Random Role Playing Fantasy Zoo

Teawanee posted on Jul 04, 2010 at 11:07PM
I'm extremly bored, so i came up with this idea, if anyone else would like to join.

Basically, were a zoo, in a fantisy world. You can be a zookeeper, in which case you would be a human like creature. Such as an elf, ect. Some (or all) of the zookeeper's have a gift, in which they can talk to the creatures. The animals in the exibits can be more animal-like mythical creatures. Such as dragons, unicorns, ect. There can be mutiple of each creature, because most real zoos do keep more then one of most animals.

Well, this was the best idea i could come up with.

Random Role Playing 604 replies

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over a year ago Teawanee said…
My character:

Species: Dragon
name: Lyla
Gender: Female
Role: Animal
age (in dragon years): 16

History: Lyla was born in captivity, but not in a zoo. She was part of an illeagle pet trade, she was resuced by an organization, and the zoo bought her. The organ used by dragons to breath fire was removed from her so she could be kept as a pet. however, she is very good at flying to make up for it.

Apperence: made here: link
My character:

Species: Dragon
name: Lyla
Gender: Female
Role: Animal 
age (in dragon years): 1
over a year ago Shebird said…
This was a computer game rght?
over a year ago Teawanee said…
if it was, I've never heard of it. Or I just don't remember it...^m^'
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
I wanna be a unicorn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Species: Unicorn
name: Karen
Gender: Female
Role: Animal
age (in unicorn years): 18

History: Unknown
I wanna be a unicorn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Species: Unicorn 
name: Karen
Gender: Female 
Role: An
over a year ago Teawanee said…
yay! thank's for joining ^w^
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
No prob! :D
over a year ago Shebird said…
FUCK YOU! I wanted to be a unicorn with an amazing rainbow mane....and sparkles and floating dolphins and butterflies.............and babies and puppies and kittens tangled in it's glorious fur..........and don't forget its ivory horn from which spouts confetti and glitter....Better than your unicorn, dammit
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Hahaha. Well I can be the normal unicorn, and you can be the AMZING, FANTASTIC, AWESOME, COLORFUL unicorn.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
There can be more then one unicorn X3
over a year ago Shebird said…
over a year ago Shebird said…
link I think the only similarity is the title...and that it involves a zoo.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Hm, I've never heard of it. Tho, i do remember there was a way to get unicorns in zoo tycoon. U named an exibit xanga or something like that. also, you two can work out the whole unicorn thing. You two figure it out.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I WANNA JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (Don't you just love my random 1?!:D)

Age (dragon years):20
Story:I was born in the zoo,but my ability to breathe fire was kept,making me the main attraction of the dragon exhibit.I grew up and learned how to fly and breathe fire.

last edited over a year ago
I WANNA JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (Don't you just love my random 1?!:D)

over a year ago Teawanee said…
wow, sweet!
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I know right!
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
So when do we start....When there is a zookeeper?
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Yeah, we should have at least one zookeeper. Is shebird joining?
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I dunno.
over a year ago Shebird said…
It's xanadu...the thing that unlocks unicorns is Xanadu and no I'm not joining :)
over a year ago Teawanee said…
ok! lol, I know it was something like that! Thanks, now to go play zoo tycoon with unicorns X3
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
Sure, why not?
Species: Nature Fairy
name: Demica (Called "Demi" for short)
Gender: Female
Role: Zookepper
age: Elf years: 10 Human years: 20

History: She was born with dragons(her parents threw her in a ditch, and she found them), and grew up with them.Her sight isn't the best, but she has an ability to talk with animals to make up for it.She always felt out of the loop because of her gift, but soon learned to control it.

Sure, why not?
Species: Nature Fairy 
name: Demica (Called "Demi" for short)
Gender: Female 
over a year ago Teawanee said…
yay, a zookeeper! now we canstart this one too X3
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
Who starts?...
over a year ago Teawanee said…
lol, would you like to start this one, too?
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…

I lifted my head when the zoo opened and I herd children,adults,and teenagers.Teenagers.I didn't hate them as much as children,but they were still bad.I came out of my cave and stretched,lifting my wings up high.I breathed a little fire,making sure my whole body was fully awake.
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
"Hey 'yall, be careful of our animals!They're all good, but we don't want you getting on THEIR nerves." Demica said, walking to the gates ready to open."The crowd's sure showed today..." She thought.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…

I just stood there,waiting for the crowd to make its way to my cage,so I could give them a show.I was annoyed by the show thing,but didn't really mind it,for now.
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
"Ready to give them a real show, Kina?" Demica asked, letting in the crowd and walking to her dragon.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I groaned and hissed with my mouth closed and I spread my wings to there full length."Sure.Whatever."I looked away and waited for her signal to start.
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
"Sorry I have to put this on you...But it's the only way to keep people coming, and to keep all of us fed." She whispered.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"Yeah I know.And that's the only reason I'm doing this for."I looked at her,the looked away."Just start this and let's get this done.
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
"Ok girl, show 'em what you've got!" She said, before telling her to begin.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Karen walked to the edge of her fence and watched Kina's show.

((Oh oh can I e like in a petting part when you get to pet the animals?))
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
(That sounds cool.)

"You got it!"I spread my wings out and flew up into the clouds,followed by a strong wind below me.I stayed in the clouds for a while,then finally blew fire down and flew down and flew around my fire,twisting it and turning it into a dragon.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Lyla sat on a rock, and watched Kina. "Glad i don't have to do shows!" She said to herself, srcasticly. "Must be horrible to be in the spotlight." She yawned, setting her head down on her front claws.
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
"That's right, Kina!" Demica yelled, "Good to have a dragon like you!"
over a year ago Teawanee said…
"Ahem!" Lyla said, loudly.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
She tosed her mane. "I would rather spend time with the crowd pysically then by doing shows like that." She said as she continued to watch.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I made it seem as if the dragon were moving in the sky and breathing fire,until finally the fire died out and I blew more fire,turning it into a yin and tang sign.
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
"I think they're amazed enough, Kina, let's bring it down."Demica said, then walked to Lyla, "You're the best, too, Lyla, you don't mind being with the crowd pysically, like Karen." She smiled at the two, happy to have them all.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Karen neighed at hearing her name.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"Awwwwwwwwww!Come on!I need more exercise!"I looked down at her,flying around in circles,waiting for her response.
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
She pet Karen, then turned back to the crowd, "'Yall can come on in, we have some excellent residents."
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Karen trotted around in her fenced in space waiting for the crowd to come and greet her.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Lyla yawned. "wake me up if someone ask for an autograph or picture or something then." She said, before trying to go back to sleep.
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
"That's our Kina and Lyla...Kina, you can continue if you'd like." Demica moved quickly, when the people piled in to see the unicorn.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
((Wait did you mean Karen to continue or did you mean to mean Kina to continue?))
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Lyla waved her tail, to say hello, but didn't open her eyes, or move much more then that. 'Why am I so sleepy today?' She wondered. It didn't matter, Kina would keep the crowds entertained, she could sleep some more.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I kept flying around,getting the exercise I needed.After a while,I landed and breathed heavily."Thanks,Demica.I needed that."I laid down and rested until the food came.