed in. "It will work." Sammy yawned, showing how Tired Amey was. Amey left her house, and snuck out of the house. she walked slowly, to avaiod suspicion. She walked to her friend's house, Edward. Edward agreed to come with her. she got to her house and jumped the fence to the back yard. She stood under Ed's bedroom window. "Ed? Are you ready to go?" She wispered.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Kaien Was walking through a quite little town. 'so many people still have there companions here.' he thought. A little girl's companion ran up to him. "Danny, wait!" The little girl called out to it. "Hello, who are you sir?" She asked as she picked up her companion, which looked like a white squirrel type creature. "My name is Kaien. Your companion is quite cute." Danny blushed, showing how the girl felt. "Thanks. Where is your companion?" She asked him. "I don't have one. I had a surgery to have him removed." He told her. "But, why?"The girl asked. "Because, not haveing to take care of and depend n a companion, is much easier." he told her, lying because he had no choice to have his companion removed. "Oh." The little girl said. "Maybe..." She said. The companion looked worried, and almost seemed to give a strange look to Kaien. "I have to go now..." The girl told him, before running away. Kaien wouldhave felt bad about the little girl running away, but, he didn't have emotions, besides the two he somehow mysterously kept, so he felt nothing.
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
Edward heard Amey call from below her window, she chuckled, "i guess it is time to go Kitsune..." she muttered.

"yah, i guess so too.."

Edward put on her coat and opened the window, "Hiya Amey!"

Edward jumps onto the window sill, and gets ready to jump down.

while in the process of that, her foot got stuck on the cord by the window, she tripped on it and fell down with a loud thud.

"geez, dont you know how to keep quiet?" Amey muttered.

"its ok, Master is a heavy sleeper, he wont wake up anytime soon.

Kitsune landed ontop of Edward, nearly causing her to cause a creator.



"both of you be quiet, your gonna cause a rukus, and then we'll get caught!" Amey whispered harshly.

"ok!" Both Edward and Kitsune agreed.

"now lets go." Amey sighed walking away with Edward and Kitsune following behind.

over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Dawn stood in the living room a backpack sat on the floor by her feet, her hands resting upon her hips, right foot tapping with impatience. The Spiritual were having a meeting soon, and she hadn't even heard her brother get up yet. ((Hope that's alright with you Michelle.)) She looked down at the black wolf that sat beside her, his tail wagged along with the tapping of her foot. He looked up at her, when he did she knew she had to calm herself. So she let out a deep sigh. "DUSK!" She yelled.
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Now I really really really wanna read the Golden Compass again!)) Dusk rolled over on to his side, pulling with him a pillow on which a good-sized speckled feline rested. She slid off it without so much as stirring. He placed over his head the pillow, trying his best to drown out the sounds of his sister's cries...the bed was too comfortable for him to acknowledge the calling daylight filtering in through the window. The blankets heavy and warm had him in its gravitational pull.
over a year ago hunter51 said…
"I cant believe im doing this just to get a message to rebbels now i have to climb down the other side,run 2 miles their and back,and climb up and down the other side of the mountains!" "dont you mean we?" "NO IM CARRYING YOU AND SALEM REMEMBER!" "ohhhhh yeah!" at that moment salem grew horns "common you cant be that mad!?" salems stomach growled as well as salems and kohaku "here eat up "he gave them some meat it was cold but it wasnt raw or frozen so it was edibal they ate and tried to rest for a bit but they couldnt from the sound of the howling wind so they packed up and started moving