Random Role Playing Animal character rp

hunter51 posted on Jun 23, 2010 at 04:12PM
You can be a rabbit (like me) or a cat or a wolf an owl an squirrle (can't spell suck at grammer) any forest animal but you are anime so ur a mountain cat ur human wit cat ears and stuff any thing can go on yaoi yuri regurlar stuff included (just a heads up) it's like a regular forest wolves can eat rabbits or birds but then again they could fall in love of act like their related either way this is an rp atleast 3 ppl need to join before we start

Random Role Playing 168 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 168

over a year ago Teawanee said…
I'll join. I'll be a cat, of course ^w^
over a year ago hunter51 said…
over a year ago Teawanee said…
lol. Do we need to come up with names for ourselves and such?
over a year ago hunter51 said…
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Name: Sinta

gender: Female

Likes: Mice, People, high places.

Dislikes: Loud noises, being called "cute."

last edited over a year ago
Name: Sinta

gender: Female

Likes: Mice, People, high places.

Dislikes: Loud noises, being ca
over a year ago hunter51 said…
im not on my computer so no pic brb in 10 min wit my profile
over a year ago Teawanee said…
ok cool. It's ok, I just love useing the character creater, that's why i put the pic on here X3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hunter51 said…
im back!
dislikes:noise,being alone,danger of being eaten(by wolfs & junk)
description:white hair, red boe-tie,white dress shirt, black pants
over a year ago Moonshine321 said…
Can I join?

Animal: Wolf

Name: Karina

Gender: female

Personality: More friendly than most wolves, probably because she's half human. She can be a ditz sometimes, but most of the time, she is really nice. She usually befriends what most wolves would call food.

Likes: being treated like a house dog; belly rubs; soda!!

Dislikes: being called "vicious" (she isn't really); being threatened.

Appearance: shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, school girl outfit (white dress shirt with a plaid pleated skirt); brown wolf ears with a brown wolf tail.

(I may or may not post a picture later.. I'm not sure...)
over a year ago hunter51 said…
yes u may
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(yay Mshine's here! lol)
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Joining! Uh...I wonder if it would be unorginal for me to use another cat person))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(No, unless you look and act the same, you can be original)
over a year ago hunter51 said…
(just do wat u please)
over a year ago Shebird said…
((How about this dude? Name is Feline, made him a long time ago when I was going through an extreme anime phase ))
((How about this dude? Name is Feline, made him a long time ago when I was going through an extreme a
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(cool. I like him X3)
over a year ago Shebird said…
Name: He has no name though he calls himself Feline.
Animal: Something of the cat family.
Gender: Male

Personality: Incredibly calm, and collective he moves like the flow of water, but do not be fooled by his disposition. He is, like many cats, a cunning trickster often enjoying himself in playing with the minds of others. He doesn't think himself worth any more than others but he doesn't stop to endulge in life's pleasures which may appear to some as arrogance. He knows his enemies from his foes and sees everything as it is, without necassarily being narrow minded...just too lazy to care. Most of the time he enjoys being to himself, yet he is not bitter in one's company.

Likes: Large fields, the warmth of summertime, light rain, challenges, climbing, as well as chasingand playing with small animals.

Dislikes: Loud high-pitched sounds, being touched too much( sure he'd enjoy the occassional pat on the back or a cuddle or two but there is a limit), generally being bored (who doesn't?), large bodies of water, and big cities.

Appearances: Weather tan skin, with a soft patch of black fur on the back of his large pointed ears and slender hands. His hair is large black mane that connects to his spine, turning into a narrow stripe along his back. Narrow yellow eyes and coy curving lips, like a cat who always knows too much.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Can I be a wolf too?
over a year ago Teawanee said…
( I don't see why not. We have two cats. :3)
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Whinny! Talk to me on aim, my kitty got sick D:))
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
(Sweet! another wolf! Just don't call me vicious! D: lolz)
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
((Sure thing. How'd your kitty get sick? Oh and I think that this would be a good idea. Tell me what you think of it. That whoever is a wolf we should all be in a pack.))

Name: Cal
Animal: Wolf
Gender: Female

Personality: Much like a wolf, cautious, alarmed to all sound and surroundings, Wairy of new people.

Likes: Out doors, running throught the woods late at night, being around aother wolves, Ect ect

Dislikes: Cities, loud noises.......................

Appearance: Black pointed wolf ears that raise from the top of her head out of grayish black hair, yellow eyes, and a black bushy tail.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I think I'll join.

Personality:Cautious,aware of my surroundings,cautious around everyone,sly,sneaky,and nice,yet mean when need be.
Likes:Holes,forests,running,staling food,daytime,being alone,voles,mice,rabbits,birds.
Dislikes:Towns,cities,loud noises,mean animals,crows,big owls,vultures.
Appearance:Picture below.
I think I'll join.

Personality:Cautious,aware of my surroundings,
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
(oh and hey, Me and Moonshine321 are the same person.. In case anyone got confused lol)
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(Yes Penny, I was so confused! lol, jk X3)
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
((Yeah i got confused.))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(It's ok demonwolf, I would have been confused too if i hadn't already known ^w^)
over a year ago sango16 said…
(HEY GUYS! its me remember hunter the 1 who made da rp this is ma sis sango ^^
sango:) Hi waz up )
over a year ago southern-belle said…
((i'll join ^.^)

animal: Barn(ghost) owl
name: Mutny
likes: mice, squirrles, small animals, dark, quiet, flying fast, tall trees.
dislikes:large animals, loud noises, bright places, bulldozers.
personality: sneaky, cautious, not very trusting of other animals, shy.

