Random Role Playing The Great Escape And Attempted Capture.....

southern-belle posted on Jul 14, 2010 at 02:19AM
(totally random idea) here's the story: A high security insane asylum has been broken out of, every last person held here has escaped and are now roaming the busy city of New York. the escapee's missions? to not get caught. the asylum's doctor's mission? to track down, capture, and re-institutionalize the patients. which side are you on?

(p.s. no werewolves, vamps, witches, etc.. please)

Random Role Playing 319 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 319

over a year ago southern-belle said…
Side: Patient.
Age: 20.
Time in hospital: about 6 months.
Story(you don't have to put this if you don't want to): during her third year in college studying psychology, a random shooting took place on campus, Elizabeth witnessed and survived this. however 2 months later she was diagnosed with trauma-onset schizophrenia.
last edited over a year ago
Side: Patient.
Age: 20.
Time in hospital: about 6 months.
Story(you don't have to put
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
big smile
Sounds like fun.
I shall make a character whn I am more awake to do so. :)
over a year ago southern-belle said…
over a year ago Teawanee said…
I would if I knew mor about mental diseases. X3
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…

Time in hospital:about a year
Story:After years of brutal beatings from her parents,her whole family was killed right in front of her.She was forced to watch them burn alive and whenever anything remotely close to fire gets near here,she freaks.She kept going to school,where bullies would tease her with fire and actually burned her a few times.She went to many counselors and all thought she was just insane.She saw things,herd things in her head,and even talked complete nonsense.She was sent to the hospital when she was 17 and had her 18th birthday in there.She has now escaped and is trying tofind revenge.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
yay someone else joined :D and Teawanee, you could always be one of the doctor's who is trying to find/catch the escaped patients. you wouldn't have to know a lot about mental diseases for that :)
over a year ago Jasper-Tod said…
I'll join :D

Time in hospital:4 years
Story: He was an average teenager on his way to complete highschool. He was "gifted" as they would say with an anilitical mindset. He was excepted into a Ivy Leauge early. But one tragic night, an insane serial killer/rapist entered his house and did away with his family he hid in the closet abd walked as each of his family members were taken victums. Weeks after the incedent he found the killer/rapist. He spend 2 months tourturing the man just barely keeping him alive.Eventually he was caught due to the smeel of decaying flesh. He was interigated by brutal policemen and forced to confess.Now he's back,stronger and faster. Here to exact his revenge.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Ok so since there are a bunch of patients I will be a doctor. :)

Name: Jasper Mason
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Working in hospital: about 10 years
Backround: He was just getting out of medical school and was on his way looking for a hospital to work in when he was looking at the local newspaper and found that a new hospital was being built and needed doctors. So he decided to give the hospital a chance and ended up working there for his whole medical career. He likes it there and seeing the patients makes him happy that he is trying to help them. Thats why he would do anything to keep them safe and out of harms way. Even if that ment tracking them down and placing them back into the hopital rooms.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
(okay, think we've got enough people to start now)

Elizabeth crossed a busy street, narrowly avoiding getting hit and ran into an alleyway. "cars, trucks, people, trees" she began naming many of the things she'd missed out on in the past 6 months. not sure if she was excited or freaked out by all this she sat down and hugged her knees as she watched the cars wiz by on the street.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I walked down a street,almost twitching from all the sounds.My eyes were wide and I stopped to look into a pizza joint.There was an oven where flames shot out of it cooking the pizza.I screamed and ran down the sidewalk,trying to get away from the fire.I stopped at a light post and leaned on it,breathing hard from the run.I looked around,not knowing where I was.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
voices in her head began telling Elizabeth she shouldnt have escaped with the others, it was safer in the hospital, no guns. "shut up dont you think i know this!" she yelled at the voices then got up and ran out of the alleyway, on the sidwalk with no direction or reason.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I looked around and just saw people,buildings,cars whizzing by,and lights everywhere."Where am I?"
over a year ago southern-belle said…
Elizabeth nearly ran into Kat then recognized her from the hospital at once "you! you're following me aren't you? you're one of them, one of the doctors the whole time it was you!" she said, her paranoia kicking into full gear due to the stress and lack of anti-psychotics she was used to having.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I turned to here with wide eyes,twitching at her voice."Doctors?!Where?!"I started looking around.I hated doctors from all the medication and shots they gave me.I started to freak out,the fire incident not helping.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
"you!" she pointed at her "you're a doctor aren't you?? you've come to get me! to take me back to that horrible place!"
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"Why are you calling me that!?I'm a patient!I've been in that place for almost a year!I hate it!It's mean to me.It talks to me and tells me I'm not going to make it.It hurts me and makes me take things.And those doctors!They hurt me too.They say the same things."I started twitching.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
"okay fine, i believe you, for now anyway." Elizabeth started to calm down a little but was still suspicious of Kat "where are we???"
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"I have no clue.I ran away from some fire and ended up here.I-I really don't want to b here either.I want to eat.I haven't had a decent meal in forever."I was still twitching a bit.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
"i know what you mean" she turned to look around for a place to eat, then her train of thought got side-tracked and she turned back to the girl "who are you?" she asked, somehow much calmer than before.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"My name is Kat.What is your name?"Her calmness seemed to calm me down as well.I was usually a sheep and followed others' actions anyway.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
"Elizabeth" her eyes wandered and she turned, trying to make sense of everything that was happening "what do we do? where do we go?"
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"I don't know.Maybe we should wander around until we found some place to eat."I started walking in a random direction.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
she followed Kat without a word. then, the voices again, 'too many people, they could be doctors, they're after you elizabeth!' "be quiet!" she screamed.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I turned to Elizabeth and my eyes twitched."Be quiet."I turned back around and started walking into traffic without realizing it.Cars were barreling towards me.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
elizabeth kept following Kat, dispite the voices. "car" she said in barely more than a whisper then grabbed Kats hand and tried to pull her back to the sidewalk.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I felt myself being pulled back onto the sidewalk."What the--"I got back onto the sidewalk just as the car whizzed by."Thanks."
over a year ago southern-belle said…
"mhhm" she nodded her head then looked both ways and started walking again.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I followed her and didn't say a word."Maybe you should lead."I wasn't good with myself leading.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
"yea, ok" she said and kept walking. on the other side of the road was another sidewalk, which she followed, keeping her eyes open to everything around her. just ahead she spotted a gun shop with a big gun on the sign. "guns.." she spoke in a whisper and began walking backwards her eyes fixed on the sign in front of her.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
((sorry to be late! i'll join as a doctor!

