Random Role Playing Mudwings

Shebird posted on Jul 21, 2010 at 01:31AM
This rp you basically get to whatever you want with a catch. The catch, being there ARE rules and limitations. Here you can invent you're own species/race and make up where they come from and what not, you don't have to go overboard with details but you can. The setting is in an alternate world and the time period ranges from the feudal ages to the 20's, that means ther isn't much in technology, other than old-fashioned cars, flintocks, tommy guns, and snazzy zoot suits. There aren't anything like iPods and what not. Any clothing is allowed though. I'll will start the post after. READ THE RULES BEFORE JOINING

1. NO powerplaying or Godmodding.** It makes rping unpleasant for others.

2.Don't make the rp just about your character, give other people a chance shine. When you're done reading this post the first initial of your name within the thread.

3.Be sensible when you post, even with nonexistant species/races like don't suddenly add wings when the situation calls for it. You can add on to the personality but no unfair advantages.

4.Please keep all posts third person. First person such as "I climbed into bed." can get a little confusing, for others. (Also see rule number 2)

5. No unorginal race/species such as werewolves and vampires; If you od choose to use them at least make them original like change the way they look and live perhaps.

**Powerplay-In a written RPG, this refers mostly to a player controlling another player's character without permission or trying to rewrite the plot to suit themselves. In written RPGs, the owner, ie the person who started the thread in the forum, has control of the plot unless he/she gives permission.

Ex;'Kim punched Kelly and watched her cry,'; Karen jumped on Jared, throwing him to the ground

**Godmoding-When one plays a character that can never be destroyed, harmed, etc. The character, however, can hurt and/or kill the other characters without giving the other characters a chance. This is highly illegal in most, if not all, roleplays.OR when a character is overly perfect, and has a lot of power or information that shouldn't be acquired. Without weaknesses.

Ex:Sarah = Regular player
Bob = Godmodder

-Sarah aims her arrows at Bob and then releases-
-Arrows go through Bob and Bob jumps up and reaches into Sarah's chest and drags out her beating heart, squeezing the life out of it and killing her-

There are loopholes to those rules that I might add. Like if you die you can come back as a ghost without necassarily being immortal and I'm changing around the rules with the time period. Clothes can come from any period be it, future or modern
last edited on Jul 22, 2010 at 10:49PM

Random Role Playing 609 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 609

over a year ago Shebird said…
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Oh this is going to be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
over a year ago southern-belle said…
Love the idea!!
over a year ago hunter51 said…
i get it but @_@ my head hurts too many big words @_@
over a year ago Shebird said…
Sorry Hunter! If you have questions go ahead and ask. There are loopholes to those rules that I might add. Like if you die you can come back as a ghost without necassarily being immortal and I'm changing around the rules with the time period. Clothes can come from any period be it, future or modern
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Fine, there are no more takers so I will start))

Everything seemed to feel light tonight. Like things could just start floating from away from the gravitional pull. Even the skies felt evermore distant than usual. Crimson and purple colors flowing like think globs of paint, sprayed with stars. Groggle would have enjoyed it if he weren't so damn hungry.

He was always hungry. No matter how much he consumed. He could eat and eat and eat, and the hunger would keep growing; His waist would keep shrinking. By now his body had taken on strange side-effects from this permanant hunger. His body had become more furry and his arms and legs, longer. His ears turned to hairy points and he could see better than he ever could before. There was also and extra appengage covered in black and brown layered fur...He called it his tail.

With all the fur, he found there was no longer a use for clothing. All that he wore was a mossy green coat that was starting to look to small for him.

He dug his hands into the squishy soul and pulled up grass. His eyes whimpered and his lips curled to a frown.. He at the grass, no longer having the sensation of having taste.
over a year ago Shebird said…
((BUMP FCKING BUMP! This is a roleplay you know. You don't have to be intiminated. I promise it won't bve boring please join!!))
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
hiya im new so...hey anywayz what if you die as a ghost
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
btw. nice little rp so far
over a year ago Shebird said…
I...don't know what happens if you die as a ghost. You can make up stuff, maybe they come back as another being. Have they're lives started over. I don't know if it's possible to die as a ghost-Haha, that's a good question.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
To "die" as a ghost, I think would mean to have your soul be put to rest, so then, you would go werever it is you believe people go when they die. But, That's my opinion. And, i'm joining. should I post a character thing, or just start like you did?