(EDIT: didnt see the part of the intro that said "but you are anime so ur a mountain cat ur human wit cat ears and stuff" so i just changed my pic from an owl to this ^.^)
last edited over a year ago
((i'll join ^.^)

animal: Barn(ghost) owl
name: Mutny
likes: mice, squirrles, smal
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(so, when will we start this?)
over a year ago hunter51 said…
(We start now)
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
(I wanna start it!^^)
over a year ago hunter51 said…
(ok ^^)
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(go ahead M ^w^)
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
(I'm ready to start... but who's going to start it?)
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I sneaked across the forest floor,stalking a bird that had kept flying away from me.I move skillfully and quietly.'I'm soooo going to freaking get you,you stupid bird....'My eyes narrowed as I kept getting closer and closer.I soon stopped and got in a stance to pounce on it.The bird had no clue I was there,thankfully to all the tall grass.I kept perfectly still until the right moment.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
i sat in a tall shady tree watching a fox chase after a bird, "hmm, if i hadn't just had that rat, the fox might have made a nice little meal" i said quietly to myself. then began to close my eyes in attempt to catch some sleep.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
big smile
Karina went for a little walk around the forest. She liked taking walks, they eased her mind. She heard a bird call, and looked in the direction to see a fox killing a bird for a nice meal. She made a disgusted face and made a gagging noise. 'Gross!' she thought. Even though she was part wolf, she didn't like to catch her food. She would go into a nice restaurant, and order herself a nice cooked chicken or any type of meat. That was how she got her meals. Not being a savage and catching random animals that aren't cooked.

She continued walking down the unknown trail, trying not to think of that poor bird being killed. That's when she heard a meow coming from just above her. She looked up to see a lone cat in a tree. The cat hissed, realizing that she was a wolf.

(hehe. I brought Teawanee in it. hehe. Since she's a cat.)
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(gee, thanks penny. But you know I would probably just sit on the tree branch out of the way and watch, half asleep)

At seeing the wolf, after she woke me up with her noisy walking, I climbed to the other side of the tree. 'Stupid Wolves. Think they can stomp around like they own the place.' I layed back down on the branch, and tried to fall back to sleep, but my stomach grumbled.I looked around. I saw a fox, who had just killed a bird. 'Hmm, I wonder if I could trick the trickster.' I sucked in my gut, and meowed as if i were in pain. "Oh, i'm so hungry." I moaned, the fox was close enough it should have heard me. "I'm so hungry, I can't move...." 'Hehe, i'm such a good actor, What creature with a heart could resist helping a poor starving kitty?'
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
(hehe, sorry. but hey, that's what friends are for!)

Karina decided to let the cat go as it went to the other side of the tree, and heard it say, "Oh, I'm so hungry." She almost turned around, but then realized that she was hungry herself. She decided to head out to Pork Palace for some food. She had come to love that place. They didn't only have pork, they had any meat possible! They even had goose! This place was the perfect place for her to eat. Although, Pork Palace had lots of meats, they also had salads and other foods too, and Karina loved them all. Less the salads than anything else, but she occasionally had a salad.
over a year ago Shebird said…
Feline rested lazily against a bending branch, his arms were folded underneath his head while his legs hung awkwardly. The intense heat had caused heavy lethargia on this cat. He looked down towards a fox and a cat. He smiled at her trickery, could she be any more obvious...
over a year ago Teawanee said…
I began to get really into it. I almost made myself believe i was starving. I began to cry. "please someone help..." I said weakly. moaning as if i was in terrible pain.
over a year ago Shebird said…
Feline mindlessly plucked a fig from the branch and threw towards the cat's head.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
The fig hit me in the head. "Thanks alot! You couldn't just let me have my fun trying to trick a fox?" I rubbed my head were the fig hit. "oh, now I have a knot on my head."
over a year ago Shebird said…
"Don't be so...laaaaaaazzzy, Feline purred, eying the barn owl that sat afar from him. "Catch the food yourself, you scavenger."
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Karina ordered her meal to go, and took a walk back through the woods, eating her chicken meal on the way home. On her way through, she saw that same cat that was begging for food. "Hey, would you like some of my chicken?" She asked the poor little cat.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
Mutny felt like she was being watched and looked around to find lazy looking cat eying her, so she decided to eye him right back. "take a picture hun it lasts longer" she said calmly
over a year ago Teawanee said…
"I wasn't being lazy, I was trying to be tricky!" I was getting pretty angry. why couldn't he just mind his own bussiness? Then, the wolf who woke me up earlier offered to share her food. "No, i'm fine." I told her. "I wouldn't mind an icepack for my now throbing head though."
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
"Oh, okay well, if you want an icepack, you could come over to my place and use one if you want." Karina didn't want the cat to feel sad, or hurt.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
I was warry. Why would a wolf be so nice to me? It might be a trick. "No, i'll be fine i guess. I turned to the other cat. "Hey, what are you doing in my territory anyway?"