Random Role Playing Forum For Discussing Rp Topics

southern-belle posted on Sep 27, 2010 at 07:49PM
this is where we can come to discuss topic we're thinking of but aren't sure about, or we can try to perfect certian settings and/ot subjects for an rp.


Random Role Playing 101 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 101

over a year ago southern-belle said…
over a year ago Shebird said…
We need to work on character development more. For one. Too many characters have only one dimension. No quirks or personality. No emotional passion or fears. We need that...and we need to work on improv.

A lot people just throw their characters together for a quick intro. It's understandable, that's why I suggest developing the character while you're using him/her don't just say "He's like this and so he's gonna say this." While rping. Ask yourself why he's like that...what would compell him to say it? There's a reason for everything. And it's best not to make your character just like you...then it becomes boring an predictable. Like people these characters should constantly differ from eachother-Sure it's hard not to find some repitition but they have to havve something to set them apart.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
I think we should stop using first person!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Shebird said…
We should also start buckling down on these rules.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
i agree with the first person thing, i'm not sure why but it tends to confuse me when people do that, especially when it's in more than one rp and i start mixing up characters.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
think i may have had a break through on developing our characters easier and better than just in our heads or something, here's a link to a forum if you haven't seen it yet link now granted this may just flop but i figured it was worth a try..
over a year ago Shebird said…
Shit I'll join it, I might use Owen because he keeps faltering from his personality and he seriously needs some help. I'm assuming that you'll be able to change characters depending on where help is needed.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
absolutly, change up however you need, sudden disapearing character that have been fixed won't be questioned
over a year ago Teawanee said…
uhhh, I'm useing this i guess Xd HEY SHEBIRD IM HERE!! *Waves arms like an idoit* U wanted to talk about the colisuim rp?
over a year ago Kibarules77 said…
Well i didnt use to talk in first person untill shebird told me too
over a year ago Shebird said…
HELL YA I DID WANN TALK TO U! Um..er...uh...You're character! Did you want her to battle someone or do you just want her to have had already won one and is going to be given a feast? Is she a slaver or just a battlerererererer? Is she a new member? A seasoned warrior? A champion? Or is this an occasional hobby? Or would you rather reveal all this stuff in the actual rp?
over a year ago Teawanee said…
I thought I was gong to be a succumbus, who was the girl the battler's could win a date with if they won?
over a year ago Shebird said…
((When did I tell you to talk in first person?))
over a year ago Shebird said…
OHHHHH!! See I didn't get that O_O Yeah that'd work. She'd prolly be treated very well by the colliseum workers. Maybe she resides there?"
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Sure, works for me!
over a year ago Kibarules77 said…
((In the collabritave RP))
over a year ago Shebird said…
((I said be more specific. I never said speak in first person. I think we're having trouble with commincation here.))
over a year ago Kibarules77 said…
((yea sorry))
over a year ago Shebird said…
over a year ago Kibarules77 said…
chbaduwsdsdbujdbdus dhsbdsdbdsu sududhdhdhdhdh2882y382828n SJAJH*USS***!@S!B IAJA:SLPWKWOWSJ uhugushu~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
But seriously here we should so work on the first person thing. Because as SB has said already it is really confusing and there are a bunch of roleplays where people use first person. I know from experience that it is very hard to keep track. I'm in a roleplay now with people who only use first person.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
yea first person is really annoying, and honestly i'm not that great with names so when people use first person a lot i have to start searching through the whole rp to find where someone said the name or the person put a profile.
over a year ago Shebird said…
Yeah and it doesn't really help that they get mad when you forget it.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
i know right? the whole thing is agrivating.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
SB as of now I FRICKEN LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you too BOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago southern-belle said…
lmfao. not complaining but, why exactly to you fricken love me?
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
big smile
You get what I mean by the whole first person thing, and how annoying it is. And you actually follow the guide lines of each and every roleplay. And you work to make the roleplay interesting. Like right now, I can't wait for Hallows Eve to continue. Your and Shebird's characters always put the umph in the roleplays.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
awww thank you so much dwolf! that really means a lot to me cuz most of the time i'm just winging it lol.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
You're welcome. (:
Well by winging it you are doing a PRETTY good job at it. :D
over a year ago southern-belle said…
good to know, honestly i was worried i might have been doing a bad job lol
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Now you know that you are not.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago southern-belle said…
aww thanks (:
over a year ago Shebird said…
Winging it is the way to go. And yeah Whinster is right, SB kicks ass
over a year ago southern-belle said…
aww y'all are so sweet (:
over a year ago Jasper-Tod said…
I believe this topic has been put aside too long and too often, why are Rp dying? Especially when they aren't half bad?
over a year ago southern-belle said…
underdeveloped characters and mary sues, see shebirds discription of why they die in vampire slayer rp and then read my proposition article..
over a year ago Shebird said…
Read my post in Vampire Slayer-At least that's my theory. Characters not dynamic, people suck..originality..yada yada yada. Eventually the rp looses zest
over a year ago Shebird said…
Yeah what she said!
over a year ago southern-belle said…
lol we posted at the same time shebird
over a year ago Shebird said…
over a year ago southern-belle said…
over a year ago Jasper-Tod said…
But if Rps usually depend on conflict why not make a Rp consisting of only conflict and see where that takes us. Once it falls apart, which I know it will, we can see what a Rp needs to survive =P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago southern-belle said…
wonderful idea, run with it Jaz, make a conflicting rp and i'll help you with the behaviorist style case study.
over a year ago Jasper-Tod said…
I rather you or SheBird mkae it.When I made an Rp once it went totally off topic. And besides I'm not sure how to anymore.. it was about year or two I think.. o.O
over a year ago southern-belle said…
Kay well either me, shebird, or the both of us will make it then.. But I gotta shower then watch the episode of Weeds that I missed last night. I'll be back between 7:30 and 8 or something like that unless I get on on my phone before that.
over a year ago southern-belle said…
shebird, what you got to say about this thing Jaz has presented?.
over a year ago Kibarules77 said…
umm random but uhhh

over a year ago southern-belle said…
dude wtf?..........
over a year ago Kibarules77 said…
over a year ago southern-belle said…
hey whatever happened to my thing to develop characters? i think we forgot about it, seeing as it wasn't even an actual rp it's puzzling how we found a way to kill it...