Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas Updates

a video was added: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas OST: Megami Athena over a year ago by SilentForce
a video was added: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas OST: Tenbinza no Douko over a year ago by SilentForce
a video was added: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas OST: Meiou Hades over a year ago by SilentForce
a video was added: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas OST: Sasha no Inori over a year ago by SilentForce
a video was added: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Hana no Kusari (Ending - Full Version) over a year ago by SilentForce
a video was added: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - The Realm of Athena (Full Opening & Lyrics) over a year ago by SilentForce
a photo was added: Pisces Albafica over a year ago by SilentForce
a comment was made to the poll: Which Gold Saint took Sasha to the Sanctuary? over a year ago by fansfunsz
a poll was added: Who's more beautiful ? over a year ago by Hades_sama
a poll was added: Who's more cool and strong ? over a year ago by Hades_sama
an article was added: Alone Hades over a year ago by pensatibo
a comment was made to the photo: "The Lost Canvas" over a year ago by haremaster99
a comment was made to the photo: "The Lost Canvas" over a year ago by haremaster99
a comment was made to the answer: Yes, I wanted to help and I put it on facebook and also as a link in the Anime Club ♥ over a year ago by gothic__girl
a comment was made to the question: Do you...... over a year ago by VirgiineShaka
a comment was made to the answer: Yes, I wanted to help and I put it on facebook and also as a link in the Anime Club ♥ over a year ago by haremaster99
an answer was added to this question: Do you...... over a year ago by gothic__girl
a comment was made to the photo: BOOM! over a year ago by VirgiineShaka
a video was added: AMV - Three Friends // Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa over a year ago by Arika_94
a question was added: Do you...... over a year ago by haremaster99
a pop quiz question was added: Who HATES the twin gods Thanatos and Hypnos? over a year ago by haremaster99
a poll was added: Which Gold Saint took Sasha to the Sanctuary? over a year ago by haremaster99