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Sex and Sexuality Question

some advice please...

Okay, so all of my friends are "experienced". They all say that I should have some fun. I want to have sex but idk if im ready. I have done other things with my bf though, that are fun. im 14 and my bf is 15 and he said to wait until i know im ready. so what should i do?
 taylorfan1234 posted over a year ago
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Sex and Sexuality Answers

bri-marie said:
Wait until you're ready. Don't worry about what you're friends say (I know, I know, easier said than done). They aren't you and they don't have to live with the regret and consequences if you do this when you don't want to or aren't ready.

Talk to your friends. Tell them you aren't ready. If they're really you're friends, they'll understand and let it go.
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posted over a year ago 
I have only known them for a short while. Thanks! ♥
taylorfan1234 posted over a year ago
boolander25 said:
If your friends are encouraging you to go out and do things you aren't comfortable with, then they aren't your true friends. Listen to your boyfriend and just wait until you feel ready enough to try something. If you are having second thoughts about having sex, then you aren't ready and you just need to wait until you've matured enough to do it (when I say matured, I'm not saying your immature like juvenile, I mean just a better word for ready).
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you ♥
taylorfan1234 posted over a year ago
No probs
boolander25 posted over a year ago
Cherry9090 said:
u should wait until u know ur readly mentally,physcaly and emotionaly
thats what i would do but its up to u hun just dont go far to fast it could ruin ur relationship
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks! I hadnt thought much about it. :)♥
taylorfan1234 posted over a year ago
Hellohoudini said:
If your friends are encouraging you to do more...chances are they're not as "experienced" as they claim to be or are feeling guilty for things they've done and will feel better about themselves if all their friends are "doing it"..... if you dont know if you're ready or not..thats a good sign that you're not....and you've got one good bf if he is telling you to wait...he scores major points in my book for not pushing you. No matter what you safe about it!
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks and me too :) hes great :)
taylorfan1234 posted over a year ago
-sapherequeen- said:
He tells you, "Wait until you're ready." Sounds like you choose a great guy :)

As for my advice, I basically agree with the others. One person made this statement, and at first I thought it was a bit...out there. But perhaps it will work here;

Your body is your temple. Treat it that way. Don't allow anything that knocks on your door to come in. Keep the door locked, and don't open it until the stranger outside your door gains your trust. xD
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks! I do my best :) ♥
taylorfan1234 posted over a year ago
CourtneyGirl said:
trust me i know from experience. you want to keep your verginity for as long as you can. having sex to early is deffinetly not atractive no matter what anyone says. becasue when you find that person, you know the one who you want to be with forever your are going to want to be with them and when you think back on all the stuped things you did as a kid your really going to regret them ... plus you should always think things throuhg befor you do them and who it is going to effect when it happenes.
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posted over a year ago 
wow...i really never thought about it that way...thanks! ♥
taylorfan1234 posted over a year ago
malloryb17 said:
do yuh knoo wut to do?? and yuh need to wait till yuh KNOO ur ready.... don't juss wait till yuh cnt wait no mo. it wont be good for yuh or him if yuh do it when ur not ready.... im serious! :) hope it helped !!
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posted over a year ago 
you did. Thanks! ♥
taylorfan1234 posted over a year ago
alli16 said:
Then you should obviously wait. You don't want to wind up in the sort of situation that you cannot get out of. You may end up getting hurt, and then you are screwed. Just wait, because I wish I had.
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posted over a year ago 
thrillergirl18 said:
Your way too young. Don't have sex until you reach at least 19 or 20. Your parents will be very very disapointment in you. Even with a condom you still could get pregnant. So just wait awhile.
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posted over a year ago 
...I had sex when I was seventeen. My parents weren't disapointed at all.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
jessicabh16 said:
it doesn't matter what your friends if u truly love your boyfriend then maybe think about doing it but don't do it until you are sure heis the one you want to do it with and u are ready

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posted over a year ago 
Antelo said:
Don't worry. Wait until you feel comfortable about it. And by the way, your friends are NOT all "experienced".
Some of them just show off.
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posted over a year ago 
Damiangray said:
1 wait until your ready
2 your also to young meaning it would be underaged sex
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posted over a year ago 
LittleShini said:
Hey Love, I know we havn't talked in.... forever... and you may be hatin' me at the moment^^''' But I'm still here for you always and forever. I don't know who you're dating anymore but it really does sound like you got a good partner if he's making it your choice. I know you posted this question forever ago, but I hope I'm not to late to help ^^

Love ya and if you don't hate me ._. hit me up!
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posted over a year ago 
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