Name: Lilly
Gender: female
Age: 28
working in hospitol: 8 monthes

Background: She was pressured by her family to be either a doctor, or a lawyor. But she didn't want to be either, but she wanted to please her parents, so she finnished getting her Doctorette to work with pateints in the mental hospitol. She was hopeing to change some of the treatement of the critically insane, becasue many of the treatment's she thought would make things worse for them. She had only gotten a full time job at the hospitol when the breakout acured.
last edited over a year ago
((sorry to be late! i'll join as a doctor!

Name: Lilly
Gender: female
Age: 28
working in hospit
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I looked at the gun shop and looked at her."Just turn around."I stood in front of her,blocking her view of the shop.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
((dont be sorry it's quite alright (: ))
over a year ago southern-belle said…
she shook her head as if to get the images out of her head, then turned and took an alleyway that looked like it led to another sidewalk.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I followed her without saying anything,observing everything around me.My eyes would twitch every so often,but other than that I was still and quiet.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Jasper ran from the hospital, frantically looking around for any sign of its patients. He ran a hand thru his brown curled hair. "Where could they have gone? This isn't good." He took off running to the right.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Lilly was walking around, trying to think of were the pateins would be. 'I finnally get a full time job, and this happens.'
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I kept following Elizabeth,now looking around,observing everything."Maybe we shouldn't be here.D-Doctors might be able to see us."I looked straight ahead and saw a street performer juggling sticks of fire.I stared at the fire,my eyes twitching,then I screamed and ran as fast as I could away from the man.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Jasper heard the scream and ran to it, knowing that it could be one of the patients.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I kept running until I was clear away from the man.I looked around,wondering if a doctor herd me.I started slowly walking down the sidewalk,my eyes twitching every so often.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Jasper took a radio off of his pants. 'Please Lily have your radio on you.' He pleaded in his head bfore turning on the radio and pressing the button. "Lily? Lily are you there?"
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
My eyes were darting around looking at everything."Nyeh.... Fire,eh...."I saw a hallucination of a fire monster running towards me.I started running the other way,in attempts to get away from the monster,screaming down the sidewalk.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
elizabeth lost Kat when the fire incident happened so she was now by herself in the alleyway 'the doctors are going to find you! they're gonna bring yuou back there!' the voices taunted her "shut up! you don't know that! i can get away from them, watch!" she took off runing toward the juggler, accedently knocking him over in the process, and ran acrross the street then took a left and kept running.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Lilly took her radio out of her pocket. "Yeah, i'm here." She answered. "Did you find one of the pateints?" She asked.
over a year ago Jasper-Tod said…
Even though this...this...hel that they locked me in was infiltrated, I stayed behind curled into a ball on the floor. A doctor a proached me slowly with an evil grin on his face. In an instant I turn, cliping his knees causing him to fall. I Pick a pencil out of his pocket and stabed him repeatedly.I stood up after I was sure he was dead and smiled as I took my first steps out of the asylm in 4 years.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
"Yes I think I have. I could hear one screaming. Can you send one of the guards out to me?" He spoke into the radio.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
"Yeah." she motioned to one of the gaurds standing by, as he walked to her she asked Jason, "Were should I send him, exactly?"
over a year ago southern-belle said…
tired fromn running Elizabeth stopped suddenly and sat down, holding her knees. she watched the people and held perfectly still as she sat there, listening as the voices started talking again, telling her the usual things they said, 'you're gonna die, they're gonna find you, you know they will. you're going to end up back in the hospital just like before.'
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Jasper stopped at a corner. "Send them to Spruce street."
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I slowly walked,my eyes darting around.My whole body had already started shaking."I-I'm so c-c-cold.....And hungry...."I kept looking around,hoping there were no doctors around.
over a year ago Jasper-Tod said…
I ran outsdie into the streets a bit crazy but all the same free. I laughed at the new found freedom as I ran down streets an alleys.