Random Role Playing Angels Vs. Demons.

southern-belle posted on May 13, 2011 at 04:58PM
The world has fallen under the rule of demons. Even angels have been forced into hiding for the moment though they are in the process of forming a resistance.
Fallen angels and demons roam the streets rampantly creating illusions, hallucinations and more. Most vampires tried to join them, most were denied. Any and all Demons or fallen angels who are seen to show any remorse, fear, emotion, or since of humanity are either killed or shunned and forced to join those on the side of neutrality and/or good.

Those who are forming resistances of any type follow these simple, but at times hard to follow, rules:

Don't turn away, don't give into the dark.

Dont try to hide, even when their screaming your name.

Don't close your eyes you never know what lies behind them.

Dont turn out the lights, those who dare to sleep have been known to be killed by their nightmares.

And lastly, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

The time frame is the 1940s. You can have as many charries as you want and whatever supernaturals you want, or even humans. If your charrie is a demon or fallen angel on the side of evil and is not completely ruthless, he or she maybe kicked from the side of evil and quarentined to join the others.

Zoey, previously fallen angel. (southern-belle)
Aida, lycanthrope. (southern-belle)
Fflam Las, lycanthrope. (Xarptic_Sojack)
Darren, lycanthrope. (demon_wolf)
Castiel, angel. (darkmoon47)
Noah, fallen angel (paramore-CSI)
Hana, Mage (Tuktu)

Shadow, demon. (southern-belle)
Dane, demon. (demon_wolf)
Diablo, dhampire [80%vamp 20%human]. (wolfmaster3000)
Serena, demon. (darkmoon47)
Siarra, demon (paramore-CSI)
Balam, demon (wolfmaster3000)
Phantom, Fallen Angel (shadowcon99)

Oh, p.s.
If you're using a charrie most of us are familiar with you don't have to put a profile if you dont want, just let me know who it is you're using.
last edited on May 16, 2011 at 09:37PM

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