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Sex and Sexuality Question


I have been in love for 11 im 11..I love this dude named Alexander(Alex) Castille.My cuzin introduced us andd she always say she can tell he likes me.I have a hard time believing her becuz since i was younger,i was always sexually teased.Anyway,about Alex,I want to make a move,something romantic with AT LEAST 5 kisses....any ideas

Plzz i need help with this problem before my sanity dies :(
 lauren777222 posted over a year ago
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Sex and Sexuality Answers

bri-marie said:
There is no set age to fall in love. You can't control it, or change it. If you're in love, you're in love. THE END. And no one, no one can decide what you feel. If you say you're in love, then I believe you.

Talk to him. Tell him how you feel. Ask him how he feels about you. Decide on the kissing part later, after you get the emotions all sorted out. (Side note: I'm not sure where everyone got the "don't have sex!" from your "I want to kiss him." Is kissing sex?)
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posted over a year ago 
thxs and no not rlly
lauren777222 posted over a year ago
I was being sarcastic about that last part -- I know kissing isn't sex.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
Love your answer. Very true.
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
adultswimperson said:
Your way to young to be in love and you don't know anything about doing sexual acts with him, you should wait until your 20 years or older, sorry but yes I am being sensitive.
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posted over a year ago 
thats is true
Itachi_Rocks101 posted over a year ago
I agree with u she is way to young and should wait but love does last if u work hard on it u know
Cherry9090 posted over a year ago
@Itachi_Rocks101, Thanks.:) @Cherry9090, True.
adultswimperson posted over a year ago
jamahl17 said:
u know, it's hard to find ideas for ur age :S ...but u can make the move if u felt he is doing something bcs he likes u note that most of us get nervous around the girl we like sooo it is easy to make the move and i dunno how i mean u r still young xD
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posted over a year ago 
lol i always get tht reaction....i have the mind of a 14 year old lol no joke
lauren777222 posted over a year ago
im 14 and i have a mind of a 30 year old (not in that way im mean very inteligent)
gigitygoo posted over a year ago
if that is the case then u can tell him that u like him or ask if he does ..but i dont think it is a gd idea to lose ur first kiss in this age bcs u might think u love him but it might just be childish feeling offence ofc
jamahl17 posted over a year ago
LilyGee said:
i know yu probably dont wanna hear this love but your just a liddo too young for all of that . but if yu really 'love' him then tell him ; write it in a note or even tell him to his face ; maybe he'll lean in & kiss yu . but hun your first kiss needs to be with someone special . idk how special this alex kid is but if yu love him go for it . follow your heart . & dont listen to what anyone says if they tell yu different cuz their wrong . just go wih you heart & let it lead the way . hope i helped .
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posted over a year ago 
he is very special thxs for the "love for him is as real as it can be for ppl my age lol
lauren777222 posted over a year ago
Itachi_Rocks101 said:
goo to the movies... or a walk... somethin that u and him can do to gether... but ur still too... way younge to know how wen y and were to doo this kanda "work" give it time...
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posted over a year ago 
3liiiiin said:
WOW you guys are kind of mean. Just because she's young doesn't mean she can't have love.

I think you should tell him how you feel and see how it goes!:) Hopefully he likes you back.
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posted over a year ago 
thxs :)
lauren777222 posted over a year ago
Cherry9090 said:
Hun there's plenty u can do together without.. That :) having a bf that loves u and u love him is great I mean watch tv listen to music talk taking a walk stuff that will buil ur bond then when ur older and that time comes u will know he's the right one and it will be amazing... So I've heard I'm still to young for anything sexuall and I'm 17
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posted over a year ago 
NitrogenDioxide said:
Look, you're too young to be in love(you only can feel love at the age of 15-16) but go ahead and make a move, just make sure that it doesn't involve touching in certain spots...
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posted over a year ago 
coolie said:
at that age, even if someone likes u and u like them back, they wont say they love u back. and ur way to young to be trying to be sexual with someone.... (sounded weird) u'll learn in sex ed, but seriously,. if u want to have a relationship, at least wait till
middle school
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posted over a year ago 
this is my first year of middle school
lauren777222 posted over a year ago
MissO1116 said:
wrong place go to the club love. anyways do something with him on your own and look into his eyes... guys usually get that, but you in the moment could kiss him and if he backs off dont freak just say the weather is great or something
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posted over a year ago 
lauren777222 posted over a year ago
23rox said:
honey if your 11 the word love shouldn't even be in you vocabulary. you may have a crush on this dude, and that's great, but as for making some big romantic move, i don't think you need to do that. just tell him how you feel, hang out with him, and then maybe make out if he likes you to and your both comfortable with it.
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posted over a year ago 
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