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Sex and Sexuality Question

Am I a slut?

Well, I have insomnia so whenever I meet a hot guy I have plenty of extra time to work up fantasies about him. But I noticed, I'll do this for, like, 2 guys a week. (Especially while I was in Florida). I'm still a virgin and all but there were a few guys who I just said "I'd like to f*ck him".

I'm 14. Is this natural.
Im also 14, and i DO have fantasies about lots of men. much older then i but i am a virgin aswell and as long as you don't get yourself into any trouble keep on fantasising its just your bodys way of saying...well....your horny. but its just a phase we all go though.
ImBooOK posted over a year ago
 LoveforSeverus posted over a year ago
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Sex and Sexuality Answers

LadyLilith said:
I agree with CornChips. If you're a virgin, you may just be suffering from your pent up sexual desires. You are being a little harsh on yourself; I don't think you're a slut at all. You're not actually even going out and doing anything with all of these guys, so I don't see how it could constitute you being a slut.

Do you happen to have a sex toy? Like I said, you may just be extremely horny. XD A toy should help get rid of that, or at least calm you down. I'd rather you use a toy than go out and lose your virginity to some dude just to relieve these feelings. I would HATE that. Try and hold on to your virginity as long as you can; DEFINITELY don't throw it away for some fling. If you don't have a toy, get one! XD
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posted over a year ago 
I love you. :D
LoveforSeverus posted over a year ago
Thanks for agreeing, so true what you say. & maybe that's why I've been thinking about sex lately too; Pent up pressure I guess. It's annoying :(
CornChips posted over a year ago
Oh yeah, it can be unbearable sometimes. :( But thank god for toys, toys, toys!
LadyLilith posted over a year ago
Awww, I love you too. :3 Here's a good place to look: linkSometimes their stuff can be a little pricey, but it's well worth it. The stuff I've ordered from them comes in a couple of days, and it's in discreet packaging so someone would have to open it up to see what it was.
LadyLilith posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
No, not at all.

What you're doing is perhaps the exact same thing millions of other girls our age are doing, even me (but for me, it's guys AND girls).

Teenagers are going through a point in their life where they're discovering sex and their sexualities, and they tend to respond to it an exciting manners. I know, this may sound totally weird. But, it's the best way I can explain it.

So along with this new...interest for sex, we begin to think about it a lot and about the opposite gender (or the same gender for some people).

So, no. You're not a slut at all.

And if you were, millions of teens...including myself...would be sluts along with you. ^_^

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posted over a year ago 
XD True. If she were a slut, I wouldn't want to know what I would be.
LadyLilith posted over a year ago
Very well put! I DEF AGREE! n dont b in a rush to lose your virginity for these feelings. its totally natural to have fantasies of all kinds, especially sex.
ilovekud posted over a year ago
lilith84 said:
I'm not really the best person to answer this, but you asked me to... for me it was normal. I saw a potential fuck buddy in every guy I met when I was your age. If that made me a slut then fine. I don't have an issue with names :P But I haven't done anything till I was 17 and I'm glad for it, because it was worth waiting for :) Meanwhile, there's always masturbation, which doesn't really solve the problem, but at least keeps the sexual frustration at bay for a while :D
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posted over a year ago 
I like your answer. :D Sex is nice, so...
LadyLilith posted over a year ago
nice ... okay, yeah, nice it is :P
lilith84 posted over a year ago
Lawli-gagger said:
I never knew that virgins were sluts. xD
I thought you had to have sex with someone to be labeled a slut.

But yea, you're a pervert is all. Don't feel're not alone. ;)
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posted over a year ago 
Just because you have sex with someone doesn't mean you're a slut.
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
WELL TO ME having sex with various unknown people makes you a slut. Thinking about it doesn't. My opinion...thought I'd just remind youof that small detail.
Lawli-gagger posted over a year ago
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
CornChips said:
I think you're being harsh on yourself. My guess is that you think about sex a lot, which is common. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Agreed. :)
LadyLilith posted over a year ago
Vixie79 said:
A slut is defined as a promiscuous woman, promiscuous meaning being completely indiscriminate sexually and mixing partners without any distinction.

I agree with both above that you are not even close to being a slut. The feelings you have are natural.
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posted over a year ago 
ilydimka said:
how does a slut act exactly?? im trying to work out if im one!
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posted over a year ago 
You sleep around with a number of men. Moving from one to the other on a regular basis. Pretty much not sticking to one parnter.
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
so wat do u call that? speak the truth plz and i don't care if u call me a slut cuz i like who i am i just want to know what i am!
ilydimka posted over a year ago
can someone like, answer i want to know!
ilydimka posted over a year ago
Monrose said:
Of course that's normal. You have to be like me in order to deserve the nickname slut!
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posted over a year ago 
do u think ur a slut? maybe u should be friends with me! :D
ilydimka posted over a year ago
*gives hug* there's nothing wrong with being a slut :P as long as you feel good about it :P
lilith84 posted over a year ago
ilydimka posted over a year ago
chonny said:
if you act like miley cyrus then yeah... lol jk i dont think u r
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posted over a year ago 
LoveforSeverus posted over a year ago
Briannalq said:
this is completely normal dont worry ... ^^
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posted over a year ago 
irena83 said:
That's normal,you're young and curious. And why would that make you a slut? Everybody has imagination and that's nothing to be ashamed of. But,of course,our desires should be controlled by ourselves. ;)
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posted over a year ago 
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