over a year ago Chadroxz said…
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
anywayz i gots an awesome rp but i need co-stars
lemme know when any of you guys wanna sign up or whatever
over a year ago Shebird said…
I'd say do whatever you want, Teawanee.
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
well i'll do one
It was a cold night and a child called koji walked along an icey train.
he has been walking since he was three years old and has been raised by several species of animal including wolves, eagles, moutain lions and bats. he's learned many skills from them all but none would prepare him for braving the wild in an ice storm. reply to hear more
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Well no one read the rules fully apparently ;) You're missing one crucial detail))
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
and i meant "trail" not train. sorry
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
did i mess up?
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Read the rules, babe I'm not telling :) ))
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
o no im not callin hima werewolf just that he's been raised by him
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
plz gimme a hint
over a year ago Shebird said…
((No, that's not what I meant. Oh well it doesn't matter I meant the initial to your name))
over a year ago Shebird said…
((I want people to actually comprehend the rules so they don't end up pushing others out. But it looks like you've read it))
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
just a small one
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
o btw i pm'ed u
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
read your mail
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(( N or A, depending if you want my real name or psuedunim (spl?) i read the rules, i just was planning to put it in my first real post. ))

Lyla was walking in a field, not sure were she was, she just would wonder around al the time until she found something. She was from a distant planet, and never knew what she could do for a liveing, so she would do odd jobs, stay in a place for a while,then when she got bored, or ran out of money she would move again. She sat down in the grass, getting tired of walking. "Were will I go now?" She asked herself outloud.

((Here's a pic of lyla))
(( N or A, depending if you want my real name or psuedunim (spl?) i read the rules, i just was planni
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Stop double posting and spamming up the place and maybe I will O_O ))
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
hey did u want to join my rp story
over a year ago Shebird said…
((I don't care either way as long as I get an initial :) )) Groggle felt a strange tingling sensation in his fur. He always seemed to get that way whenever someone was near; He never got used to it. The idea of even having fur creeped him out, but then he shook those thoughts away to concentrate more on eating food. But wait! People could possibly mean food. People do usually have food on themselves...especially hikers. He stood on his back feet, his posture was very awkward like a stick with arms that reached bony knees.
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
o srry
over a year ago Shebird said…
((It's okay. I'm going to check out your rp story, naow))
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Part 2: Koji was shivering... like a maraca in a spanish parade (no disrespect intendened) and he desperatly needed food... he could go hunting but what would be outside on this type of night, then thats when he saw it. a wierd hybrid-like dog was croutching over. he didn't know what it was but he's mastered the art of stealth from the pack of wolves he was running with at the age of 4. he slowly crept up on it...
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
so... how is it?
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
o and i was doin too much stuff and i accidentaly added u as a fan. i apologized cause i dont really know you.
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Pretty good! You don't have to add Part 1 or two just join in, this all of our stories. We make it together :) ))
over a year ago Shebird said…
((You don't particularily have to know someone to be their fan I fan strangers when I agree with their views or have good convos with them, but...that's just how I do it. You can do whatever but you don't need to apologize))
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Part 3: to his suprise, it was his best friend, Ozaki, from a sister pack of wolves. some how, he grew a gray tail, wolf legs and small fangs. he was bleeding from his sides and had deep scratches all over... what happened to him?
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
cool k
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
ur rp is preety cool so far
over a year ago Shebird said…
Groggle turned his tail twitching, he moved over to inspect the feelings that radiated from a field. He lugged himself there, and found a woman with skin so white it nearly blinded him. "Fooooooooood!" He moaned and ran to her with his long arms stretched wide. "Fooooood," He continued..it began to sound more like howling than speaking.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Lyla laid down in the grass, and looked at the sky. 'I should be going soon.' She thought, 'but, seeing as I have no were to go, I think I can rest for a while.' She watched the sky, and felt sleepy, not sure if she would be safe, falling asleep here.
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
he walked up to him and started crying for help... no one was there to heed his call. so many things i can do.. but none useful for this situation... my friend was going to die
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
"hang on," he said to him as he picked him up and slouched him over his sholder. "Im' gonna get u help." as he ran through the frost covered grass, he saw a girl sleeping on the grass. maybe she could help me.
over a year ago Shebird said…
Groggle heard strange crying sounds from behind him, but what was ahead of him seemed more important. He just kept running, seeing her disappear into the grass. Hope tore at his chest saying, Hurry, hurry! Before she is gone, gone out of your head if you don't get food soon you might just be dead. Only it didn't quite rhyme like that, he imagined it so. He also planned to tell Harmonia that one when he gets back....Then again she'd porbably say it's

"Stu-" Before he could realize he was thinking out loud, he stumbled over something and was sent rolling down the rest of the way, landing beside the woman.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Lyla screamed as she saw the furry creature move towards her. Then, she heard what he said. "I'm not food! And, I don't have any either!"
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
She looked something like an alien but was to beautiful to look like ur typical alien. i sat there and stared at her
over a year ago Shebird said…
He sat up, happy that she understood him but that quickly went away when he heard what she said. "FOOOOOD NOO! I Neeeed fooood! Dammit! Dammit Dammit-Fooooooo-hoo-hoo-hood." He grabbed his face in his hands and began to sob without much dignity.
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
"uhh i dont wanna eat u. (sniffs her). u smell kinda sweaty."